mixed in the war

Chapter 38 Asking the French for Funds

() "Fat in April?"

"That is to say, starting from piglets, they will be ready for slaughter in four months?"

"How come the pigs raised by ordinary farmers have to be raised for a year or two?"


"Now that the Communist Party has retreated to the vicinity of Wuhan, even if we can win the battle in Wuhan, it will be difficult for the Huguang area to become our big granary. Then, in the Kuomintang-controlled area, we will only have a relatively stable grain production in Sichuan. It is a big province. But even if Sichuan produces a lot of grain, it still needs to help the surrounding areas from time to time, such as Shaanxi, Gansu, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi and the front line. Because most of these places cannot achieve self-sufficiency in grain at present, they all need government subsidies. This is very important for the whole The country is very unfavorable to the entire form of the war of resistance. Therefore, in the face of such a situation, as the leaders of colleges and universities, as a group of people with higher education and broad vision, we should take the initiative to find a way Solve... don't tell me what Zheng fu is, I believe everyone here is bored with the people and things there, although we are still taking the salary they offer..."


Qin Wei's words caused everyone to laugh again.Everyone suddenly discovered that this guy who made everyone dislike it at the beginning is actually very interesting... Of course, this is the promotion of the breeding industry that Qin Wei just proposed, and expressed his willingness to take out various feed formulas for free Only after the perception.These days, people who are selfless are still very popular, at least no one will regard them as stupid hats.

"As for why you didn't go to zheng fu, but instead found such an opportunity to mention these things in front of you, I believe everyone should have a guess in their hearts." After everyone laughed, Qin Wei went on to say: "Yes, my thoughts It is to borrow students from various colleges and universities. Of course, it is not to let students stop studying to help, but to borrow the thinking of middle school students and college students who are good at learning and can effectively accept new things. In addition, it is to borrow everyone's identity... ...Scholars, especially college students, are naturally regarded as superior to others in front of the people of the country... Therefore, if universities and colleges take the lead in promoting it, our resistance will be much smaller. Because everyone has considerable credibility."

"This makes sense. College students do enjoy high credibility among ordinary people. If college students come forward to promote it, the resistance will be much smaller. But Professor Xiaoqin, have you ever thought about what is needed for the allocation of feed? It must not just look for Stir some things in the bucket and it will be done?" Duan Xipeng, who had never found a chance to speak, finally couldn't help but speak.He and Fu Sinian were old classmates, and he was also one of the student leaders of the "May 1930th Movement" in Beijing.During the parade, Fu Sinian was the commander-in-chief, and he was the person in charge of one of the roads. "Burning Zhao's house" and "beating Lu Zongxiang hard" were exactly what he did. Of course, he was also very calm at the time, and he had stopped Kuang Husheng and others who did it, but it was a pity that he couldn't stop them.However, at the most difficult time of the May [-]th Movement, he stepped forward, showing his bravery and courage as a human being.Later, he successively studied at Columbia University, University of London, University of Berlin, and University of Paris.After returning to China, he served as a professor of history at Wuchang University and the head of the Department of History at Guangdong University. Since [-], he has served as the deputy director of the Ministry of Education of the Kuomintang government and the acting president of Nanjing National Zhongyang University. Now he is the chairman of the Education Committee of the Zhongyang Training Corps and an executive member of the Kuomintang Central Yang.

Although Duan Xipeng was a student leader during the "May 1927th Movement", his relationship with the Communist Party and the leftists of the Kuomintang was very bad.The reason is also very simple. In January 1, he initiated the establishment of the Communist Party to attack the Communist Party and the leftists of the Kuomintang. The purpose of ** is to oppose alliances with Russia and the Communist Party, support workers and peasants, and abolish minzhuism.It's just that such an organization was crushed by the "April [-]" riots launched by the leftists of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party only three months after its establishment.

Of course, this does not mean that Duan Xipeng is an absolute bad guy.On the contrary, Duan Xipeng is a person who is very concerned about people's livelihood.For example, the work he was responsible for required 120 establishments, but he only used 60 people.Some people advised him that he is doing things for the country anyway and spending the country's money, so why bother himself.Duan Xipeng replied: "The common people are suffering too much."

He is a high-ranking official, diligent and frugal, and loves the common people. His mantra is "the common people must live!".Duan Xipeng worked hard by himself and conscientiously.When it comes to work expenses, he cherishes the hard-earned money of ordinary people and does not allow any waste.Even if he is in poor health, he never takes advantage of his power to open the door of convenience.It can be said that Duan Xipeng is an ascetic no matter in work or in life.Even so, he did not forget to help his poorer friends.Therefore, Duan Xipeng is deeply loved by friends, and at the same time has a high prestige in the educational and cultural circles, which is why he is also invited to this meeting.

"I mean, to set up several feed processing factories, we really need some machines." Qin Wei didn't know much about Duan Xipeng, but he knew that this guy had a high status among the scholars and professors, otherwise It was also impossible to sit in front of Fu Sinian.Therefore, after hearing Duan Xipeng's question, he answered directly without hesitation.

