mixed in the war

Chapter 230 Assassination of Stalin


Chuikov's heart tightened.

Before coming here, Stalin personally met him and gave him an important task: to find out whether the Chinese and the Japanese were in collusion.Did the Chinese leak the military deployment of the Soviet Red Army in the Far East to the Chinese?But because of the urgency of the war, the Soviet Union needed China to contain the Japanese troops in the south, so it had to temporarily put down this task, and just beat the pair to make things easier.But this does not mean that Cui Kefu gave up this task. On the contrary, he stepped up the investigation secretly, and even contacted the Chongqing Liaison Office of the Eighth Route Army at the risk of misunderstanding by the National Government, intending to use China's power to investigate this matter.Cuikov knew very well that if this was really done by the Chinese, then the Far East would be really dangerous.He can even imagine that the Chinese may have started planning to attack the Soviet Union many years ago to regain their former territory... Otherwise, given the obvious differences between the Chinese and the Soviets, how could it be possible to send spies to the Soviet Union? , and also sought a high position in the Far East?It doesn't take more than ten or twenty years, so don't even try to do it.

But the longer he stayed in China, the more he felt that the Chinese were unlikely to have this ability, and it was impossible for Chiang Kai-shek to seem like a person with such "patience".But besides Chiang Kai-shek, who else could have such a terrifying intelligence line?Dai Li?That person is indeed very capable, but his control over his subordinates is really not very good, and this guy was just a small person many years ago, so he shouldn't "fuck" this kind of heart.The Chen brothers alongside Dai Li?Those two may not be as good as Dai Li in spy work.But besides these two forces, who else? ... It's not that Cui Kefu didn't notice Qin Wei.Because Qin Wei's origin is too mysterious, until now, no one knows where he came from.However, this person with no previous history has been promoted all the way, from a small asylum to the deputy commander of the Air Force, and recently became the director of the military command.

Chief of Military Command. [

Although on the surface it was because this guy had a close relationship with Dai Li.He also had a name in the military command. Chiang Kai-shek promoted Qin Wei in order to punish Dai Li for his mistakes and not want him to lose his actual power over the military command.But according to Cui Kefu's investigation, Qin Weiren should have another source of information.Because this person once made a move, and that time, Qin Wei sent people to Shanghai to kill many people... Calculated in this way, is this guy's intelligence source the same system as the one in the Soviet Far East?

Chuikov quickly dismissed this assumption.

The "possibility" is too small.Whether it is against Shanghai or against Japan.Or for the Soviet Union... It is impossible to connect such a mysterious intelligence system together.Because that is too dangerous.As long as there is a problem with Qin Wei, the hypothetical "transit station", he may be suppressed by the Soviet Union and Japan at the same time.No intelligence organization would take such a risk.What's more, those spies sent deep into the Soviet Union and Japan are treasures, and the intelligence organization behind them will definitely do everything possible to protect them. Qin Wei is such an obvious contact.Does not meet safety standards.Moreover, if Qin Wei had another intelligence organization, with Chiang Kai-shek's personality, it would certainly be impossible to give him such a high position... Dai Li is only a major general.

So, the clues are gone.

Cuikov even secretly suspected that the problems of the Red Army in the Far East were caused by the Soviet Union itself. The reason, of course, was the "big purge" that Stalin engaged in that lasted for several years.It's just that he only dared to keep this doubt in his heart.Even in foreign countries, I dare not announce it.Because that is courting death!

But just when he had no hope for this investigation, what did Qin Wei say...information?


"We can provide some Japanese military information in the Far East in exchange for the Soviet Union's assistance to our country!" Qin Wei said again.

"It's difficult." Cuikov thought for a while. "Your country should also be aware of the current situation in our Soviet Union. In Europe and the Far East, we are conducting military operations. The consumption in this is very high. Being able to provide those aids to your country in advance is already our greatest ability. "

"General Cuikov. Don't underestimate the productive capacity of socialism." Qin Wei stretched out a finger and shook it gently: "Since the end of your country's second five-year plan, industrial output has increased significantly. Take steel output as an example, in 1938 The steel output of the Soviet Union in 1920 increased by nearly three times compared with that before World War I, and was more than a hundred times higher than the lowest "tide" in 1938. It was second only to the United States, higher than the combined output of the United Kingdom and France, and ranked first in Europe. No. 7500 and No. 10000 in the world. In the same year, the Soviet Union’s share of the world’s manufacturing output was second only to the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom, ranking fourth... In [-], your country’s total aircraft production was [-], and this year it is expected It will reach [-]. At the same time, your weapons production is also making great strides. It is said that it is second only to Germany and surpasses the sum of the United Kingdom and the United States..."

