mixed in the war

Chapter 370 One Army's "Shenxing Taibao"

Avoid the real and strike the false!

Conceal the sky and cross the sea, and make a lot of noise!

Build the plank road in the open, and cross the Chencang secretly!


The Chinese art of war has a long history, even if it is the same trick, it is unknown how many versions have been deduced for thousands of years.Qin Wei told Luo Jialun and Ye Yuanlong that he would attack those who opposed him and make them speechless... Naturally, the two university presidents also had friends in the literati circle who were better friends than Qin Wei. In addition, some people also intentionally promoted it behind the scenes. In less than half a day, this matter spread throughout the cultural circle in Chongqing, and even people outside the circle knew about it.This naturally aroused public outrage. Even those who originally supported Qin Wei expressed great indignation at his statement. Many people wrote articles for major newspapers, intending to use incomparably sharp words to flog this daredevil. I want to risk the disgrace of the world and the guy who intends to suppress public opinion.

And the major newspapers and radio stations are also ready, and many people are even ready to fight against this guy with a lot of background.In the words of some people, even Chiang Kai-shek didn't dare to do this, but the big guy wants to see how you, a kid surnamed Qin, got the guts and guts to go against the trend of history like this.

But everything that can be done is done, and everything that can be prepared is also prepared, but no one expected Qin Wei to make such a sinister move...

power off!

There is no electricity, let me see what you can do!

Newspapers need to be printed, but they can’t run without electricity; radio stations need to broadcast, but they can’t run without electricity.

Electricity is the source of power in the new era.Without electricity, nothing can be done.

Qin Wei's move directly strangled the necks of the press or public opinion circles.

These people still have nothing to do with him.

Because power outages are so normal these days, why do you say it was my fault?


Come on, the enemy agents have done too much damage.At least half a month.


One move, one extremely simple move!

Qin Wei was happy that he could finally stop hearing those people's harsh words for the time being; Kong Xiangxi was also happy that he earned 20 pounds with just one small order. He will be able to repay half of the debt owed to Qin Wei; Chiang Kai-shek was shocked and depressed at first, but then he was even happier. It turns out that there is another trick, although it is a bit obscene, but it is very effective, and the most important thing is that it does not need to kill people set fire.How much trouble will this save?

Of course, some are happy and some are unhappy.But what can I do if I am not happy?Could it be that the big guys can still gang up and go to the government to protest the blackout?However, a few brain-damaged guys did this, and as a result, someone from the government immediately brought out a donation box, saying that the country was short of electricity.It's really insufficient funds, buddy, since you are protesting.Do you want to donate some money first?So that the government can afford to build a new power plant?

There are also individual newspapers who have a way to deal with this rogue trick, and that is to print themselves.Although the speed and efficiency cannot be compared, what can't be done when people are in a hurry?But they forgot one thing, that is, printing requires paper, especially newspapers, and special newsprint.And take Kong Xiangxi's status in the business and political circles.When he speaks, he doesn't even have ink, not to mention paper.Although there are a few tough businessmen who have a good relationship with some newspapers, they dare to fight against Kong Xiangxi, a big profiteer.But unless you are just a middleman, there are bigger problems.Because paper mills are generally large consumers of electricity...

The result was Qin Wei's hand. Except for a few newspapers such as "Central Daily", many newspapers in Chongqing and surrounding provinces and cities failed to publish articles for half a full month.Not only were those newspaper offices stunned by this blow, but also many literati who depended on newspaper publishers for their livelihood.But they had no choice.Their most powerful means of public opinion has been strangled.Besides this trick, what else could they do to deal with a high-ranking general?public opinion?Let these literati put down their dignity to play and incite the common people?Some people can do it, most people can't.What's more, the government said that the power outage and the merchants' inability to get paper and ink are all "serious" reasons, and it doesn't matter to you. What's the use of you inciting the common people?Ordinary people may still hate you... These days, who doesn't have power outages every day, and who doesn't often light kerosene lamps?Why can't you stop when everyone stops?Are you superior?

Anyway, Qin Wei used practical actions to let some people know what pain in the foot is and what is implicated.

However, this also made Qin Wei's reputation bad, and many literati "punished" him.It is a pity that this kind of "crusade" can only be said casually when everyone meets because the newspaper cannot be published. It is really not a trend, it can only be regarded as an undercurrent.And just when these undercurrents were slowly surging and gradually forming a greater influence, even greater news spread-the "Seventh Airborne Division" directly under the Central Military Commission parachuted into the suburbs of Kunming. Kunming Airport was under control within an hour.Afterwards, a hundred bombers from the Air Force landed at the airport, forming a huge air deterrent to the urban area of ​​Kunming... Yunnan Provincial Chairman Long Yun delivered a speech at the provincial government, expressing great indignation at this behavior of the Air Force, believing that the Air Force does not To attack foreign enemies, but to implement such oppression on Yunnan, which is devoted to the country, is really an act of "love and hatred".Yunnan Province will never be intimidated by the air force's coercion, and will definitely fight to the end. I hope the central government can uphold justice and return justice to the military and civilians in Yunnan Province.After that, all the divisions who stayed behind in Kunming were transferred to Kunming City, and followed the city defense, posing a posture of swearing to the coexistence and death of Kunming City.

Many people are dissatisfied with what the Chongqing government has done, but they can't speak out.


"Long Yunlu is timid!"


