mixed in the war

Chapter 380 Don't Worry

"An air battle caused the entire Pacific Ocean to be turbulent."

Yan'an, a cave dwelling.

** Still holding a copy of "The Rise of Great Powers" and studying carefully. Opposite him, Zhu De, Ren Bishi, Wang Jiaxiang, Chen Yun, Zhang Wentian, Luo Ruiqing, Yang Shangkun and other senior cadres attended one by one, and each of them also had a book in their hands... ...it's learning time.Recently, the Japanese are mainly moving towards the south and towards the Kuomintang. The life of the major anti-Japanese base areas in the north is relatively stable. It is rare for everyone to relax. Naturally, we must hurry up and learn to recharge.However, ** took advantage of his "privilege" to directly become a librarian, causing his cave to become a place where everyone gathers at a certain time. For this reason, many central leaders complained, but they were helpless .Can't we let everyone compete with other comrades for the limited book resources? **After all, it has not reached the point where books can be printed at will, not to mention that there are many books here that cannot be printed and published casually.

"The Japanese are greedy, and it is impossible to spit out what they swallow... But it is not easy to defeat Timoshenko's army in front of them." Yang Shangkun, at the time One of the 28 and a half Bolsheviks who returned from studying with Wang Ming.But compared to Wang Ming and others, Yang Shangkun is much more realistic.Otherwise, it is impossible to still be one of the important leaders of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.But after all, he returned from studying in the Soviet Union. He has seen the "power" of the Soviet Union, and when talking about the current situation, he still has some confidence in the Soviet Union.

"When the Japanese attacked the Far East, no one would have thought that they could reach Ulan-Ude all the way. If the Soviet Union hadn't responded quickly enough, they might have captured Irkutsk, or even cities farther away. Now, their front in the Far East has been stabilized, and even many leaders of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the Far East have defected to them... Timoshenko has a powerful mechanized army. But he has never dared to take the initiative to fight back. On the one hand Of course there is no air dominance, but on the other hand it may not be because of popular opinion. The Soviet government has indeed gone too far in some aspects." Zhang Wentian, who is also the "Comrade Luo Fu" in various Long March dramas of later generations, said in a deep voice .

"This is the lesson, we will never make the same mistake in the future." ** sighed.

I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I’m startled when I see it.The former Communists didn’t know much about the Soviet Union. Even those like Yang Shangkun who came back from studying in the Soviet Union were somewhat “divorced from the masses” and just passively listened to the Soviet teachers in school about the benefits of socialism. The actual social situation is very limited.However, the books sent from Chongqing contained many historical events since the establishment of the Soviet Union.As well as policies, there are detailed descriptions and rigorous analysis of social conditions in each period.It can be said that these books, or the things recorded in the materials, shocked them all at first... Is that the legendary Soviet Union?Is that the legendary Communist Party member who truly has an international spirit?They are extremely suspicious of the description in the book, but there are some things as long as there is a knot in their hearts.It is impossible to remain indifferent.It happened that many of their comrades were studying in the Soviet Union, so they conducted a "secret investigation" of the Soviet Union through these people... the result.They got a lot of discrepancies with the description in the book.But also a somewhat horrifying answer.

But this is nothing, what surprised them the most was another piece of news: after the Japanese army stabilized their position in Ulan-Ude and almost captured Timoshenko alive with airborne troops, the Soviet Union in the occupied Far East People actually began to take the initiative to cooperate with the Japanese army, and many of them were senior leaders of the Soviet Communist Party in the Far East.This news has not been officially made public yet, but many countries and political forces already know about it.Because the Japanese seem to be planning to use these people to form a Far Eastern republic.Originally this was nothing.In China, there are still the old and young of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, what kind of puppet Manchukuo is there.It is also normal for someone in the Soviet Union to engage in the Far Eastern Republic.But the problem is that these former Soviet officials, who are about to become the leaders of the Far Eastern Republic, prepared a large amount of materials, which revealed many evil deeds of the Soviet government since its establishment, including the last act of forcibly robbing farmers when the "surplus grain collection system" was implemented. a grain of rice. The indiscriminate killing of innocent people during the "Great Cleansing" and the arrest and deportation of Chinese in the Far East by the Soviet government after the "July [-]th Incident".

It can be said that all these incidents, one by one, are revealing that the Soviet government is far from being as great and upright as they advertised, and that they are not even popular in their own country.It is only because they have imposed a harsh and high-handed rule on the country that people dare not rise up to resist for the time being.As written in the book, when Lenin was in exile, he discussed with people in Geneva. Among them, Plekhanov, one of the founders of the Russian Marxist party, said: The French Jacobin government collapsed because of the beheading Too much.But Lenin retorted seriously: No, it was because too few heads were chopped off.As a result, Lenin kept his promise. In the first month after the establishment of the Soviet Union, more than 10 people were killed, while the Romanov dynasty in the Russian Empire only killed 80 people in 894 years... and it is obvious that as Lenin's successor , Stalin was far more brutal and bloodthirsty than Lenin.

