mixed in the war

Chapter 474 The departure of the observation group

"To be honest, I don't want you to leave. You are all very good, and your point of view is different from ours, which can give us great inspiration."

1941 4 Month 23 Day.

The US military observer group, which has been in China for some time, is finally leaving.Originally, at the beginning of the year, the United States had already made a request in this regard.Because many things that happened on the Chinese battlefield puzzled the United States far away on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, they urgently needed first-hand information from China, and they needed someone to explain to them in detail the specific circumstances of the war between China and Japan.But the Chinese side will not let people go.Not only that, the Military Commission also made a request to the United States, hoping that the United States could send an expert in armored group operations to help them train the newly formed armored force. They even decided on the candidate, which was the last time Qin Wei wanted it. Got it Barton!

In this regard, let alone Marshall, even Roosevelt was not happy.They have suffered from the Chinese several times.Although in fact the Chinese side only got back what they deserved according to the original assisted lawsuit or contract, but in their view, they failed to grasp China after several consecutive attempts, which is a disadvantage.This shows that the Chinese government is not easy to control.Although the other party has been receiving assistance from them, these people have also been consciously wanting to get rid of the influence from the United States.The United States is a commercial society, and Roosevelt is currently the CEO, and he is also a very good executive. This kind of "commercial activity" that only invests without output is an insult to him.Therefore, they are more determined to withdraw the observation team.And this determination reached its peak after the rumors that Japan might launch an attack on the United States appeared.Qin Wei tried his best, but he still couldn't stop it.

"Thank you for your compliment. In fact, during the time in China, we benefited the most. We felt the real atmosphere of war and learned a lot. These have benefited us a lot." As the head of the regiment, Eisenhower said He didn't know what Qin Wei's real purpose was to prevent them from returning to the country.Because he never imagined that one day he would become the commander-in-chief of the European Allied Forces... He is just a colonel now, and he is in his 50s, and he will retire soon.Therefore, he was very touched by Qin Wei's attempt to keep the observation group, especially him, in China... He thought it was because Qin Wei valued him!Of course, this is also true, but he didn't know that Chief Qin wanted to cheat his motherland at the same time he valued it... Without the commander-in-chief who has a strong strategic vision and is good at handling all kinds of complicated conflicts and disputes, the League It is hard to say whether the army can win the final victory in just three years as it did in the original history on the European battlefield.To know.Even with Eisenhower on top, the British and American teams often had conflicts, and without Eisenhower, those bad-tempered Brits would face the Yankees who thought they were "saviors"... definitely It was sparks flying.Sometimes Qin Wei even hoped that Patton's violent temper would become the commander-in-chief of the Allied Forces, so that Europe would be lively.Yes or no?Unfortunately, anyway.The United States still discovered the capabilities of Eisenhower and his gang.Do not withdraw people.

"In my opinion, the United States will participate in the war sooner or later. It's just that Roosevelt's first target will definitely be the European battlefield..." Qin Wei held Eisenhower's hand tightly, and then said to the rest of the observation team: "You will all be on the battlefield. Fame in this war! That's for sure."

"General, do you think I can get the rank of major general in this war?" Van Fleet stood beside Li Qiwei and asked with a smile.

"Lieutenant Colonel, with your current ability, you can command at least one army, and if you can survive to the end in this war, then congratulations. I think you will get the rank of general before you retire!" Qin Wei laughed.

"That made my blood boil a little bit." Van Fleet laughed.

"And you, Ridgway, Clark... You all have the potential to become the best commanders of our time. I am also optimistic about you." Qin Wei said again.

"Thank you, General, but... what about Ike? We all know that you value him the most." Clark smiled.

"How about the commander-in-chief?" Qin Wei shrugged, "If the United States eventually joins the war, then the Anglo-American alliance needs a unified commander. I think Ike is fully qualified for the post of commander-in-chief."

"Wow..." Van Fleet exclaimed exaggeratedly, "Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Forces? This should at least be a general? Doesn't that mean that Ike will get the rank of general before me? Well, considering that he . . . My God, this will set a record for the advancement of the first man in the United States of America."

"General, you are exaggerating." Eisenhower was a little embarrassed by Van Fleet's words. Although he knew that this guy didn't mean to make fun of himself, he still felt a little blush: "I am only a colonel now, and I may be a colonel in the near future. Retiring soon...Of course, I still thank you for your attention."

