Russia, and now the Soviet Union, has a stronger ally: the cold!

Once, Napoleon attacked Russia with an army of 60, triumphant all the way, and Russia lost consecutive battles. In the end, the Tsar dared not resist, burned Moscow and ran away.As a result, not long after, the colder weather let Napoleon know what the wind of hell is. Only 60 of the 2 troops returned to the starting point alive.The great French Empire declined, and Napoleon was never able to continue his glory.After Napoleon, Hitler was also attacked by the cold weather of the Soviet Union... It can be said that without the help of cold weather, the Soviet Union might not have won the war to protect the country.But there is no if in war.Regardless of whether it is called Russia or the Soviet Union, they both have two huge advantages. One is that they are more strategic than the vast depth, and the other is that they are more frighteningly cold.

Outer Mongolia is not much warmer than Siberia.

Just like what Qin Wei said to Zhou Enlai, he had thought about sending an army to Outer Mongolia before, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Japanese-Soviet war to determine the ownership of Outer Mongolia first.But because of various factors such as distance, climate, and population, his plan had to be shelved again and again.In particular, the climate can be described as the biggest difficulty.Fighting the Soviets in Siberia in the winter is a nightmare, but even without the Soviets, the cold there would also be a nightmare for several people.

If the government considers and approves his suggestion, then how to deal with the winter in the north will be a difficult problem that they will never be able to overcome.

Qin Wei didn't have much to do about it.This can only be solved by ** himself.And as long as they can withstand the weather there, ** will usher in a huge opportunity!


"Everyone only sees the difficulties and harms of moving to Outer Mongolia, but they don't see a huge benefit that we may get after moving there!"

Yan'an Cave Dwellings. [

**After listening to the speeches of the leaders of the central government, he also held the big enamel jar and said loudly in his own Hunan accent:


"As long as we can enter Outer Mongolia legally and reasonably, then we can easily obtain a large amount of resources in Outer Mongolia...Although due to reasons such as distance and transportation, these resources can play a role in our development, but everyone should not Forgot, there is a resource that is extremely useful no matter how far away or how bad the environment is.”

"Chairman, you said it's a gold mine there?" Ren Bishi was one of the people who knew the top-secret information of Outer Mongolia, and after thinking about it for a while, he felt that he had thought of what the police were referring to.

"That's right. It's a gold mine!" ** laughed, "We ** are poor! In the words of the common people, it is 'clinking poor'! The Southern Bureau led by Comrade Enlai made suggestions to the Central Committee Didn’t you say that too? Once we decide to enter Outer Mongolia on a large scale, then the few large gold mines in Outer Mongolia must be included in our hands.”

"Of course it would be great if we can get the gold mine. For us, this thing is more real than oil fields and copper mines." Zhu De mused, "But Runzhi, have you ever thought about it? Even if we want to Go to Outer Mongolia. What will Choibalsan in Outer Mongolia and the Soviet Union think?"

"The Soviet Union has been beaten to the west of the Ural Mountains!" ** smiled and waved his hands, quite a little proud.He really didn't know much about the boundary between Asia and Europe before, and he was a little bit blind about the geography of Siberia.And he also believes that almost everyone here is like him.But now he found that his horizons were broader.Not just geography, but many other things as well.He knew it was because of...books!Those books sent by Qin Wei!From politics to geography, from history to customs.From economy to industry, a few big boxes can cover almost everything.And that book "The Rise of Great Powers" made him unable to put it down... He didn't know how much painstaking effort and sweat the experts of later generations contained in this book, and he didn't know that at the beginning of the 21st century, the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee had collectively studied it. what is described in this book.He only knew that this book gave him a brand new experience that he had never experienced before.Every time he watched it, he felt that he had gained something new.Every time he looks at it, he seems to be able to grasp the context of the current world more clearly.He even expressed his heartfelt thanks to Qin Wei in his reading notes for this.

"Although it was defeated, most of the power of the Soviet Union was not lost. The west of the Ural Mountains is the most important territory for them." Zhu De gave a white glance.As far as you know, who hasn't read two books during this time? "And in Siberia, in Irkutsk. Timoshenko is still there! An army of more than 20 is not a small number. Judging by its equipment alone, it is enough to surpass our million-strong army in China. .”

"That's why we are going to Outer Mongolia. We are natural allies with the Soviet Union, and we were once led by it. Now we have a common enemy, Japan," ** said with a smile: "So, it is also necessary to support our comrades-in-arms Yes. Although our strength is a little meager, but 'goose feathers are sent from thousands of miles away, gifts are light and affection is heavy'! No matter how domineering and vicious Stalin is, he still has to accept our favor!"

