mixed in the war

Chapter 410 The War Has Been Out of China

"We have 18 permanent troops in Taiwan..."

"There aren't that many anymore."


Shouyi held a military meeting in the temple, and seeing Guzhuang Qianlang's expression of deep worry, he finally felt the pleasure of exhaling and raising his eyebrows...Only you guys who can only fight violently and have not even learned to move their brains dare to come here Arrogant in front of Lao Tzu?South central Zhejiang and northern Fujian, with the strong transportation capacity of the Chinese Air Force, within such a short distance, perhaps 10 people can be transported in less than a day! With 10 people, coupled with the assistance of the Air Force, unprepared Taiwan may fall at any time.Once Taiwan falls, it means that the lifeline of the empire is cut off by the Chinese.Compared with the huge China, the small and small Japan is more difficult to bear such consequences... At that time, I am afraid that they will be finished before China is finished.

"I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it. It is absolutely impossible for the Chinese to target Taiwan, absolutely impossible!"

As a general, Guzhuang Qianlang certainly knows what it means if Taiwan falls.He can even imagine that if the Chinese air force goes one step further, using Taiwan as a base, and transporting troops all the way to the northeast along the Ryukyu Islands...I am afraid that within a few days, the Chinese army will complete a shocking reversal and land directly on the Japanese mainland up!Japan's mainland is still not empty, and it should be able to stop these enemies, but can they stop the Chinese Air Force?If the Chinese establish an air force forward base in the Ryukyu Islands, most of Japan will be within the bombing range of the other side.If that's the case, they still play a fart?You know, the Ryukyu Islands are very empty now.

However, although Gu Zhuang Qianlang was terrified of this possible outcome, he still felt that it was impossible...Only those Chinese people could have such brains?Can you have the courage?

"If their target is really Taiwan, then they will face the most ferocious counterattack of the empire... They absolutely don't have the guts, no!"

"Mr. Guzhuang, we are holding a military meeting, not a ball." Terauchi Shouyi looked at himself, the exasperated and dancing chief of staff, "As for the question of whether the Chinese have the courage you mentioned. I also think they don't. Will have the guts. But I dare not take such a risk, do you?" [

"I..." Guzhuang Qianlang clenched his fists tightly, gnashed his teeth, and the veins in his neck were protruding, as if he wanted to use all the strength in his body.But after holding it in for a long time, he never dared to utter the word "dare"!Everyone here is very clear about what it means for Taiwan to fall at this time, in this period when Japan and the United States are already at war with each other.

"Commander, if the Chinese really want to attack Taiwan, then, with Taiwan's current troops left behind, can they stop it?" Fujita Susumu, the commander of the Shanghai Garrison, looked at Guzhuang Qianlang with pity... I really thought that China would send troops. Is the seat of the chief of staff so easy to sit on?Although he has a bad relationship with Doihara, and even had conflicts and troubles, but after staying in the Chinese battlefield for so long, he knows the current situation very well.The Chinese are not only becoming more and more difficult to deal with, but also more and more courageous, and they are also becoming more and more incomprehensible.Don't dare to fight Taiwan?It was possible before.But now, as long as the plane can fly over and come back, he even believes that the other party dares to attack Tokyo.

"As far as I know, in order to cope with the shortage of troops on the battlefields in Siberia and China, Taiwan's original 18 garrisons have been reduced to less than 6, and these troops are distributed across the island of Taiwan... There are no heavy weapons, only a few The children's air force is just some biplane wooden planes, which are barely used for reconnaissance or throwing a few grenades, and they can only be killed when dealing with the conventional fighter jets of the Chinese Air Force. Therefore, once the Chinese gain a foothold in Taiwan, they will It is very likely that they will suffer heavy losses, and I even suspect that they will not be able to support the arrival of backup." Terauchi Shouichi said in a deep voice.

"If the Chinese want to transport troops to Taiwan, they need airports. We only need to inform Taiwan to guard the airports, and they can only look at the ocean!" Guzhuang Qianlang suddenly shouted again.

"Guzhuang-kun," at this moment, Fujita Susumu didn't even have any compassion for Guzhuang Qianlang.It’s okay to be arrogant, after all, I just came from the mainland, and it was easy to win battles in China before, but it’s a crime to be arrogant: “Don’t you know that the Chinese have an airborne division? This airborne force is in the hands of Chiang Kai-shek.” Its trump card, all the soldiers are elites drawn from various units, and their combat effectiveness is extremely powerful. That is to say, their planes can drop nearly [-] elite troops to Taiwan without needing to land at all.”

"What about nearly ten thousand people? The so-called elite Chinese can only resist our ordinary troops." Guzhuang Qianlang shouted.

