mixed in the war

Chapter 241 Koshi's Ambition

Qin Wei cannot be blamed for being arrogant.

This is actually the result of his deliberation.Although he is not a direct descendant of Chiang Kai-shek, let alone a big man in the army, he is qualified to recommend Zheng Jiemin.What's more, Zheng Jiemin was still a confidant of Chiang Kai-shek.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Lao Jiang to send this guy to the army to mix sand, and he made it clear that he was going to see Dai Li.

A person who is rich, has military exploits, and has a lot of face in the top ranks of the National Revolutionary Army, recommends a close friend of the chairman of the general committee to be the division commander... Although this division commander has never actually led the army, the probability of success is still as high as [-]% to [-]%. .Because their chairman is Chiang Kai-shek.In addition, the target of the leader is Song Ziwen's Tax Police Headquarters, which can increase the possibility of success for Zheng Jiemin.Song Ziwen has the financial power, so he should not be entangled in any military power.Although he is Chiang Kai-shek's brother-in-law, politically, no matter how close a brother-in-law is, he has no military relatives in his hands.Therefore, as long as Zheng Jiemin is recognized by Chiang Kai-shek in his dialogue with Chiang Kai-shek, then his position as a teacher is guaranteed.

In addition, Dai Li, Mao Renfeng and other people in the military command will also speak well of Zheng Jiemin. Unless there is a major change, Zheng Jiemin, a division commander, cannot escape.

Of course, if Zheng Jiemin really became the division commander, he would definitely be closer to Qin Wei... This would give Qin Wei another piece of power outside of the Air Force.Although this power is not like other people's power, which can be used at any time, at most it is just a little biased, but it is enough for Qin Wei, who has no foundation in Chongqing.

Besides, Qin Wei is very optimistic about Sun Liren.

This is a famous general.After the war, the Kuomintang has five main forces: the New First Army, the New Sixth Army, the Fifth Army, the reorganized No.70 Fourth Division, and the No.18 Army!Among them, the new army was created by Sun Liren.In the Anti-Japanese War, Sun Liren led his subordinates to fight brilliantly on the India-Myanmar battlefield, and it was definitely not for nothing.

I thought that such a general who can fight should have already achieved fame at this time, at least he shouldn't be under the stunned youth of Zhang Lingfu.But after he inquired carefully, he realized that Sun Liren had just emerged at this time.The head of the major general... that is, he is not in the establishment!If you don't sell some friendship at this time, when will you sell it?Although I don't know if the other party will buy his face just because of this, but there is a good saying: grow widely and earn little.It is better to sell favors than not to sell favors.At least there is still the possibility of harvest.


Zheng Jiemin was satisfied, and naturally began to echo Qin Wei's opinion.Originally, Qin Wei had taken the lead in this cooperation, but he had only acted as a shareholder and did not come forward. In addition, their copper mine was in Myanmar, and the agricultural reclamation company was also in Myanmar.Naturally, it would be better for an Englishman, Curley, to come forward.Of course, they didn't completely trust Ke Erli, Qin Wei also handed over part of the shares to Chen Jiageng, on the one hand as compensation for the last oilfield incident, on the other hand.It is borrowing Tan Kah Kee to check and balance Ke Erli.But Keerli is obviously determined not to sell the copper mine, which is regarded as a golden chicken.

"Why are you so short-sighted?" After some arguments, the former British consul was already a little out of breath: "What's the benefit of selling this copper mine? On the surface, you got a sum of money. But in fact, you are in the next few days. Hundreds of millions of pounds lost in ten years! Do you have any idea how much money that is?"

"Hundreds of millions of pounds, of course, is a lot of money." Qin Wei said with a leisurely smile.

"God." Ke Erli was almost speechless to Qin Wei, "I know Mr. Qin, you don't care about this 'small' money, just like you easily took a huge one, which can be mined for at least dozens or even hundreds of years. The oil field was sold to Kong Lingkan and Jason, the same two despicable guys. But. This time is different... I object to you doing this. Resolutely oppose. Although my shares are not as large as yours, I am also a major shareholder of the copper mine, And an Englishman . . . I'd mess with the business."

"The copper mine has not been formally operated yet. We just obtained the mining rights." Qin Wei asked with a smile, "Why are you disturbing the yellow?"

"As long as I am willing, there will be a way. Even if I can't stop you in the end. But I can delay this transaction for half a year to a year! You don't want to stop me." Curley shouted.

"It seems that you understand what I mean, and that what I want is quick money." Qin Wei said after taking a sip of tea.

"I take back what I just said." Curley hissed, "Mr. Qin, with your wisdom, you will definitely not be so short-sighted... But, you want quick money, which has actually seriously damaged my interests. So ,I'm very sorry."

