No one in Qin Wei was surprised by Kong Xiangxi's "blackmail", and no one was willing to stand up for the Kong family, including Song Meiling.Because everyone knows that Qin Wei's status and importance in the national government at this time is even higher than that of Kong Xiangxi.At least, Kong Xiangxi is replaceable, but Qin Wei is irreplaceable.

"Although you asked the Americans for cooperation according to your request, I think most of you are still a little guilty and worried about the future."

The battle between Guangdong and Guangxi failed, and Bai Chongxi lost a chance to make a great contribution. Not only that, but he also had to watch Qin Wei's military rank climb above his own, and he was extremely jealous.But what can I do?Du Yuming could only lead the 5th Army to go south to control North Vietnam again. At the same time, he ordered Sun Liren to lead the New 1st Army to go south to Saigon. As for the Yunnan Army of the two divisions, he said goodbye to Sun Liren. Under the leadership of the Chief Resident of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cambodia was taken over...Of course, this was the result of negotiations between the National Government and the French Government.According to the agreement between the two parties: the national "government" still recognizes France's suzerainty over French Indochina for the time being, but like the Japanese, they have the right to garrison troops and veto power on local affairs.In other words, officials of the French Indochina authorities are no longer working for the French government, let alone the Japanese government, but the national government.The French also understand what this means. The "temporary" emphasized by the national "government" in the agreement between the two parties makes them extremely unhappy, but they have nothing to do with China.Therefore, for the last bit of face, they accepted the agreement and paid a large "ransom" for the French people who stayed near Guilin.

But this has nothing to do with Bai Chongxi.He is the deputy chief of staff of the National Revolutionary Army, and he has to consider things from the overall perspective.

"Actually, I didn't expect the Japanese to be so desperate this time."

The location is still Qin Wei's White Mansion.Bai Chongxi has never been here before, and Qin Wei has never wanted to invite this guy here... It is easy to cause misunderstandings. "Bai Chongxi is in the Bai mansion", if this guy suddenly behaves badly.He insisted that this mansion belonged to the Bai family, so could he still ask Dai Li for the title deed?But fortunately, Bai Chongxi's personal integrity is still passable.There is no meaning of pretentiousness.

"Even the Panama Canal can be blown up. This is not a tactic that ordinary people can think of. Even if Ishihara Wanji and his gang are not in power, they must have considerable influence on Japan's political situation now."

"Si Nei Shouyi was disgraced when he left China. But within two days, he became the commander-in-chief of the Southern Army again... Isn't this all obvious?" Bai Chongxi said.

"We must have two hard days," Qin Wei said with a smile, "but as long as we can survive, the future will be sweet." [

"Just because we sent troops to capture French Indochina, the British and American countries are already on guard against us. It seems that your immigration plan to Burma has also been frustrated?" Bai Chongxi asked.

"No." Qin Wei spread his hands, "Everything is going well."

"Smooth? But I clearly heard that the British have stopped approving the entry of Chinese into Burma, and even sent troops to guard the border? Is this also called smooth?" Bai Chongxi frowned.Qin Wei's immigration plan started not long after the "Chinese Welfare Fund" was established.This guy used means to make the French open the door of convenience, and then used the same method to make the British open the border gate.Then, under the pretense of agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, mining development, etc., a large number of refugees and refugees gathered in the southwestern provinces were secretly organized and sent there.But no one thought of it.In just a few months, the number of Chinese entering Myanmar has exceeded 20.The British know almost nothing about it.Why?It's still the same thing, bullying the top and not hiding the bottom.The British are colonists, they came to live a good life, not to seek hardship for themselves.As long as a few responsible officials or clerks are bribed.The rest is basically no problem.What's more, many places in Myanmar are still in a state of "self-governing", and administrative management is extremely lacking, and these Chinese are rarely assigned to areas with large populations. On the contrary, most of them go to the wilderness to open up wasteland and mine. How could the colonial authorities know?so.Even if they were told something about it, it would be difficult to investigate.But having said that, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Myanmar is a good place, with fertile land and humid climate, which is especially conducive to agricultural production. In addition, there are no exorbitant taxes, which is very attractive to those refugees.And in this way, the news spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and more Chinese crossed the border into Myanmar.And apart from farmers, there are also many businessmen, rich people, and handicraftsmen.Farmers can go to the wilderness, but these people must rely on towns to survive.As a result, after a while, the British colonists finally found that there were too many Chinese under their rule, and immediately began to restrict the entry of Chinese.But this kind of restriction is of no use, and Chinese people are still pouring into Myanmar in large numbers.So the British wanted to use other means, such as collecting poll taxes specifically for the Chinese or simply raising taxes, in order to force the Chinese to leave.However, just after the British colonial authorities promulgated a new tax plan, Du Yuming rushed into North Vietnam and occupied all the areas north of the Red River.Immediately afterwards, Sun Liren led the New 1st Army to "kill" towards the China-Myanmar border.

