mixed in the war

Chapter 265 Layout

After Russia won the October Revolution, it began to spread its revolutionary ideas to all directions, especially to neighboring countries.It has to be said that the Bolsheviks were very successful in this regard.Not to mention anything else, the United States of America, the greatest enemy of the Soviet Union in the future, was once made extremely uncomfortable by the trend of corruption. In the end, the big capitalists and people who hated corruption launched McCarthy.As a result, the Congressman McCarthy stirred up storms in the United States, and made the whole of the United States tense for several years.

Were the Bolsheviks wrong?

From the standpoint of the Soviet Union, yes!It can even be said that if Lenin did not lead people to promote socialism and communism to the outside world, whether the Soviet Union could develop to the later stage is another matter.Because the governments of various countries without worries can concentrate their efforts on dealing with the newly born Soviet Union.

But having said that, to some extent, the representatives of socialism and communism are really out of the eyes of those big capitalists and big landlords.Especially Chiang Kai-shek hated these people to the bone.It can be seen from his behavior that he almost ignored the Japanese's advancing step by step, and instead strangled the Chinese Communist Party to death first.At some point, Qin Wei even felt that if Chiang Kai-shek could deal with the Japanese with the same vigor as he used to deal with the Japanese, perhaps Japan would not have the courage to launch a full-scale invasion of China.It's a pity that the Japanese were deceived by Lao Jiang's performance, thinking that the Chinese are just so capable, and the Chinese government is also easy to bully.This time, they violated Lao Jiang's taboo, which was greater than the Communist Party's violation of him... Coupled with the will of the people, Lao Jiang could only fight them desperately.

However, I am afraid that Lao Jiang himself did not expect that one day, he would learn from the Soviet Union to "promote" **.


"Don't look at me like that. I'm doing this for the country too."

Very blushing.I used to yell at the police, but now I want to promote the other party's ideas... Seeing He Yingqin and others projecting the questioning eyes of "Are you okay?" Feel hot.

"Let the revolutions break out in the Southeast Asian countries, and then we take the opportunity to act? Is this your idea?" Bai Chongxi didn't bother to find fault, because he already felt that the plan made by Qin Wei and Chiang Kai-shek seemed to be a bit foolish. .Of course, what attracted him the most was that the plan was very big, very big... the whole of Nanyang, except for the Philippines, was controlled by Yankees.The rest are the territory of Britain and France.The combined area is not small.If this is successful, these participants will be immortalized forever.But in the same way, although the plan is big, although it is a bit tricky, it is not easy.It's not easy.

"If according to your previous inference, Chief Qin, the Germans will break through the Maginot Line and take advantage of the situation to annihilate the British and French troops. They may even invade France again, then we do have a chance. But what if they can't do it?" Chen Cheng was not without envy asked Qin Wei carefully.Such a major plan, based on what he knew about Chiang Kai-shek, was simply impossible to agree to.He knew the headmaster too well, and he was deeply in fear of Britain, France and other great powers.It's okay to worry about getting involved, and now he dares to provoke...even under various guises.He couldn't possibly agree.But now Chiang Kai-shek not only agreed with Qin Wei's plan, but also called them together to discuss... How did Qin Wei, who has only been in Chongqing for less than two years, have such influence?

"If the Germans can't do it, of course we don't need to do anything. But the problem is, according to the German plan, they will soon go to war with those small countries in Western Europe. At that time, Britain and France will inevitably focus on there, and As for us, we don't have much time..." Qin Wei replied: "The Japanese were just beaten back by us. Although they suffered heavy losses, they don't have much time left for us. It's only half a year to a year at most. Even shorter. So, we only have to finish the layout first in this gap time!"

"Where can I find the Soviets?" Xue Yue was very straightforward, obviously already a little moved.

"Soviet people may not be needed. Just claim to be sent by the Soviet Union." Qin Wei smiled and said: "Nanyang countries are oppressed by Britain, France and the Netherlands, and those Nanyang monkeys dare not speak out against white people, so they follow behind them Bullying us Chinese. This kind of thing has happened not only once or twice, but almost every few years. In Nanyang, the Chinese are like crops. When they are ripe, they are harvested; when they are not ripe, they have to be harvested from time to time Take the meat to feed those colonists, even the local natives..."

"What does this have to do with us?"

Chen Cheng asked casually, but as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he saw Qin Weidao's eyes:

"Say what you just said again and I'll listen to you!"

"I... just said it casually. Don't mind." Chen Cheng was listless.He was not afraid of Qin Wei, but suddenly found that several people around him, including Chiang Kai-shek, were looking at something wrong, which made him immediately realize his mistake... Nanyang Chinese were one of the main donors to China's war of resistance. The sentence already has the suspicion of being ungrateful.