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Chuikov's heart tightened even more.Qin Wei knew the Soviet Union's steel output and manufacturing output, but he also knew their aircraft output and weapons production. Doesn't this mean that he knows the Soviet Union like the back of his hand?Could it be that the tentacles of the Chinese have really penetrated into the Soviet Union, and they even have a very good understanding of the Soviet Union?

"You must understand what I'm talking about." Qin Wei leaned forward, "General Cuikov, more than 200 planes, more than 300 artillery... This is nothing to you. You just need to relax Ten times more support than that can be provided by loosening the gap between your fingers. You must really want China to launch a larger-scale counterattack? We want to, but we need weapons."

"I'd like to know, General Qin, how you knew about the Soviet Union's aircraft production, and who told you that our annual output is nearly [-] aircraft... This is too irresponsible." Cuikov said in a deep voice.

"I can tell you who this person is, but the premise is that you have to show enough sincerity." Qin Wei said with a smile: "You know, that guy has been using his relationship in the Soviet Union and his understanding of the Far East to assist him. Japan. I heard that the Japanese are planning to support him to establish a puppet "government" in the Far East, and even establish a Far Eastern republic... I think Mr. Stalin must not want to see this kind of situation, does he?"

"You mean... Lyusikov?" Chuikov stood up abruptly.Qin Wei said he didn't know anything else, but his knowledge of the Far East, the puppet "government" of the Far East made him immediately realize who that person was.Only Liusikov, the former Soviet general who once served as the "Minister of the Far East of the Soviet NKVD", could meet this requirement.And he also knew very well that Lyusikov had betrayed long ago.Last year, when the Great Purge was still in full swing, this person defected to Japan.

"I really want to know, General Qin, how did you get in touch with Liushikov? Where is that guy now?" Cuikov asked Qin Wei again with a sullen face.

"A mechanized army's equipment!" Qin Wei stretched out a finger.

"It's impossible!" Cuikov didn't even think about it.A mechanized army?joke.What they originally deployed in the Far East to defend against the Japanese Kwantung Army was just a group army... a few hundred thousand people.

"That's one army!" Qin Wei still held up that finger, "That's the Soviet-style weapons of ten divisions." [

"I've never heard of any country whose army can have ten divisions!" Cuikov said angrily.

"There are in China." Qin Wei spread his hands, "You know that our organization here has always been "chaotic". There is not enough equipment, and we can only use human lives to fill it... It is very bitter."

"No." Chuikov snorted coldly, "Lyushikov is not worth the price."

"Really?" Qin Wei smiled, "I know that guy has defected, and his former close subordinates can also be caught, escaped, and monitored. But the problem is, this guy used to be the Far East of the Soviet Union's People's Committee of Internal Affairs. Regional Minister '...General Chuikov, you must be familiar with this department, right?"

"What do you want to say?" Chuikov is of course familiar with the NKVD, and everyone in the Soviet Union is familiar with it. This name can even stop children from crying at night in the Soviet Union... It is the main executive organ of the "Great Purge".It can be said that as long as the agents of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs came to the door, it would be dead.

"By virtue of his former position, Liushikov has a handle on many people. These people are still staying in the Far East!" Qin Wei said.


"Don't believe it? This is the news that our senior spies in the Kwantung Army managed to find out." Looking at Cui Kefu's expressionless face, Qin Wei continued.

"After Lyusikov defected, the Far East region was cleaned up once. It is impossible for anyone to have contact with him." Cuikov said solemnly.He's not that easy to cheat.Lyusikov's defection caused huge turmoil within the Soviet Union at the time, and Stalin personally instructed to conduct a more in-depth purge in the Far East.Even now that the purge is over, people in the Far East still dare not speak loudly and walk cautiously. How dare they contact Liushikov again?

"If the Far East hadn't been invaded by the Japanese, no one would have the guts. But now that most of the Far East has been occupied by the Japanese, those people would naturally have the guts." Qin Wei smiled, "You and I both He is a sensible person, general. A general like Lyusikov definitely has enough strength to do this. In the hearts of the people in the Far East, there must be many people who are dissatisfied with Moscow. With Liusikov’s strength, he can find enough people to survive. What's more, how do you know that Lyusikov didn't make any arrangements before defecting? He's a general, what would a general of this level not think about?"

"Do you know the arrangement of that traitor in the Far East?" Chuikov asked.

"I don't know." Qin Wei smiled, "But we know that he is working on another plan with the Japanese."

"What plan?" Chuikov asked.

"'Bear Hunting Project'!" Qin Wei smiled: "Assassinate Stalin!"

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