In addition, according to the information provided in the book, everyone also found that the great revolutionary mentor was also a national traitor. In 1917, the German government sent Lenin and other Bolshevik leaders back to Russia. Soon Lenin and others launched a rebellion, overthrew the democratically elected government, and signed the "Brest-Litovsk Treaty" with Germany, dividing the Baltic region, Poland and Ukraine Ceded to Germany, and promised to pay Germany 60 billion marks in war reparations... and Lenin did not lose money. He turned this method to neighboring countries and took back the losses of the Soviet Union in neighboring countries, that is, China.

What is the collapse of idols?

That's it.

From national idols to personal idols, everything has basically collapsed.Although everyone is struggling in their hearts and wants to maintain that trace of admiration, everyone understands that the Soviet Union, and Lenin, are no longer what they want to believe in and learn from.Although everyone had doubts about the Soviet Union a long time ago and embarked on the road of independence, after all, they did not feel alienated and wary of that country as they are now.

It can be said that the only thing that can comfort these socialist believers now is that the materials of the so-called "Far Eastern Republic" have not been officially released, and these materials are all from the Japanese and the Soviet traitors of the upcoming Far Eastern Republic hand.Credibility is not high.But they still have a lot of worries, worrying that after the information is released, they will get a "true" answer through identification and judgment.If that was the case, how would they face it?

"The ancients said well, 'Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish'. It is a pity that the Soviet Union was drastic in governing the country. Although it has made great achievements, it has hurt the interests of the majority of the people to a large extent. This is not advisable. "Wang Jiaxiang glanced at everyone, "Although we are also believers in socialism, we are not the Soviet Union after all. Different countries have different national conditions. Well, what is said in that book is that there is no best system, only the most suitable one. System. No matter what doctrine, no matter which political party. As long as you are in power, you should take "three benefits and three representatives" as your own policy. I think they have summed it up very well. It is worth learning. Socialism. The Soviet Union does not necessarily have a template. Just like our revolutionary method, which is completely opposite to the Soviet Union’s first occupation of the city, we follow the rural route, because farmers are the majority of the Chinese population..."

"Comrade Jiaxiang is right, but I also feel that something is not quite right... Have we strayed from the topic?" Zhu De looked at the crowd with a smile, "Aren't we going to discuss how to deal with the new situation that may be caused by the Kuomintang Chiang Kai-shek?" A f*cking wave?"

"Yes. This problem is very serious." Ren Bishi shook the cigarette pouch in his hand, "It's not good to let emotions affect the reason. Besides, we are only the opposition party, and we are still far away from the ruling party. At this time Considering the issue at the level, if Lao Jiang knows about it, wouldn’t it strengthen his determination to carry out the wave of corruption?”

"But now Lao Jiang and the Kuomintang are getting stronger and stronger. More than 3 people can be transported thousands of miles away in less than a day, and the airborne division is almost an unsolvable problem... If Lao Jiang is ruthless, whether it is The central government, as well as the major anti-Japanese base areas, are extremely dangerous." Luo Ruiqing said in a deep voice... According to the hints he got from the book, now they, the leaders of the Central Committee, like to discuss in groups, and then make a general deduction.Each group represents a country or a force, and then responds to the current situation from its own standpoint.The air battle in Guangzhou has great influence. After their deduction, they found that the Japanese are very likely to start a decisive battle with the Soviet Union in a short period of time, while China, the main battlefield, may fall into peace... This is a good thing for China as a whole , But for them, there is another danger: Chiang Kai-shek is free, and most likely will attack them again.And this time, with the airborne division and powerful air transportation capabilities, no one can guarantee whether Lao Jiang will quit after failing to hit him like last time.And most importantly, even if Lao Jiang had that thought, how would they deal with the blow from the air?They don't have any means of air defense.

"The airborne division has a lot of people, but I believe that before defeating the Japanese, or before this force expands again, Lao Jiang is still reluctant to use it to deal with our enemies in the valley... As for air transportation, it is even more impossible. Once we destroy the airport, how will his plane land?" ** is very optimistic, "So, what we need to do now is to prevent the old Chiang from repeating his old tricks, such as encircling the army again."

"But the strength of the Kuomintang has grown rapidly recently. Not only does it have money, but it also has support from Britain and the United States, as well as weapons from the Soviet Union." Chen Yun counted the accounts with his fingers, and finally shook his head: "It's pretty incredible."

"So what? It's still the same sentence, he will come whenever he wants. Anyway, we will never stand still, fight when we need to fight, and leave when we need to... We will never fight with him." Zhu De snorted coldly, "Old Jiang So what if he has money? With money, he is still the same Chiang Kai-shek as before, and he doesn't have the ability to fight!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhu is right." ** laughed, "No matter how rich and armed Chiang Kai-shek is, he still doesn't know how to fight. What can Hu Zongnan, Yan Xishan and his ilk do to us? Others are not as good as What about these two. I don’t believe that he dared to send people like Xue Yue and Bai Chongxi to deal with us. If that was the case, the Japanese would probably not go to attack the Soviet Union, but would catch him and beat him up first.”

"The chairman's words are good, but it also gave us a reminder." Luo Ruiqing frowned suddenly: "Think about it, if the Japanese don't attack the Soviet Union first, but instead attack China first, or even launch a full-scale attack, what should we do?" (to be continued..)

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