"Ike, look at me. I am 32 years old, but I am now a first-level general! And I have been in the army for less than three years!" Qin Wei looked at the people in front of him seriously, "War is always The hottest training ground for soldiers! You all have the potential to become generals, and Ike, you are the person with the most commanding temperament and ability in the entire observation team... So, don't belittle yourself. At least, compared to your old boss MacArthur, you are much stronger."

"Ike, don't let General MacArthur know about this." Clark smiled at Eisenhower.Observing the reunion together for so long, Eisenhower, the head of the group, has indeed won the favor and trust of these group members.These people are all outstanding talents in the U.S. Army, and naturally they all have their own opinions.In their view, Qin Wei's words may be exaggerated, but Eisenhower's ability is indeed unquestionable... The Allied Commander-in-Chief and the others dare not think for this commander, but if a war really starts, they have no doubts Eisenhower has the ability to serve as an army-level or even army-level commander.However, they also know that Eisenhower's old superior, that is, MacArthur, has had a very bad impression of China as a whole since he was "played" by Qin Wei, especially Qin Wei. .So, if you hear Qin Wei's words, you might even have some opinions on Eisenhower... That man has been the principal of West Point Military Academy and the chief of staff of the Army Department. His influence in the U.S. military is not small .Of course, what Clark said was more of a joke. If a figure like MacArthur is dissatisfied with his former close subordinates because of a single sentence, it would be too disappointing.

"Okay, I won't delay your trip. Ike, when you pass by the Philippines, say a good word to your old boss for me, and remind him for me to pay attention to the Japanese...the gang People are crazy. They can do anything." Qin Wei said again.

"Actually, I am also very worried that the Japanese will take risks." Eisenhower sighed, "According to what you Chinese say, they are actually strong on the outside and weak on the inside, and they are doomed to fail. To break the current situation, All they have to do is move to South East Asia . . . Unfortunately, many of us are overconfident."

"Don't worry, my friend, no matter what happens, everything will turn out in the right direction in the end."


After chatting for a while, Qin Wei watched Eisenhower and others get on the plane.But it didn't occur to him, nor did Eisenhower, nor did many of those present, that their farewell at the airport would go down in history.


"I have never admired Ike, although he is really great!" Decades later, Van Fleet, who retired with the rank of above general, said in an interview with reporters: "I admire Qin most! Yes, that is That General Qin in China, the guy who made our allies angry at mentioning it!... I always thought that if General Qin hadn't invited us to China, we would probably have remained unknown until retirement. Especially Ike, he performed a miracle! It only took him two years from colonel to general, and one year from general to five-star general! But we all know that without the invitation and attention of General Qin, we would have It may not attract the attention of the superiors. You know, Ike was about to retire at the time. And when we left, General Qin predicted that Ike would be the commander-in-chief of the European Allied Forces, because no one in the United States He can still have the same ability as Ike, even if he has, he is not as good as Ike... and his prophecy is accurate!"

"Yes, I once objected to sending troops to East Asia. But it was by no means because I knew someone and had a pretty good friendship with him..." Ridgway later wrote in his memoirs: "Actually, when I was also very angry when I found out that we have no power in East Asia. But what's the use? To fight that guy? It's a pity, the entire US Army, I don't think anyone can beat that guy, if If we go to war, then I think we may suffer the most terrible defeat after World War II... He may not have any strong battlefield command ability, but his strategic vision and forward-looking view of events are terrifying. If we go to war, we Maybe even Guam will be lost!"

"Roosevelt had nothing to do with him. Churchill was furious every time he mentioned him, but he could only swallow his anger. Stalin...well, we won't mention that poor tyrant, but I really sympathize with him. Now it seems that he It's so pathetic," Clarke said in a conversation with a friend.

"If it weren't for Marshall's insistence, I might have been sent to Southeast Asia and commanded operations there. Then, I would have lost the opportunity to lead the Allied forces in Europe... I am lucky! Of course, I am not sent to Europe Felt lucky, though it was lucky. I'm just lucky that I wasn't sent to Southeast Asia... Admittedly, I probably wouldn't have gotten a better chance without the previous trip to China. But the first time It’s a blessing to go there, but it’s a tragedy to go there a second time, because there we can only play a supporting role, or even be completely ignored.” - Dwight D. Eisenhower. (To be continued..)

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