The British are honest.Although they did not take the initiative to withdraw the new tax plan, they did not ask the subordinates to implement it. They were afraid that Sun Liren's troops had the same purpose as Du Yuming.In that case, by doing so, they are giving the Chinese "government" an excuse to attack them.

Then there is the diplomatic level.

London is very busy now, busy dealing with Hitler's air strikes, and the Burmese authorities can only negotiate with the Chinese "government" on their own.As a result, according to the principle of diplomatic reciprocity, at the behest of someone, the Yunnan local "government" stepped forward.It is not known whether Lu Han scolded Qin Wei behind his back because of this, but he still strongly threatened the British colonists.No matter what the British say, it’s just one sentence: We have too many refugees, we can’t support them, and people starve to death every day. You can stop them if you insist, but if this leads to a civil uprising, then we will definitely fight for our own people. Backing up... In addition, there are still 10,000+ soldiers in Yunnan who are idle and have nothing to do, always wanting to fight the enemy!

The British are proud and never afraid of threats.But today is different from the past after all.In the past, if the Chinese side dared to speak like this, they would have flicked their sleeves and left long ago, and they didn't bother to talk about it, and they could do whatever they wanted.But not now, we have to discuss it.As a result, as soon as the discussion was discussed, the discussion has reached the present.Seeing that the Chinese unceremoniously robbed the French of their territory, the British couldn't care less about anything else, and stopped these extremely threatening Chinese people from the door first.

But Qin Wei said that the immigrants were not affected at all, everything went well?

"I really don't understand how you guys dare to fight for power with Chiang Kai-shek with such an intelligence system." Facing Bai Chongxi's question, Qin Wei shook his head repeatedly, "Britain's own troubles can't be solved now, how can they manage it?" Us? What's more, we are still "comrades" with them in the trenches, which is even more difficult to manage. Although their Burmese colonial authorities have imposed a ban on relocation, but the Sino-Myanmar border is so rich, where do we make an opening? open?"

"Don't the British know?" Bai Chongxi asked in surprise.

"The upper class doesn't know, but the lower class knows." Qin Wei replied.

"Bring it with money?" Bai Chongxi asked again.

"You're so smart." Qin Wei nodded, "It's that simple."

"I don't believe it. The Burmese authorities issued a death order, and those people under them dare to obey?" Bai Chongxi shook his head repeatedly.

"Why don't you dare?" Qin Wei curled his lips disdainfully, "There are policies at the top, and countermeasures at the bottom. This kind of thing is not limited to our China. Didn't the Burmese authorities prohibit Chinese from entering? But there are only a few passages for entry and exit. Well, those guys who are doing odd jobs below are given the task of guarding the territory they are guarding. Some people from other places have jumped over, what can they do? Moreover, the British have no way of entering Myanmar with so many people before. Counting, a little more and a little less, can they still figure out whether it came first or came later?" [

"But the British are not fools. What we did was so obvious that it was almost obvious that the doves took over the magpie's nest. Even if the people below are greedy for benefits, they can't be so reckless, right?" Bai Chongxi still had some disbelief.The national concept of the British is stronger than that of the Chinese these days.Look at other people's London, it is about to be bombed into ruins, but the British in London still insist on desperately, or just refuse to admit defeat to Germany?

"Don't think the foreign devils are so noble. France is so bragging about it. Didn't it just surrender? But if you replaced the French Prime Minister at that time from Petain to Churchill, then I dare to tell you that France is probably still It's going to war with Germany." Qin Wei laughed, "As for those who work on the ground...the native British Isles are in danger, why are they still working so hard? Hurry up and earn some money and go to Australia or the United States to live a stable life That's right."

"So, you gave me a lot of money?" Bai Chongxi asked again.

"The so-called loyalty is because the price of betrayal is not high enough!" Qin Wei said with a smile: "I blackmailed Kong Xiangxi again because the price I paid was too high. Otherwise, it's not that I'm idle, so why do I have to be taboo?" hatred?"

"Then when do you plan to take Myanmar over?" Bai Chongxi asked with a smile.

"It's a joke. We are now allies with the UK." Qin Wei gave this guy a white look, "You have to be loyal, how can you stab an ally first before defeating the enemy?"

"It's useless to pretend to be with me." Bai Chongxi also turned his back on him, "But now I'm worried, what if the Japanese don't attack Burma and instead attack Vietnam? After all, the main forces of our two armies are now in Vietnam. No If you wipe out these two armies first, how dare they attack Burma?"

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