mixed in the war

Chapter 263 We Have Power in China

When Wang Chonghui made the request of the Chinese government to Sir Carl, Qin Wei was also stating the same request to Taudman... This approach can be said to be quite shameless.But having said that, which country in the world has not done this kind of thing?

"There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies in the world, but only permanent interests." This sentence from the British Prime Minister Palmerston in the [-]th century is so incisive that it expresses the differences between countries. relationship changes.Otherwise, this sentence cannot become the foundation of the British foreign policy.

Just like Churchill, the most famous British prime minister was even more daring when he did this kind of thing.

On May 1945, 5, the day Fascist Germany announced its unconditional surrender, Churchill called Stalin, expressing the hope that after defeating the Nazi tyrant, "walk together on the sunny road of victory and peace."But just three days after this, in the "widespread atmosphere of goodwill" between the West and the Soviet Union, Churchill called US President Truman again, expressing that he was "very worried about the situation in Europe".Russia, he said, "has misinterpreted the Yalta decision, their attitude toward Poland, their overwhelming power in the Balkans, except Greece...combined with their political maneuvers in many other countries, In particular, they are able to maintain a large military power over a large area for a long time. . . . They will draw down an iron curtain on the frontier."

A typical front is a person, and the back is a ghost.

But who dares to say that Churchill was wrong?

That's right.

Although Churchill's subsequent "Iron Curtain Speech" was called the beginning of the "Cold War", what Churchill did was indeed considering the interests of the West, including of course the interests of the United Kingdom.Because the aggressiveness displayed by the Soviet Union at that time was actually not much better than that of Germany before.It's just that the Soviet Union was lucky to be on the side of the winner.And if it wasn't for the loss of too much power in the war with Germany, if it wasn't for shortly after defeating Germany, the United States would have developed the atomic bomb.Perhaps Stalin would inherit Hitler's will and move the Iron Curtain forward... In other words, Churchill's worries were not superfluous.

But conversely, was Stalin wrong?

Stalin was also right.Although he expressed friendship with the West while pulling down the Iron Curtain, he was also afraid that countries such as Britain and the United States would suddenly turn their backs.

Therefore, compared to these great men, Qin Wei and Wang Chonghui's actions are simply not on the table, at least not yet.

However, what the two did still attracted the attention of Britain and Germany.Especially in Germany, after Taudman passed the news back, even Hitler was shocked.Even, considering the relationship between China and Britain, France and other countries, the blitzkrieg that was already in place almost died.But having said that, the arrow is on the string, and it has to be sent...after urgent consultations.The day after Taudman passed the news to Berlin, Guderian's armored group rushed into Poland with mighty force.


"This is his 'blitzkrieg'! This is what he calls power!"

September 1939, 9.The large meeting room of the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of China.Xue Yue yelled and threw away the newspaper in his hand, with yearning and depression on his face.

"Among the British and French allies, Poland is considered very strong?" Chen Cheng stared straight at the newspaper spread on the conference table, dazed: "Two weeks, just after two weeks, the government has Run away? Escape?"

"58 divisions. 2800 tanks, 2000 planes and 6000 cannons...it's appalling." He Yingqin shook his head bitterly.I have never seen such a rich play in my life.Is this a war?This is purely throwing money at people!But having said that, this method is really fucking effective.Two weeks, it's only been two weeks.From August 8th to September 28th, the so-called powerful Poland leaked thousands of miles, and the government was beaten and run away by the Germans.In other words, Poland is now in a state of anarchy, which is equivalent to a beautiful woman who has fainted in front of the mob, and isn't she letting the other party do whatever they want?

"Compared with Europeans, we are still far behind." Chiang Kai-shek knocked on the table, "However, we are not Poland, and the Japanese are not Germany."

"Chairman Chiang, did you just want us to see how powerful the Germans are?" Bai Chongxi also kept his head in suspense. When he saw Chiang Kai-shek speak, he immediately asked back in a bad tone... the bald man wanted to fight People are not?Guderian is amazing, but he is lucky. If he was born in China, you can let him try "blitzkrieg"!Towing thousands of ox carts is still a joke.

"Britain and France have declared war on Germany, and the Second World War has already begun..." Chiang Kai-shek said.

"Although Britain and France declared war on Germany, they have been ignoring Poland. It is clear that they want to wait for the Germans to fight the Soviet Union...Since Britain and France did not participate in the war, it is not a 'world' war?" Bai Chongxi retorted.

"Qin Wei, tell me." Chiang Kai-shek glanced at this guy angrily, and simply turned the conversation to Qin Wei.

"That... I know that everyone still doesn't believe in 'World War'. They all think that Germany is going to fight the Soviet Union." Qin Wei glanced at Bai Chongxi with a smile, "Mr. Bai also thinks so?"

"Britain and France are hiding behind the Maginot Line. No matter how many tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery the Germans have, they can't rush through." Bai Chongxi felt that he was being provoked. Stone?"

