mixed in the war

Chapter 367 Education has to be changed

I wish you all a happy new year and great success!


Before Qin Wei arrived in Chongqing, books about the Republic of China were quite popular, and the film and television works on the theme of the Republic of China were one after another, as if they were exhausted.When I was a teenager, the dark politics of the Republic of China and the difficult life of the people seemed to fade away, replaced by the Republic of China, and it seemed that it was not what we imagined.Even when reading certain reports or articles, the Republic of China has almost become synonymous with "petty bourgeoisie" and "sentimental sentiment".Although it is not yet "the Republic of China", it seems that a trend is forming, and it has become a habit for everyone to bring out the affairs of many celebrities in the Republic of China era.Qin Wei once read a description about Du Yuesheng:

"The Red Cross Society has set up many hospitals, such as Ningbo Epidemic Hospital and Renji Hospital, to help countless wounded and sick. It also established Hongkou Civilian Epidemic Hospital to help the poor full-time. The seriously ill patients were hospitalized for treatment, surgery, medical treatment Medicines and hospitalization fees are all free. At the same time, the Red Cross also devoted itself to education, established many schools, and donated money to the schools... This is what happened in 1931. The vice president of the Red Cross at that time was Du Yuesheng!"

After reading these few lines, it felt like Du Yuesheng had become a kind person for a while.

But everyone knows that Du Yuesheng is a tycoon of the Green Gang.The Green Gang has done a lot of things in Shanghai, and most of them are not good things.Du Yuesheng himself also made his fortune from gambling and drugs.Together with Huang Jinrong and Zhang Xiaolin, he brutally suppressed the Shanghai labor movement. He not only designed to bury the leader of the Shanghai labor movement Wang Shouhua alive, but also ordered hooligans to attack the workers' pickets and massacre the Communists and workers.

this is a good guy

Of course, Du Yuesheng is just an example.But think about it carefully, is the Republic of China really as good as described by later generations?

Qin Wei himself knew very well that there are many people who follow the Republic of China.I am afraid that they are also very aware of the imperfection of that era, and even know that the Republic of China is a dilapidated country, not to mention that there is no gross national product that will be called rotten by later generations.Just some local "governments" openly encourage the common people to grow opium tobacco and collect opium tax.It's already appalling.And the people's livelihood, one of the Three Principles of the People pursued by the Republic of China, was also very bad. There were also many problems in national construction, and the army was not particularly good at fighting... To put it bluntly, the freedom of the Republic of China was basically the freedom of "troubled" times. In fact, there is no legal system to protect it. [

However, after staying in the Republic of China for a long time, Qin Wei realized it more clearly.Behind the "Republic of China fever" in later generations, and behind the smoldering blocks in my heart poured with the wine of the Republic of China, there may be a spiritual crisis lurking, just like a certain writer said: "If ideology and history textbooks are not lacking in the writing of the Republic of China The mistake of demonization. So is there any suspicion of over-beautifying and sanctifying the remembrance and praise of the Republic of China by later generations? Putting a person, a phenomenon, and a period of history into the eighteenth hell is not the same as exalting it in a beautiful shrine, which one is more sinful?"

In the final analysis, history should be treated rationally and evaluated appropriately.Beautification and ugliness are both irrational.Later generations of China experienced a relatively turbulent historical period. The society stabilized, but the view of history did not stabilize.The understanding of the Republic of China is often due to dissatisfaction with reality.And look for something that meets expectations in the history of the Republic of China.The demeanor of the Republic of China that people in later generations miss, such as tolerance and freedom, is the result of many insightful people actively striving for it, but behind it, there are actually obscure backgrounds such as revolution and war.

Of course, that's a long way off.

But Qin Wei stayed in the Republic of China for a long time, and there was one thing that made him extremely unhappy.

He is very disgusted with those literati who are looking for trouble for nothing and always like to put themselves on the side of justice, but they can only talk and can't do anything.And among these people, there are actually those who are strong and strong!Facing these people is like a modern person facing Hai Rui. While praising each other's incorruptibility, they also extremely hate each other's "capability"!

And obviously, although there were many poor and self-conscious literati in the Republic of China, most of them were not as miserable as imagined.


"The 'Donglin Party' at the end of the Ming Dynasty had nothing to do when they were full. They always thought that it was reasonable for the whole world to follow their rules, but they didn't know that their actions were worse than ours in some respects. Hundreds of years of Wei Zhongxian, and the so-called "eunuch party" led by Wei Zhongxian are not as good as... Maybe they know it, but they just don't want to admit it. After all, they are so smart, and most of them are very knowledgeable about current affairs!"

"Most of the literati in the Republic of China were promiscuous, or they were unrestrained and unconventional, or they were arrogant and uninhibited in their speech. Mr. Fu Sinian refused to be an official because he believed that a professor's official position is 'all for 'inserting' a flower on the dung heap." Hua' also has a professor Liu Wendian who dared to challenge Chairman Jiang. His classic idea is that "a university is not a government office, and there is no need to flatter the powerful." Professor Ma Yinchu is a familiar economist. Some time ago, he published an article Attacking some economic policies of the "government", Chairman Chiang asked him to go to the official residence to explain, but Professor Ma was furious, saying, 'I won't go to see Chiang Kai-shek, he wants to see me and come himself!'”

