mixed in the war

Chapter 351 Provoking Discord

"The 'Comintern' International?"

Aung San looked at Shen Zui stupidly, as if he was looking at a character in a fairy tale... "Communist" International?Even though he is the general secretary of Myanmar [***], he still feels extremely distant from this legendary organization.

"You don't believe it?" Shen Zui's face sank like water, but then he smiled wryly: "It's nothing. In fact, if I wasn't in it, I wouldn't even believe it myself."

"Are you sent by the Soviet Union?" Aung San looked Qin Wei carefully again, "But you are Chinese!"

"To be precise, we are Chinese!" Shen Zui raised his chin slightly, "At least for now."

"Shouldn't the Chinese go to China [***]? Why did they come to Myanmar?" Aung San asked again.

"You also went to China to look for [***], why can't we come to Myanmar to look for you?" Shen Zui asked, "Besides, Mr. Aung San, what you have done has violated the regulations of the Communist International. How dare you Cooperating with imperialism, and Japan, the greatest enemy of the Soviets at the moment... you betray our [***] cause."

"I didn't," Aung San exclaimed. "I was only thinking of Myanmar's interests."

"You want to help Japan obtain the resources of the Indochina Peninsula, so that the Japanese can go further in future wars!" Shen Zui snorted coldly, "You are committing a crime! To the entire [***] cause, to the whole world crime in the socialist country!" [

"This is just your own opinion." Aung San snorted coldly, "I am the general secretary of Myanmar [***], but I have never heard of the South Central Branch of the 'Commintern' International. How do you prove your identity? And we Burma[***] is not a branch of the "Commintern" International, and has nothing to do with your "Commintern" International, so why do you decide whether we are guilty or not?"

"Because you are in our hands now, I can judge whether you are guilty or not." Shen Zui said proudly, "It's like what Comrade Stalin said: the victor is not condemned!"

"Are you the victors?" Aung San couldn't help laughing, "The 'victors' whose land was occupied by the Japanese? Buddha bless you, isn't your land occupied by the Japanese enough to be several Burmas in size?"

"At least, compared to you, we are the 'winners'!" Shen Zui's expression remained unchanged, "Myanmar[***] actually has a stupid leader like you, I feel really sad for the people here."

"Which path will Myanmar take and which direction will it eventually go? These are the affairs of the Burmese people. What does it have to do with your "Commintern" International?" Aung San asked.

"Whether Myanmar is alive or not is really up to us, but [***] has a natural mission, which is to lead the world's proletariat to resist the exploiters..." The intoxicated eyes flickered, "Since you [**] *], you should know this. But you actually went to cooperate with the Japanese... I really don’t know how your brain grows, and you don’t even have any long-term insight.”

"Cooperating with the Japanese will allow us to see the dawn of reading autonomy earlier than cooperating with you," Aung San said.

"You just think that the Japanese are held back by China and the Soviet Union, and it is definitely impossible to occupy Myanmar. Especially, Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand are separated from Japan... But have you ever thought about it? Speaking of China and the Soviet Union, how can you resist Japan?" Shen Zui sneered, "The Chinese government was deceived by the Japanese at the beginning, thinking that the Japanese would help them rise, but in the end? Under the training of Japanese instructors However, they produced a large number of idiots and fools... No, it should not be said that, but it should be said that under the training of the Japanese, their army was well understood by the Japanese. You suffered a crushing defeat on the battlefield with the Japanese! ... The Chinese have spent millions of square kilometers of land, and the blood of millions of soldiers have forged a lesson, don’t you even look at it?”

"The Japanese have not even swallowed China, and have not yet decided the outcome with the Soviet Union. It is impossible for the Japanese to go south." Aung San shouted.

"If you don't go south, are they training you to play, or do they have too many guns and medicines to put?" Shen Zui asked back.

"What about you? What do you want to do?" Aung San asked coldly.

"Us? Do you think we have plots against you?" The corners of Shen Zui's lips curled up slightly, "... Well, I admit, we are indeed useful to you. But Mr. Aung San, Your Excellency General Secretary Aung San, What do you think your so-called 'Myanmar Readers' can do for us? We are 'Myanmar Restoration[***]'!"


