mixed in the war

Chapter 226 Attack Again

what is the chinese air force doing

Everyone thought that this army, which had achieved great results in the Battle of Nanchang and the Battle of Southern Guangxi, would attack again in the ongoing Battle of Changsha, repeating their deeds in the previous two battles.And this time, the strength of the Chinese Air Force is stronger than last time, because they have more support from the Soviet Union: 150 fighters and 100 bombers.

And the performance of the Chinese Air Force seems to prove that they will attack at any time.

Air Force pilots are all on standby at various airports, and fighter jets and bombers are parked on both sides of the runway of the airport... It looks like they are going to war at any time.

But this is just a "like" word! [

Except for the staff at the airport, there are less than ten people in Chongqing who know the truth: Except for more than 50 fighter jets used to protect the airspace and a dozen old-fashioned bombers that are genuine, the rest are all authentic. fake.Wooden shelves are built, and some are even made of paper.

In other words, the planes in Chongqing are all deceptive.

But if that's the case, where did the other planes go?


"These KMTs are really fucking hard to serve."

Wang Zhen, deputy brigade commander of the 120th Brigade of the 359th Division of the Eighth Route Army in Yulin, Shaanxi, looked at the rows of planes in the distance, and kept shaking his beard in anger.Just now, just now, he wanted to go up to take a closer look at those planes, but was stopped by the Kuomintang people.The most hateful thing is that he stopped him and looked down on him, saying "you won't be able to pay for it if you touch it"... These bastards, don't they know that this temporary airstrip is still led by him, Wang Zhen, and three people? Thousands of soldiers from the Fifth Ninth Brigade snatched them out of work?Without the hard work of their [-]th Brigade, what would happen to you "flying chickens"?

"I really want to smash it all up." Yuan Renyuan, the director of the Political Department, also said with his mouth twisted.Just now, he and Wang Zhen were driven to the edge of the airport by those dog-like guys... Thinking about the things he worked hard to grab but didn't let himself stay longer, he couldn't get angry .

"Go, go, you can afford to pay for it?" Wang Zhen glanced at him. "These fucks are all baby bumps, even if you smash a nail, Lao Jiang will be in a hurry with you!"

"If you are in a hurry, he will come to me to settle the score if something happens?" Yuan Renyuan said disdainfully.

"That's right, I just know how to talk hard. Why don't you say you're going to Chongqing to settle accounts with him?" Wang Zhen rolled his eyes at him.

"You say, this old Jiang insists that we get him an airport in Yulin. What is he trying to do?" Chief of Staff Liu Ziqi mopped his head, "Damn, how many planes does this need? One or two hundred? ... If we play a black hand on this, we have to do it!"

"What is hair? That's a big hair!" Yuan Renyuan raised his hand.He smacked his lips: "It's fat on the lips. You said that the center is the same, and we haven't been given orders to let us start. How long are they going to wait? Comrades are all gearing up, and they can't wait."

"Okay, everyone's eyeballs are as red as wolves, look at how promising you are." Wang Zhen feigned anger: "Get out of here. Don't be ashamed here!"

"I'm not leaving." Yuan Renyuan still stared at the bomber closest to him.With a look like he couldn't pull out his eyeballs: "I've taken a fancy to this guy... I have to get a fight or two with him."

"Stop f*cking bullshit." Wang Zhen couldn't help laughing and cursing: "Maybe this is the one who went to Taiyuan to blow up Yoshio Shinozuka. You, Yuan Renyuan, got one or two for others, didn't you help the Japanese?"

"Brigade Commander, don't you worry that this is here to bomb us? Hu Zongnan is still surrounding our border area." Liu Ziqi said suddenly.

"That's right, what if these bastards aim at Yan'an? They can fly, and if we evacuate to Xi'an after the bombing, we can't find anyone if we want to take revenge. So, if we want to do it, we have to take advantage of it now." !" Yuan Renyuan also shouted.

"Fuck you, you still say he's a bastard, I think you're too pissed... don't you know what to think?" Wang Zhen scolded, "Besides, you can think of it. The central government can't think of it? He Jiang Jieshi is now being killed by the little devil. He lost Zhengzhou and Luoyang, and Changsha looked dangerous, so he dared to trouble us again? Then he would be drowned by spittle? Don't worry. He dare not take such a big shame!

"Then why did he throw so many planes to northern Shaanxi? The fight in the south is tough, he should send the planes to help." Liu Ziqi said. [

"If I knew, are you still here listening to your blind divination?" Wang Zhen said: "Go... I'm upset just looking at these 'flying chickens'. Let's eat chicken!"