"This is a literati worthy of admiration. Because they have either made amazing achievements in their own fields, or they have stuck to their principles and set an example, influencing us latecomers."

"But we have a question: Are we too many literati? Especially in the field of literature!"

"In Germany and Japan, science and engineering talents account for more than 80.00% of the country's highly educated intellectuals. In the United States, this proportion is also more than 70.00%...but we are not less than 20.00%!"

"Mr. Leighton Stuart, the former president of Yenching University and a well-known friend to China, said that an average of 300-700 million people die of hunger in China every year. Some people say that the war caused the famine. But in 1929, American journalist Edgar Snow once interviewed Sarazi in Inner Mongolia during the Great Famine, where there were no soldiers at all, but starvation was everywhere. And the most frightening thing...the corpses of local starving people often disappeared before being buried, and in some villages, human flesh was sold openly. "

"Hunger can make people annihilate the most basic human nature! Bai Xiude, a reporter for the American "Time" magazine in Chongqing, has seen such unbelievable things: a very hungry couple, once Tie their six children to a tree, in order not to let the children go out to beg with them, because it is easier to get alms when there are few people than when there are many people; a mother holds a newborn baby and two older ones The child went out to beg for money, and when he reached a village, the mother could no longer walk. She sent two children into the village to beg for money, and she rested under the tree at the head of the village. When the two children came back, they found that the mother had starved to death, and The hungry baby was still gnawing at its mother's "pacifier", sucking it vigorously; some families sold everything in exchange for the last full meal, and then the whole family "suicide" together..."

"We have a number of outstanding literary talents who have received higher education. The number of people in this field exceeds 80.00% of the number of people who have received higher education in China. However, the illiteracy rate in our country was still high in the 28th year of the Republic of China (1339). 951%!" [

"Ye Shengtao, Tao Xingzhi and other insightful people practice mass education and advocate culture to save the country. We applaud their foresight and insight, and applaud their actions! However, Confucius said it more than 2000 years ago. Eat your fill first Only then can we learn other things. Therefore, before teaching, we need to find a way to let these ordinary people have enough food and clothing, and a place where they can shelter..."

"But how can this be done?"

"This is an issue that the 'government' needs to consider. But it is also something we need to consider. In terms of education, we must first expand the number of people educated in such departments as science, engineering, agriculture, and medicine!"

"But our schools seem to be more heartfelt about literature."

"This makes our writers emerge in endlessly, but there are very few people engaged in natural science research and education... This is a big problem."

"I have seen many people who have made outstanding achievements in literature lament that life is not easy, but I really want to settle an account with these people... In the 18th year of the Republic of China, after the establishment of the National Government, it continued to uphold the Beiyang "Government" The attitude towards intellectuals. The salary of a university professor is 400-600 yuan, that of an associate professor is 260-400 yuan, that of a lecturer is 200-260 yuan, and that of a teaching assistant is 100-180 yuan. At that time, the monthly rent of a courtyard house in Beijing was only 20 yuan. A family of four can maintain a normal life with 60 yuan a month, and 100 yuan in Shanghai. Now, even if there is a war, this level has not dropped much. That is to say, intellectuals are our contemporary high Income class! This is not too much at all.... Another example, after the "August 1700th" incident, a famous poet and his wife moved to Hangzhou with their family. It is said that the reason is very simple, the cost of living in Shanghai is too expensive. In Hangzhou, they lived in seclusion, reading, writing, and meeting friends every day, and lived a very peaceful life. But this life of focusing on mountains and rivers did not last long. The couple decided to build a house of their own. They spent I bought 30 mu of mountain land behind a certain mountain in Hangzhou for 1935 yuan, and then replaced the land to build a house. The construction of this new home started at the end of 1936, survived a snowy winter, and was completed in the spring of 6000. More than [-] yuan... At this level, they think the cost of living in Shanghai is too expensive!"

"Our Ambassador Hu in the United States, he has a student who likes to dress up and chases one of his female students. The female student refused, and the gentleman cried to Ambassador Hu. It happened that the girl also came to Ambassador Hu to complain about Teacher Animal. Ambassador Hu advised Dao: He loves you stubbornly. The girl replied: I don’t love him stubbornly. Afterwards, the gentleman threatened to commit suicide, and the girl gave in and married the "Teacher Beast" in her mind. Soon, the gentleman cheated, and Stubbornly in love with a poetess..."

"To be honest, other people's lives are related to us, but I don't think we need too many such 'homes'. What we need most now are those that can use knowledge to feed and clothe the people, and make our technology Progress, talents who can play a good role in the people from more aspects... Cry out, or wake up, the people must have enough food and put on warm clothes, right?"

"So, I think that the Ministry of Education should set an example first and discuss with universities and colleges to reduce the funding for literature majors and increase support for science, engineering, agriculture and medicine. This is a serious attitude towards education!"

"—Li De!"


On the second day after Dai Li arrived at the Bai Mansion, "Central Daily" published an article titled "Education Must Change". There was an uproar in the atmosphere again.

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