"Qin Wei Sending Books" was later rated as a historical event.

Even some historians regard this as a very important event.Because they feel that Qin Wei's books have to some extent promoted the birth of "theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics".

During the Anti-Japanese War, the Chinese Communist Party had already clearly defined its own political nature. They were no longer an organization under the Communist International, they were the political party of the Chinese themselves.At this time, the Chinese Communist Party had already denied the revolutionary line provided by the early Soviets, and decided to carry out revolutionary activities in accordance with China's own actual situation.But they have always had a shortcoming, the economy is too poor, and it can even be said that they have no economic foundation.In order to maintain the strength against the Kuomintang and the Japanese invaders, all their funds were spent, and it was not enough. Except for northern Shaanxi, their base areas were always in danger, and even northern Shaanxi was not safe. Under such circumstances, where should they go to engage in economic construction?The reason why Nanniwan has become a model is that in the final analysis, it was forced out by the Kuomintang and the Japanese together.

This is why after the founding of New China, they had to learn from the Soviet Union in the face of national economic construction.There is no big theory, but almost no practical experience.However, the book "written" by Qin Wei solved this problem to a certain extent.Gu Changjun was very concerned. He used the pretense of commenting on the advantages and disadvantages of the Soviet Union's socialist construction model, but in fact it was all based on the original time and space after the construction of New China as a template.Decades later, there are plenty of books on this subject, and many scholars have conducted in-depth analysis of its internal reasons. Gu Changjun can be said to have no pressure to read it.

And Qin Wei and Chen Guofu personally delivered books to the door, which is one of the reasons why these books can be actively read by the leaders of the Communist Party.Who knows what these two goods mean?Let's see clearly.Isn't it just a few books, is it possible to defeat the staunch communists?But they didn't know that what Qin Wei sent over was the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics.This has been summed up by several generations of communists with practical actions. Not only strength, but also socialist theory are inextricably linked, and they are constantly cut and cut. If you see it in your eyes, it will not be easy to pull it out.


"However, after thinking about it carefully, I think that besides the possibility that Qin Wei intends to use his own theory to carry out the so-called 'punishment' against the Communist Party, he probably has another meaning."

In the chairman's office, Chen Guofu took the initiative to report his activities with Qin Wei to Lao Jiang... This was by no means a pleasant experience.It's okay in the Eighth Route Army office. Although the other party is very wary, they are still relatively enthusiastic.But the other places were not so good, especially Mrs. Sun Song Qingling's place. After collecting the books, the two of them were swept out of the house.Qin Wei said nothing about this, but Chen Guofu was a little ashamed and angry... It stands to reason that his uncle Chen Qimei was also a die-hard supporter of Sun Yat-sen back then, and Soong Ching Ling was also his elder, so he should have some face with Soong Ching Ling.It's a pity that Soong Ching Ling's relationship with Chiang Kai-shek is extremely bad.Therefore, as one of Chiang Kai-shek's most loyal henchmen, he became one of the most unpopular people in Sun Zhai, and he was also a junior. Soong Ching Ling didn't need to give him any face.The reason why Soong Ching Ling was kicked out was that when Soong Ching Ling criticized Chiang Kai Shek, he refuted

"Then what do you think Qin Wei means?"

Chiang Kai-shek didn't care about Qin Wei's actions.He is very down-to-earth, and feels that the real threat these days is the barrel of a gun.He has political enemies on all sides, and basically has no friends. Even if he has friends, he often becomes enemies afterwards.But no matter how many enemies he has in politics, he can still be the boss with military power in hand.Although it was weird for Qin Wei to send books, what that guy sent was just some books on economics. Those related to communism were to judge the gains and losses of the Soviet Union's socialist construction. According to Chen Guofu, it was more like a statistical report. It is by no means a theoretical book that is particularly good at demagogic.What can this book be used for?So he doesn't pay much attention to it.If the person reporting to him wasn't Chen Guofu, he wouldn't even be interested in listening.

"Commissioned seat, I think Qin Wei is speculating."

Chen Guofu has worked with Chiang Kai-shek for many years and knows Chiang Kai-shek's temperament very well.The old guy attached great importance to those literati, but he looked down on them from the bottom of his heart... Among the literati, unless he really enjoyed a great name and could have a greater influence on public opinion, he would not even be interested in taking a look.And Chiang Kai-shek's attitude towards those people is like treating a footcloth. He pulls it over and wipes it twice when he needs it, and throws it aside when he doesn't need it.Once or twice like this is okay, but if the number of times is too many, Lao Jiang's reputation in the literati circle will be ruined.Chen Guofu was still a little worried about Lao Jiang's approach at first. Although literati can't carry swords on horseback, the threat of a crowd talking about gold is quite terrifying.But after all these years, Lao Jiang still couldn't pee in the same pot as the literati, but he became stronger and stronger, and even became the current leader, so he didn't care much about it.Literati, after all, are just lip service.


"Yes. I think Qin Wei is not optimistic about our national government. Therefore, he wants to speculate on various parties in advance. On the one hand, he uses his own theories and ideas to influence various parties. On the other hand, he wants to let people see them. And I even think...he might be more optimistic about the Communist Party." Chen Guofu said carefully.