The newspapers here are not very restricted by Chongqing, and it is also close to Yunnan, so the news is transmitted quickly.Not far from the outskirts of Duyun, a low but neat barracks were lined up neatly. Soldiers in twos and threes passed side by side from time to time in the middle of the barracks. On a small two-story building in the middle of the barracks, Zheng Jiemin looked at the new The newspaper that came out couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

"Master, Long Yun probably didn't want to shoot the first shot." The deputy commander Qi Xueqi was beside him.He was originally the chief of staff of the Sun Li People's Police Corps, but according to the original history, the Tax Police Corps should be reorganized into the new 38th Division at this time, and Qi Xueqi will serve as the deputy division commander and director of the political department.But because of Qin Wei's involvement, the Tax Police Headquarters was upgraded to a new army. Qi Xueqi thought that he might become the commander of one of the divisions.Unexpectedly, two more people were air-dropped from above.If it was an ordinary person, he might choose not to cooperate in protest, but he couldn't afford to provoke either of these two people.Apart from Zheng Jiemin, he was Chiang's confidant, and another Guo Rugui was also the director of the Operations Department of the Ministry of National Defense, and had a close relationship with He Yingqin and other senior officials.He had no choice but to honestly act as Zheng Jiemin's deputy according to Sun Liren's wishes, but he didn't expect Zheng Jiemin to be nice to him, and he would listen to his advice on everything, but he was still willing to listen to his opinions in many cases. The relationship between the two gradually warmed up.

"Actually, no one dares to shoot the first shot now." Zheng Jiemin showed his teeth. "But Long Yun didn't dare to criticize the government after all, he only dared to scold the Air Force...but he didn't understand Qin Wei's character. Don't say that he must have convinced the chairman before he dared to let go, even if the chairman didn't Agree, I really want to deal with him. Qin Wei also has a lot of means."

"I heard that the teacher worked with Chief Qin before? Is he that good?" Qi Xueqi asked.

"Anyway, I'm quite afraid of him." Zheng Jiemin smiled wryly, but he didn't mind showing his timidity. "That guy. Either he is not an enemy, as long as he is an enemy, he will kill him, and he will basically not give him a way to survive. Up to now, the one who opposed him, that is, Kong Xiangxi, is still alive and well. But even so, he is still worried all day long. I am worried that he will come to collect debts... I heard from my friends in Chongqing that the reason why the newspapers and radio stations have been cut off this time is that Kong Xiangxi tried to curry favor with Qin Wei. Don't look at this method as if it is not good. Inflow. How can it be so easy to control the electricity, paper, and ink in Chongqing? The Kong family obviously put in a lot of effort."

"While pressing down on those pen holders, while catching Long Yun down hard, it really looks very powerful. But this problem still exists." Qi Xueqi thought for a while, "If Long Yun sticks to Kunming and does not come out, in the future With his power in Yunnan, the Yunnan Army in various places can at least support him for another year or so, so the higher-ups can't really take action?"

"Who knows what people are planning?" Zheng Jiemin shook his head, his eyes began to shine again: "A group army of Guan Yudong (Guan Linzheng) has been sent to Yunnan, and Guangxi's troops seem to be empty. I only hope that the army commander can invite the military order Come down, let our New First Army fill this gap for him! If we touch the Japanese again, it will appear that we not only walk well, but also look good on the surface!"

"Is there really a war in Guangxi?" Qi Xueqi had heard Zheng Jiemin mention the news that there might be a war in Guangxi a long time ago, and he also felt that the news was very credible.After all, Zheng Jiemin had also worked in the army, and he was still the second in command, and his methods were more sophisticated than him and Sun Liren.Moreover, this news was also inquired from some people in the Military Commission through Guo Rugui. Although they did not get any positive answer, the above did not deny it either.Therefore, many members of the New First Army, especially many people at their level, are gearing up, hoping to have "good things" happen.But I didn't expect that Guan Linzheng's No.15 Army would drive towards Kunming just now when it was said that there was a war going on... Does it seem like a war is going to happen?It seems that the Japanese have withdrawn.

"The Japanese have suffered so much recently. Based on what I know about them, it is impossible not to bite back. Since the transportation line in Guangxi is so important, there should be a great possibility." Zheng Jiemin was also somewhat dissatisfied. Be sure.He had hoped to lead troops before, and if he led troops, he naturally hoped to be able to fight and make meritorious deeds, but now... In fact, he also knows that the new army has not been formed for a long time. If there is a fight, Guan Linzheng's No.15 Army will have May be there are preferred above.But even if the hope is relatively small, is it better than no hope?Dai Li has been promoted to lieutenant general, so he can't be too far behind, right?



Qi Xueqi wanted to ask again, but the office door was suddenly pushed open.He was about to ask a question, but when he saw someone coming, he had to stand up hastily, and saluted him together with Zheng Jiemin:

"Army seat!"

"Assemble all the teachers immediately, there is a task." Sun Liren said directly without talking nonsense to the two.

"Is there a mission?" Both Zheng and Qi's eyes lit up, "Junzuo, go to Guangxi?"

"Guangxi? What Guangxi?" Sun Liren said with a dark face, "Within three days, the whole army will gather at the city of Kunming!"

"Kunming? Three days?" Qi Xueqi immediately screamed, "Aren't you joking, Junzuo? What do you mean by us? Shenxing Taibao?"

"I'm not telling you to run away!" Sun Liren paused, his face brightened a little, "Go to Guiyang first, and then take the plane. There are more than 200 transport planes, which can transport half a division at a time, and it takes less than a day from Guiyang to Kunming... But the task given to us by the higher authorities is to transport the entire division and most of the equipment to the city of Kunming within three days. Therefore, the most important thing is the section from Duyun to Kunming. I have never heard of any country in this world It may be the first time in history that so many troops are airlifted thousands of miles away at one time... So, you all remember, the whole army, no one is allowed to embarrass me!" (To be continued.. )

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