"The gold mine that the chairman just mentioned reminds me of something." Chen Yun said suddenly.

"What do you remember?" Zhang Wentian and Wang Jiaxiang have been thinking hard about the advantages and disadvantages of moving, but they usually pay more attention to theory. Compared with ** and Zhu De, they are much slower to respond to practical matters. , and I have been unable to think of anything that everyone has not thought of or considered.So, when I heard that Chen Yun seemed to have something new, I couldn't help asking.

"Industry, agriculture!" Chen Yun grinned, and said with a smile: "The chairman just said that Outer Mongolia is rich in resources, and there are huge gold mines... This made me think: Everyone thinks that we use gold to keep up with How about the Soviet Union buying some industrial and agricultural facilities, and then developing Outer Mongolia into a huge industrial and agricultural logistics base for our Chinese government?"

"This idea is interesting. If there are any details, let's talk about it!" **'s eyes lit up, and he said hastily.

"I haven't thought too much about the details, but the main thing is the exchange of resources... Of course, given the current situation, the ones we can exchange are probably the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union may want gold from Outer Mongolia." Chen Yun Encouraged, I got a little excited, "But everyone, don't forget that Outer Mongolia is not just gold. If we can exchange gold for more things, such as industrial equipment, then relying on Outer Mongolia's resources, we Can we build some factories? Don’t dare to talk about producing anything else, it shouldn’t be difficult to build a decent arsenal, a few small power plants, machinery factories, farm tool factories and so on?”

"Okay——" Before everyone could react, the **** slapped the table, "That's a good idea! Although the current situation in Outer Mongolia seems a bit dangerous, the north and the east are full of Japanese, but for the sake of Supporting the Sakagaki Seishiro Corps in West Siberia, they almost evacuated the entire rear. It seems like a pile of eggs, but as long as we go, it is basically as safe as Mount Tai! As long as we hold the junction of the Sayan Mountains and the Ablonov Mountains If we have the Xing'an Mountains to block the enemies in the northeast, we will have a base that can be safely developed. And this base is rich in resources... Well, I remember farming there during the Qing Dynasty, right? That means Not only can you graze there, but you can also farm... What a place! Why don't we go? Why pass up such a great opportunity?"[

"Chairman, Comrade Chen Yun's idea is very good, and I am very moved. Isn't it just that we have no money for food, and have no basic losses in industry and agriculture? If we are like him, Chiang Kai-shek, we can also have a stable Yes, the rear can provide a lot of logistical support, how did we get to where we are today? Maybe the whole of China has been unified long ago. But after all, this is not from Jiangxi to northern Shaanxi. No matter where we go, we are always in the Chinese Where they live..."

"I said Comrade Luo Fu, there is something wrong with your statement. Could it be that Outer Mongolia is not part of China?"

**Catching Zhang Wentian's poor language, he immediately launched a rebuttal. Of course, this rebuttal was mostly a joke.Because those who can hold a meeting here have reached a consensus in many aspects, and there will never be a real comrade like Wang Ming.

"Of course Outer Mongolia belongs to China. But there is no big difference between carrying out revolutions in Jiangxi and Shaanxi, but what if it is put in Qinghai and Tibet?" Zhang Wentian pointed his finger at the table, "We admit that Han, Manchu and Mongolian returned to Tibet. The other ethnic minorities are all Chinese, but we cannot deny the fact that the largest ethnic group in China is the Han nationality. Han people are the mass foundation of China's revolutionary revolution! When we go to Outer Mongolia, are there so many Han people there? North China, Central China People in China, South China, East China, etc. will regard us as a local government in the days to come, or a local government of ethnic minorities? Besides, we have also read the reports of Chen Yi and Ye Ting. The New Fourth Army arrived in the Dabie Mountains. In places where the Red Army was active and established revolutionary bases, the people there were unwilling to cooperate with them at first. Why? Because we left them and left them to the White Army! So, if we leave this time, What about the masses in northern Shaanxi? Leave them again? Can Chiang Kai-shek and Hu Zongnan spare them?"

"Comrade Luo Fu's worry is indeed our biggest problem right now." Ren Bishi pursed his lips, "It's a big problem."

"What problem? If we want the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to leave Yan'an and northern Shaanxi, he, Chiang Kai-shek, must do things well first!" Mao Zedong snorted coldly, and pressed his big hand on the table: "Fighting the Japanese Kwantung Army always Do we need someone? Not only do we need to deploy troops from various places, but we also need to take away all the people in northern Shaanxi who are willing to go with us! If Chiang Kai-shek can do this, we agree, but if he can’t, We’re stuck in northern Shaanxi and don’t move! I’ll see how he chooses!” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users Please go to m to read.) rt

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