mixed in the war

Chapter 211 Cuikov's Depression

Hearing that the Kuomintang government planned to launch a large-scale counterattack against the Japanese army in the near future, Cui Kefu immediately allocated half of the supplies he brought to Chiang Kai-shek, and stopped asking about the information leak of the Far East Military Region...Of course, As a senior "diplomatic soldier", he did not believe these just based on a few words from the national "government". (The Literary Museum) was so happy because the Soviet Union had a large number of military observers in China. These military observers went deep into the military departments of the Kuomintang at all levels and could gather a lot of information.It was with this information that Cuikov was able to be sure that the National Government would launch a large-scale military operation soon.The reason why the Soviet Union was able to send so many military attachés to China was because they had provided a lot of assistance to the national government as early as the beginning of the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War.Although all these aids cost money, compared to those countries in the United Kingdom and the United States who only talk about it and condemn Japan's actions verbally, this is already very good.You know, after the start of the Anti-Japanese War, countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States condemned Japan, but they continued to do business with the Japanese, taking the opportunity to make a fortune from the war.If it weren't for Japan's occupation of a large area of ​​China's territory, especially after almost completely occupying China's coastline, it would no longer pursue the "open door" policy, and put on a posture of wanting to monopolize China, which would have greatly affected their interests in China. If there is a major invasion, they will not care about the life and death of China.Even if Lao Jiang dug up a dozen more oil fields and sold them to them, it would be the same.

And with so many military observers, Cuikov actually concluded that the squadron would take action in the near future... After all, he is also an excellent military strategist.But the national "government" didn't say anything, and he couldn't say anything.Because that would allow the Kuomintang to catch him... You said we stole your secrets, so how do you know about our military intelligence?The task of military observers is to "observe", not "steal"!So he just held back.

This is diplomacy.

Pretending to be confused while pretending to understand, pretending to be blind with staring eyes.If necessary, even if there are scenes of human tragedies unfolding in front of your eyes.You also have to say that the world is peaceful, the people are healthy, and everyone is happy...

However, although Chuikov initially completed the task assigned to him by Stalin, he was not happy.Because his other task was not done very well. [

According to the original history, during the entire Anti-Japanese War, plus the War of Liberation, the Soviet Union almost always ignored the Chinese Communist Party.Especially in the early days of the War of Liberation, facing the all-out attack of the Kuomintang. ** seems to be difficult to beat, and it seems that it may be wiped out at any time.At this time, the Soviet Union believed that the Chinese Communist Party was not a true believer in Marxism-Leninism, and planned to let the Kuomintang destroy it.And when the ** has won frequently and gained a decisive advantage in Jiangbei, when it plans to go south.Stalin sent people to negotiate peace talks between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, intending to allow the Kuomintang and the Communist Party to rule across the river...

But it is a pity that the Soviet Union's abacus has never been launched.It was only after China and the Americans fought on the Korean Peninsula that Stalin realized that China was not as weak as imagined, and could become an important barrier for the Soviet Union to resist the United States in the east... So, Big Brother finally reached out to his brothers Helping hand.

but.This time the history has changed.Perhaps it was because the defeat on the Far East battlefield made Stalin realize that Lao Jiang was too unreasonable. Therefore, Cuikov was ordered to come to China. In addition to urging the squadron to launch a counterattack against the Japanese army as soon as possible, he also had another important task: Give me some support.

Stalin had such a temper.As long as you suffer a loss, you must retaliate.This is similar to the temper of the later Russian President Putin.Because Putin said that once someone bullies you, you should strike back immediately.moment!

However, it is obviously impossible for the Soviet Union to retaliate against China now.Everyone is still an ally.What's more, the Soviet Union really couldn't produce more troops.

Therefore, Stalin intends to take care of the little brother who has never been very concerned.Chuikov came to China.First, he handed over the weapon of a Su Machinist to the Eighth Route Army. On the one hand, it was to stimulate Lao Jiang, and on the other hand, it was actually to complete the task.But that's just the beginning.In Cui Kefu's view, it is difficult to really make Chiang Kai-shek feel uncomfortable just by letting the Eighth Route Army strengthen its force.After all, the main force of the Eighth Route Army is in the north, while the north of China is almost entirely occupied by the Japanese and those warlords who do not really obey Chiang Kai-shek. Lao Jiang's strength here is not strong, and this is not his traditional power. scope.

Cui Kefu wanted to strengthen the strength of the New Fourth Army.

Only in this way will Chiang Kai-shek really be furious.

But Cuikov did not expect that his idea was still in his mind, and he had not had time to implement it, and he had not even had time to discuss this issue with the leaders of the Communist Party of China. Something happened to the New Fourth Army: four detachments The strongest one of them almost fell apart.


