mixed in the war

Chapter 189 1 Must Kill

"Is this going?"


After the news of Okamura Ningji's defeat came, Nishio Toshizoo ordered all the reinforcements to retreat, and then began to pack up his own salute.And witnessing what happened to this "partner", Kenji Doihara couldn't help but feel sad when the rabbit died.

"Daying has ordered the temple's Juichi to take over my position." Nishio Hisao said flatly, "It will probably arrive in the afternoon. I'd better be sensible, so as not to be despised by others."

"Shouichi in the temple? How could Daying send this guy here?" Kenji Doihara said dissatisfied.As one of the few generals with a limited number of days, he certainly knows about Shouichi in Terauchi.Like Sugiyama Yuan, he is also a madman. After the "Marco Polo Bridge Incident", it was the newly appointed commander of the North China Expeditionary Army who kept disobeying the orders of the battalion, led the troops to break through the boundaries set by the battalion, and pushed the front line south again and again, thus allowing the Japanese army to quickly occupy North China.This seems to be a great achievement, but in the long run, it actually dragged Japan into the quagmire of war...China is so big, how could it be possible to swallow it in one gulp? [

"The pressure in the camp is also very high. Hisuichi Shoutai yelled fiercely and wanted to kill me to thank the people of the country." Nishio Shouzo sighed, "So, since he is so powerful, let him take command of the battle. His Majesty the Emperor I'm afraid I really hope that he can reproduce the glory of the imperial army in North China."

"At that time, Chiang Kai-shek did not expect that our army would go all the way south. He was not prepared, and the imperial army moved too fast, which caused him to quickly occupy North China. But the situation is completely different now. In every aspect, the Chinese have set up a solid line of defense. If you want to regain the glory of the past, I am afraid that Juuchi Terauchi will be smashed in the head." Doihara said coldly.

"So, your task is to stabilize him as much as possible. At this time, we should not fight the Chinese again." Hisao Nishio sighed softly.He bowed to Doihara: "After I go back, I may go to a military court. There are not many places to talk. Therefore, the matter here, I can only ask you, Doihara-kun."

"Is there no room for redemption? Isn't Masaki Jinzaburo released?" Doihara Kenji asked.

"Masaki Jinsaburo?" Nishio Hiso couldn't help laughing.Masaki Jinsaburo, of course he knows, the general of the army, the leader of one of the two major factions of the Japanese army, the "Imperial Way School".The relationship between this person and another faction, the "Regime Faction", was in dire straits, and he was once forced to step down by Nagata Tieshan, the representative of the "Regime Faction", the Director of Military Affairs.As a result, this guy stepped down.Nagata Tieshan was hacked to death in the office by a lieutenant named Aizawa Saburo in the "Imperial Way School" with a knife.Saburo Aizawa has some relationship with Jinsaburo Masaki, and was educated and sheltered by him for many years.Therefore, many people suspect that Masaki Jinsaburo was instigated behind the scenes.Therefore, when the court-martial against Aizawa was conducted, the defense team and the reformists repeatedly invited Masaki to appear in court as a witness.But Masaki rejected him every time.He argued that he did not appear in court unless the emperor personally requested it.However, his persistence fell by the wayside and he eventually agreed to appear in court.But on the morning of the next day when he appeared in court, the famous "February [-]" incident broke out.

At dawn on February 1936, 2, 26 Japanese soldiers from the Third Guards Infantry Regiment led by a group of young officers from the "Imperial Way faction" attacked several key departments including the Prime Minister's residence and killed Minister of the Interior Saito Director of Education Watanabe Jotaro and Minister of Finance Takahashi Isuki.Suzuki Kantaro, chief attendant of the emperor, was seriously injured, and then occupied the Nagatacho area for four days.The purpose of these "Imperial Daoist" officers' uprising was to "respect the emperor and punish traitors" and implement the "Showa Restoration". In fact, the cause of the uprising was the relationship between the "Imperial Daoist" and the "Controlling Faction" The long-term strife of staff and officers.In the end, they turned against each other, which led to this sudden incident that shocked the world.

That attack started at 5 o'clock in the morning.But 30 minutes before the start of the attack, Masaki had already received a report from a person familiar with the situation that the armed uprising by the troops would begin.But he did nothing about it.Instead, let things happen.If Masaki stopped it in time when he received the notification, it might be possible to stop this armed riot.Maybe he was in a fluke mood at the time.If this uprising succeeds, maybe his time will come again.Therefore, he concealed the news.

With Emperor Hirohito's edict to crusade against the "rebels", the 4 Incident was put down.Masaki also began to be interrogated by the military police on April 21.In the next month, he received a total of 1 investigations. On July 6, Masaki was detained by the Army Criminal Station on the charge of "attempting to use the rebel army".This is the first time in the history of Japan that there is a prisoner at the level of an army general, and there is no greater shame than this.

