mixed in the war

Chapter 24 Dumbfounded

() Who said that time travel will definitely lead to parallel time and space?

time tree?

In a certain time and space, if there is one more butterfly flapping its wings, another branch will grow from the main trunk of this time and space, causing the whole history to deviate from the main road, thus leading to a new fork... This makes sense, but who can prove?And most importantly, how do you know it's another branch and not the main road bending straight to another angle?Just like those gardeners, in order to let the flowers and plants grow according to their own ideas, they directly wrap the plants in the shape of their imagination with ropes or fishing nets, and force the plants to grow according to the predetermined track... Although I don’t know if there is anyone There is such a great power that can wrap the time tree, but no one can guarantee that time is a tree, not a straight line that never forks, right?

Thinking of this, Qin Wei's face was as pale as snow... He realized that he seemed to be in serious trouble.


"something wrong!"

Guo Suigen looked at Qin Wei who was hiding behind the clump of bamboos from a distance, and the more he looked at him, the more he looked wrong... Before this guy was still talking and laughing, although he looked a bit wrong, similar to those big smokers who smoked opium, but After smoking the opium, he should be very happy and comfortable. Why did this guy suddenly look shocked again, and actually sat on the ground with his buttocks?

"I'll go and have a look." After hesitating for a while, Guo Suigen decided to go and have a look.

"Hey, why are you going?" Zhang Lie on the side grabbed his arm, "Be careful to scare the snake!"

"It's still scaring the snake. Didn't you see that guy seemed to be frightened?" Guo Suigen knocked him off, "I'll go over and see if there's anything wrong."

"Wait a minute," Zhang Lie pulled him back again, "It's said above, don't disturb him without permission. Aren't you afraid of disobeying Shangfeng's orders?"

"But look at him... If something happens, you are responsible?" Guo Suigen asked back.

"Everyone lives in peace now, and it's just a matter of tacit understanding. But if you go by like this, it's tantamount to showing off... At that time, this guy will come to the door and say that we should monitor him and go up to the peak to blame him. Are you going to bear it?" Zhang Lie retorted road.

"But look at him..."

"It's all right, don't you see him standing up again?"


Accidentally fell his ass, but Qin Wei didn't care about the pain in his buttocks, because the question just thought of made him feel very frightened.There is a sentence in Gu Tianle's version of "Looking for the Qin Dynasty": The reason why people in later generations exist is because of history. If history changes, then people in later generations may disappear... What does this mean?It means that if he "behaves mischievously" again, the next moment may be when he disappears.

"Old, old Gu, do you think I will become the butterfly that caused the storm?"

The phone is still connected, it seems that the call between the two time and space does not consume much phone bills, at least it should be much cheaper than overseas calls.Qin Wei was proud of himself for being able to think of such a question... That ass just now was definitely not because of fear, but just slipped his foot, that's for sure.

"I don't know either." Naturally, Gu Changjun didn't know the situation here, and he wasn't worried about the changes in time and space, because he still didn't believe that Qin Wei had crossed over: "But I personally think that even if you are that butterfly , I'm afraid it's nothing special."


"There are more and more people going to the beach every year. Just find one of them to wave their hands, and it's more fierce than a butterfly. Why haven't you seen the world being ravaged by storms? Well, there have been a lot of earthquakes in recent years. Some It may be because everyone started to use cars and walked less on two legs, so that the vibrations on the surface and underground could not cancel each other out, so that the vibrations from the underground extended to the surface, and a series of earthquakes occurred!" Gu Changjun said seriously Said.

"It makes sense..." Qin Wei also nodded seriously: "But I'm still afraid. Tell me, what if I disappear after decades of activities here, what should I do? "

"You really asked the right question!" Gu Changjun rolled his eyes wildly at the sky, but his mouth kept saying, "Let me tell you a truth first, that is: existence is reasonable. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" Qin Wei nodded.

"Existence is reasonable. In other words, if you already exist, then you will continue to exist until the end of your life..."

"You're wrong." Qin Wei interrupted suddenly: "The sentence you just said was said by Hegel, and his original sentence was 'everything that is rational is realistic, and everything that is realistic is reasonable Xing', this is the so-called "existence is rational". In Hegel, rationality is not only a subjective ideal, but also the essence of things, and things are in line with their own essence, so they are rational. What is real will definitely become reality; and only what is rational can be called reality, so all realistic things are reasonable. Since Hegel believes that the development of history is the development and self-realization of the absolute spirit, And the absolute spirit of the most noumenon is good, so for Hegel, he filtered the 'reality', he said 'in daily life, any illusions, mistakes, sins and all bad things, all ** disillusionment Although people casually call them realities, even in the ordinary sense, an accidental existence is not worthy of the name of reality. For the so-called accidental existence is only a worthless possible existence. , that is, things that can be dispensable.' That is to say, the reality Hegel said was redefined by him, not the reality in the ordinary sense of colloquialism..."



"That..." Gu Changjun scratched his head, "It's not that I doubt your level, it's just that I don't think you have the ability... Where did you hear this explanation?"

"Did you forget that my first girlfriend was from the philosophy department?" Qin Wei said.