"It's really not possible, we only sell our own shares in the head office?" Zheng Jiemin is actually dispensable.Before Ke Erli came back from Myanmar, he found him first... Of course, this guy couldn't find Qin Wei either.But he was not at home at the time, and was studying in Guizhou, so Ke Erli persuaded his wife... Although Ke Shufang was born as a lady, she has a very small personality. A million French coins is a big deal, if it's worth tens of thousands, then she can have fun secretly.Unexpectedly, Curry told her that the actual value of their copper mine must be measured on the basis of "[-] million", and this unit is still "pounds".Suddenly, Ke Shufang collapsed.Like crazy, he sent a telegram and wrote a letter to summon Zheng Jiemin back from Guizhou.Afterwards, he was forced to come to Qin Wei with Ke Erli, and a task was assigned: not to sell it alive or dead.If the task is not successful, my old lady will fight with you when I get home.Zheng Jiemin naturally obeyed his wife, and brought Ke Erli to the Bai mansion, but he didn't expect that there was a bigger pie waiting for Qin Wei... What's the use of more money?On the territory of the British, even if they can earn money, how long can they earn?Especially for strategic materials such as copper mines, how many people may be jealous.Is the Kong family good enough?The huge oil field has not yet been formally exploited, so it will be forced to distribute part of it to the Americans and the British.And that's just the beginning.In a few years, who knows if this oil field will still have the surname Kong?Therefore, leading troops to fight is the real thing.He was originally the direct descendant of Chiang Kai-shek, and if he commanded an elite team, as long as his performance was not too bad, he would be a lieutenant general in the future, and if he could win a few battles, his future would be really limitless.Compared with the future in the officialdom, what is that little money worth?

"Sell your shares? God, how is this different from selling all of our shares? The combined shares of the two of you account for 70.00% five!" Curley said with a wry smile.

"You are determined not to sell the shares in the copper mine. The reason is not for money. Right?" Qin Wei suddenly laughed, "What you want is status and management rights!"

"I know I can't hide it from you." Ke Erli was not surprised by Qin Wei's words: "That's right, I just want to use this copper mine to gain my status! But before that, I need its management rights."

"What do you mean?" Zheng Jiemin didn't understand.

"Overseas are different from us." Qin Wei smiled, "A manager of a large company may become a politician or even a high-ranking official at any time. Of course, the rich can naturally too. Our copper mine in Myanmar is very large, It is definitely possible for our "former Consul" Curley to get enough capital to climb up, but I just don't understand one thing: if you want to be an official, or simply run for a member of parliament, isn't it enough if you have money? Why do you have to? Competing for the management of a copper mine?"

"I don't have any power, who cares about me?" Curry said bluntly, "Mr. Qin, you should be very aware of my reputation in the British political arena...Shell has made me bad."

"Impossible." Qin Wei shook his head, "You are just a consul, and you may not even be a screw on an oil barrel in front of a giant like Shell, not to mention that they didn't suffer a loss in the last transaction. What the hell are you doing?"

"There are no screws on the oil barrel!" Ke Erli gave Qin Wei a faint look.

"If you don't have it, you don't have it, anyway, that means the same thing." Qin Wei laughed.

"Shell didn't piss me off, but there are always people who want to piss me off. Besides, many people are very clear about how Shell acquired the big oil field in Indonesia. Naturally, they also know the role I played in it... ... Our ambassador to China will not add any glory to my face." Curry said again.

"It's because you didn't add luster to Sir Carl's face. You almost made him a sinner of Britain." Qin Wei laughed.

"So what? When you came to us, he chose to refuse!" Curry exclaimed, "You said it was about the oil, but he didn't believe it at all. He's the stupidest one. Stupid! I just want to earn a better reward for my future. Who hasn't done this kind of thing?"

"Look, foreigners are actually similar to us." Qin Wei suddenly turned his head and smiled at Zheng Jiemin: "If you want to get something, you can get something, and you have to drag others into the water, as if you can't be justified if you don't do this."

"Are you talking about me, or yourself?" Zheng Jiemin asked with a wry smile.

"It's almost the same. This is a common problem in the world." Qin Wei laughed.

"Aren't you listening to me?" Curly asked dissatisfied.

"I'm listening." Qin Wei smiled, "And I also heard another meaning from your words: You care about status and management rights, but you actually want to return to the political arena. And instead of just being a small consul like before, Instead, they plan to do a big fight... Am I right?"

"I didn't have so much money before!" Ke Li said with a serious expression, "But it's different now."

"Then what does it matter if the copper mine is sold or not? Anyway, the shares are in your hands, so is the money." Zheng Jiemin asked.

"He has a bad reputation now, so it is not suitable to go back directly... But if he has made achievements in Myanmar, it will be a benchmark. The benchmark of the colonists! The British will accept him again, and even regard him as an idol, If you go back then, you will be treated differently." Qin Wei laughed.

"That's right." Curley nodded, "But if you want to make achievements, it's completely impossible to just be a shareholder. I need to be a manager, the top manager of the copper mine, and even the land reclamation company!"

"You are very greedy." Qin Wei narrowed his eyes.

"But you can definitely trust me! I promise." (To be continued...)

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