"So, have you heard his statement that the Communist Party controls the will of more than [-]% of the poor people in China?" Chiang Kai-shek asked without raising his head as he reviewed the documents.

"You know?" Hearing this question, Chen Guofu was taken aback for a moment.

"That kid is not the only one who said this to you. Dai Li has already reported it to me." Chiang Kai-shek said lightly.

"He told Dai Li too?" Chen Guofu was puzzled.It is dangerous for ordinary people to have this kind of thinking.Although everyone knows that the Communist Party is best at demagoguery, and is most likely to be sought after by those mud legs and poor sticks, but knowing and speaking out are two different things.Although Qin Wei has a detached status within the national government, he can't be so scrupled, right?

"I guess he may have told other people. But he didn't spread the word... As for you, will you be influenced by him?" Chiang Kai-shek asked.

"Of course not." Chen Guofu shook his head decisively.joke!He is a beneficiary of the national government and one of the biggest beneficiaries. How could he be influenced by Qin Wei?

"Since none of you will be influenced by him, then naturally it's nothing." Chiang Kai-shek said lightly: "And judging from his performance, your tests are still somewhat insightful. But I think he is speculating on politics." The possibility is not high, he is not a power lover, and he has never won over anyone... So, I think he may be a little dissatisfied with the current situation in China, and he is eager to change the current situation. After all, After all, he is still a young man, and he is still a literati.”


1940, April 2.

Lantern Festival. [

Originally, on this day, General Yang Jingyu of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army was supposed to be surrounded by heavy troops of the Kwantung Army. When he broke through, he was discovered by the Japanese because of the betrayal of a staff officer, and died in battle the next day.But this time is different. The anti-union troops led by Yang Jingyu are fighting happily with the troops of the Puppet Manchukuo, and life is much better than before. At least he will not have a belt in his stomach... Because their most powerful enemy in the Northeast, the Kwantung Army, had already gone to Siberia to fight the Soviets.The rest can only appease the local area and dare not attack easily.However, the braids of the Puppet Manchukuo are not only two or three behind the Kwantung Army in terms of combat effectiveness and overall strength, it is naturally difficult to hunt down and kill the soldiers of the Anti-Union like the Kwantung Army.

However, this is not where we need to be most concerned, nor is it the place where the Japanese are most concerned.

What they care about is that a robbery in Shanghai just happened.

During the Lantern Festival, the government of Wang Jingwei in Nanjing and the headquarters of the Chinese Expeditionary Force of Terauchi Shouichi originally planned to hold a celebratory reception to ease the tension caused by the defection of Zhou Fohai and others.Although everyone knew that Zhou Fohai's rebellion caused a bad influence that could not be undone by a reception, but this face still had to be maintained after all.But no one expected that things would happen before the reception even started... The Shanghai headquarters of Japan's Zhengjin Bank was attacked. The pseudo-government originally planned to issue several tons of gold reserves for the new currency.Not only that, Li Shiqun, the person in charge of the No. 76 Secret Service Headquarters, also appeared on the scene, but this man's throat had already been cut off, and he couldn't die anymore... After all, he still couldn't escape the third assassination.

The police, Japanese military police, secret agents, and No. 76 special agents rushed to the scene to entrust the "blessing" of the "Dragon Squad"'s recent crazy crimes. Those who arrived first knew to keep the scene for investigation...but it was a pain. Later people.

No one thought that there were explosives attached to Li Shiqun's body... The perpetrators were ruthless, and the fuze was very short. Therefore, when the latecomers moved Li Shiqun's body, the "tragedy" happened again in an instant...

This case shocked Shanghai again, and Shanghai, which had just become more active, was brought back to the period when the "Dragon Squad" was rampant.This can't be blamed for everyone's cowardice, no one wants to take their own lives as a joke.People like Li Shiqun were slaughtered, and their bones were blown up in the end. Who wouldn't be afraid?And in this way, not to mention the Lantern Festival party, even the Mid-Autumn Festival party... no one dares to come.

The Mei Agency, the Japanese Gendarmerie Headquarters, the Shanghai Police Department, and the No. 76 Secret Service Headquarters all went crazy.The commander of the Japanese Shanghai Garrison, Fujita Susumu, once again ordered troops to enter the city and blockade Shanghai, vowing to catch the grief-stricken "criminal".


"Are you sure those people haven't left Shanghai yet?"

Doihara's hair was already half gray.The pressure was too great, so much that half of the fat on his body had been crushed, and his back was even a little hunched...but he really had no choice.The other party committed many crimes, but he still couldn't catch the slightest trace, and he didn't even have a direction of action.Therefore, he brought Yingzuo Zhenzhao back from Wang Jingwei's side.

"Your Excellency, although we have lost a lot this time, this is an opportunity." After serving as Wang Jingwei's top military advisor for a period of time, Kagezuo Zhenzhao seemed to have cultivated a different kind of temperament. Don't fall behind.However, Kagezuo Zhenzhao hid this temperament very well, and still respected Doihara, "Several tons of gold can never be transported away easily. If the 'Dragon Squad' did it, then, They've created a huge burden for themselves."

"What are you going to do?"

"Stupid way. The whole city will be mobilized."

"Then search!" Doihara gritted his teeth, "Even if you turn the whole Shanghai Beach upside down, you have to find these guys for me!"

The fastest update, please.

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