"Department of Philosophy, oh, I remembered..." Gu Changjun suddenly said, "But I remember that they didn't seem to pay much attention to you? It's just a few words with you. When did you become your ex-girlfriend? Old Qin , you can’t be so thick-skinned, you will be punished by God.”

"I can understand your jealousy, but you don't have to be discouraged. The misunderstanding of that sentence did not start with you. As early as Hegel's time, this sentence had been used to describe the reality of the Prussian Dynasty. The 'rationality' of 'government' is justified... So, you are not the only one who is stupid, and even among these stupid people, you are not outstanding, at most you are one of the dull crowd. " Qin Wei said.

"It's also..." Gu Changjun looked up at the sky: "It's almost time, I hung up, it's time for lunch."

"do not--"

"What's wrong? Are you not hungry?" Gu Changjun asked.

"Old Gu, tell me a few more words... I still have something to ask for your help." Qin Wei changed his begging tone.He knew that Gu Changjun was deliberately threatening because he hurt a sentence, but he could only accept this kind of thing... Who told him to be in the position of a helper now?

"Please? Haha, what are you talking about, which one of us is with whom..." Gu Changjun smiled happily: "Well, who caught me asking for the 120 yuan meal money just now?"

"It was obviously my treat that day, how can there be 120 yuan?" Qin Wei said seriously.

"It turned out to be you. Look at you. You only have more than 100 yuan, but you don't have any. You even borrowed it from me..."

"No, you..." Qin Wei became angry for a while, "Don't go too far. I don't care what you want, don't push yourself!"

"Let's eat..."


"Are you planning to return my one hundred and two?"

"I want to pay it back, but I'm in 1938, how can I pay it back?" Qin Wei snorted pretendingly, "If you don't mind, you can try to go to the place where I live, about [-]:[-] in the morning. Buy five packs of Baisha cigarettes from a nearby supermarket, and then walk to my residence... maybe you can pass through. At that time, there is a Guanyin Nunnery near Qing University, where I am now the dean... Of course, if you can't find your way, you can also ask the nearby military command department for help. I know their leaders well, and Dai Li still owes me a debt. It's okay to ask him to help me pay it first. "

"Make it up, keep making it up,...is this your next novel? Now you're not satisfied with this one, are you planning to end it?" Gu Changjun laughed.

"I know that you won't believe me even if I break the sky, but...forget it, we'll be settled, is this the end?" Qin Wei said helplessly.

"Hahaha, I just say you are open!" Gu Changjun laughed loudly, "Say, what can I do for you? There are two brothers in one life, what can't be said..."

"I want you to help me clean your own mouth first! You just refused to pay back your debts, and now you are two brothers in another world... You can't be so shameless, according to your own words, you will be punished by God!" Qin Wei Grinding his teeth, he said gloomyly.

"Hahaha, isn't it only a few tens of dollars, look at how stingy you are..." Gu Changjun didn't care, just complacent.

"It's 300 yuan, exactly 300 yuan!"

"It's been cleared just now, why did you mention it again?"

"You..." Qin Wei became angry again, "Why have I never found out that you bastard is so annoying?"

"That's because you were the only one who was mad at me before." Gu Changjun smiled proudly "hehe", "Say, what do you want me to do for you? I'm in a good mood now, so I'll give you a hand."

"As I said just now, help me find out the big and small things after 1938, and send them to my mobile phone... By the way, help me find out the specific location of Panzhihua, I will be useful." Qin Wei said.

"Panzhihua? Didn't you really travel through the past and still want to mine iron ore? I'm not talking about you, it's just a place name. If you ask around, won't you find it?" Gu Changjun asked with a smile.

"So you can only write about martial arts, not history." Qin Wei heaved a sigh of relief, "I have already asked, and there is no place name of Panzhihua yet, that is to say, Panzhihua must have been renamed later, so , I need its specific address."

"Okay, okay, for the sake of your 300 yuan..."

"You finally admitted that you owe me 300 yuan?"

"What you said just now, after the two are settled, don't mention it again!"

"Then you pay the phone bill for me!"



"Panzhihua, Panzhihua..."

It was too far to go back to check the computer, and he had to go online to find the nearest computer. Gu Changjun was reluctant to spend the unjustified money, so he simply found a Xinhua Bookstore, so he didn't even eat lunch... Although the whole thing was still weird, Qin Wei had already waived his debts, although he didn't know if the one hundred thousand dollars was also "bequeathed" to him by this guy, but anyway, if you receive money from someone, you have to do things well for them.But it's a pity that the maps in the bookstore are all sealed, and you are not allowed to read them if you don't buy them... Think about it, who buys books these days?Occasionally, there are a few people who are willing to read, and they directly regard Xinhua Bookstore as a private study room that is warm in winter and cool in summer. If things are not sealed properly, they will be worn out in two days.

Originally, seeing that the map was unopened, Gu Changjun was already planning to go home and check his computer. After all, he couldn't buy a map just to check a place, could he?But there happened to be a salesperson in a bookstore next to him, and the obvious contempt in his eyes made Writer Gu, who just had a $[-] deposit, extremely upset. In a rage, he bought...

I regret it after buying it.

But if you regret it, you regret it, and what should be checked still has to be checked.In front of the pretty good-looking salesperson, Gu Changjun unfolded the map on the counter, and after only a few glances, he was stunned...

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