mixed in the war

Chapter 30 The Profound Professor Qin

() At the gate of Guanyin Nunnery, several bicycles were parked slantingly against the wall, and a group of college students hid in the shade in the corner, bored... Zou Jiezhong, the vice chairman of the student union, looked up at the sky from time to time, looking very anxious .

"It's the first time I've seen such an unreliable professor. Even if it's just a visiting professor, it can't be like this. Is there any teacher's morality?" Beside Zou Jiezhong, Liu Yujie, who was also dressed in a formal suit, suddenly nudged him with his elbow Hu Yan next to me, one of the three boys who taught in the asylum with Qi Qi and others: "How did you know this guy back then? You still had a hot fight with him..."

"We didn't have a hot fight with him," Hu Yan hurriedly said, "It's all because of him."

"Then his level of stalking is really high." Liu Yujie looked worried, "He stalked and stalked the professor. I really don't know what the principal and the others are looking for in him."

"Hanyu pinyin." Wang Ji, who was with Hu Yan, sighed, "It's only been a few days, and schools with a certain status in the country have basically been alarmed. If I were the principal, I would definitely be impatient to get rid of people first. "

"In fact, it's not just Hanyu Pinyin." Fang Hong glanced at the two companions, "Professor Qin is actually very good. If nothing else, just listen to his usual remarks, you can know that he has a lot of knowledge about the situation in China. I have a deep understanding, and he is not an ordinary person, otherwise, how could the military commander find him?"

"That only shows that he is very likely to be a spy." Hu Yan seemed dissatisfied with Fang Hong's words, "Have you ever seen any professor who is as foolish as he is? He didn't take such an honorable status seriously."

"Don't talk about it, everyone," Zou Jiezhong sighed softly, "The principal and professors are still waiting for us to bring him back, so we should think about the present first."

"Why haven't Lu Xiaojia and the others come back?" Hearing Zou Jiezhong's reminder, even though they knew it was unnecessary, they couldn't help but turn their heels up.After all, no matter how dissatisfied he is with Qin Wei, the tasks assigned by the school still come first.

"With Qi Qi's violent temper, I still have to wait so long... This Professor Qin is really amazing." Liu Yujie couldn't help complaining when he didn't see anyone.

"Shouldn't you be scared? You heard it just now, but our professor said that if he was assassinated, even Dai Li, the chief of military command, would have to..." Wang Ji glanced left and right, and put his palm horizontally on his neck. With a swipe, he hinted.

"That's none of our business, and you're not allowed to spread it around, do you hear that?" Zou Jiezhong's expression changed.He already kind of regretted making this trip now.Just now, he and these classmates were also hiding outside the Guanyin Temple with Qi Qi and Lu Xiaojia... Of course, this does not mean that they don't want to go in. We are all men, not to mention shirtless, or completely naked. What's there to be afraid of?The main reason is that they were too embarrassed to leave the two girls outside alone, and they came together anyway, they had to advance and retreat together.Unexpectedly, listening to Qianggener actually heard something that he shouldn't have heard... Qin Wei was so brash, saying that even if Dai Li dared to touch him, he would have to pay with his life.Is this something a student can listen to?Although most of these students are not afraid of the sky and the earth, they dare to take to the streets to demonstrate at any time, and even the government dares to express their opposition.But that is only a minority after all, most of the students are actually willing to study honestly, and then find a good job, of course, this is without being stimulated by those few students... and besides these, there are other things like He is a type of person who is engaged in the work of the student union and has more contact with the outside world.It is undeniable that there are many passionate young people in their student union, who belong to the kind of roles that can be achieved immediately, but that definitely does not include him, Zou, otherwise he would not be just a vice chairman of the student union now.His wish is very simple, that is to make his experience in the student union a capital after he leaves school, so that his future life can be smoother.But now...he felt that it was necessary for him to suggest to the school that Qin Wei's guest professorship should be rejected after he went back.School, it's better to be pure.

"What's there to be afraid of? Juntong is not a good person. Besides, we are not the ones who said that." Liu Yujie was very upset with Zou Jiezhong's cautiousness. "We are just students. Would those people still hear these words because of us?" Why can't it work?"

"The identity of a student will not become our amulet. To think that you are a student, you can speak and do things without any hindrance, is itself a sign of immaturity... and we are already adults." Fang Hong suddenly fainted said.

"What do you mean by that?" Liu Yujie asked with a sideways glance.

"This is what Professor Qin said. The main meaning is: no matter who we are, as long as we are adults, we should be responsible for our actions. He also said that the identity of a college student is not something we should be proud of, because being a college student It just means that our academic performance is not bad, but the world does not look at our academic performance, what is needed is hard work... If you have not done anything for this country or society, you are not qualified to treat this The country, comment on this society." Fang Hong said.

"What fallacy is this?" Another student named Han Zhimin jumped up angrily, "Is it because we are students that we cannot express our views and opinions on the current situation in China? Are we not Chinese? ?”

"We also refuted him in the same way at the beginning, but what he said was: students are too out of touch with society and reality, and they don't have a thorough understanding of the current situation of society and the country. If you think that you can do this with enthusiasm, you will often Bad thing." Hu Yan glanced at him, "He also cited the example of 'burning Zhaojialou', thinking that the students in Beijing were too extreme, and it was wrong to take such drastic actions without understanding the actual situation... ..."

"Nonsense. The 'May [-]th Movement' is a patriotic movement, no one can deny that." Zou Jiezhong suddenly snapped.Although he doesn't like to engage in such and such sports, and he doesn't like to do things that are too intense, but he is still unambiguous about matters related to his position... If he is vague, the next student union may have nothing to do with him son.

