mixed in the war

Chapter 36 Breeding proposals at academic conferences

() The time has entered the end of September.

A few days have passed since Qin Wei provided information to Zheng Jiemin.Not much happened in the past few days, except that the battle on the front line was still fierce, the Japanese soldiers resisted bravely, and often "qing" carried out a small-scale bombing. Someone from Qin near the university has nothing to do... except to express anger, condolences, and depression.

Apart from these, the originally vigorous anti-Kong Xiangxi campaign initiated by political councilor Fu Sinian gradually died down, and its momentum gradually weakened.Why did this kind of thing happen? After careful inquiry, Qin Wei found out that Lin Sen, the chairman of the national government, made the move.This old gentleman who succeeded Lao Jiang as the chairman of the Kuomintang government in 1932, but was regarded by many Kuomintang people as "the official of the government", called Fu Sinian and others to his presidential residence to praise and criticize him. Then, Fu Sinian This former student leader with strong combat effectiveness and great influence in all walks of life obediently put his hands down and stopped verbally criticizing Kong Xiangxi.

Qin Wei knows very little about Lin Sen. Even now, he only knows that he joined Sun Yat-sen during the Tongmenghui. , as an official, he adheres to the "three no's" principle of "not fighting for power and profit, not being domineering, and not forming a party for personal gain". During the "Xi'an Incident" in December 1936, he acted as the chairman of the Central Political Committee of the Kuomintang, clearly stated that "the crusade order cannot be issued", and advocated a peaceful settlement, believing that "Zhang Xueliang's troops are patriotic", and contributed to the peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident.In addition, on January 12th and February 1937th, 1, Lin Sen issued amnesty orders and restoration orders in the name of the chairman to release Zhang Xueliang. Unfortunately, Chiang Kai-shek refused to implement it, so Zhang Xueliang is still under confinement to study.

In short, Lin Sen was highly respected in the national government, and even Fu Sinian and others respected him, so they accepted his persuasion of "putting the overall situation first".

While the political campaign was suspended, so many experts and scholars gathered together, so it was natural to continue the original academic campaign. Qin Wei, as the "main creator", was once again invited to participate in this Hanyu Pinyin Promotion Conference.But who is Qin Wei?Even such a complicated matter as the Battle of Wuhan was forcibly intervened, forcing Gu Changjun to search hard for various materials, and even went to the library that he hadn't entered for n years several times, how could he let the cultural The event went exactly as planned?


"What are you doing?"

The Hanyu Pinyin Promotion Conference was held at a major event. As the host and organizer, Ye Yuanlong and Shen Chongyu rushed to the venue first.Then, the two saw Qin Wei who had already been seated in the conference room... This guy was quite self-aware, he didn't dare to be in the front, but ran to the back and hid.But it can't be considered hiding.Because Ye Yuanlong and Shen Chongyu clearly saw the stacks of banknotes placed in front of this guy, on the empty and clean long table, it was as dazzling as possible.

"I'm thinking about things."

Hearing Chongyu's question, Qin Wei didn't raise his head, but still stared at the banknotes in front of him.

"A lot of money." Ye Yuanlong appeased Chong Yu, stepped forward and sat next to Qin Wei, looked at the three neatly stacked rows of bills, and said with a smile: "Each bill is ten yuan, a stack of one hundred bills, ten yuan. Stack one line, a total of three lines... Good guy, [-] French currency is enough for our university to spend for a month. What, Professor Qin, are you going to provide a start-up fund for our promotion meeting?"

"I'm not here to give money, I'm here to raise money." Qin Wei said dryly.

"Fundraising?" Chongyu didn't want to interrupt at first, but he couldn't help but burst out when he heard this: "I said, Professor Qin, you made a mistake? You have to find Zheng Fu, or those businessmen, to find here... ...this place is full of poor professors."

"Professor Poor? I think I can still live on. I'm not poor." A voice came from outside the meeting room, and then, Fu Sinian, with his back combed and a suit, came in with a gentle face, and behind him He also followed Pan Guangdan, Ma Yinchu and others whom Qin Wei had met.

"Mr. Fu, Professor Pan."

Ye Yuanlong and Shen Chongyu hurriedly stood up to greet them.

"Qin Wei."

He nodded and greeted Ma Yinchu again, but Zhongyu saw Qin Wei still staring at the banknotes on the table tightly, motionless, and suddenly became anxious.

"Professor Qin, what's wrong?" Fu Sinian and the others were not angry.They have met Qin Wei a few times in the past few days. After all, the reason why they launched the anti-Confucian operation was that Qin Wei was bullied by the spies, and they always wanted to meet the sufferer... But seeing Qin Wei like this, several of them were very nervous. Can't help being a little surprised.

"Hehe, Professor Qin wants to ask us to raise some money." Ye Yuanlong said with a smile.

"Fundraising?" Pan Guangdan was taken aback, "Why raise money?"

"If Professor Qin is only short of a little money, we can help a little bit, but looking at it like this, it seems that the money gap is quite a lot." Ma Yinchu was a little familiar with Qin Wei, and knew that this kid was mischievous, but he was not in a hurry to be fooled.After glancing at the banknotes on the table, he counted them silently before speaking.