If it weren't for being tied up, Aung San could jump up directly.But even so, he stared blankly at intoxication, with his mouth wide open... Burmese rebels [***], that is a Burmese armed force that has become very famous recently.No one knows who or what organization this army is under the command of, including the British, they only know that this army is an extremely "powerful" army with the goal of recovering Burma.They spread all over Myanmar in a short period of time, constantly attacking the British in the jungle, in the fields, in the ravines, and in the cities.So far, dozens of British[***] people have been killed... This is no small matter.You know, if these dozens of well-trained British [***] people gather together, they can definitely easily defeat an army composed of thousands of Burmese.This is no joke.There is too much difference between being well-trained and basically not touching weapons and killing people.Aung San was able to organize the "Myanmar Reading Army" with a few companions who had received military training for several days in Hainan Island and Taiwan, and easily became the supreme commander of the army. What is the combat effectiveness of the troops? ...and killed and wounded dozens of British[***] people, and repeatedly attacked the British colonial government and the Burmese puppet government. How long has it been on the "Myanmar Reading Force".Aung San and others have also been thinking about finding the leader of this force and bringing him under his command.It's just that he didn't expect that he finally met the mysterious leader of the Burmese Restoration [***], but it was in such a situation now.Not only was he arrested, but the other party's background was also arrested, and the other party's background seemed to be much bigger than theirs... "Communist" International!Directly under the jurisdiction of the Soviet government!

"Curious, aren't you?" Chen Zui grinned, walked up to Aung San, pulled out a dagger from his body, and gently cut off the rope on Aung San's body, "Let's go, Secretary... let's go meet your 'friend'!"[

"Friend?" Aung San was surprised to feel the "freedom" that had been lost for several days, and was startled when he heard this: "What friend?"

"Still playing tricks on me?" Shen Zui slapped him on the head, "Your Japanese friend...don't tell me you don't know who you're going to pick up this time."

"They said it was just a few elite killers!" Aung San hesitated for a while, and finally said.

"An elite killer? Hahaha..." Shen Zui laughed in a low voice, "Brother! The famous head of the Mei Agency, the top military advisor of Wang Jingwei in Nanjing, China, will kill people with his own hands? You are really not ordinary naive, funny, But I like it! Hahaha..."

"Mei Agency?!" Aung San's face changed again, "Are you serious?"

"What do you think? I even know the purpose of their coming to Myanmar." Shen Zui sneered, "Did they tell you that they only came to kill that Qin Wei?"

"Yes." Aung San nodded.

"You are wrong, brother." Shen Zui sighed, "They are here to kill Qin Wei, but their real goal is not Qin Wei, but you!"

"Us?" Aung San pointed to himself, with some hesitation on his face.

"They are here to help you expand the 'Myanmar reading force'!" Shen Zui said, "But the expanded reading force will not fight for Myanmar's reading force! You will only become their role in destroying China's import of strategic materials from Myanmar A guerrilla force! This is their real purpose."

"This is impossible." Aung San didn't believe it. "The Duli army is led by our Burmese [***], and they are scattered all over the place. There are only a few of them. It is impossible to take away the leadership of this team."

"Of course they can't take it away, but what if the person who killed him is also a senior member of the Burmese [****]?" Shen Zui asked, "Do you really think they only know you guys in Burma? You really think that You went to China secretly because you were discovered by the Japanese because you were not careful enough?"

"You mean..."

Shen Zui is a young man, but compared with his experience, Aung San has experienced too little, too little, too little... As a top student at Yangon University, Aung San, who became the leader of a party in his 20s, is not He would also not want to admit that he was too stupid to be discovered by the Japanese.But after all, they were discovered by the Japanese in Xiamen. What does this mean?

"Actually, I didn't say anything." Shen Zui sighed, "The Mei Agency is not an ordinary intelligence agency. It is the ace intelligence agency of the Japanese in China. Therefore, many of its actions are very difficult to investigate...We currently only We know that they also have their own information channels in Myanmar, as for others, we haven’t investigated clearly yet.”

"Is Shibayama Kenshiro the one who came?" Shen Zui Xiaoxiao was "self-deprecating", but Aung San believed his words even more... It is impossible to have an all-knowing and omnipotent person.Shen Zui is about the same age as him, even looks younger than him, and it shouldn't be like this.He is not Buddha, is he?But then again, Shen Zui must have found enough evidence, so he dared to determine the Japanese's purpose.In other words, the Japanese may really have come to Japan.For a while, the young general secretary of the Communist Party of Burma was outraged.I was used by the Japanese, and now the Japanese want to kill the donkey.Is it tolerable, which is unbearable?

"No..." Shen Zui was choked by Aung San's question, and it took him a long time to smack his lips, "But this one is stronger than Shibayama Kenshiro! His name is... Kagesa Haruaki!" (To be continued.)

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