"He didn't deny the patriotic nature of the 'May [-]th Movement', he just said: The Beiyang government did not sign the "Paris Peace Treaty"!" Fang Hong raised his eyes to a few classmates and said lightly.

"...It was precisely because the 'May [-]th Movement' ignited the patriotic enthusiasm of the people of the whole country, and it was also because of the pressure of the people of the whole country that the Beiyang Zheng Fu was afraid of betraying their relatives, so they didn't sign it!" Han Zhimin was stunned for a moment, Then he retorted: "Later, Japan occupied Qingdao by force, but the Beiyang government seemed to shrink its head and still did not send troops. This just shows that the original movement was correct."

"No one said that the 'May [-]th Movement' was wrong. The huge influence of that movement not only ignited the torch of the new min zhu movement, but also caused the voices of resistance in China to rise and fall, forming a force that cannot be ignored. Countries have to consider whether forcibly oppressing China will cause more disturbances and damage their own interests in China. It is precisely because of the great patriotic enthusiasm aroused by the May [-]th Movement that the Beiyang Zheng Fu firmly refused to sign the peace treaty determination... But none of these can deny one thing, that is, before the 'May [-]th Movement', the Beiyang government did not actually decide to sign the contract!"

"So, no matter how we defend our original actions, it cannot change the fact that we have put the blame on some people in advance, and this is only because these people 'could' have done something wrong. What's the matter?"

Fang Hong and Wang Ji recounted what they had heard at the beginning, without any luck.

"You, you..." Han Zhimin first pointed at Fang Hong, then at Wang Ji, but then shook his head vigorously: "No, it's not you, it's that guy, he, he is denying the original movement!"

"He didn't deny it. He admitted the patriotic nature of the 'May [-]th Movement' and almost all of his actions. He just denied some of the radical behaviors of the students in Beijing...'burning the Zhaojialou', which is illegal in the first place. ...or in the case that Cao Rulin and others did not actually commit acts of treason...why did we designate him as a traitor when we didn't get definite information? And burned his house...Is it just because he is Beiyang officials?" Wang Ji asked again.

"But, but..."

"Although I don't quite agree with the actions of senior Kuang Husheng, I also admit that it was precisely because of his violent actions at that time that the movement shocked the whole country at the beginning. It can be said that the burning of Zhaojialou, The two incidents of beating Zhang Zongxiang played a significant role in promoting the nationwide patriotic movement..." Zou Jiezhong said.College students in this period knew a lot about the "May [-]th Movement". Kuang Husheng, as the protagonist and leader of the two major events of "burning Zhaojialou" and "beating Zhang Zongxiang", they naturally knew and admired it very much. .

"I admit what you said, but this still doesn't negate what I said before. The innocent but the criminal... If you can not act according to the law at the beginning, then who will take the law seriously in the future?... ...It's not what I said, it's that guy." Fang Hong said again.

"Actually, I heard that Mr. Fu Sinian, who was the commander-in-chief of the parade movement, and Duan Xipeng, the chairman of the parade movement, were opposed to forcibly storming the Zhao family building and beating the traitors. It's just that everyone's emotions were agitated and they couldn't control it. After all, the Beiyang warlords The long-standing acts of treason had already filled people with resentment at that time, and if there was an outlet to vent, it would naturally be difficult to stop it." Zou Jiezhong sighed again.

"Yeah, you can't blame everyone for this. If you want to blame, you can only blame the Beiyang warlords for their incompetence. They can't fight for national power outside, and they can't calm the people inside..." Han Zhimin also hurriedly echoed.

"In the final analysis, Cao, Lu, Zhang and the others are simply seeking to humiliate themselves!" Liu Yujie said coldly with a sullen face.

"that's right."

Fang Hong, Hu Yan, and Wang Ji looked at each other and nodded.That's right, if it wasn't for the fact that the Beiyang Zheng Fu has always disappointed everyone and filled the people with resentment, why would a parade go so far as to beat up high-ranking officials in the country and even burn down other people's houses?College students are all civilized people.So, in the final analysis, those people asked for it... But, why is there always a little lack of confidence in everyone's eyes?Moreover, if Qin Wei were here, what would he say?


The entrance of Guanyin Nunnery fell silent, a group of students lost interest in talking, and just waited for the two girls dryly in the shade.After a while, Lu Xiaojia pulled Qi Qi and appeared in everyone's field of vision, but the expected Qin Wei did not appear. Seeing this scene, Zou Jie couldn't help but smile wryly.

"What's the matter? He's not free? Doesn't it mean that he won't interrogate those people in person within a day or two?" Han Zhimin was impatient, and asked as soon as they met.

"Don't talk about it, who knows what's going on with him..." Qi Qi put on a small face, "He also said that he was going to call some high-level military commander... I think he is stern and stern at all!"

"I don't think Professor Qin will go to school for the time being, so let's go first." Lu Xiaojia also said with a wry smile.They persuaded Qin Wei to go to an important meeting just now, but because Han Zhimin's words were a bit serious, he annoyed that guy, and kicked him out directly. She and Qi Qi went in again to persuade him because of their familiarity. This time it was more straightforward, and she actually said that she needed to take a bath... Such a careless guy was actually a visiting professor at their school, she really didn't know what was going on in this world.

"I'll go back and tell the principal to see what he will do, hum!" Qi Qi was still furious.These days, saying that you want to take a bath in front of girls is not as good as playing hooligans, but it is also very hated.

"He's not afraid of the principal." Fang Hong thought Qi Qi was going to sue, so he reminded immediately.

"Of course I know that he is not afraid of the principal, so I will tell the principal and those experts and professors who are waiting for the meeting that this guy has caught three Japanese spies in the asylum..." Qi Qi clenched her fists and laughed triumphantly .

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