"You don't need to guess randomly, I'll wait until everything is here, and I'll talk about it." Qin Wei said, but his body still didn't move, as if he was nailed there, looking firmly at the money in front of him.

"Okay, let's wait until everyone is here."

Ye Yuanlong smiled, ignored him, and sent Fu Sinian and others to their seats first, then went out with Chong Yu to meet the others.It's just that the host is gone, but the others are still there. Everyone is very interested in Qin Wei's weird performance, and they don't even think about the content of the speech at the upcoming promotion conference. Instead, they all catch Qin Wei with great interest. non-stop.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Fu Sinian was not familiar with Qin Wei, and since he was sitting at the top, far away from Qin Wei, it was inconvenient for him to come and ask in person, so he asked Ma Yinchu who was beside him.

"I don't know." Ma Yinchu smiled and shook his head, "Our Professor Qin can always surprise you. I don't dare to guess randomly."

"Hehe, it's like he's a linguistics student, but you, an economics student, can talk about population issues, isn't it?" Fu Sinian asked with a smile.

"Don't mention this to me, I'm still worried." Ma Yinchu shook his head with a wry smile.After Qin Wei's reminder, he has recently started an in-depth study on China's population issues. Although this study is only limited to Chongqing, the results of the study have already surprised him.Of course, he did not make the results of the research public.After all, it is still during the Anti-Japanese War, and a large number of Chinese people were killed. If he publicly said at this time that China's population will increase significantly in the future, and may exceed the limit of the country's tolerance, he is not engaged in science, but looking for money.

"It's not that serious, it's still early. A solution can always be found." Ma Yinchu's research results are still circulated in a small area, and Fu Sinian is also one of the people who knows.To be honest, when he heard the result, he wanted to laugh and cry.Ma Yinchu's research is very scientific, and did not calculate the population changes during the Anti-Japanese War, after all, war is not the norm.He calculated the population changes before the Anti-Japanese War, mainly after the establishment of the Republic of China.In addition to the more detailed local data in Chong Qing, Ma Yinchu also used some data from the Zheng Fu department to roughly estimate the population changes across the country.The results concluded: From 1911 when the Republic of China was founded to 1936 before the Japanese invasion, in 25 years, China's population increased by about 1 million, an increase of 2000%, with an average annual growth rate of about 29%... Speed The speed is the fastest in Chinese history in terms of actual figures alone.But this is not the most frightening thing. The most frightening thing is that after the establishment of the Republic of China, China has been in turmoil and has been in a state of warlords for a long time, which is not the most favorable state for population growth.Therefore, if China is truly unified after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, then this growth rate will increase rapidly, and it is very likely that it will exceed 1.17%... Although he is not good at mathematics, Fu Sinian is still quite shocked by this figure. 2%, even if it is not calculated cumulatively, it will double in 2 years, that is to say, China will have a population of more than one billion by then.Can it afford it?How much food does one mu of land produce?

"Let's not talk about that, anyway, this guy is just trying to trouble us." Ma Yinchu waved his hand. Fu Sinian only knew about it, but he had carefully calculated it. 2% per year, accumulated over 50 years, that number will be far greater than ten Billion... So, he decisively stopped this topic.

"I don't want to say it either." Fu Sinian also smiled wryly and closed his mouth.People are afraid of being too sober and of knowing too much, because the more they are like this, the more pessimistic they can see the future.But as a responsible person, no matter how pessimistic you are, you should bear it, and this is often the most painful.


"Okay, everyone is here."

After waiting for about 10 minutes or so, the participants arrived one after another.Everyone was amazed at Qin Wei's weirdness the moment they entered the meeting room, but they were quickly greeted by others... Anyway, this guy will speak up at that time, so what's the hurry, let's just watch a monkey show. Welcome to Qing University..." As the host, Ye Yuanlong first stood up and gave a speech: "Our meeting this time is a Hanyu Pinyin promotion conference. significance.But everyone has seen it... Our Professor Qin seems to have something else to do." Speaking of this, Ye Yuanlong suddenly laughed: "Professor Qin is a young man, and some like to be unconventional, but this time the meeting is to discuss the Chinese Pinyin Therefore, as the proposer and original creator of Pinyin, he is entitled to certain privileges.Now, let's ask Professor Qin to speak first, and tell us what he wants to tell us..."

"Clap clap clap..."

Applause sounded, Qin Wei also stood up and bowed to everyone.Although the participants were also dissatisfied with his behavior, and even angry, they still endured it because of face.After all, most people don't speak.

"I know I'm being rude. Seriously, it's very wrong to be so rude in front of so many scholars and professors. I believe that even Chairman Jiang would not be here, and he would not dare to be like me. Of course, this Not that I'd be proud of it..."


Qin Wei's words caused a burst of good-natured laughter.

"Why did I do this this time? Speaking of it, I also want to use this meeting of everyone to ask everyone to promote it on my behalf, and at the same time ask everyone to help. Because I want to promote the breeding industry on a large scale in the Kuomintang-controlled area!"

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