mixed in the war

Chapter 343 The messier the better

Xu Zhimo said "with a wave of his sleeves, he won't take away a single cloud", while Qin Wei waved his sleeves, leaving behind a lot of trouble.However, Xu Zhimo is a poet. Although he is famous, his actual influence is limited.Therefore, relative to Qin Wei, he had a lot of advantages.At least, others won't go to him until they have settled the troubles he left behind.On the other hand, if he is like Xu Zhimo, let alone go to Burma for "coolness", he can't even talk about whether he can leave Kunming, even if the trouble is not actually caused by him.

But Qin Wei's departure did not make him leave the troublesome circle.When he rushed to Yangon by plane and planned to meet with the later famous General Mountbatten, he was told that General Mountbatten was temporarily busy and could not "receive" him for the time being.

Then, let him dry for two days.


"It's too much. It's the governor of India, but he's just a brigadier general. What right does he have to make us wait?"

The environment of a villa in the suburbs of Yangon should be pretty good, but it is incomparable with the Jinbi villa in Kunming.The only thing that is more outstanding than Jinbi Villa is that there is a large balcony, more than 100 square meters, with a sun umbrella on the top and a small coffee table below, and the legendary atmosphere comes out.If it is matched with a few beauties in cool clothes, it will be even more pleasing to the eye.Qin Wei was quite contented in this environment, and he didn't feel anxious at all.As a result, the two beauties beside him couldn't bear it anymore.

"I have investigated some information about Mountbatten. He was born in the royal family of Windsor, his father is Prince Louis of Badenburg, and his mother is Princess Hersey Victoria, but he is not arrogant. From childhood to adulthood, every comment is very Excellent... He shouldn't be such a rude person." Zhou Tian took a sip of champagne lightly, "So I suspect that he just wants to deliberately neglect us like this, and make us anxious. Then he can take advantage of it."

"Having said that, but with a mere title of brigadier general, I think his tutor is not good enough to neglect a general like this," Zheng Pingru said.

"Hehe, when did Miss Zheng become so venomous?" Qin Wei was leaning on the chair with his eyes closed.The environment here is really good, blowing the sea breeze, smelling the fishy smell brought by the sea breeze, and opening your eyes is a piece of blue, which is completely different from the green mountains and green waters of the Bai Mansion.He wasn't interested in getting involved in the discussion between the two women, but when he heard Zheng Pingru comment on Mountbatten's tutor, he couldn't help laughing.

"I'm not a poisonous tongue. According to some more traditional sayings, I'm called 'near vermilion is red, and near ink is black'." Zheng Pingru laughed.

"Hahaha... Then I must be the 'dark' one," Qin Wei laughed.

"Whether it's black or red is your own opinion, sir, but if you want to talk about poisonous tongue, I'm far behind you." Zheng Pingru replied with a smile.

"Am I a poisonous tongue?" Qin Wei pointed to himself.He glanced at Zhou Tian again.

"Yeah." Zhou Tian was wearing a pink plaid dress with a small top hat.The style is very "old".But it still looks great on her body.Seeing Qin Weichao asking herself a question, she smiled slightly and didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

"It's too shocking." Qin Wei lamented, "I am such a good person, but you actually call me a poisonous tongue? Woman. Your name is Liar!"

"Then just think we are lying." Zhou Tian smiled.

"I ask you a question, can you answer me truthfully?" Qin Wei asked with a smile.

"Of course." Zheng Pingru said.

"Don't be fooled." Zhou Tian glanced at Qin Wei vigilantly, "You still don't know how much he has? Agree so easily, be careful not to get out of the trap."

"Hey, hey, you're my wife, do you say that about your own man?" Qin Wei said dissatisfied.

"I'm your wife?" Zhou Tian rolled his eyes at him, "Why don't I know? Do we have a marriage certificate, or have we held a wedding? Even if you are marrying a concubine, you still have to find someone to witness it?"

"Are you proposing to me?" Qin Wei asked back.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Zheng Pingru was choked, unable to laugh or cry: "Sir, did you make a mistake?"

"It seems a bit." Zhou Tian glanced at Qin Wei, his eyes full of resentment.

"All right, all right, isn't that just getting married? Let's just get married... I'll find someone to be a witness for us when we get back home, and we'll get things done?" Qin Wei waved his hands with pride.

"Hey, hey, I said Chief Qin, what do you mean by 'get things done'? We Tiantian want to be Mrs. Qin, we need three matchmakers and six hires, the bright matchmaker is getting married, and we can carry a big sedan chair eight times..." Zheng Ping did not say anything like usual. Not many, but today I suddenly became interested for some reason, and I felt like forcing my best friend and husband.

"Okay! Don't talk about carrying a big sedan chair eighty times, it's okay to carry a big sedan chair eighty times, as long as she is willing." Qin Wei said with emotion.

