mixed in the war

Chapter 318 Yang Jie's Position

"Aren't you upset with him? Then make a move..." Qin Wei didn't care about Yang Jie's surprise: "Do you want me to beg Lao Jiang again and let you be the chairman of Yunnan Province?"

"Forget it." Yang Jie snorted, and sat down again: "If I can become the chairman of Yunnan Province, then Lao Jiang must have a brain problem."

"I agree with that." Qin Wei shrugged indifferently, "Then do you want to deal with that Long? If you want, I'll help you; if you don't, I don't care...Anyway, I'm here to make soy sauce of."

"Forget it. I'm just complaining. At this moment, it's better to do less." Yang Jie sighed.

"Sure enough, he deserves to be the greatest military strategist of our time, with a big picture." Qin Wei smiled, "If Bai Chongxi listened to what I said, he would definitely hesitate for a long time."

"Bai Jiansheng is naturally different from me." Yang Jie plucked his forehead, "There is a Guangxi family behind him, but I am alone. Even if you really give me the chairman of Yunnan Province, no one will give me such a big one." A province is managed, but he is different. As long as he can sit in one side, those people from the Guangxi family will immediately squeeze in. Let alone Yunnan, even a few provinces can be taken care of."

"It doesn't matter how many people there are or how many others are... If you're okay, go back and rest quickly. I'm tired too!" Qin Wei began to chase people away very impolitely.

"You remember to come to the Corps meeting tomorrow." Yang Jie glared at him and stood up helplessly.

"I don't even know the office of the Corps. You send someone to pick me up." Qin Wei said.

"Okay." Yang Jie responded, took two steps outside and then paused, "Bring me two packs of tea!"



"Hello sir."

After Yang Jie left, Qin Wei came to the study alone.There are four people inside.Zhou Tian, ​​Zheng Pingru, and Xu Yuanju came with him, and the other one was Shen Zui.The four of them were chatting when they saw Qin Wei push the door open and come in.They all stood up quickly.

"It's all cleaned up?" Qin Wei casually pressed twice, and asked Shen Zui.

"A total of 23 people, seven were killed, and the rest were all captured... In addition, five Japanese contact points in Kunming were destroyed, and six radio stations were seized." Shen Zui replied.

"That's right." Qin Wei nodded, "Then do you know why Long Yun didn't come to my banquet?"

"I... don't know." Shen Zui shook his head in embarrassment, "This is Yunnan, and Long Yun is a local snake and the emperor of the land. Although our military commander has put in a lot of effort, we still couldn't break into his house."

"Forget it. A strong dragon doesn't overwhelm a snake. Besides, I'm not even a snake." Qin Wei smiled and didn't care, "Tell me about the Construction Corps. How did Yang Jie do these days? Like? I think he seems quite angry."

"Angry? I don't see any anger in Yang Jie. Although he doesn't have much power in Yunnan, he must be happier than when he was in Chongqing. And he has a good relationship with Long Yun. Long Yun also seems to intend to win him over." Shen Zui replied.

"Draw up?"

"They are all from Yunnan. Yang Jie used to be a general under Tang Jiyao, and Long Yun was from Tang Jiyao's chief bodyguard. Although Long Yun and Hu Ruoyu forced Tang Jiyao away, Yang Jie had already gone to Beijing. But the relationship between the two There are still a lot of topics. In addition, Long Yun has great admiration for Yang Jie's military level, and it seems that he intends to win him over. He wants to make him a "Little Zhuge" of his own department. Therefore, the relationship between the two has been maintained well. Many affairs of the production and construction corps are actually helped by Long Yun." Shen Zui replied.

"I just said..." Qin Wei shook his head and laughed.Yang Jie has a very high IQ.In particular, his military IQ can be said to be one of the highest among contemporary people, but this guy's EQ is still several blocks away.Otherwise, with his qualifications, he wouldn't have gotten to where he is now.But this guy actually analyzed the conflict between him and Long Yun so clearly just now, it was clear that something was wrong.

"So, Long Yun is probably trying to drive a wedge between you and Yang Jie." Zhou Tian said suddenly.It was she who served Yang Jie tea just now, and she heard some of Yang Jie's words so-so.I didn't feel anything at first.But after listening to Shen Zui, she also noticed something was wrong.

"It's possible." Qin Wei nodded, "I'm pretty popular in Chongqing, but when I go to other places, especially in places like Yunnan, which are similar to separatist regimes, my 'record' is a bit serious. Long Yun is afraid of me. Let him stir up wind and rain, and simply cut off my tentacles. The production and construction corps here in Yunnan is different from other provinces. Yang Jie has put in a lot of effort, and I dare not say that it is comparable to any regular army. It is really going to cause trouble When the battle comes, those garrison troops, security regiments and so on may not be taken down for a while, especially since this regiment is still directly under the jurisdiction of Lao Jiang's military committee, it's not good for him to look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face Play tricks... This gives us room for manipulation. Therefore, his idea may be to simply cut me off from the root."

