() "Yu Hanmou has already sent three urgent telegrams for help, but most of the troops are concentrated in the Wuhan battlefield, and the rest of the theaters can't divide their forces... It can be said that the current situation is extremely critical. What do you have? Is there any way?"

"Me?" Sitting in Dai Li's special seat, Qin Wei pointed to his nose in amazement as he looked at the serious military boss who was asking him a question seriously, "That...Old Dai, are you sure you didn't ask?" Wrong person?"

"The driver asked you something, and you should answer it properly." Zheng Jiemin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, wiped his sweat unnaturally.Old Dai?How dare this kid call the boss "Old Dai"?

"The Japanese army is plotting Guangzhou. You are one of the first people to get the news. I remember that you have shown the police to the Chairman through the military command twice... Now that the Japanese army has begun to attack Guangzhou, don't you have any ideas?" Dai Li was also taken aback by Qin Wei's address to him, but he immediately came back to his senses.But he still felt weird... This kid called him "Old Dai"?

"Your military command is not bad at collecting information. Could it be that after getting the information, your chairman will still ask you to go to the battlefield to repel the enemy?" Qin Wei snorted softly, "The so-called not afraid of god-like opponents is afraid of pigs The same teammates. Japan is a small country, and there are plenty of ways to deal with him. Even with the poverty of the national government, as long as you use your brains and squeeze out a few free meals, it is enough for them to eat and walk around, but what about you? ?snort."

"Childish!" Zheng Jiemin was a little annoyed: "Do you think military matters are as simple as writing two lines on a book? You thought you had some skills. Now it seems that you don't know anything about those things. Just like a literati who can only shout. If it is really that simple to deal with Japan, and there are so many capable people in the government, how did we get to where we are today?"

"As I said just now, you are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs. Chairman Jiang is also a great figure, but unfortunately he is very good at choosing his subordinates, but he doesn't know how to choose partners. The result? Very good The situation is what it is today." Qin Wei sneered, "It is difficult to deal with Japan? I can tell you the truth, Japan is far less powerful than you imagined. It doesn't take much effort to deal with it …You have come to this day, which can only prove your incompetence.”

"Then if it were you, how would you deal with Japan?" Dai Li squinted his eyes and lay on the back of the car seat, asking seemingly casually.

"Without him, it's just the submarine." Qin Wei said.


"That's right." Qin Wei turned his head and looked at the military leader indifferently, "Have you heard of 'Unlimited Submarine Warfare'?"

"You're talking about...the one that the Germans used during the last world war?" Zheng Jiemin asked.

"That's right. That's it." Qin Wei nodded.

"But the Germans were defeated in the end." Zheng Jiemin turned around, "and this so-called unlimited submarine warfare has been resisted by all countries in the world since its appearance. In addition, the Allied Powers also found a way to deal with this tactic later. method, the so-called submarine warfare has long been inappropriate. Furthermore, with the strength of our navy, where can we implement this tactic?"

"In 1917, after the Germans launched the Unrestricted Submarine War, the loss of merchant ships of the Allies increased from 1 tons in January to 30 tons in February, then soared to 2 tons in March, and finally to 40 tons in April. Tons. Among the British merchant ships, one out of four was sunk on average. According to calculations, German submarines sank a total of 3 Allied merchant ships that year, with a registered gross tonnage of 50 million tons, of which British merchant ships accounted for three-fifths The total tonnage of British shipbuilding was only 4 million tons. Although in order to defeat German submarines, the British Navy consulted many mathematicians, and based on probability, they found out the best way to reduce losses by collective sailing. And, for maintenance For the sea line of communication, the British Admiralty has adopted an emergency measure of the "fleet escort system". That is to say, a dozen or dozens of merchant ships are organized into a fleet, escorted by destroyers or cruisers, and travel between the United States and the United Kingdom Because the escort ships are equipped with sonar and depth charges, they can counterattack German ships, thus greatly reducing the loss of merchant ships. After escorting according to the above method in October 85, in the last two months of that year, the loss figures of the Allied merchant ships decreased respectively. 4 tons and 1 tons. With the continuous development of anti-submarine tactics, the losses of German submarines gradually increased. By 2566, although German submarines still sank more than 573 Allied merchant ships, the registered tonnage was nearly 270 million tons. But it was only half of the number sunk in 1916, and in contrast, the total tonnage of ships built by the Allies at that time was 10 million tons more than the loss figure, thus breaking the blockade of the German submarines against Britain." Qin Wei glanced contemptuously Zheng Jiemin, "Is this what you said?"

"You know a lot." Zheng Jiemin was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Qin Wei to know so much about these things. "But what's the use of knowing more? This can deal with Japan?"

