mixed in the war

Chapter 406 I am here, who dares to make trouble

"Hello, Chief Qin."

"Hello Chairman Lu."

Since there was no one to stop him, Qin Wei easily "rushed" into the living room of Lu Mansion... but before that, he lingered in front of the living room door for a while.He admires the architecture here very much.A full set of Chinese and Western, Gothic architecture, with the surrounding lush forests, not weird at all, but very emotional.But Lu Han and the others didn't think so. In their view, this guy deliberately hid at the door and didn't come in. He clearly wanted the three of them to go out to greet him... This kind of embarrassing thing must never be done.Especially when Qin Wei "beaten" Lu Han's guard company commander just now with "extremely cruel" means... let alone obeying that guy's wishes. Are we Yunnan people really afraid of him? So, Lu Han and the others persisted until Qin Wei walked into the living room, and then slowly walked down from the upstairs to say hello to Qin Wei.

"I heard that Chairman Lu has been very busy since he took office, so I didn't invite him here. I hope Chairman Lu will not be offended." Qin Wei didn't care about Lu Han's neglect...he was most annoyed by this kind of etiquette.When he was not a writer, he worked part-time in a certain company. As a result, he arrived on time for a meeting, but found that the head of the department was waiting for him with a dark face.Then he got a bad review. The supervisor thought that he was deliberately wasting everyone's time and slowing down the company's efficiency, and he was trained as a model for more than two months. After that... there was nothing later.He resigned in the third month.It's not that I can't stand it, it's that the salary and treatment are too bad, and those who are not enough to live have to find another job.But he has been obsessed with this matter: so what if you come early and come later?As long as you're not late, when will I come?As a leader, I can't sleep, so I have to pretend to be advanced, so my subordinates have to behave the same?What's more.Since you want to come early, why don't you advance the time when you announce?positive?Does it mean that if you are active, you will arrive early and leave late?Anyway, he was full of resentment towards that company. For a long time, the first entertainment after returning home at night was to curse the company for bankruptcy.Unexpectedly, in 2008, that company really went bankrupt.

"Officer Qin is too polite. You came to the humble house, but you made the humble house flourish!" Lu Han said politely in a false way.

"Chairman Lu's absurd praise!" Qin Wei smiled, and took a closer look at the new "King of Yunnan"... He actually heard the name Lu Han before he arrived in Chongqing.At that time, when I was bored, I happened to watch a movie, which told the story of Lao Jiang Heilongyun.inside the movie.Lao Jiang persuaded Long Yun, let Long Yun agree to let Lu Han lead three Dian armies and three armies to Vietnam to accept Japan's surrender, and then asked Du Yuming to launch a mutiny while Yunnan was empty, put Long Yun under house arrest, and forced Long Yun Had to leave Yunnan.Go to Nanjing to work.Qin Wei was not very interested in this kind of drama where a big warlord eats a small warlord, but in the movie, Kunming City was captured by Du Yuming.Long Yun avoided the Wuhuashan Villa.When he waited helplessly for Lu Han to speak, but Lu Han didn't even send a telegram, he was full of contempt for Lu Han... After all, he is your boss, and you just watched him being beaten Get off stage?Don't know what it means to have cold lips and teeth?Lao Jiang's temper, since he can get rid of your boss, he can also get rid of you.Do you think you can escape?It was only later that he found out that in order to hold Lu Han back, Lao Jiang had sent He Yingqin to Vietnam to monitor him.At the same time, Lu Han's troops are still surrounded by the Central Army, but if there is any slight change, they will end up with Long Yun.Lu Han had no choice but to stay calm and watch helplessly as his cousin was cleaned up by Lao Jiang.

Of course, the cause and effect of the matter are far from as simple as those shown in the movie.

For example, the relationship between Lu Han and Lao Jiang has always been good.Lao Jiang led the warlords from all walks of life across the country in the war of resistance, and all provinces that could send troops sent troops.But these miscellaneous armies, from Li Zongren, Yan Xishan's Guangxi Army and Jin Army, to the Sichuan Army led by Liu Xiang, and those Northwest Army and Northeast Army who have lost their bosses, Lao Jiang took the opportunity to cut them all. .Moreover, in every big war, these miscellaneous troops are almost always sent first, and they often deduct from military pay to ammunition, deliberately depleting the strength of these troops.As a result, many miscellaneous brands were eliminated by Lao Jiang with this method, and some of them barely survived, and many simply took refuge in Wang Jingwei and the Japanese and became traitors... Only the Yunnan Army, that is, Lu Han, led the Anti-Japanese War in Yunnan After the bloody battle of the 60th Army in Taierzhuang, Lao Jiang personally commended Lu Han and said that the Yunnan Army had fulfilled its due responsibilities.He also promised that the number of the 60th Army would remain the same and that the troops would not be downsized, so that Lu Han would quickly ask the province for additional troops. If the weapons were insufficient, the central government would subsidize them at its discretion, and he could send other troops under his command.Soon thereafter, the 60th Army was expanded into the 30th Army, under the jurisdiction of the 60th Army, the 58th Army, and the New 3rd Army. Lu Han was the commander-in-chief... After that, the 30th Army was expanded into the 1st Army. Commander-in-Chief, the military rank was also promoted to lieutenant general plus general rank.From an army commander who could only command more than 3 people, Lu Han became an army commander-in-chief commanding more than 20 troops in just a few years. This cannot but be said to be "cultivated" by Lao Jiang.However, Lu Han himself knew that Lao Jiang was so kind to him, and he continued to strengthen his strength. In fact, it was to drive a wedge between him and Long Yun...Because Long Yun abolished his teacher and changed his brigade back then, and the four masters raised troops "on the side of the Qing emperor", Lu Han is also one of them.Although Long Yun released them after beating them up, Lu Han never regained his military power.There is always a little gap between cousins, Lao Jiang just wants to take this opportunity to thicken and deepen this gap, and push the two to turn against each other.In this way, the central government of the Kuomintang will naturally have a reason to reach into Yunnan, which is like an iron barrel.

