mixed in the war

Chapter 174 High Level Military Meeting

"A military meeting, you military students just go and do it, what do you want me to do?"

Chongqing Ministry of Defense.

Qin Wei was very dissatisfied with Zheng Jiemin who was pulling him, and kept yelling all the way.

"It was fine in the past, but now who dares to say that you don't understand military affairs? If you don't understand, the Air Force can win consecutive battles? It even killed a Japanese general... You don't know that now when the chairman mentions it, you will be happy. "Zheng Jiemin said while pulling Qin Wei forward.

"That's called military affairs? That's called calculation! Do you understand calculation?" Qin Wei was anxious, "It's just playing with people." [

"It's just playing tricks." Zheng Jiemin glanced back at him. "Military plans or something, before they are drawn up, they are just playing tricks on the enemy. After that, once they are implemented, they are left to fate. At most, we can add another one to see who reacts better." quick."

"Then I don't understand either!" Qin Wei shook off the guy's hand, "So many people, so many armies, marking them on the map makes me dizzy. Who am I to command?"

"If you can't command, you have to go." Zheng Jiemin grabbed his arm again, "The chairman personally gave the order, you must go. And you have to join Zhou Zhirou on behalf of the Air Force... In the past, the Japanese bombed us, but now It's time for us to blow them up. You, the Chief of Air Force Staff, understand the psychology of the Japanese best, and it would be a waste to put it aside."

"You are the one who understands the psychology of Japanese people best. Your whole family understands...what are you talking about?" Qin Wei said angrily.

"All right, all right, whatever you say, anyway, you have to come with me."

Zheng Jiemin was not annoyed, he just pulled Qin Wei forward.


"Since the Battle of Wuhan, after our army's planned withdrawal from Wuhan, there are still nearly 90 divisions deployed around Wuhan, forming a situation of encircling Wuhan from the north to the south of the Yangtze River."

When Qin Wei and Zheng Jiemin arrived, the meeting had already started.He Yingqin is listening to Guo Rugui, Director of Operations, about the current situation between the enemy and ourselves.Being interrupted, seeing Zheng Jiemin coming in, he was about to get angry, but when he saw Qin Wei coming in, he just nodded and motioned for the two to find a seat.

"I'll just sit in the back."

"You are in front."

Qin Wei wanted to sit somewhere that would not attract attention, but in the end Zheng Jiemin and Zhou Zhirou who had already arrived were pulled to the front, right under Zhou Zhirou.And Zheng Jiemin himself sat at the back.And wait for the two to sit down.He Yingqin signaled Guo Rugui to speak again:

"To the west and north of Wuhan is the fifth war zone led by General Li Zongren. It has 6 armies, 13 armies, 34 infantry divisions, 1 cavalry division, and 1 cavalry brigade. They are deployed in western Anhui, southern Henan, and Hubei. The vast area in the south and northwest of Hubei; to the south and east of Wuhan, there are 8 group armies, 21 armies and 52 infantry divisions in the ninth theater of Xue Yue's command. They are deployed in the northwestern Jiangxi, southern Hubei, and Hunan. In addition, there are also There are a number of special forces and local guerrilla forces. The above forces form a siege to Wuhan. To the east of the Ninth War Zone, there are 4 group armies, 22 infantry divisions and 2 infantry brigades in the third theater under Gu Zhutong's command. The theater supports each other..."

"After the battle of the headquarters in Wuhan, Tokyo, Japan also divided the tasks of the Japanese troops stationed in China and ruled them by division. Although they canceled the Central China Expeditionary Army, the newly established Chinese Expeditionary Army still governed the North China Front Army, No.11 Army, No.13 Army, No.20 First Army, and Third Flying Group, etc. There are 23 divisions and 85 brigades in total, with a strength of 70. Of course, according to the latest information, Nishio Hisao has the strength of his hands In fact, it has been severely reduced. It is currently estimated to be less than 55, and this momentum is still continuing. According to our previous information, the meaning of the Japanese army base camp is to reduce the total strength of its Chinese dispatched army to 11 About [-]...so. Its [-]th Group Army stationed in the Wuhan area has actually become the only force capable of conducting field attacks against me."

"Everyone is no stranger to the 11th Army. The commander is Ningji Okamura, the former head of the Second Division of the Japanese Army. It is also the famous Sendai Division. This division is the same as the Sixth Division with Gu Hisao , that is, the Kumamoto Division and called the two most capable divisions in Japan... And now, although Okamura Ningji is no longer the division commander of the Second Division, the 11th Army under his command still has Seven divisions and two mixed brigades, including the sixth division."

"The 11th Army has formed a confrontation with many of my main forces guarding the southwestern rear in Hunan and its surrounding Jiangxi and Guangxi regions. At present, Okamura Ningji is constantly looking for opportunities to attack me. The purpose is very obvious, that is, to attempt to use military The political strategy of attacking and cooperating with the Japanese government's political inducement to force the Chinese government to surrender...and Nanchang is their number one target."

"Nanchang, because of the siege of Wuhan by our ninth and fifth theaters, its strategic position is even more prominent. It not only covers the strategic transportation line connecting the third and ninth theaters, that is, the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway, but also allows us to gather heavy troops. The strategic base poses a major threat to the Japanese army. In addition, there is an airport in Nanchang, from which our air force often takes off to bomb the warships in the Yangtze River of the Japanese army. For this reason, the Japanese army is actively preparing to attack this place..."

