mixed in the war

Chapter 441 Hayao Tada Runs Out

"Why should I leave? Go back to France to be ruled by the Germans?"

"France can't protect us, the Japanese can't, the Germans are strong but they are drawing our blood to continue their war. So why should I go back to France? To help the enemies who invaded my country To continue to invade other countries?"

"The Chinese are our enemies, but they are not as mean as the Germans. They promise to protect our private property, guarantee our personal safety, and ensure that we will not be treated unfairly...I can do a lot here Although I don't really want to say it, we must admit the fact that the Japanese are also our allies. Therefore, even if the Chinese are defeated here, we will not encounter too much danger. This It also means that in this war between China and Japan, we can at least guarantee our personal safety in China, instead of worrying all day like in Hanoi...there is a battlefield!"

"This place may also become a battlefield? God, didn't you read the newspaper? The Japanese are in a very difficult situation now...I don't want to be caught by the Chinese again."

"Go to other French colonies? Where? I can avoid the war in China, I can escape the conscripts of Petain and De Gaulle, can I be in the colonies? Whoever it is, they are trying to extract enough war supplies from the colonies, It would be better to stay in China than to go to those places. Think about it, man, how much suffering we suffered in World War I? To go to . . . God is simply unthinkable!"


"General MacArthur, what do you think of the performance of these Frenchmen?"

MacArthur thought that Qin Wei was trying to fool himself, but he was discovered by his keen insight.Then debunk.But when he visited some surrounding villages and towns one by one along the Lijiang River and along the roads around Guilin, he had to admit his mistake.It is not that the Chinese government forcibly detained those French, but that those French did not want to leave China at all.As for the reason... Those French people should have made it very clear.

"These people have given up hope for the future of France!"

Eisenhower said with a sigh.He always wanted to remind MacArthur not to take the initiative to mention anything about the French, let alone get involved in it, and even if he wanted to get involved, he had to discuss it with him first, but MacArthur didn't understand what he meant, and now there was a commotion Big oolong.You must know that when the US special envoy came to China, he did not seek the national government.Find local generals first, which in itself is a very gimmicky news, plus MacArthur has always been coquettish and likes to show his face in front of the media, and he intends to turn this "mediation" into a "political show" of his own.So before he came, he recruited a lot of reporters, and allowed them to follow behind him for interviews.result.The results of the interview not only turned his "mediation" into a joke.Even the French government, including Pétain's Vichy government and Charles de Gaulle's "Free France", have been greatly humiliated...Even the French themselves are unwilling to pay attention to you, so you have the nerve to jump out and find the Chinese to make an argument?You even brought the Americans here. Doesn't this show your incompetence even more?However, it is not Pétain and de Gaulle who are surrounded by reporters asking about their "feelings", but MacArthur.Looking at at least hundreds of Chinese and foreign reporters in front of him.Looking at MacArthur, who was obviously at a loss even though his face remained unchanged, Eisenhower could only bite the bullet and stand up... But knowing his old boss's temper, he didn't say much, just said this sentence.

"Hope or not. French citizens who are indifferent to the dire situation facing their country no longer deserve to be French."

MacArthur quickly understood the meaning of Eisenhower's words... This is not the fault of the United States. Although they stepped on it without understanding the situation and seemed a little impatient, they still have good intentions.The real problem lies with the French themselves. They no longer have any hope of what their country may encounter in this war, so they simply broke the pot, which caused the governments of the United States and France today. Including his own embarrassing situation:

"No one can't fail, and the same is true for the country. Only by laughing at the failure and continuing to move forward, is the real strong. It's a pity that these French people in French Indochina have lost their hearts after seeing the scene of France's defeat. Without the courage to continue fighting, they just want to live in peace... I believe it is because they stayed in the colony for too long and were influenced by those natives. But I also believe that they will not continue to be so decadent. One day, they It will re-display the qualities that a Frenchman should have. Don't forget, gentlemen, that France was once the most powerful country in the world, and even if it was defeated, it is still one of the most powerful countries in the world. And France is strong because the French people are strong."


"General, your speech is really wonderful." As long as his nn is all false, he can't fool those journalists who have become sophisticated.And there is a bit of hostility towards China inside and outside the words, otherwise you fucking just praise the French dry hair?

