mixed in the war

Chapter 433 Team Battle

Less than a month after the Battle of Guangdong and Guangxi and the Battle of Zhongtiaoshan ended, the Great War broke out again.

But this time the situation has reversed.

The Kuomintang troops surrounded the Japanese army in North Vietnam from three directions: Guangxi, South Vietnam, and Hainan Island.The opposite of Vinh City in Vietnam is almost directly facing Sanya on Hainan Island. With the help of the airports in these two cities, the Chinese Air Force can completely block the entire Beibu Gulf.Unless the Japanese navy is willing to break through forcibly at the risk of huge losses, it is impossible for the Japanese troops of the three divisions to leave by sea.And even if the Japanese navy is willing to bear such a loss, whether it can bring out all the soldiers of the three divisions is a matter of opinion. Even if they can be brought out, they will probably lose more than half of them.As for the narrow passage in the Leizhou Strait, don't even think about it. If the Japanese navy passes through there, let alone save lives, even they will not be able to escape.

Compared with the huge encirclement formed almost quietly in the south, the battle in the north was in full swing from the very beginning.

The Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, the 129th Division, and the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army under the unified command of Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, and Zuo Quan, the deputy chief of staff of the Eighth Route Army headquarters, launched a campaign focusing on the attack on the Zhengtai Railway.For this battle, the Eighth Route Army first assembled 22 regiments on both sides of Zhengtai Road. At the same time, it also deployed appropriate troops to the Tongpu, Pinghan, Jinpu, Beining, Deshi and other railways and some major highways in North China. Extensive sabotage, in order to cooperate with the battle of Zhengtai Railway.And these places, although they have been transferred by Hayao Tada, still have


At this time, the Japanese army in North China was winning the Zhongtiao Mountain, and they were extremely arrogant, but they didn't want to be beaten head-on by the Eighth Route Army.The battle has only just begun for three days.In the occupied area, more than 700 miles of railways and more than 2000 miles of roads were destroyed; more than 200 bridges and stations were destroyed; more than 500 strongholds were uprooted.This is not to mention, because of the implementation of the so-called "cage policy", the Japanese and puppet troops were stationed too scattered near the base areas. Facing the Eighth Route Army that suddenly gathered to launch an attack, they were caught off guard. As a result, they directly lost more than [-] troops , the puppet army is as high as more than [-] people.


"How much? Have you figured it out?"

The Eighth Route Army's sabotage campaign shocked the whole country, and the number of reported kills was even more shocking.More than 7000 Japanese soldiers were killed, which was much greater than the victory of the Taierzhuang battle that made Li Zongren famous in China, and the Wanjialing victory that made Xue Yue famous.Compared with the ferocity of the Eighth Route Army.The fragile woman on Zhongtiao Mountain is simply obscene and unsightly.Lao Jiang, who was originally happily planning to watch his wife and the Japanese choke to death, felt as if he had swallowed a big mouthful of dead flies, as uncomfortable as he wanted.But it was uncomfortable, because the "Battle of Zhengtai Road" had just started three days ago, and the numbers of the various units of the Eighth Route Army shocked him a lot, and he was hurriedly asked to count them.

"The report committee seat. The Eighth Route Army has a total of... 105 regiments!" Zhang Zhizhong slowly handed the report to Chiang Kai-shek, and replied cautiously.

"One-hundred-zero-five regiments?!" Chiang Kai-shek almost burst out these words through his teeth. "Just two divisions and one Jinchaji military region. There are 105 regiments?"

"Yes." Zhang Zhizhong breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "This is just their more formal designation. In this battle, many guerrillas and militiamen under the Eighth Route Army participated in the battle. If all of them are included, the total number may be 200 regiments." Not only that."

"Mother Xipi—" Chiang Kai-shek yelled, "Where did they get so many people?"

"** is best at deceiving people. After the Xi'an Incident, they found a reason to escape from Shaanxi. Naturally, they will not let go of such a rare opportunity to develop their power." Chen Guofu said.

"I knew he was not a good stubbler, send the report, send the report immediately..." Chiang Kai-shek's outstretched arms couldn't help shaking. "Ask Zhu De, where did the troops of the [-]th Army come from? Who gave them so many establishments?"

"Commissioner," Zhang Zhizhong hurried forward, "This is inappropriate! Now the Eighth Route Army is fighting fiercely with the Japanese army on both sides of Zhengtai Road. If we question their establishment at this time, it will definitely cause a lot of criticism."

"Mother Xipi. They are allowed to expand the army privately, so I am not allowed to ask?" Chiang Kai-shek was furious, grabbed the report in Zhang Zhizhong's hand, and pointed at the numbers inside: "Look, you See for yourself... 105 regiments, a total of 105 regiments! Based on the establishment of the Eighth Route Army, this is more than 20 people! How many years has it been? How many years have they come out of northern Shaanxi? When we drove them to northern Shaanxi, They only have 2 troops left, but now the number has increased more than ten times in less than three years! If things go on like this, where will there be room for us in this country?"

"But the appointed seat..."

"Commissioner, Brother Wen Bai is right. Questioning Zhu De and Peng Dehuai at this time will only make people laugh." Looking at the furious Chiang Kai-shek, Chen Guofu sighed, but he could only step forward to persuade: "What are those people doing?" Dare to talk nonsense, they will not see the circumstances under which Zhongtiaoshan and Zhengtai Road were fought, and it is even more impossible to tell that the people brought by Tada Jun to Zhongtiaoshan were the main force of the Japanese army, almost all of them were armed to the teeth; while the Eighth Route Army They only dealt with old and weak soldiers who stayed behind. They only said that the Eighth Route Army won a big victory and wiped out how many Japanese and puppet troops. At this time, go question Zhu De and Peng Dehuai. If they talk about this matter to the outside world, It will only make us lose face."