"It's entirely possible." Xu Yuanju also said: "Sir, you have multiple positions. It won't work from Longyun's Yunnan-Guizhou Appeasement Office. You can also use the Yunnan Garrison Command and the Construction Corps. If someone like Long can't win over If you live with Yang Jie, you can find trouble with him at any time. Therefore, only by getting rid of Yang Jie can you block all your routes."

"Is he thinking too simply?" Zheng Pingru seemed not to be outdone, "Although Yang Jie is old and has a high position, he is not valued by the chairman at all. If the executive speaks to the chairman, Yang Jie will most likely be the only one Can return to Chongqing to be his clay sculpture and woodcarving. At that time, won’t the Yunnan Garrison Command and the Construction Corps still belong to the chief?”

"You are thinking so simply." Shen Zui smiled wryly, "Compared to Yang Jie and Long Yun, Chief Qin is probably the most feared person in Chongqing. Moreover, the Yunnan Garrison Command has no real power, because the military power is in Long Yun's hands. Therefore, if Yang Jie is driven away, the only thing left in the hands of the officer is the Construction Corps. But this Corps was created by Yang Jie. It will take quite a long time for them to recognize the officer. Moreover, Long Yun also helped a lot in the formation of this corps. If he trips the officer after Yang Jie leaves, this time will only Longer, maybe..."

"Maybe something bad will happen?" Qin Wei asked with a smile.

"...You pretend I didn't say it." Shen Zui shrugged his shoulders, but secretly he was a little surprised that he could say these words.Because he integrated into Qin Wei's small circle without any pressure... This made him feel slightly depressed while being proud.Although Chief Qin has a high position, he doesn't have any weight. Following him, I'm afraid it's not as real as following Boss Dai.But then again, although he was confident that even if he didn't deal with Qin Wei, Qin Wei would not do anything to him, but could Dai Li take him back?He knows Qin Wei's temper a little bit, although he may not be able to deal with him, but if Dai Li dares to reveal some intentions of accepting him, the Qin family's board may fall on the military commander... As this guy is currently driving by Chairman Jiang With the current level of popularity, it is almost no difficulty.

"Let's not talk about that." Qin Wei waved his hand and asked again: "Have all those foreign devils arrived?"

"People from Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson in the US, Glaxo Williams and SmithKline in the UK, Bayer in Germany, and Rhone-Polanc in France have all arrived," Shen Zui replied.

"What levels are they?" Qin Wei asked again.

"Except for a senior manager sent by Bayer, the others are just small shrimps." Shen Zui described.

"That is to say, foreign devils still don't believe how effective our penicillin is." Qin Wei laughed.

"Then surprise them." Xu Yuanju snorted confidently.Before Qin Wei came, he sent invitation letters to pharmaceutical companies from various countries through diplomatic channels, inviting these companies to participate in a business promotion conference in Kunming.Of course, the content of the Merchants Association was also introduced in detail, especially the effectiveness of penicillin... In their view, a world war had broken out, and the German tanks were aggressive, and they were posing to march towards Western Europe.In this case, the excellent efficacy of penicillin on diseases such as wound infection will definitely make these pharmaceutical companies flock to it.Unexpectedly, foreign devils are foreign devils after all, even though they sent people, they still put on a high air.

"What's the point of surprising them?" Qin Wei said with a smile: "Didn't Bayer send a higher-end guy? Let's hit this guy."

"You want to sell things to the Germans first?" Zhou Tian asked.

"Why not?" Qin Wei asked with a smile.

"But there are international rumors that Germany and Japan intend to form an alliance..." Zhou Tian said.

"Isn't that good?" Qin Wei shrugged, "Knock him a big sum, and then break the contract!"

"Why did you break the contract?" Zhou Tian teased him, "What the Germans want is medicine. What you want is patent fees! If Germany and Japan really form an alliance, what's the use of breaking the contract? The drug is no longer produced?"

"So I want them to pay me a large sum of money first. After taking the money, I will delay it until the negotiations between Germany and Japan are over!" Qin Wei said with a smile: "If they form an alliance, I will withhold the money , medicine, don’t give it! If they don’t form an alliance, then follow the contract.”

"So what if you have money? The Deutsche Mark is not easy to use internationally now." Zheng Pingru smiled, "And it is easy to offend Britain and the United States."

"Business matters have nothing to do with the government's position. We didn't declare war on Germany!" Qin Wei waved his hand, "As for Mark... I don't want money, I want another head office? There are so many valuable things these days .”

"What if the Germans also keep procrastinating on paying their bills? Then we are empty-handed?" Shen Zui thought of another possibility.

"Then let him not procrastinate!" Qin Wei sneered, "Besides, I don't believe that their German guys dare to stab me!" (To be continued...)

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