mixed in the war

Chapter 467 Qin Wei, how dare you——

The focus of the press conference was instantly taken away.

The questions that Lao Jiang and others had arranged in advance to make their faces bright did not find a chance to start... Those reporters, especially foreign reporters, after being "intimidated" by Qin Wei, temporarily lost interest in asking questions, and even There are also faint signs of "split" and "hostility".But these reporters were not stupid, they listened to what Qin Wei said, so when they saw Nan Zao Yunzi suddenly appearing, they immediately threw Lao Jiang and others aside and kept taking pictures of Nan Zao Yunzi.And in the same way, the Chinese journalists are not to be outdone... demanding the exchange of prisoners!This is the first time that the Japanese have voluntarily surrendered to China.And exchanging the three North Vietnamese divisions with captives, doesn't that mean that the Japanese have admitted that they have completely lost in this battle, and there is no chance of a comeback?



The press conference could not be released. Lao Jiang originally prepared a speech, which was carefully prepared for him by Chen Bulei. It was not only impassioned, but also inspiring. Now that Nan Zao Yunzi made it like this, the atmosphere was gone.However, Lao Jiang was not unhappy about losing such an opportunity to show off, because he is very happy now, and the reason for his happiness is the same as those of the Chinese reporters: Is the Japanese submissive?

"It's the first time, it's the first time!" Shao Lizi kept walking up and down the room, "The Japanese are always known for their toughness, and soldiers are more proud of dying in battle, but this time they offered to exchange prisoners... I I think it's negotiable."

"Mr. Shao is right. The Japanese soldiers have always advocated Bushido. Most of them are not afraid of death when they fight. If this exchange is successful, then their morale will definitely be greatly affected. I want to bring it up again." But it's difficult." Yan Xishan also said on the side.

"Delin, Jiansheng, what do you think?" Lao Jiang couldn't hide his complacency, and asked Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi pretending to be modest.

"Although the Japanese are subdued on the surface, it is indeed difficult for us to avoid the conditions they put forward this time." Li Zongren said in a deep voice, "Exchanging captives... If you don't agree, it will also be a great blow to the morale of the national army. .”[

"But Baiwu Qingji, Hebian Zhengsan and others are now the meat on the anvil, so it would be a pity to let them go like this." He Yingqin said: "And these are nearly three divisions. Once the tigers are released, it will seriously affect us. Compared with the Japanese's military strength, it will also have a great impact on the future battlefield situation. At that time, it will be difficult to surround them again."

"That's right. The Japanese have sinister intentions, and that's what they're aiming at." Bai Chongxi also said on the side.

"I also know that the Japanese have ulterior motives, but if this negotiation can succeed, it will be very beneficial to us. Especially when the Japanese take the initiative to bow their heads this time, it will undoubtedly greatly improve our international reputation. This will be very beneficial to us Obtain assistance from various countries." Chiang Kai-shek said.

"Qin Wei, why haven't you spoken?" He Yingqin glanced around.Seeing that Qin Wei was just leaning on the sofa beside him in thought, he asked again.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about how to break this situation." Qin Wei bared his teeth, "Old Bai is right, they have sinister intentions this time...but they are using serious schemes. We are You can't avoid it. This is definitely not a strategy that those idiots who can only fight and rush can come up with, and they can't hold back this face."

"You mean..." Bai Chongxi had been with Qin Wei the longest.Hearing what this kid said, he immediately thought of what he wanted to say.

"Our opponent may have to make changes." Qin Wei smacked his lips, "I suspect that the Doihara gang may have even returned to the Japanese command center."

"Doihara? Hasn't he already retired?" Yan Xishan asked.He and Kenji Doihara are classmates of the Japanese Non-commissioned Officer School. They have a close relationship and were once good friends.Later, he became the chairman of Shanxi Military and Political Affairs. Doihara even went to visit him specially. As a result, he warmly entertained his old friends, but unexpectedly, Kenji Doihara took this opportunity to secretly record the mountains and rivers in northern Shanxi in the name of tourism.Later, when Japan launched a war of aggression against China, it was precisely according to the map recorded by Doihara at that time that it conquered Yanmen Pass, a fortress in northern Shanxi, and invaded Shanxi.Therefore, for this "old friend", he is not ordinary concerned.

"Nanzao Yunzi is currently the only female general in the Japanese Army. Her status is not to mention respected, but she is also extremely special. I fooled her a few words before, which made her feel sick, and her work was not effective, so she was forced to return to Japan. But now she suddenly shows up again..." Qin Wei snorted twice, "Except for Doihara, I can't think of anyone else who can get this bitch out again."

"It's quite possible. Kenji Doihara is this woman's teacher after all." Shao Lizi kept nodding.They are no strangers to Nanzao Yunzi, not to mention that this woman stole a lot of military information, just the little affair with Dai Jitao, one of the veterans of the Kuomintang, is enough for everyone to remember .You know, many people here are old acquaintances of Dai Jitao.