"Then let the **** go around like this?" Chiang Kai-shek said angrily: "What about the 105 regiments? What about the more than 20 Eighth Route Army?"

"Commissioner, I think we can wait first." Chen Guofu said with a smile: "Shun Tada has suffered such a big loss, and he will definitely take revenge. He now has 10,000+ elites in his hands!"

"Couldn't you have expected this?" Zhang Zhizhong glanced at Chen Guofu, "And we also promised Zhu De and the others that as long as they launch a raid on Zhengtai Road, making Tada Jun unable to look around and give up his plot against Shaanxi, we will allocate The two bomber and transport plane brigades helped them communicate with Kulun's army and transport materials between them. With the help of Khalkha and even the Soviet Union, even if Hayao Tada retaliated, they might not be afraid, at least You won’t feel strenuous in a short time.”

"Mother Xipi! They expanded the army without permission, and they want me to hand over the air force to them again? You tell them later, there is no way!" Chiang Kai-shek cursed again.

"But the seat, we have an agreement with **..." Zhang Zhizhong said.

"So what if there is an agreement? They violated the order of the Military Commission first!" Chiang Kai-shek slapped the table and shouted.

"The commissioner is right. Besides, we are surrounded by three Japanese divisions in North Vietnam. The air force has to keep transporting troops to Hainan, especially bombers. We must strictly defend the surrounding area of ​​Hainan. The Japanese ships are approaching. Is this a multiple mission? Not to mention the safety of Hainan Island. The three Japanese divisions in North Vietnam alone are not as important as how many times Zhu De has contacted the Communist Party?" Chen Guofu was also on the side. chime in.

"Brother Zu Tao, it's easy for you to say this, and there are good reasons, but don't forget. Qin Wei personally told Zhou En about the agreement with the Eighth Route Army." Zhang Zhizhong looked at Chen Guofu.Slowly said: "Although Qin Wei is sometimes out of tune, he has always opposed the internal strife between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. And we all know that he dared to be cruel to the Japanese, Britain, the United States, France and other countries, even to the death , but when dealing with our own people, he has always spit and made mistakes. He will never go back on what he said. If we really violated the agreement, how will he explain it?"

"What are you talking about? Could it be that Qin Wei is not a military general?" Chen Guofu retorted, but his heart sank slightly.Zhang Zhizhong was right, if he really did this.Qin Wei's side is really hard to explain.Moreover, that kid has indeed mentioned in front of them more than once that he firmly opposes the internal strife between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party during the War of Resistance.This is well known.This agreement was negotiated with Zhou Enlai by that kid himself, if he messed up the situation, he might be missed by that kid.Look at the Japanese in the three divisions of North Vietnam... If this kid wins another battle and comes here with great achievements, I'm afraid it will be really difficult for him to deal with it for a while.

"You don't have to worry about this? The content of the agreement with the Eighth Route Army was actually Qin Wei's idea." Hearing Zhang Zhizhong's reminder, Chiang Kai-shek was also a little embarrassed.He doesn't worry about others, it's not the first time that he doesn't care what he says, but Qin Wei still has something to ask for.After Britain and the United States heard the news of the Battle of Zhongtiaoshan, they directly questioned whether the National Government was capable of defeating the Japanese, and the support they should have given was also stopped.Although the battle situation in Guangxi has now reversed, it may still be difficult to dispel the doubts of Britain and the United States.In the past, "when the cannon is fired, ten thousand taels of gold" refers to making money, but now this sentence means that large sums of gold and dollar bills are flowing out, and the ten thousand taels of Libya that Qin Wei gave him The news about several large oil fields is not useful now.Italy's Mussolini has long been jealous of the fertile land of Libya. 50 Italian troops have already rushed there, and they are currently fighting fiercely with 5 British troops... No matter who wins by then, before the end of the war, he will be nothing Want to sell oil fields to make money.Now he only hoped that Qin Wei could find some good things to make up for his loss, of course it is impossible to annoy that kid.But thinking about what Qin Wei had said to persuade him to "exchange" with the Eighth Route Army, he felt that Qin Wei should not be particularly resolute against dealing with the Communist Party at this time.

"I believe he must have never imagined that ** has developed to its current scale in less than three years... So, he should support my decision."

"Commissioner, Qin Wei...his decisions often make people wonder." Zhang Zhizhong curled his lips secretly, he would not believe Chiang Kai-shek's judgment.If this man's judgment is accurate, he would have unified the whole of China long ago.

"Could it be possible to send a telegram to ask him if it's okay?"

Chen Guofu asked in a muffled voice, but immediately afterwards, he regretted his words.Because after Lao Jiang glanced at him, he actually nodded,

"The agreement was drawn up by him, so it's okay to ask! Just send a telegram."


Chen Guofu wished he could slap himself in the face.What is not good, do you have to say this?If Qin Wei opposed Lao Jiang's decision, Lao Jiang would definitely feel dissatisfied, but it was Chen Guofu who suggested the telegram... Lao Jiang would not trouble Qin Wei for the time being, but he would definitely vent his anger on him, the proposer.However, no matter how regretful he was, since Lao Jiang had already said it, he had to do it.Chen Guofu went to send a telegram in dismay, and at the same time, he was thinking about how he would argue in front of Lao Jiang.Because he had no hope for the possibility that Qin Wei would agree to tear up the agreement.But he didn't expect that the fact once again exceeded his expectations. Qin Wei quickly replied to the telegram. The content of the telegram was as expected, and he firmly opposed the breach of contract. However, this kid added another sentence at the end: "Air Force Transport, The Eighth Route Army must be assembled, and if Jun Tada hears the news, he will definitely go..." (To be continued...)

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