mixed in the war

Chapter 482 Chinese Bandit

"I don't believe that MacArthur can stop the Japanese."

Not only He Yingqin, Zhang Zhizhong, Chen Cheng, Bai Chongxi and others all sneered at Qin Wei's words.This is not the time to belittle yourself.Even if the United States is strong, it is because of their strong industry. As for the army... can the veteran soldiers who have not fought for more than 20 years compare with the Japanese army that has been tempered on the battlefield for several years?As for the famous generals... Which of the present is not a famous general?It was someone from Qin who had the worst military skills, and he was also a famous general of his generation.

"There are only 13 Filipino troops, of which the US military is only a little over 3, and the rest are all Filipino soldiers. It's not that I look down on these people. Even if they have been trained by the Americans for a few years, they are still far behind. And in terms of equipment They are actually about the same as the Japanese above, and even worse on average. In addition, they do not have much strategic depth, and the Pacific Fleet is almost completely wiped out. The US military in the Philippines provides any assistance. Fighting alone, unless MacArthur invites God down, no matter how powerful he is, he will be defeated."

"Jingzhi is right." Chiang Kai-shek nodded repeatedly.Against the Japanese in the squadron, those who can last one-on-one for a period of time can be regarded as elites, or even aces. Why can the Americans rely on more than 3 people, and they are still in a state of isolation? Against the Japanese army going south?You know, according to the latest news, the Japanese have set up the Southern Army, with Terauchi Shouichi, the former commander of the Chinese dispatched army, as the commander-in-chief, and the other four armies directly under his jurisdiction, with a total of 11 divisions and 3 brigades.There are other troops to supplement.The Philippines is a stumbling block in front of such a large army, and it is also the largest force of Britain and the United States in Southeast Asia.But it's a pity.No matter how you look at it, MacArthur has no chance of winning, even if he defends.

"But I insist that MacArthur can hold the Philippines." Qin Wei said, "If you don't believe me, you can try it. I guarantee that MacArthur will never ask us for help! He must be full of confidence."


"Is he so confident? He doesn't even have half of the opponent's strength, and there is no foreign reinforcement."

Qin Wei's "guess" was naturally accurate.But not everyone is as confident as MacArthur... Roosevelt even thinks that MacArthur is purely stubborn.Just to not lose face.

"That's what MacArthur said in his telegram." Marshall pinched the bridge of his nose. He has not had enough rest recently and his spirits are a little weak. "But I still think that what we need to do now is to evacuate quickly. Withdraw all the troops in the Philippines .”[

"Retire without fighting?" Roosevelt showed a look of extreme reluctance.The United States has suffered a big loss, a huge loss.If it was just the attack on Pearl Harbor, he could still accept it.But now the entire United States has been bombed by the Japanese.Not even New York on the East Coast was spared.This kind of shame and humiliation, if MacArthur retreats without a fight, the morale of the military and civilians in the entire United States will suffer an unparalleled blow.Especially now, the entire United States is immersed in the great anger of being attacked by Japan, and the call for counterattack is extremely high, which is morale available for him who is dedicated to participating in the war.But if the US troops stationed in the Philippines run away without fighting, then maybe the Americans will doubt the strength of their own country.At that time, there may be many people who will come out and clamor for peace.Moreover, he will also be blamed by others.

"But we have no chance of winning this battle." Marshall said, "Almost all of the west coast has been bombed by the Japanese. There is also the Panama Canal, which cannot be reopened without a year or so of cleaning. We can't support them .And MacArthur's men were poorly equipped. Almost none of them had any combat experience..."

"The Chinese 'government' said it could provide some support." Hull suddenly said, "Their Hainan Island is not too far from the Philippines, and the bombers can go back and forth freely. In addition, they still have nearly [-] 'Hellcats' in their hands." ’, can cover Philippine airspace.”

"Then what conditions do they have?" Roosevelt snorted coldly.Having been in contact with the Chinese for so long, he has already seen through these people... Those guys are simply not able to benefit from the early models, so they don't ask for help for a reason, maybe they are already ready for the lion to open their mouths.

"They need b-17 and b-25! Lease!" Hull replied: "In addition, they are willing to provide an aircraft carrier for us to retaliate against Japan."