After Masaki Jinsaburo was imprisoned, he denied all the grounds for the accusation during the preliminary trial, claiming that he was wronged.Although the Japanese military tried their best to create good material conditions for him, life in prison was a shame and pain for Masaki Jinsaburo.Under this kind of mental pressure, his body is getting worse day by day.The pre-trial ends on September 9.But at this time Masaki was already on the verge of collapse.From New Year's Day in 16, he started a hunger strike and refused to meet with his family.The military worried that he might have "suicidal" tendencies and arranged for him to be hospitalized for treatment. He was discharged from the hospital on February 1937. On June 2, the military jurisprudence conference held a public judgment, and Masaki still resolutely denied all grounds for the accusation.

Later, General Isomura Nen, the military judge, told another army general, Sadao Araki, that Masaki had only capital crimes and crimes, and since he refused to "suicide" in accordance with Bushido principles, he had to be released.

However, it was Terauchi Shouichi who ordered Masaki Jinsaburo to be locked up. In order to fear that the general would look bad, Daying released Terauchi Shouichi as the commander of the North China Dispatch Army.And within a few days after Terauchi Toshiichi arrived in China, Masaki was convicted and released.

Kenji Doihara used Masaki Jinsaburo as a metaphor for Nishio Hisao’s encounter this time, in fact, to persuade him to look away. The “February [-]” incident was so big, Masaki Jinsaburo, who is regarded by many as the mastermind behind the scenes It's all right, and his Nishio Hiszo naturally doesn't need to take much responsibility for Okamura Neiji's defeat and being captured.

However, Hisao Nishio didn't really have a good opinion of this example.Although he was released, Masaki Jinsaburo's status was gone, his reputation was completely ruined, and he was even considered a coward and cunning in the military circle, and no one wanted to talk to him.What's the fun in living like that?


"Sorry, I said the wrong thing."

Kenji Doihara also realized that he had given a wrong example, and quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

"Actually, it can't be wrong." Hisao Nishio smiled wryly, "The empire has never lost more than three divisions in a single battle, and there is no precedent for the leader of the army to be captured alive... This is a disgrace to the empire! Okamura Neji didn’t die, so I’m the only one to bear the responsibility. Masaki Jinzaburo didn’t want to take his own life, and I don’t know if I have the courage…”

"You are different." Kenji Doihara said hastily: "The empire has already lost Neiji Okamura, and must not lose another Kotobuki Nishio! And you did nothing wrong. The plan for the Battle of Nanchang was Neiji Okamura There is actually no error in formulating it, but we did not expect that the squadron had anticipated his actions. This is the lack of intelligence departments. And Neiji Okamura went to the front to direct the battle in person regardless of his commander status. This is even more so. His own mistake... the dispatched army command quickly dispatched several divisions to rescue him after he was besieged, what's wrong with that?"

"But we failed to rescue him. Besides, Neiji Okamura did not have a caesarean section - this is my biggest crime." Hisao Nishio still smiled wryly.Okamura Ningji was not dead, and Hitomi was ashamed. He, the commander of the dispatched army, immediately became the target of criticism.But there is no way, who called him the boss of the dispatched army?Okamura Ningji's 11th Army is the only one at his level.You can't blame the other armies, can you?As for Kenji Doihara... In the Japanese army, staff officers have a privilege: before dispatching troops, these people can use various means to coerce the military chief to act according to their wishes, and once the plan goes wrong, Military chiefs must take responsibility for them.What's more, Kenji Doihara, the chief of staff of the dispatched army, did not get involved in the plan for the Battle of Nanchang. Is there any reason for him to take responsibility?This product is also in the future. [

"I'll find a way to have Neiji Okamura have a caesarean section." Kenji Doihara said sullenly.No one expected that Okamura Ningji was captured alive.Their idea was to let Okamura Ningji commit suicide.In this case, according to the rules of Japan, the three divisions were besieged and suffered heavy losses. Someone will bear the responsibility for this, and Neiji Okamura will also bear the reputation of a "hero"... and in order to kill himself in Neiji Okamura After rescuing the three besieged divisions, Hisao Nishio also prepared three to four divisions of troops.It was only with great difficulty that they were recruited from all aspects and squeezed out like toothpaste. For this reason, they did not hesitate to give up some territories, allowing the other Chinese war zones to take a lot of advantage.But I didn't expect that such a smart person as Neiji Okamura would hold on to death.Well, it would be okay if you could break into Nanchang City, but you were captured alive... I know you were born in less than a month, but even if the enemy is already in front of you, you don’t even have the time to cut your neck with a knife None?Obviously, Neiji Okamura didn't want to die at all.


Doihara Kenji gritted his teeth, and he swore secretly that he must kill Neiji Okamura.

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