"What kind of machines are they, and how much do they cost?" Duan Xipeng asked nervously.What Qin Wei said just now made him very excited.Because through Qin Wei's words, he found another way to greatly relieve the food pressure.Although this way is just a picture, he believes that Qin Wei is not lying... If he dares to lie in front of so many scholars and professors, unless this kid is not Chinese, he will not be able to live in China.As for whether Qin Wei is Chinese or not, Lao Jiang and Dai Li may think about it, but everyone here will never doubt it.They are not spies.

"I don't know exactly which machines, but the money..." Qin Wei smiled wryly, "I've been catching the military commander for money these days, but everyone has seen it, just these on the table... this gang Dude, you are so stingy."

"No wonder those spies are coming to you, what money do you want from them?" Professor Wang asked strangely.

"I helped them develop a weapon, and it turned out that these rabbits... Forget it, with so many civilized people, let's not speak foul language." Qin Wei drooped his head, with a look of regret after being deceived: "This Help guys, took the weapons, sent them to the front line, and won the praise. Dai Li also promised to give me a bonus, but it was not until everyone helped me out that they gave me [-] French currency... French currency. I thought that even if the amount was insufficient, they at least It can also give some oceans."

"What weapon?"

"Don't ask me about this." Duan Xipeng interrupted everyone's questioning, and looked at Qin Wei again: "How much did Dai Li promise to give you?"

"Five...no, one hundred thousand oceans!" Qin Wei stretched out both hands, spread them apart, and raised them in front of Duan Xipeng.

"I'll ask for it for you." Duan Xipeng pondered for a while, "How much did you just say? 20 oceans?"

"Two...? No, that's right, 20!" Qin Wei froze for a moment, then slapped the table violently, turning his hands back and forth again, "It's 20!"

"Give me testimony when the time comes." Duan Xipeng still had a sullen face, "I'd like to see if Dai Li dares to owe me money!"

"I'll go with you." Fu Sinian raised his face, expressing his firm support for his old friend.

"This... is it okay? That's the military command." After the excitement, Qin Wei felt the pressure again.When a scholar meets a soldier, he can't explain why.Although all the masters and masters present here are scholars, they can only be regarded as "big scholars", and Dai Li is the head of the great spy, the king of secret agents.

"If he dares not to give it, I'll go directly to the chairman and ask for it, and see what his expression will be then." Duan Xipeng snorted coldly.The people here don't know, but does he know what weapons the military commander has recently produced and sent to the front line, and he also knows exactly what role those weapons have played on the front line.Otherwise, he wouldn't directly raise the bonus to the amount of 20 oceans... Of course, this amount is indeed a bit large.But it is better to let the military command bleed than to let the government move around.He has made up his mind, no matter what, he must build this feed processing plant.This is an investment of hundreds of thousands, but if it really happens, it will represent a steady stream of meat, poultry, eggs, and fish. What kind of benefits will this be for the soldiers on the front line and the lives of ordinary people? ?

"Hehe, if the chairman doesn't give it to me, I'll go to Kong Xiangxi, and he will still give me the old man's face." Zhang Boling also said with a smile.

"Actually, I'm not afraid of the military command, but mainly because I find it troublesome." The arrogance of the old men made Qin Wei quite depressed.He didn't know that Duan Xipeng, as the chairman of the education committee of the central yang training regiment, trained all officers. With his own experience and prestige, he was full of confidence against Dai Li. In front of a few of them, it was like children playing house, and felt quite shameless.However, he didn't think about comparing with these old people, so he was just a little depressed, and continued: "And even if 20 oceans are coming, it can only be regarded as initial start-up capital at best, but if you want The large-scale promotion of feed farming in the whole province, and even the surrounding provinces, will require far more funds than this amount...so, this is why I invite everyone to come here."

"You don't always want to play with our education funds?" Chong Yu asked hurriedly with a bad premonition.

"Of course not, how can education funds make random decisions? Who do you think I am?" Qin Wei rolled his eyes angrily, and then looked at the crowd with a salivating face and a smile: "I just want to ask, who is here?" Have friends or connections in France?"

"France?" Everyone was taken aback again.How did this go around to France again?

"That's right, it's France. I've already decided to choose that place for our first start-up capital, but I don't know too many people, let alone people in Europe, so I need your help to find some people I can absolutely trust. People." Qin Wei said again.

"Professor Qin, what on earth are you trying to do? France? What kind of funds does France have that we can use?" With so many people, it will definitely not be a problem to find someone you can trust in France.But Qin Wei's performance made many people wonder... Is this guy reliable?

"I decided to sell something to the Frenchman. Although there is already definite news, I must find it first... Of course, this thing is very valuable. I reckon that selling it to the Frenchman can earn at least seven dollars." 800 million US dollars, or even tens of millions is not a problem..."

"Tens of millions?...Then what money do you want from the military commander?" Duan Xipeng was surprised.If you can find tens of millions of dollars, how can you not let go of 20 oceans?Well, it's not 20, it's only [-], and the other [-] is added by myself.

"That... the military commander's money was used to start this first start-up capital. I need money to get a result so that I can win the trust of the French."


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