"Doihara is indeed a treacherous old man, but you, Chief Qin, shouldn't be afraid of him, right?" He Yingqin asked with a smile: "At the beginning, you made him lose his temper. Once a letter is passed, he is obedient."

"It's not the same." Qin Wei smiled wryly and shook his head, "The power that people like Doihara can exert in China and Japan is different. Besides, I suspect that they are not just one person. Don't forget, not long ago, Ishihara People like Wan Er and Seishiro Sakagaki have also returned to Tokyo, plus they have a good relationship with Doihara, and they have also served as Minister of the Mainland, and Juichi Terauchi, who has a deep foundation in their base camp... can be said to be influential and influential If you want strategic talents, you will have strategic talents, if you want scheming, you will have scheming, and if you want strong generals, there will be strong generals! We will have troubles in the future."

"Then you mean to say that the three divisions of Beiyue will not let go?" Chiang Kai-shek frowned, feeling a little guilty by Qin Wei's words.Ishihara Waner was the number one hero in Japan's attack on Siberia. Timoshenko, a well-known general in the Soviet Union, was defeated without even getting a few punches in the hands of this guy; Let’s not talk about it, the old opponent, his ability, and his understanding of China and even them are beyond doubt; Terauchi Shouichi and Sakagaki Seishiro are also famous Japanese generals, although they have both served in the Chinese battlefield. He suffered defeats in battles, especially Juichi Terauchi, who was abused badly at the beginning, but as Qin Wei said, this person once served as the Army Minister of the Japanese Army, and his father Masaichi Terauchi was also the Prime Minister of Japan, and he has a deep foundation in Japan , The influence is huge... Such a group of people twisted together to form a force, really cannot be ignored.

"No, these three divisions will be released." Qin Wei shook his head lightly, "The Japanese have pinpointed our key points this time, and it will be impossible if we don't agree."

"But these are three divisions after all, and two of them are the main battle divisions of the Kwantung Army. Once released, the impact on the future battle situation..." Bai Chongxi worried. [


"Even if it has a great impact on the future war situation, you must release them. Because you have other options." The location is Qin Wei's temporary residence in Haikou.Nan Zao Yunzi was sitting on the sofa, looking very leisurely, but when she looked at Qin Wei, she showed a look of "I'm sure you're going to eat", with the most charming smile on her face.

"Who thought of this trick?"

"you guess!"

Qin Wei sat opposite this woman, but the distance was at least ten meters away.Not only that, but Tang Zong was sitting next to him... Originally, Zhou Tian wanted to take up the position of "personal bodyguard" in person, but Qin Wei thought that Nan Zao Yunzi might still violently injure others, so he was determined not to allow her come forward.And considering that Lao Jiang was also very concerned about Nan Zao Yunzi's intention to come, so he easily pulled Tang Zong over.In the end, even though Tang Zong came, he was full of resentment towards him... I am a dignified major general, secretary-general of the military command, and co-author is your personal bodyguard?However, resentment should be resentment, Tang Zong also understood that Qin Wei was giving him a chance to make meritorious service, so he could only follow along obediently.And in this way, the resentment in his chest can only be vented to Nan Zao Yunzi:

"Nan Zao Yunzi, you'd better understand your current situation. Don't think that if you show your identity in public and say you want to negotiate, we won't dare to detain you."

"Of course I know what the national government is doing. Don't worry, since I dare to come, I'm not afraid of any decisions you make." Nan Zao Yunzi smiled, not caring about Tang Zong's threats.

"It's really good to use those captured soldiers to control us. But if you think that's enough, you're too underestimating people." Qin Wei also smiled, "If I don't want to exchange, I just need to order Du Yuming, When Sun Liren launches an attack, he can declare to the outside world that it is Momotake Harukichi and his gang who are unwilling to surrender and are trying to resist... At that time, even if I kill all the people in the three divisions, you will have nothing to do."

"The soldiers of our Great Japanese Empire really have a temper that would rather bend than bend, and they would definitely do something that would rather die than surrender." Nan Zao Yunzi said with a smile: "However, if they die, then the prisoners of the national army in our hands I'm afraid there will be one or two riots or something, and maybe some infectious disease or the like, and many people will die at once..."

"How dare you!" Tang Zong was violent.

"General Tang, I am very timid. You will make me feel uncomfortable if you scare me like this." Nan Zao Yunzi still smiled.

"The summer harvest will be in a few months." Qin Wei looked at the sky outside, and then patted Tang Zong's shoulder with a smile: "Old Tang, tell me... If napalm falls into the rice field, what will happen?" as a result of?"

"Qin Wei, how dare you——" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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