mixed in the war

Chapter 201 The Unlucky Soviet Union

On June 6, this day should be the International Children's Day. However, on this day in 1, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics suddenly launched an attack on the neighboring Kingdom of Finland. The excuse was that the Finnish army shelled the Soviet Union's Manila. village, resulting in the death of Soviet soldiers.Literature Museum

Manila Village is located on the Hanko Peninsula bordering the Soviet Union and Finland, where Finland was a natural defense against the Soviet Union.Originally, in April last year, the Soviet Union and Finland began diplomatic negotiations. The Soviet Union hoped to jointly resist Germany with Finland, and hoped that Finland’s territories on the outskirts of Leningrad would be exchanged with the northern territories of the Soviet Union in order to protect Leningrad. Purpose.But the negotiations continued for a year without substantive results.

Finland was already wary of the Soviet Union, especially after receiving a warning from the British government, it sent some additional troops near the Hanko Peninsula.But he did not expect that the Soviet Union would actually launch an attack on them, and it was so fast, so people were caught off guard... After the Manila incident, the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs called the Finnish government as soon as possible, demanding an apology from the Finnish government , and withdrew the army 20 to 25 kilometers. The Finnish government did not know that the Manila incident had occurred at that time, and immediately expressed its refusal. As a result, within two hours, the Soviet Union used this as an excuse to abolish the original agreement.

That's right, the Far Eastern Military Region must have been quite "clean" after the cleansing, especially the high-level officers, who have almost been sifted through again, but who can guarantee that there is nothing wrong?The Japanese can get their information once, if not, there will be a second time, and a third time... The Soviet Union's attack on Finland may end soon, but for a long time, they still need to maintain their intelligence on Finland "Occupy" status.This requires a certain force.Moreover, Britain, France and other countries have been conniving with Germany, just wanting Germany to attack the Soviet Union. Although Germany is also secretly discussing with the Soviet Union to attack Poland together, people who are engaged in diplomacy know one thing: Don't trust your opponent .What if that was just Hitler's way to confuse the Soviet Union?Therefore, even after conquering Finland, the Soviet Union still needs to maintain a large number of troops in Europe... and this requires the Far Eastern Military Region to be able to win when facing the Japanese. The Japanese completely gave up on the Far East.

"The Soviet Union is facing a huge test. If we don't want Comrade Stalin to be angry, we need to eliminate all possibilities. Marshal Voroshilov, give Zhukov a little help so that he can fight in the shortest possible time. It is in the Soviet Union's best interest to defeat those Japanese monkeys."

After Molotov finished speaking, he said goodbye to Voroshilov and left.He didn't want others to misunderstand how much personal friendship he had with Voroshilov... Although the Great Purge had passed, Stalin was still there.And as the commander of the great purge of the entire Soviet Union, I don't know how many people are staring at him, so of course he has to be careful.In the Soviet Union, it was taboo to make Comrade Stalin angry, and it was even more courting death to make Comrade Stalin angry.However, Molotov's words obviously did not arouse Voroshilov's vigilance. One of the only two marshals in the Soviet Union at present looked at his back and couldn't help shaking his head:

"Unexplainable guy. Is Zhukov not strong enough? If he is defeated by the Japanese monkey, then I really have to wonder if there is something wrong with him."

Then, he also left unsteadily, not taking this matter to heart.

Then, both he and Molotov received the news immediately: the Far East Military Region was bombed by the Japanese Air Force on a large scale, and a large number of airports, medicine depots, artillery positions, command posts at all levels and other supplies were destroyed. Comrade Zhukov, commander of the newly formed First Army, was killed in the first wave of bombing by the Japanese army. The Far Eastern Military Region has fallen into chaos, and the Japanese army has driven straight in...

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