"En." Seeing that Guo Rugui had finished speaking, He Yingqin nodded, then raised his chin to Zheng Jiemin who was behind him, "Director Zheng, tell me about the information you have obtained."


Zheng Jiemin hurried forward and took the teaching rod from Guo Rugui:

"According to the information obtained by the Second Office of our Military Command, Neiji Okamura had issued a battle guidance strategy for the 'Operation Ren' to the 1th Army under his command as early as the end of January, and it is scheduled to start in early March. The operation was intended to capture Nanchang in one fell swoop, thereby cutting off and smashing our troops along the Zhejiang-Jiangxi line. In early February, its plan was approved and approved by the commander of the Japanese China Expeditionary Force Nishio Hisao. Soon, Okamura Ningji and the Air Corps and the Navy’s first 11 The United Air Force agreed on a coordinated combat plan. At the same time, in order to ensure the success of the offensive, Okamura Ningji sent several times during the preparation period for the chief staff officer of the operation to take planes to scout the terrain, our army's defense system, fortification status, troop configuration, and heavy weapons. Based on this, the river crossing point, the marching route, and the main assault direction were selected. Moreover, in order to increase the strength and speed of the attack, Okamura Ningji changed the previous method of dividing the field heavy artillery and tanks into each division. Instead, it was changed to centralized use and unified command. At the same time, the traditional tactics of distributing tanks in front of infantry battle formations, covering and guiding infantry attacks were changed, and tanks were organized into tank groups, which were expected to be on the front line. At a distance of 3 days in front of the troops, with the support of aviation, they will conduct a long-distance detour, thereby breaking through the defense line of our defenders and opening the way for the troops....According to intelligence, its artillery will be commanded by the commander of the 2th Field Heavy Artillery Brigade, Sumida Sashiro, There are more than 2 artillery pieces of various types, and the tanks are commanded by Hiroyoshi Ishii, the captain of the 2th Tank Battalion. There are 6 tanks and armored vehicles..."

"How many?"

Before Zheng Jiemin could finish speaking, someone called out.

"There are more than 300 artillery pieces, including nearly 250 heavy artillery pieces, and 135 tanks and armored vehicles!" Zheng Jiemin replied.

"Is Neji Okamura crazy?" The man jumped up, "With so many artillery and armored vehicles gathered, does he still need other fronts?"

"Whether he wants it or not, if this army equipped with a large number of heavy artillery and armored vehicles attacks your defense area, can you, Luo Zhuoying, stop it?" He Yingqin suddenly asked coldly.

"...I can't stop it."

Luo Zhuoying hesitated for a moment, and finally sat down slumped.


"He is Luo Zhuoying? Deputy Commander of the Ninth War Zone?" Qin Wei suddenly asked Zhou Zhirou who was looking up in a low voice.

"That's right." Zhou Zhirou replied in a low voice.He has a good relationship with Qin Wei, because although Qin Wei has a lot of prestige in the Air Force, he never grabs power, let alone strives for merit... Of course, the main reason for having such a good relationship is that Chiang Kai-shek once secretly told him, Ask him to be careful against Qin Wei.This shows that he, the commander of the air force, is sitting very firmly.That being the case, why should he fight with someone who always likes to give him credit for his achievements?Wouldn't it be more beautiful to wait for others to send the credit in a friendly manner?

"Such a big official, why are you called here?" Qin Wei took a sneak peek at Luo Zhuoying again, and found that the opponent's seat was actually on the same level as his own. Looking at the opponent's rank, he was also a lieutenant general... Immediately a little proud.

"After the information was sent by the second department of the Military Command, the Chairman and Minister He have been urging the ninth theater to prepare, but the right wing of the theater under Luo Zhuoying's command has not made much movement. Instead, he left for various reasons. Once, Minister He specially brought him here to teach him a lesson." Zhou Zhirou replied in a low voice.

"He's a famous general, so he wouldn't be so disobedient to orders?" Qin Wei was a little suspicious.He has stayed in Chongqing long enough, and he is becoming more and more familiar with the generals of the Kuomintang.This Luo Zhuoying was not simple. He was quite famous as early as the Northern Expedition. Lao Jiang became the commander of the army after he established his capital in Nanjing.After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, there have been many wars, not to mention the numerous military exploits, but there are also many.Otherwise, it is impossible to rise to the high position of deputy commander in chief of the theater.One can imagine his position in the army by looking at the people who presided over the major theaters.

"It's not necessarily because he doesn't obey orders. You also know that those arrogant soldiers on the front line are not easy to command. Although he and Chen Cheng are old classmates, have a good relationship, and have a high status in the Civil Engineering Department, but the chief officers of the troops below But it may not be from the civil engineering department." Zhou Zhi Judo.


Qin Wei nodded and stopped asking questions.


"Mr. Luo, Neiji Okamura has not only concentrated a large number of heavy artillery and considerable armored vehicles, he has also prepared a killer weapon, and the target is also directed at your defense zone." It seems that He Yingqin's attitude towards Luo Zhuoying is still not tough enough, Zheng Jiemin Suddenly another message came.

"The trump card? What trump card?" asked the person sitting on top of Luo Zhuoying.

"Mr. Chen, it's poisonous gas!" Zheng Jiemin's face was solemn: "A lot of poisonous gas, and poisonous gas cylinders! There are tens of thousands of units!" [

(To be continued)

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