"The Maginot Line looks very thick, but it has no flaws?" Qin Wei asked again.

"What's the flaw?" Xue Yue's perception of Qin Wei has improved a lot recently, and he became even more interested when he heard this: "Magino is known as 'impregnable as gold'. The entire fortification is made of reinforced concrete, which is extremely strong. There are also various fortifications, including hospitals, which extend in all directions and are extremely conducive to defense. What loopholes can there be?"

"Arden Heights." Qin Wei said lightly.

"Ardennes Heights?" Several high-ranking military officials looked at each other, they really didn't know where it was.

"That is the junction of France and Belgium. The terrain is rugged and easy to defend but difficult to attack." Chiang Kai-shek interrupted suddenly.

"Oh? But since it's easy to defend but hard to attack, what kind of opening is it?" Zhang Zhizhong couldn't help asking.

"It's really not a flaw, but as long as someone has the heart, it's a flaw." Qin Weidao: "According to our latest news, the Germans are already formulating their next military plan. The targets are these small countries in Western Europe, including Belgium, Holland, wait!"

"These are the allies of Britain and France. Once the Germans attack there and make a show of struggling, Britain and France will inevitably rescue..." Bai Chongxi felt something in his mind, "In this way, the Ardennes on the French-Belgian border It is inevitable that there will be omissions. Germany will make a big move at that time..."

"The British, the French, and maybe the Dutch will be surrounded by the Germans. At the same time, the French Maginot Line has become the biggest joke ever." Qin Wei continued.

"Would the French make such low-level mistakes?" Chen Cheng hesitated.

"In fact, we believe that the probability of the French making mistakes is as high as 80.00%." ​​Qin Wei laughed.

"Then what does this have to do with us? Is it possible to change course and hang out with the Germans?" Xue Yue asked.

"Although it's not like this. But it's about the same." Qin Wei glanced at everyone, "The result of my discussion with the chairman is that China needs to accept part of the British and French colonies in Asia! Call everyone. It's because of everyone They are all the best generals in the Republic of China, especially in terms of the overall situation, so... I would like to invite everyone to do a military deduction together."


What is ignorance?

What do you mean by wide-eyed and small-eyed?

This is how a few people behave right now.

China...a country that has been bullied for almost 100 years, the boss and weak country, and now half of its territory has been knocked down by the little Japan, it can be said that it can't be more miserable.But this is the situation.Someone actually planned to lead it to take over some British and French colonies?Did these two guys take some wrong medicine?

"It's just an idea. I think it's possible. That's why I called you over to discuss it. If you don't think it's right, you can shake your head." Chiang Kai-shek was distracted by a group of people staring at him.He suddenly felt a little regretful.Regretting that I was actually moved by Qin Wei's words... How is this possible?Yes or no?China's own affairs can't be resolved yet, and it actually wants to provoke Britain and France, even if it is a rainy day.No strength means no strength!Look, being despised?These guys still don't know how to laugh at him in their hearts.If you can't make things right after a while, you will really lose your lord!

"That..." After being stared at by Lao Jiang, Chen Cheng quickly looked away, but asking him to agree with the boss was too much against his little conscience: "Principal, the students really can't think of it." What kind of power do we have to touch the colonies of Britain and France in Asia... This, this is too impressive, that is incredible!"

"I think it's absurd!" Bai Chongxi didn't intend to show face at all, "I'm still being beaten and complaining, so I just want to provoke a stronger opponent. Chairman, we can't just win a few battles and get carried away. "

"But you can't underestimate yourself?" Qin Wei retorted.

"Belittle yourself? I think you are arrogant." Bai Chongxi snorted coldly.In the battle of Changsha, he advocated abandoning Changsha, but Xue Yue insisted on protecting Changsha and inflicting considerable damage on the Japanese army.For this matter, Qin Wei often ridiculed him.The relationship between the two who was not bad at first turned cold, and when they met again, he also ignored this kid.Unexpectedly, Qin Wei turned around and said that he has a small stomach and no stomach.He was so angry that he was half dead, but he couldn't get angry... because Qin Wei said that if he had a fit, he would really be a small belly.

"How many battles have you fought? Fighting is not a child's play, and you can't just look at it...Even if Britain and France were defeated by the Germans as you said, so what? Didn't Germany fight the same in World War I?" Entered France? But in the end, they were kicked out? I don’t deny that with our strength at this time, if we attack these colonies of Britain and France in Asia, there is a certain possibility of success. But what happens afterwards? Once the war How can Britain and France let it go when it is over?"

"That's the reason." He Yingqin also echoed: "What's more, Britain and France are still our friendly countries. Britain has also provided us with tens of millions of loans... Wouldn't it be ungrateful to start with others at this time?"

"That is to say, everyone admits that we have this power, right?" (To be continued...)

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