"Speaking casually is the truth. Mr. Chen admires 'quick talk'." Qin Wei said coldly.

"Cixiu was just an accidental mistake, and he didn't really think so." He Yingqin said to help, while secretly shaking his head at Chen Cheng.Qin Wei's origin has always been a mystery.But one thing is certain, that is, this kid is not "domestic", but a "returnee"!It was sent back to China by an overseas Chinese secret organization to help in the war.Now, the other party suddenly proposes to expand its power in Nanyang... Is this just for the sake of China in the future?Obviously not.But Chen Cheng didn't take the Nanyang Chinese seriously at this moment, he hit the gunpoint at all.If Qin Wei doesn't criticize him, whom?

"Idiot!" Bai Chongxi and the others also secretly despised.It’s fine to chat with others, but knowing Qin Wei’s identity, he still said that in front of his face... Is this Chen Cheng too complacent recently?

"Where did we just talk?" Although Chen Cheng regretted his reckless words, since he had already spoken softly, he couldn't bow his head again, so he could only keep silent in the face of Qin Wei's dissatisfaction.After Qin Wei glanced at him, he stopped talking to him, and turned his attention to everyone.

"Nanyang Chinese are oppressed and angry at both ends!" Xue Yue said.

"That's right." Qin Wei sighed: "The Chinese are not like the white people who have the right to have guns outside, and they don't have a large population like the local natives, so they have been bullied at both ends. They have been vigorously supporting the country, except for a sense of nostalgia. Don't you think that one day, when the country is strong, it will be able to shelter these lonely wanderers like Britain and France? ... But unfortunately, our government has not done a good job all the time."

"If you don't want to, you really can't." Chiang Kai-shek sighed, "China is too weak and is facing oppression from the big powers. How difficult is it to develop?"

"Greatness is not something that comes by waiting, but by fighting for it and robbing it. Development can be done at any time. No matter how weak China is, no matter how oppressed by foreign powers, isn't it worse than the situation it faced when the Soviet Union was first born?" Qin Wei asked back.

"But at that time, the First World War had just ended. Although the great powers hated the Soviet Union, they could not directly intervene in the situation in Russia." Zhang Zhizhong said.

"That's right, the Bolsheviks found the right opportunity." Qin Wei lightly tapped his finger on the table, "And now, our opportunity has come."

"At this time, what good is it for us to reach out to the Southeast Asian countries? What good is it?" Bai Chongxi asked.

"Resources! Strategically important places!" Qin Wei said: "South Seas are rich in resources, not to mention oil and rubber, and various minerals are also rich. Especially in the Singapore area, guarding the throat of the Strait of Malacca, whoever controls it will have Master the channel between the East and the West! Resources are necessary for the development of a country. China is an oil-poor country, does not produce much rubber, and is short of copper... If Nanyang can be used as a sphere of influence, these important resources that restrict the development of the country will not be It will become a problem again. And if we can further control Malacca, then the whole of East Asia will have to act according to our face. Even the United Kingdom, the United States, France and Germany will not be able to really threaten us in the future.”

"Since it is so important, Britain and France will not give up even if they face the threat of Germany. Especially the United Kingdom, they and India, they can draw large troops from there at any time... How much trouble can they spend on what kind of revolutionary revolution? "Xue Yue said.

"So, we are just planning to wait for the opportunity now, instead of doing it directly." Qin Weidao: "Just like our farms and copper mines in Myanmar, that is a layout!"

"Then what's the use of asking us to come? We don't understand these things." Zhang Zhizhong asked doubtfully.

"You don't need to understand this, you just need to know where we need to deploy manpower, and how many manpower we need to deploy is enough!" Qin Wei said expressionlessly.

"Do you want to send people there in the name of a farm or something?" He Yingqin understood Qin Wei's plan, "Is this a bit too taken for granted? Suddenly sending so many people over, even the British and French are fools. would be problematic."

"Wang Chonghui has reached an agreement with Britain and France through diplomatic channels. Now, these two countries have agreed to our various developments in the Indochina Peninsula in response to Japan's aggression." Chiang Kai-shek suddenly interjected: "As for the Netherlands, we are still negotiating , but I don’t think it will take long.”

"What about that person? If there is a military purpose, why not just send some civilians there?" Xue Yue said again.

"Production and Construction Corps!" Chiang Kai-shek's eyes showed a trace of evil spirit: "We have six! And one of them has reached into Burma!" (To be continued...)

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