In a villa by the Li River in Guilin, Qin Wei kept applauding MacArthur, but how could his superficial acting level compare to MacArthur who claimed to be performing all his life?Without a glance, or even a half-eye, just a quick glance, without even needing an interpreter, MacArthur could see the sarcasm in Qin Wei's words, which made him furious, and the demeanor he had been maintaining was thrown to the ground in an instant. side:

"General Qin, why didn't I receive your report in advance? Why did you have already settled the French, but still pretended to accept 'mediation'? Do you know what this is? You are deceiving, you are fooling, Treating the United States of America like a monkey you can play with!"

"General, from the beginning to the end, I have never disobeyed your intention." Qin Wei smiled without changing his face: "Besides, when your country expressed its willingness to mediate, we haven't finished dealing with these French people... …They always thought we were going to kill them. I tried my best to appease them, and I was almost dismissed from my post because of it... You say I am playing with you? I did not notify any reporter to interview you, You didn't even disclose the time of your arrival."

"Are you questioning me for asking for trouble?" MacArthur pulled out the pipe dangling from his mouth.asked angrily.

"Anyway... I've always been very friendly." Qin Wei spread his hands, "You should be able to see that."

"Friendly? Friendly with ulterior motives?" MacArthur sneered.

"To each other." Qin Wei smiled and cupped his hands, "We have always been humbly learning from Western countries, and you are our role models."

"You... you are playing with fire! I will report all your performance to the White House, and you should know what the consequences will be." MacArthur roared.

"What are the consequences?" Qin Wei laughed, "Will the United States form an alliance with Japan? If that's the case, then I can only admit it... and congratulate the United States and Japan in advance for their early completion of the feat of dividing the Pacific Ocean! Amen !"

"You..." Seeing Qin Wei shaking his head and making the sign of the cross in front of his chest, MacArthur had no choice but to remain silent even though he was furious.It is impossible for the United States to form an alliance with Japan. The stronger Japan is, the more it will violate the interests of the United States.And want to contain Japan's expansion in East Asia.It can only rely on China.This is also the reason why Roosevelt, despite being tricked by Qin Wei many times, still held his nose and gave in.China needs the United States, and the United States also needs China...

"General Qin," Eisenhower looked at the speechless MacArthur, and sighed secretly again.The contact time with Qin Wei is not long.But how can his methods be compared to MacArthur, a pseudo-politician who can only show off?He will be at the top politician level in the future.Therefore, he inquired about Qin Wei's various deeds early on.This man dares to plot against the President of the United States.How can you care who MacArthur is?His original intention was that he did not want the United States to meddle between China and France.But when he got the news, MacArthur had accepted the appointment, so he could only keep his mouth shut.Unexpectedly, Qin Weiyi believed that MacArthur came here with hostility, and immediately arranged methods to make both the careless MacArthur and the US government lose an adult.But I can only admit it.This shows that Qin Wei is a very difficult person to provoke, but MacArthur is not willing to let go, such a move will only further arouse the conflict between the two... It seems that until now, it seems that only a few people have offended Qin Wei. end up.Although MacArthur is different from others.Backed by the entire United States, Eisenhower also thought of Cuikov, the Soviet representative who was terrified of Qin Wei. Although he had never met that person, he had heard many rumors about it in Chongqing.And Qin Wei was able to extract so many benefits for the squadron from the greedy and stingy Soviets, so he might not be afraid of the United States, even though they needed the material support of the United States at this time.Therefore, in order to prevent further intensification of the conflict between the two, he can only stand up again:

"I wonder what you're going to do next... you won't keep these Frenchmen going?"

"Of course not. They live near Guilin and need to pay... They are all traveling to China now!" Qin Wei replied.

"Then what do you plan to do next?" Eisenhower glanced at MacArthur who was glaring at Qin Wei viciously: "Continue to use means to enhance our mutual distrust and hostility?"

"As long as you are not hostile to me, you will naturally not feel the reaction." Qin Wei smiled at Eisenhower and stood up, "I still have something to do, so I'm going first... Ike, you are here with General MacArthur Stay for two days and enlighten him. Really, I didn't intend to play him on purpose, all this is actually only the responsibility of the US government, including of course the general himself."

"Can't we have a good talk? General MacArthur is actually not a stingy person, he is very reasonable, not to mention we have a common enemy!" Seeing that Qin Wei was about to leave, Eisenhower said later.

"I think so too, but I don't have time, Ike." Qin Wei turned his head with a wry smile: "Shun Tada ran out of Shanxi and returned to North China with two divisions...I'm busy." ( To be continued..)

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