mixed in the war

Chapter 328 If Qin Wei Knows

"The British and French forces are over."

Hong qng.

After learning from the embassy in France that the British and French coalition forces had chosen to take the initiative to attack, Bai Chongxi sat down on the sofa and sulked.He was not sad because of the doomed failure of the Anglo-French coalition, but felt that he had been hit again.That stinky kid surnamed Qin was right again.

"We all know that there is the Ardennes Highlands thousands of miles away, and Britain and France are close at hand. How can we ignore such an important place?" He Yingqin was also very upset.Qin Wei was promoted to the second general, his eyes were red.Although that kid is still close to being a first-level general, and because of unknown origins and other reasons, it is very likely that he will never be promoted to such a position in his life.But that's just possible.He can be sure that if Qin Wei shows his intention to seek refuge, Old Jiang Lima will be able to give away the position of first-level general.But if you come, you have to go. Just a military rank is definitely not enough.If Lao Jiang wanted to gain the allegiance of others, he had to come up with more practical things.But which of the positions in the world is most suitable for Qin Wei?He is the only Minister of Defense.Weight, but can be easily controlled.Therefore, even though the relationship between the two had always been good, he was still full of vigilance towards Qin Wei, especially after that kid was promoted to general, he was even more apprehensive.My family knows my own affairs.As the number two figure in the National Revolutionary Army, he actually had nothing to show for it. He was able to sit in today's high position because of his qualifications and obedience.Of course, his military level must be higher than that of Qin Wei, but Lao Jiang knew it, Bai Chongxi knew it, Xue Yue knew it, Chen Cheng knew it, and how many other people knew it?When he led the army, he didn't win many battles.On the contrary, he is often taken advantage of by Lao Jiang, and he has done more than one thing to lose power and humiliate the country.With Qin Wei's achievements, once Lao Jiang made up his mind, there was almost no pressure.

"The terrain of the Ardennes Heights is not suitable for large-scale deployment of armored forces. The British and French allied forces dared to support the Dutch in a big way because they saw this. But they forgot that not being suitable does not mean that it is not suitable!" Zhang Zhizhong kept talking on the side Shake your head.He could see both Bai Chongxi's and He Yingqin's disappointment, and he roughly understood their thoughts.To be honest, he didn't know whether Qin Wei's predictions were accurate or not. He was just surprised that Qin Wei could always guess the situation in Europe... It's really like Qin Wei himself said, looking for a group of so-called mathematicians and psychologists After an analysis by scientists, can they calculate the probability of the Germans breaking into France from the Ardennes?People in the Northeast don't talk like that.

"Does the German crossing the Ardennes represent the fall of France?" Foreign Minister Wang Chonghui, who was sitting on the side, looked at the three top Chinese soldiers in front of him, and still found it a bit unbelievable: "Their troops will eventually be defeated." There is still no big loss, even if the troops supporting the Netherlands will be wiped out, most of the main force is still there."

"Qin Wei said that after crossing the Ardennes, the only organized force that the French can use to stop the German armored group is the local police." Bai Chongxi snorted coldly, "As for most of their so-called main forces... ...there is only one way to go is surrender."

"I still don't believe it." He Yingqin angrily threw away the red pencil he used to draw on the map, "So many troops in France, so many soldiers, will they surrender without a fight?"

"I think it's possible." Zhang Zhizhong said: "The French are no longer the French of Napoleon's time. Without Britain, they would not even be able to survive the First World War. But in the 20 years after the First World War, facing the The Germans, who have been severely weakened by them, still think about defense... how can the army, which has been eroded by such a thinking for 20 years, show the courage to defend the country at the expense of the Germans' steel torrent? Come? Besides, the Europeans think quite differently from us. They never regard surrender as a humiliation.”[

"Out of the Ardennes, the Germans can drive straight into Paris. Once Paris falls, the only way for France is to surrender." Bai Chongxi said.

"Since you all concluded that France will lose and surrender, what should we do now?" Chiang Kai-shek asked in a deep voice, staring at the map of Europe on the table in front of several people.

"Let's inform the British and French governments in advance." Zhang Zhizhong said: "Whether they listen or not, we have finally tried our best. When the time comes, there will always be a sense of sympathy."

"If the French surrendered, no one would remember this kind of love. In my opinion, it's better to only inform the British." Bai Chongxi said.

"I heard from Qin Wei that Churchill, the British Prime Minister who just took office, is a hardcore fighter?" Chiang Kai-shek asked.

"That's right." Wang Chonghui nodded, "Not only is it a hardcore main battle, but it's also extremely tough, and you can even say it's hardcore."

"Then do you think if we remind him, will he remember our favor?" Chiang Kai-shek asked again.

"Difficult." Wang Chonghui hardly thought about it. "Although I don't know Winston Churchill very well, Europeans have always paid more attention to practicality. They are willing to do icing on the cake, but they are generally closed to them. Because they feel the risk of giving charcoal in a timely manner. It's too big, once the people who accept their benefits are "frozen" to death, their "charcoal" will be given away in vain, and the gain will not be worth the loss....So, even if we remind the British government, they will most likely only use diplomacy Thank you, maybe not even thanks. Because Europeans have an innate sense of superiority when facing Asians, especially us Orientals. Thank us, even if it is only verbal It is not easy for them to thank them.”