And Lu Han was calculated by Lao Jiang in such a way, so naturally it would not make Lao Jiang feel better.Later, the People's Liberation Army pushed into Yunnan, Lao Jiang wanted to hold on to this piece of land and use it as the front line of the revolution, but Lu Han chose to revolt, and the two eventually turned their faces.However, now because of Qin Wei, although Lu Han and Lao Jiang haven't turned against each other yet, it's almost the same.Because after Qin Wei successfully took down Long Yun, Lao Jiang withdrew Lu Han's position as the commander-in-chief of the 1st Army, saying that he was asked to come back to serve as the chairman of Yunnan Province, but Lu Han wanted to bring his 60th Army back. However, Lao Jiang disagreed desperately.In the final analysis, I just wanted to swallow the 1-plus troops of the First Army.Although Lu Han was full of reluctance, there was nothing he could do.With Long Yun taken down, the power in Yunnan is already hard to do anything, and the 20st Group Army entered the anti-Japanese battlefield, and if Chongqing does not issue orders, who would dare to mess around?If they dare to move around, Lao Jiang can directly label them as rebels... Not to mention that the situation in Yunnan has changed now, even if Long Yun is still there, Lu Han has no courage to do so.

It can be said that there are a lot of grievances and resentments mixed in here.The only thing that is certain is that although the "new local forces in Yunnan" represented by Lu Han are far less independent than Long Yun's period, and they are still constrained by Lao Jiang everywhere, they have no respect for the Nationalist Government represented by Lao Jiang. Even more dissatisfied, it can even be said to be full of wariness.Among them, Qin Wei, who was most directly responsible for Long Yun's resignation, became the person they were least willing to contact, or even see.

Qin Wei also understood this very well.

He even knew clearly that the reason why Yang Jie and Xu Yuanju hurried to Yuxi instead of picking him up in Kunming was actually caused by people like Lu Han.This group of people instigated their subordinates to make trouble in Yuxi, provoking the production and construction corps that was opening up wasteland there, forcing Yang Jie and Xu Yuanju to deal with it.And they have only one purpose in doing this: to make him, Qin, a loner in Kunming!


"Let me introduce you. This is Long Zeqing, commander of the Provincial Security Brigade, with the rank of major general!" Regardless of whether he wanted to see him or not, he had already arrived, and he was very imposing.Lu Han couldn't help thinking of the tragedy of his guard company commander, he quickly pulled Long Zehui over, and then pointed at Zhang Chong: "As for this one, Chief Qin must be familiar... Zhang Chong and Zhang Yunpeng, I plan to appoint him as the commander-in-chief of the Yunnan Second Route Army in a few days!"

"Really? It seems that the army in Yunnan should be under the control of Yang Jie and Guan Linzheng's garrison headquarters?" Qin Wei glanced at Zhang Chong. He naturally knew the identity of this person and his previous actions, but Long Yun's second-five sons , When he came to Lu Han, he became a loyal minister, and the military commander tried every means to buy him but failed, and even if Lu Han knew what Zhang Chong had done before, he didn't seem to care at all.

"As the chairman of Yunnan Province, Lu still has such a little power?" Lu Han narrowed his eyes.This person surnamed Qin really came to ask for trouble, and he just picked trouble when he came to the door... I can't wait.

"The provincial government is responsible for administration!" Qin Wei said with a smile: "If you talk about the jurisdiction over the army, the Yunnan-Guizhou Appeasement Office can still say a few words!"

"That is to say, we have to listen to Chongqing's military and political affairs in Yunnan?" Long Zehui snorted coldly.

"Brigade Commander Long doesn't want to hear it?" Qin Wei asked with a smile.

"How dare you!" Long Zehui snorted again, "I just want to remind Chief Qin that Yunnan is so big, and there are more than [-] regular troops plus security forces from all over the country. What if something goes wrong because of some untimely order? As a matter of fact, it is not only bad for Yunnan, but also for the whole situation of the War of Resistance.”

"That's right." Qin Wei nodded lightly, but then he changed the subject: "But I want to say something to Brigadier Long: I'm here, who dares to make trouble?"


Long Zehui was suffocated on the spot.With his status, how many people in Yunnan dare to talk to him like that?He stared at Qin Wei and wanted to get angry.But under the gaze of Qin Wei's unmoving eyes, although the anger in his chest surged up in waves, he couldn't vent it. (To be continued..)

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