Gao Jingting, commander of the fourth detachment of the New Fourth Army, is a legendary figure. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1929 and quickly grew into an important general of the Chinese Red Army.He led 2000 Red Army troops, and in the last three years of the Second Civil Revolutionary War, defeated the three commanders-in-chief of the Kuomintang who led more than 3 troops to "suppress the Communist Party."Especially Wei Lihuang, the last commander-in-chief, in addition to leading more than 10 regular troops, armed more than 3 county security regiments, built more than 10 blockhouses and more than 30 blockade lines, and implemented the so-called "station suppression" against Gao Jingting's department. , "encirclement and suppression", and "pursuit and suppression" are also helpful.What's even more ironic is that Wei Lihuang just published the battle report saying "Gao Jingting was shot to death." The next day, his 8nd Division of the Kuomintang was severely injured by Gao Jingting's troops. He was so angry that he offered a reward of 40 oceans to buy Gao Jingting's head.

In 1937, the Red 28th Army led by Gao Jingting was reorganized into the Fourth Detachment of the New Fourth Army, and Gao Jingting served as the commander and political commissar. On March 1938, 3, Gao Jingting led the army to resist Japan under the order of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. In July, under the command of Gao Jingting, the four detachments of the New Fourth Army won 8 consecutive battle victories in central Anhui.In the one year and four months from Gao Jingting's eastward advance down the mountain to his death in June 7, the headquarters of the command post fought more than 13 times with the Japanese and puppet troops. Great encouragement to the people.

Gao Jingting made great achievements in the Dabie Mountains, and fought in central and eastern Anhui. He made outstanding contributions. Although he cannot be said to be a victorious general, the fourth detachment of the New Fourth Army led by him can be regarded as a victorious division.

But no one expected that such a person would be arrested and quickly executed on charges of "counter-revolutionary" and other charges.

After Gao Jingting's death, the fourth detachment of the New Fourth Army was dismembered into several units, but more than 2000 soldiers believed that the revolution had left the team.

This is different from a huge earthquake and blow to Taiwan, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army.

It is said that after learning the news, Mao Zedong angrily asked Ye Ting, Deng Zihui and others of the New Fourth Army why they didn't send Gao Jingting to Yan'an according to the order of the Central Committee, but wanted to kill Gao Jingting instead?It is required that the New Fourth Army must immediately find out the truth and report to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.After the revolution, Zhou Enlai, Mao Zedong and others also questioned the commanders of the New Fourth Army many times about the killing of Gao Jingting, and Zhou Enlai even went to the New Fourth Army headquarters about the matter...


A stone stirs up a thousand waves. [

Gao Jingting was telegraphed by Ye Ting, the military headquarters of the New Fourth Army, to the National Government to request execution in the name of non-execution of military orders, and Chiang Kai-shek replied and approved.Gao Jingting's four detachments are only more than 8000 people in terms of strength. Although under the leadership of this guerrilla expert, they have made outstanding military achievements, their real influence is not in the military.

The staff of the National Government were very happy to see that this incident made the Central Committee of the Communist Party dissatisfied with the leadership of the New Fourth Army, and the Communist Party was quite troubled by this incident. Although **, Zhou Enlai and others knew that there might be some people (*** once speculated that it was mainly Xiang Ying)'s problems, they had to give up pursuing the investigation for the stability of the New Fourth Army...but Cui Kefu, who seemed to have nothing to do with himself, was more concerned than depressed.Things that Chiang Kai-shek's army could not do when they suppressed the country, actually let Mao Zedong do it for some reason.But as an outsider, what right does he have to comment on this matter?Moreover, as a Soviet military officer, he had experienced several years of "Great Purges" and witnessed countless Red Army soldiers being taken away by the Security Committee. How could he really care about Gao Jingting?He was just worried that if he handed over the weapons to the New Fourth Army at this time, he might be opposed by both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.Moreover, the morale of the New Fourth Army is low at this time, so how effective can they be if the weapons are handed over to them?In addition, from the Gao Jingting incident, and looking back at the performance of the New Fourth Army in recent years, it seems that it is not as brave and diligent as the Eighth Route Army.

Cuikov decided to wait and see the situation.

And soon, Cui Kefu began to feel grateful for his decision: After some negotiations, the KMT and the Communist Party reached a consensus on the previous friction and exchange of fire between the two parties... It was a pure misunderstanding!Both parties are responsible!In order to eliminate the adverse effects of these exchanges of fire between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, the Kuomintang will severely punish the chief officers of the various units that participated in the attack on the Eighth Route Army, and restrain the ministries so that similar incidents will not happen again.Correspondingly, as a "return" to the Kuomintang's sincerity, the Communist Party decided to withdraw the Jiangnan part of the New Fourth Army to Jiangbei, and hand over the New Fourth Army's base in Jiangnan to the Kuomintang army...

Cui Kefu is an outsider, and although he has some understanding of the struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, he does not know the details, but he can still see at a glance who has suffered from this agreement: **!

The Kuomintang only needs to punish those officers who have lost battles... This is so normal.Who loses a battle without paying the price?If it were in the Soviet Union, losing a battle might still kill you.Severe punishment?It was too easy.As for **, the base area developed by the New Fourth Army for several years has to be given up to the Kuomintang...

"Fortunately, those weapons were not distributed. Otherwise, wouldn't they all be taken north of the Yangtze River by the New Fourth Army? Then it would be better to send them directly to the Eighth Route Army, at least it would save some shipping costs!"

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