"Actually, I don't want any grand wedding. I just need a few people to witness it, and then I can get a marriage certificate." Zhou Tian pursed his lips and looked at Qin Wei expectantly.

"Then when we go back, we will fly directly to Chongqing. I will invite Lao Jiang, He Yingqin, Bai Chongxi, Zhang Zhizhong, the Chen Guofu brothers, Dai Li, and Chen Bulei. They are all rich people, so they have to be polite. Well, plus Ye Yuanlong, Zhang Boling, Fu Sinian, Duan Xipeng...is that enough?" Qin Wei asked.

"Enough." Zhou Tian smiled and nodded, the corners of his eyes were slightly moist.She was born as a girl, very practical.She doesn't yearn for the love of each other, she just hopes to live a better life, and it's best to be more free.But after being recruited as a member by the military command, she had to hide even this wish.Because she knows that Juntong can give her a ladder that a maidservant would never have, so that she can get rid of the control of her former master, but Juntong itself is by no means comparable to her former master.Knowing her own conditions, she once thought that the best ending would be to be given by Dai Li to be a concubine to some important person, and she no longer needs to be called around as an intelligence agent, but she never thought that she would come and go with Qin Wei ... She knew that although Qin Wei usually seemed a little out of tune in what he said and did, once he made a decision, he would not change it easily.What was just promised will surely become a reality.That is to say, she, Zhou Tian, ​​will soon be a decent general's wife, and no longer a little girl who is always watched by her young master and wants to marry back to warm the bed.

"Not enough." Zhou Tian was extremely satisfied with Qin Wei's arrangement, but his face was still indifferent... he just gave Qin Wei a charming smile.But Qin Wei seemed to think of something again, and suddenly shook his head:

"It's not enough just to invite these people from Chongqing. Fu Zuoyi still owes me a lot of favors, so I can't let him hide away; and Xue Yue, Chen Cheng, um, last time I worked well with ** in Yulin, and I even gave them away Several boxes of books, I sold those books to Chen Guofu and the others for [-] yuan a copy. They got a big deal, this time I am very happy in life, I have to let them return the gift..."

"You want to invite me too?" Zhou Tian was slightly taken aback.

"Not only to invite, but also to give them a big gift." Qin Wei said seriously, "It's a major event in our life anyway, we can't be shabby."

"** is notoriously poor. When you gave them books, you were not afraid that they would also give you two copies of "The Manifesto of the Communist Party", "Das Kapital" and so on?" Tian's marriage was settled, and she couldn't help feeling envious of Zhou Tian meeting such a happy man... But looking at Qin Wei's look of fear of being taken advantage of by others, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Give me a book, I want them all to sign for me. After a few decades, it will be a historical relic, and it will be worth a little money." Qin Wei said.

"It is said that you have a long-term vision, and I really believe it this time. But now I am a little worried about the Governor Mountbatten. He is leaving you alone, but you don't seem to care... Have you already made up your mind? Zheng Pingru looked at Qin Wei with a wry smile and shook her head. **So poor, this guy wants to squeeze some oil out of him, and he can even think of things that will happen decades later. If Mountbatten neglected them so much, wouldn't Qin Wei just want to gouge out from that guy? A piece of meat down?

"This man, Mountbatten, is not bad in terms of ability. He can be regarded as the most talented member of their family. But he is always ambitious and wants to seek greater power. As far as I know, he has longed to be the number one in Britain since he was a child." The Minister of the Sea, and put a lot of effort into this... But it is a pity that although he has the ability, he is not as powerful as he imagined. Moreover, this person is vain, reckless, and weird, and he likes to be self-centered. Conspiracy, good at blaming others, extremely unreliable...so, I never thought of really cooperating with him." Qin Wei laughed.

"Then you still came here from Kunming?" Zhou Tian was a little surprised, "It's almost a mess there now. Although Long Yun didn't find the people in the military command, I heard that the people in Yunnan Station will Being under surveillance, they couldn’t work at all; and those who had contact with the military were also arrested or demoted by Long Yun for reasons, and some were even shot because of corruption... It’s just been like this for a few days If things go on like this, Yunnan will definitely be in chaos for a while, which will be very detrimental to the stability of the rear.”

"Then you mean, I'll go back?" Qin Wei asked back.

"...At least, if you come forward, you should be able to relax?" Zhou Tian asked.

"If I don't achieve my goal in Kunming, then I definitely hope that Yunnan will not be chaotic; but now, I really don't care." Qin Wei laughed.

"When Yunnan is in chaos, how can pharmaceutical factories and copper mines be launched? Chief of Staff Xu sent a telegram yesterday to say that even the Construction Corps has been affected to some extent. If it weren't for the fact that many establishments have been withdrawn, it may not be small. Trouble." Zheng Pingru said.

"That means it's not chaotic enough. I won't hide it from you, the more chaotic Yunnan is, the better!" (To be continued...)

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