"They are gloating!" Roosevelt was a little annoyed.He couldn't help being angry.The entire U.S. Navy, until now, has only seven aircraft carriers.Three of them are in the Pacific, two are in the mainland and two are in the Atlantic.Unexpectedly, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and the "Enterprise", "Lexington", and "Saratoga" were all sunk, and then burned by the fire ignited by 450 million tons of heavy oil... …Today, these three aircraft carriers are completely abandoned and do not even need to be repaired.But he didn't expect that this was just the beginning of the US Navy's pain.Hearing of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Navy immediately ordered the "Hornet" and "Yorktown" on the mainland to go to support, but they survived. When the "Yorktown" was passing the lock of the Panama Canal, it happened to meet the Japanese. Although the bombing by human beings was fortunately not sunk, almost all the planes on the deck were destroyed by the Japanese Type Zero, but it is still trapped in the destroyed Panama Canal, unable to enter or retreat , has been trapped alive.Compared with the misfortune of the "Yorktown", the "Hornet" was still relatively lucky. It was still on the other side of the Panama Canal at the time. When it got the news, it immediately retreated desperately to the Atlantic Ocean, and finally escaped. , but was seriously injured by the Japanese carrier-based aircraft, and is currently still undergoing repairs at the Norfolk Naval Port in Virginia.

For a country, the literature network, five-sevenths of the power is abolished, which is a disaster at all.But the Chinese are talking about "revenge" at this time... This is intentional!It must be on purpose!Roosevelt is [-]% sure that these Chinese guys just want to use this incident to disgust him.

"Whether the Chinese are gloating or not, I think their proposal is very correct." Marshall said, "Timely revenge can strengthen the confidence of the entire United States and stabilize the mood of the people."

"Can't we do it ourselves?" Roosevelt said dissatisfied.

"We can't transfer aircraft carriers from the Atlantic Ocean, that might allow Germany to find an opportunity." Marshall said, "You know, Germany and Japan are allies."

"Then send 'Bumblebee' out." Roosevelt said in a deep voice.

"'Bumblebee' is still under maintenance." Hull reminded.

"Then speed up," Roosevelt called.

"The Panama Canal has been destroyed. If you want the 'Bumblebee' to attack, you can only detour from Cape Horn... This will take a long time. After that, we will have to cross almost the entire Pacific Ocean, and then launch an attack. I am afraid that it is no longer effective." Marshall said: "Because what the American people need is a timely and fierce punch!"

"But we use the Chinese aircraft carrier... No, it is not the Chinese themselves, it is the aircraft carrier of the Japanese captured by them! What will the American people think?" Roosevelt was still extremely unhappy.Because judging from the few times I have dealt with the Chinese, those guys are not good men and women.Although they have always been looking for trouble, and the Chinaman just responded passively, but he has an intuition that this time the other party will never just say help and help.Just renting a few bombers?He didn't believe it.As long as they show a hint of agreement, those guys will definitely raise the conditions immediately.He's sure. [

"Using the Japanese aircraft carrier to attack Japan, the American people will definitely be very happy if they hear the news. And I believe they will also be very happy to have a strong ally at this time." Hull said.

"Strong?" Roosevelt disdainfully said, "If the Chinese were so powerful, the Japanese would not dare to be as arrogant as they are now."

"The secret weapon that the Chinese can capture a fleet has not been figured out until now. This is a threat to navies all over the world. It is only because it is a time of war that no one is forcing the Chinese to take this weapon. Hand it over. However, if we can strengthen cooperation with the Chinese, then we hope to be the first to obtain this powerful weapon." Marshall said.

"The Japanese navy is our biggest threat." Hull said on the sidelines again.

"But we are talking about MacArthur now..." Roosevelt said, "if the Philippines falls, then we will have no power in the Western Pacific."

"The Chinese expressed their willingness to support." Hull repeated the old saying.

"But they will definitely put forward many conditions..." Roosevelt said: "This is the most difficult part for me. Especially if we take the initiative to ask them, they will definitely take the opportunity to blackmail."

"At least not yet. Maybe they are thinking about it. In this case, the sooner we promise, the sooner we can reach an agreement with them, the less the loss will be..."


Hull also wanted to persuade Roosevelt, but at this time the phone rang suddenly, and he could only let Roosevelt answer the phone first.However, soon, he found that Roosevelt's face was covered with a thick layer of blood, and his whole body couldn't help shaking.

"Whose call is it?" Hull asked carefully.

"Henry!" Roosevelt's entire face puffed up, his murderous aura boiled over.

"Henry? Ministry of Finance?" Hull was taken aback.Roosevelt was elected for the third time, and the cabinet made certain adjustments, but there were still many people whose positions remained unchanged.Like him, like Henry Morgenthau Jr., Minister of Finance!As the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr.'s position in the "government" of the United States is naturally self-evident.But what did that guy say to stimulate Roosevelt like this?

Hull was full of doubts, but before he could express it, Roosevelt had already thrown the phone:

"Bandits! A group of robbers——" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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