"It's a bit early, isn't it? It's not even noon yet." Yuan Renyuan's shouts flowed down again... In order to "thank you" for the 2000th Brigade's help in building a temporary airport, the Air Force Headquarters in Chongqing specially airlifted ten tons Flour, more than 100 chickens and more than [-] big fat pigs, and another [-] catties of fish.Of course, none of them are live animals. The chickens and pigs have all been slaughtered, and their "hair" has been shaved clean.This just happened to make the [-]th Brigade open.Because if it was alive, Wang Zhen and others would definitely not be willing to kill and eat meat... Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia are struggling now.Not to mention meat, the central leaders can't even eat cornmeal, and occasionally walnut noodles... Those things are not easy to digest, and if you eat too much, you will have problems, but you still have to eat them.If you don’t eat, you’re hungry.And precisely because of these things, Wang Zhen and others endured even the bad attitude of the Kuomintang Air Force.There is no way, people are poor and short-sighted.He even wanted to make those guys despise him ten more times, and then bring a few tons of flour.As for the items transported by the air force, he sent them to Yan'an with [-]%... expedited delivery!All the animals and carts that could be gathered by the whole brigade were used. Even so, a lot of soldiers with fast legs and feet were selected to finish it.In order to send the meat to Yan'an before it spoiled, he even sent a special telegram to ask Yan'an to send someone to pick it up... Excluding what was transported away, the rest was naturally from their [-]th brigade.It's hot, and the meat will not be stored for long, so we can only eat it quickly.Therefore, the [-]th Brigade these days seems to be celebrating the new year.Even Yuan Renyuan, the director of the political department, couldn't help drooling when he heard about eating.

"Eat early and rest early. Anyway, comrades are tired these days." Wang Zhen also smacked his lips.He had just received a telegram from Yan'an, which first thanked him for distributing the "spoils" of the [-]th Brigade to Yan'an, and then severely and deeply criticized him: Even if it is a hot day, meat is not easy to store, you can still Use other methods to deal with it before transporting it to Yan'an.Even if the ingredients are insufficient, let's cook the head office first, shall we?Now that it's done well, once the meat is transported to Yan'an, the big guy has to rush to eat... Do you, Wang Zhen, know how many good things were wasted and how many mistakes were made?

Thinking about the leaders of the central government eating fat meat, gnawing chicken thighs, drinking fish soup, and looking at him with greasy mouth in grief and indignation, Wang Zhen couldn't help shivering.Really made a mistake.But I have never seen so many delicious food in my life. In a hurry, I am afraid that the Kuomintang has transported it by mistake and I have to go back.

"When I was in Yan'an some time ago, I heard that Vice "Chairman" Zhou and the others conducted some production experiments in Chongqing... They said that they raised pigs, chickens, fish, ducks, etc., and they all grew really fast. What do you say? When will we be able to arrive in Yan'an?" Wang Zhen shook his head and put those strange scenes aside.In fact, he didn't eat much meat these days, he just drank more soup, but even so, it was an unprecedented good day.He really hoped it would last longer.

"I've also heard that those people have other tricks in their hands. They don't need oil to light lamps, and they don't need firewood to cook... Doesn't that save money?" Yuan Renyuan also said.

"Don't listen to those people's nonsense. I've never heard of a lamp that doesn't use oil. Besides, who doesn't use firewood? Have you ever seen it?" Liu Ziqi looked at the two with disdain, "Let me tell you, Deputy Zhou Chairman, they may have encountered a charlatan... We have to report it to our superiors, so as not to make people laugh."

"You let people see ten jokes, and Vice Chairman Zhou can't be fooled by others." Wang Zhen said.

"That's not necessarily the case. Although Vice Chairman Zhou has more knowledge than I do, it doesn't matter how much knowledge you have to deceive people... There are many tricks for those who are in the world. Vice Chairman Zhou hasn't seen it again. But, I might be fooled." Liu Ziqi said.

"That's true." Yuan Renyuan also nodded, and then looked at Wang Zhen: "Brigade Commander, how about... let's send a telegram to ask?"

"Mind your own business... well, I can smell chicken soup."

"I smell it too..."

"These bastards must be so greedy that they fired so early... I said you two, slow down, hey, I said you are a bit like a leader, okay, slow down..."


Anyone who knows is guessing what the Kuomintang's air force wants to do.Most people think that the air force that went to Yulin was the headquarters of the Japanese First Army Yoshio Shinozuka who wanted to bomb Taiyuan.After all, Yulin was not far from Taiyuan, and Yan Xishan and Wei Lihuang's units opposite Shinozuka Yoshio had been moving frequently during this period, and they looked like they were about to go to war.

But beyond everyone's expectations, just when everyone thought there would be a big war in Shanxi, Fu Zuoyi, deputy commander of the Eighth Theater and commander of the Northern Army of the Second Theater, used his 35th Army as the main force, accompanied by the 7th Cavalry Division, Long-distance raid on Baotou, an important strategic base of the enemy's Japanese army.For a time, Japanese troops everywhere were terrified.Yoshio Shinozuka in Shanxi ordered the Japanese army in Datong to organize an attack in an attempt to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao. In the direction of Baotou, Naozaburo Okabe, commander of the Mongolian Garrison Army, also sent a cavalry group to rescue Baotou.But just after the large-scale mobilization of the Japanese army, Fu Zuoyi withdrew to his Hetao defense zone.

Okabe Naozaburo and Shinozuka Yoshio were extremely annoyed by this.Okabe Naozaburo ordered the No.20 Sixth Division and the No.13 Cavalry Wing to "sweep"" the Yimeng area on the south bank of the Yellow River, and then gathered near Baotou.Soon, Naozaburo Okabe flew to Baotou in person and commanded the troops stationed in Mongolia to advance from three sides to the Wuyuan area where Fu Zuoyi was located.

And when Naozaburo Okabe led a large force only tens of kilometers away from Wuyuan, he received a telegram from him at the headquarters of the Mengjiang Garrison in Guisui. There was only one sentence in the telegram: Attacked, the Chinese Air Force!

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