"After the empire seized Taiwan from the Chinese, it carried out considerable construction in Taiwan, and there was no lack of roads. The elite of 1 people, as long as they occupy a few relatively flat roads and make some minor repairs, it will be an airport." Fujita Susumu Sighing, "This is a tactic used by the Chinese Air Force to deal with our Mongolian troops stationed in Xinjiang. In that battle, they cooperated with the Communist Party and only built an improvised airport to complete the direct attack on Okabe. Mr. San Lang’s attack. According to the information we learned later, the CCP’s airstrip is even just a flat ground mixed with gravel and soil. In terms of conditions, it is far worse than those roads we built in Taiwan. "

"Nonsense! I don't believe the Chinese can think of such a method." Guzhuang Qianlang was almost desperate.Because he suddenly found himself alone in this military meeting. Those who were very affectionate to him and showed their intention to take refuge in him showed extreme indifference to his current predicament, and there was no one to help him speak.Don't these people know that Shouyi in the temple has been in Nanjing for a long time?

"What if they thought of it?" Terauchi Shouichi sneered, "If the plane encounters an emergency, it can safely land in the muddy rice fields, why can't it land on a relatively flat road?"

"Commander, let's quickly report this to the headquarters. In case the Chinese really intend to do this, I suspect that they built more than a dozen airports, most likely for the convenience of a one-time large-scale transport of troops.  …Soviet Union In order to help the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to carry out the transfer, people have invested [-] transport planes at one time, and coupled with the transport force already possessed by the Chinese Air Force, I suspect that they may be able to transport tens of thousands of people at one time!" Unconsciously, Fujita Shin There was a slight trace of sweat on his forehead.

"The strategic distribution of the empire is too rough, and there are loopholes everywhere." Terauchi Shouichi was not interested in attacking Guzhuang Qianlang again.Thinking about the current situation in Japan, he also felt his scalp tingle, and he even felt more remorse... How could he be so bold as to push forward and keep expanding the scale of the war?Well now, there's trouble everywhere.The Chinese are getting more and more difficult to deal with, not to mention the Soviet Union... That is, Ishihara Wanji and Sakagaki Seishiro worked together to barely block the Soviets, but winter there is coming soon, one is not good, The Kwantung Army was about to face a major defeat.And once the Kwantung Army is defeated, the avenging Soviet Red Army will inevitably counterattack on a large scale, plus the Chinese in the south... Japan is simply walking a tightrope.But those idiots in the base camp actually thought about withdrawing Ishihara Waner.

"It is impossible for the Kwantung Army to return to aid. At present, the only ones who may support Taiwan are us and the mainland." The deputy chief of the general staff Takeo Imai, who has been silent all this time, also spoke.And his words also showed that he was clearly on the side of Shouichi Terauchi.

"But the Chinese may still want to take back Guangzhou!" Fujita Susumu said with a gloomy face, "So, the only ones who can support Taiwan now are the mainland!"

"Send a report to the base camp." Terauchi Shouichi sighed again, "The war has officially begun to break away from the scope of China's mainland... This is no longer just our business."



Qin Wei was not aware of the trouble he caused the Japanese, even though he was very concerned about the situation there.He is now on the campus of Southwest Associated University, walking with Mei Yiqi, one of the four great philosophers of Tsinghua University.

"Isn't this a bit too radical?" Mei Yiqi was not in a relaxed mood. He was embarrassed by Qin Wei's request: "Students observe politics? This is something that has never happened before. Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was alive. At that time, it was specially decreed that students are strictly prohibited from discussing politics. What is the reason? Isn't it that students tend to see things only on the surface, and are easily agitated and easily used by others..."

"Old Zhu can't. After all, he is a feudal small landlord version of the patriarch, and he is a bit gangster. When in trouble, he only knows one trick: block!" Qin Wei was wearing a suit imitating Armani, Consciously looking like a fashionable version of Sun Honglei, when Mei Yiqi said this, he immediately curled his lips in disdain: "It's the same as him getting rid of those heroes. You can see that Zhao Kuangyin is more civilized and more particular than him. "

"But I didn't discuss Zhu Yuanzhang's gains and losses with you. I was talking about your proposal of 'students observing politics'!" Mei Yiqi said angrily.I've heard Zhang Boling and Pan Guangdan say that this kid surnamed Qin is out of tune and likes to mess up the topic when talking about business. Now it seems that it is true, and it is really annoying.

"Students are easily agitated, and they are more likely to be provoked and used. After all, they still have too little contact with society." Qin Wei said with a smile: "Why do people get angry less easily when they get older? I have seen more and experienced more. There are too many, that’s all. The students have a sense of justice and drive, which is a good thing, but the school can’t just teach them these things, right?”

"But have you communicated with Chongqing on this matter?" Mei Yiqi asked again: "Even if our side agrees, if Chongqing doesn't agree, will the result be the same?"

"Chongqing will definitely not make any trouble for me at this time." Qin Wei smiled, "That's why we have to take advantage of this period to finalize the matter. Otherwise, after this period of time, tsk tsk, want to do this again It takes more effort to do it.”

"Let the students experience the operation of the government and see how difficult it is to do things. I have no objection...but you have to ensure that nothing will happen to them." Mei Yiqi thought for a while, then nodded slowly.He still understands Qin Wei's energy, otherwise he really wouldn't dare to make such a decision.But to his surprise, Qin Wei shook his head:

"Principal Mei, it's not me. The only one who can guarantee that these students will not have accidents is your school itself!" rs

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