"That's why you don't fear opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs." Qin Wei rolled his eyes at him, "Old Zheng, haven't you thought about what I just said? What is Britain? It's the overlord. Overlord, the most powerful country at sea for 200 years, but such a country was almost unbearable by the unlimited submarine warfare of the Germans, and it took a lot of hard work to get it back. What a fart?"

"We don't have the strength of the Germans." Zheng Jiemin couldn't hold back. He was ridiculed like a pig in front of his boss. If Dai Li hadn't been in front of him, he would have jumped up and punched Qin Wei twice, but seeing that Dai Li was just Squinting his eyes and leaning on the back seat of the car, he didn't express anything, and he could only suppress his anger.But even though he was angry, he still felt a little ashamed in his heart.He only knew that during the last World War, the Germans used a tactic called "Unlimited Submarine Warfare" to attack all merchant ships heading to the UK, but he didn't know the specific data at all.He is a military intelligence officer.

"We are not German, but Ri himself is not British." Qin Wei snorted coldly, "'Unrestricted Submarine Warfare' during the First World War caused German submarines to sink more than 6000 Allied merchant ships. The total tonnage was 1200 million tons, 150 warships were sunk, and 178 submarines were lost. In order to break the German submarine war, the Allies mobilized a total of 5000 ships and auxiliary ships, and 3000 aircraft... This is the comparison, 6000 merchant ships + 150 warships + 5000 ships and auxiliary ships + 3000 aircraft = 178 submarines! I wonder if any of you have calculated this account?"

"Isn't it too late for you to say this now? Besides, if you have already calculated this result, why did you wait until now? Why didn't you say it earlier?" Dai Li still squinted his eyes and lay on the backrest with a calm face There is no slight fluctuation in his heart, but his heart is overturning... 178, the 178 submarines of the Germans actually let the Allies use more than 1 ships of various types and 150 warships, plus 3000 aircraft .Although he also knows that even 178 submarines are not affordable by the national government.But just like what Qin Wei said just now, Ri himself is not British.As far as Japan's family background is concerned, I am afraid that only [-] or [-] submarines can be directly liquidated.It's just a pity that it's too late to say these things now, the Japanese are already attacking Guangzhou, and the only external port of the Nationalist Government is also facing the threat of falling. Even if they can get submarines, they have no bases.

"The navy is incompetent, it's all trash!" Thinking about the current situation, and thinking about the war statistics Qin Wei described, Dai Li couldn't help but feel resentful towards the Republic of China navy... a bunch of idiots who couldn't fight all day long You only know that you need funds and warships. It’s strange that Zheng Fu doesn’t pay much attention to the navy, but why didn’t you study the naval battles of the last world war?If you have studied this so-called "unrestricted submarine warfare" carefully, and then come up with corresponding plans, even if you can only let the zhengfu prepare ten submarines, the situation of the war of resistance will probably be very different, and how can you be regarded as it is now? Pushed inland?

"It's not that we don't say it. The key is that even if we say it, will you do it? How many valuable suggestions have been swept out by your government? Chairman Jiang has a lot of experience in eliminating hostile forces. I heard that he still He is very interested in old antiques such as Zeng Guofan and Hu Linyi, but why doesn't he want to study earlier things? "Building high walls and accumulating grain widely" is a tactic of Zhu Yuanzhang's period. How does this tactic say? That is to say, only by establishing one's own economic system and laying a solid foundation can the enemy be continuously and effectively eliminated. And I really don't understand that a zheng fu does not have its own economic policy research team and a long-term development plan... ...Since its establishment, it has been a hammer in the east and a stick in the west. Is it necessary to deal with the Red Army several times? Cut off external contact, allow exits and not enter, no matter how capable the leaders of the Red Army are, what can they do? Become out of food or drink?"

"If you criticize the Chairman like this, I can arrest you right now, do you believe it?" Dai Li didn't dare to listen any longer.Although he, as the big boss of the intelligence department, has heard many criticisms of Chiang Kai-shek, and even a lot of unsavory insults, but those are really nothing, just the venting of some losers... But these things of Qin Wei Words are different.Because he found that many things this kid said were remarkable.Not to mention anything else, the trick to deal with the Red Army seems to be much more effective than Lao Jiang's five large-scale encirclement and suppression campaigns, and it must save a lot of trouble and effort.But the more this happened, the more he could no longer listen to it.One, the matter is over, no matter how powerful Qin Wei's tricks are, it is useless; two, as a subordinate, he allows others to criticize his boss without expressing it, let the boss know, what will the boss think?The driver is fine, but isn't there a Zheng Jiemin next to him?This guy is going to report to the military headquarters soon, which is the original staff headquarters, directly under the management of Lao Jiang.

"I believe it, of course I believe it. But I believe even more that 40 tons of treasure can make your chairman let go of my words and deeds... especially I can do more things for you." Qin Wei smiled faintly.

"More? What is it?"

"For example: raising chickens, ducks, pigs, and fish!"


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