"Then you mean that we ignore it?" Chiang Kai-shek frowned.

"No, Chairman, what I mean is that even if we remind them this time, they won't take it to heart, and they might be laughed at." Wang Chonghui said.

"laugh at?"

"Yes." Wang Chonghui smiled wryly, "Those people will think that we are overreaching, thinking of meddling in European affairs before our own affairs are resolved."

"They won't feel worried?" He Yingqin asked.

"Worried?" Wang Chonghui glanced at He Yingqin as if he knew He Yingqin for the first time. He really wanted to ask why the Minister of Defense suddenly had such a weird idea, but he finally gave up: "Maybe there is such a possibility, but it is definitely possible. Insignificant. Although China is big but weak, when did Britain and France really take us to heart?"

"Then let's talk about it, do you want to remind me or not?" Chiang Kai-shek couldn't help being upset for a while.In fact, he has already made a decision, otherwise he would not be paying attention to the war in Europe at any time.But he was a little shaken when he heard what Wang Chonghui said... Yes, once or twice, Britain and France should not change their attitude towards China, but as long as they come here a few more times, they will know how powerful they are.But the question is, why did he remind those foreign devils more times?Besides, how many chances does he have to remind the other party?It's fine to flirt with blind people, and of course they won't appreciate it if they can't see it, but those foreign devils are staring at him nakedly. [

"If it was me, I would definitely ignore it. Send me to see the white eyes of others... Who do you think I am?" Bai Chongxi snorted coldly.

"But if we can remind a few more times, the British and French countries will see our strength at that time. Moreover, if France really can't hold on this time, the British will be alone in Europe. If that's the case, even if there are What about the navy that is the best in the world? Can the English Channel, which is only tens of miles wide, hold off the Germans?" He Yingqin said: "At that time, we will be in need."

"It's a joke. If the English Channel can't stop the Germans, isn't it a free gift?" Bai Chongxi snorted coldly.

"But Britain still has vast colonies." Wang Chonghui said, "Even if the British Isles fall, they still have a vast strategic depth. The only worry is that they may never recover from this fall."

"Brother Jing just said that Britain still has the world's number one navy." Zhang Zhizhong said with a smile, "I think the possibility of the Germans trying to break through this navy's obstruction and march into the British Isles is also very slim. Since the British Isles It can be guaranteed, so the UK is naturally still the UK. Even if it suffers a certain loss, it still has the ability to return our favor."

"That's right. Britain still has India at least." Wang Chonghui also came to his senses: "That is the brightest jewel in Britain's crown."

"Do you really think that China is already great?" Bai Chongxi looked at them with a smile, "So what if the foreign devils are down and out? Is that something we can make up your mind? The more you deal with them, the more likely you will be taken for granted by others." Spearman. Repay favors? Hmph, don't be betrayed by others."

"...Brother Jiansheng's worry is unreasonable." Wang Chonghui was shocked again, and secretly scolded herself for being careless.Are the great powers so easy to get along with?The more they suffer, the more those guys will seek compensation from other places.If they can't beat the Germans and lose, then they will definitely make up for it from colonies all over the world.At that time, no matter India, Myanmar or other places, they will be the targets of the British.Although China is not yet a British colony, it will definitely not be able to escape by then.I still take the initiative to catch up, if I can't handle it well, then I will find myself in trouble.

"I'm afraid of this and that. So what should I do?" Chiang Kai-shek was angry.It will be like this for a while, and it will be like that for a while... Isn't it an international affairs that has nothing to do with China itself?Why is it so troublesome?

"Commissioner, do you want to ask Qin Wei?" Zhang Zhizhong asked, with an embarrassed look on his face.These people are also considered the top of the contemporary people, and they have to ask Qin Wei about such a trivial matter, that is, everyone knows each other so that they can speak, otherwise he would not say that if he was killed.Because if this got out, he would be ashamed to death.

"Qin Wei, Qin Wei, it's all caused by this kid." Bai Chongxi was furious, "What is that kid doing? Did you fight Long Yun?"

"Don't dream." He Yingqin smiled wryly, "That kid just cleaned up Yang Jie, and then he just ignored the business and concentrated on attracting business...Long Yun was troubled by him like a monk, how dare he take the initiative to provoke him?"

"He is the king of Yunnan! Qin Wei has no foundation in Yunnan, what is he afraid of?" Bai Chongxi said angrily.

"Qin Wei has no foundation at all in Hongqng, but even Kong Yongzhi (Kong Xiangxi) is afraid of him, let alone Long Yun?" He Yingqin glanced over and extremely despised Bai Chongxi's IQ.

"You say, if Qin Wei knew who was playing tricks on him behind his back, what would he think?" Bai Chongxi asked rhetorically.


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