mixed in the war

Chapter 497 Embarrassment and Aggression

The Second World War has reached this point, regardless of the European part, and the Asian part, the countries involved are actually very embarrassed.

Needless to say, the Soviet Union seemed to be strong, but in the end it stumbled in Finland first, and just after recovering, it stumbled on the Japanese.Until Timoshenko withdrew into Kazakhstan with his troops, Moscow was a little confused about why he failed.But in any case, if you lose, you lose. You lose 1276 million square kilometers of Siberia, you lose Outer Mongolia, you lose almost all of your interests in Asia, and you lose the results of more than 200 years of hard work by Sabr Russia and the Soviet Union.The only thing they can comfort themselves is: if there is another war, they won't have to travel far.

Next to the Soviet Union was the United States.

The largest industrial country in the world has been watching other countries fight wars there, but it has put on a fisherman's posture, waiting for the price and making a lot of war money at the same time.As a result, watching the play was lively, but was suddenly murdered by "actors". Not to mention the heavy loss, I could only watch tens of thousands of American soldiers hiding alone in the Philippines, silently counting down, waiting for the powerful enemy to come, and they But he was basically helpless, and he was still being ripped off by others.

After the United States, there is Japan.

According to the appearance, Japan at this time is actually a big winner.It occupied Siberia first, and then beat the United States severely. As long as China can be cleaned up again, the entire East Asia, and even the entire Asia may belong to it.But Japan has a hard time and can't tell.If it can, it doesn't want to go to war with the Americans at this time.Even those Japanese military officers who don't understand strategy and tactics and only know how to charge forward with the "Emperor on board" know what the consequences of provoking the three largest countries in the world at the same time will be.But they can't help it.Because, after occupying Siberia, not only were they stretched out, but even their resources were basically exhausted.If you don't go to war with Britain, the United States and the Netherlands.If they don't enter Nanyang, but continue to fight with China, even if they pull all the nearly one million troops in Siberia into the Chinese battlefield, they will soon face the situation of running out of ammunition and food.What's more, it was so hard to lay down such a large piece of land. How could the Japanese people, who were tired of living in an island country, let them give up so easily?But such a huge territory, even if it is sparsely populated, requires at least hundreds of thousands of troops to defend it, otherwise, it would only rely on the "reform through labor" troops who defected to the Soviet Union.Can't stop the Soviet Red Army at all.Therefore, for the sake of resources, in order to continue the war, and for Japan to go further in this war, they must ruthlessly beat Britain and the United States.As for the consequences. Let's talk after k is finished.

Except for Su Meiri, the most embarrassing thing belongs to China.But China has been embarrassed for almost 100 years.I don't care about such a little bit of face.on the contrary.In the process of continuing to lose face, everyone can get a little bit of benefits, but everyone feels quite comfortable.


"Your country has been delaying things like this, which is not only not conducive to the resolution of the matter, but also not conducive to your soldiers on the front line. They will even pay with their lives for your hesitation and hesitation today."

Yan Huiqing, who was sitting across from Hull, had a serious face and unceremoniously accused the United States of procrastination.Just because the Japanese have been just dragging their feet and have never launched an attack on the Philippines.Even Wake Island and Guam, the upper island bases of the United States in the Pacific Ocean, did not attack. They thought that things had turned around, that the Japanese war machine was malfunctioning, and that MacArthur, a guy who could only talk big, could rely on that A little bit of strength to keep the Philippines...and then based on that.Trying to turn China into an army, ask them to lower, or even simply withdraw the previous conditions.How can these people be so ridiculous?

"Mr. Ambassador, according to our information, the current situation in Japan is very bad." Hull looked at Yan Huiqing with a smile on his face.Ever since he received a call from Henry Morgenthau Jr. in the Oval Office that day, knowing that the Chinese were planning to take the opportunity to blackmail the United States, he had been waiting for this opportunity, waiting to see how the Chinese were furious.And now, he thinks he has seen it, "The Japanese left more than 50 troops in Siberia, which is already the minimum requirement, otherwise they would not be able to deter the Soviets at all, even if they have the help of nearly 30 Soviet rebels And besides that, we want to thank China, it is precisely because of the excellent performance of the squadron on the battlefield that the Japanese had to strengthen their military forces in mainland China, which enabled them to send troops to Southeast Asia It has to be reduced again. We have 12 troops in the Philippines, well-trained, well-equipped, and occupy a favorable position, familiar with the local terrain, and can also receive a lot of assistance from the Philippines and from the United States. Therefore, we can completely send Japan People stand in front of Luzon."

"Your Excellency, Secretary of State, I wonder what kind of support the U.S. government can provide to the Philippine defenders?" Lu Xiaojia was dressed in professional attire from the 40s, with a pair of big glasses on her face. Instead of ridiculing, "Is it moral support? Or is it guaranteed that they will all get medals from Congress in the end?"

"Little girl, do you know what war is?" Secretary of War Henry Stimson looked at Lu Xiaojia with great interest. At this age, he could almost be his granddaughter. "We have 12 defenders, and the Japanese only have 20." ; We are defending, while they are attacking; we have complete fortifications and sufficient logistical reserves, as well as various supports from the Philippines, while the Japanese can only rely on their navy to transport them bit by bit behind ...We will not lose!"

"That's because you haven't seen the crazy Japanese army." Lu Xiaojia sneered, "Also, a group of so-called 'elite soldiers' who haven't fought in decades, can really deal with it and have already been tempered on the battlefield. Several years of strong soldiers? A simple comparison of statistics can make you, the Minister of War, so confident?"

"Little girl, my confidence comes from the strength of the U.S. military." Henry Stimson laughed, "General MacArthur is the best general in the United States. Since he firmly told us that he can drive the Japanese out of the Pacific Ocean, then, He will definitely be able to do it.”

"My teacher told me in the telegram that Douglas MacArthur is indeed one of the best generals of our time..." Looking at the smiles on the corners of the mouths of several Americans, Lu Xiaojia also had a hint of malice on his face. "But he also told me that the best thing about MacArthur is not his military level, but his ability to know his shame and then be brave. That is to say, every time a war starts, MacArthur will be the loser, or even the loser. , but his strong will will allow him to quickly clear up his mood, and then turn the situation around with the strong industrial strength of the United States of America. Among them, he has one of the biggest advantages, that is, he can get the US government to agree to let him be such a The defeated general continues to lead the army."

"Who is your teacher?" Henry Stimson frowned, "He is really rude."

"My teacher is a member of the Chinese Civil Affairs Commission, the commander-in-chief of the Air Force, and a first-class general...General Qin Wei!" Lu Xiaojia raised her delicate chin, and there was a strong arrogance on her face, "He 32 years old this year!"

"...I know that guy." Hull twisted his buttocks so that he could sit more comfortably in the seat, "Although he was very young to obtain the rank of general, it is indeed very remarkable, but I still want to say ...that's not something he can disdain an admiral of the United States of America."

"Isn't MacArthur a lieutenant general?" Song Ziwen was sitting beside Yan Huiqing.As the real representative of the Chinese government and special envoy of Chiang Kai-shek, he traveled from Chongqing to Washington very hard, hoping to get enough loans from the Americans.But the slow action of the Japanese also made the Yankee more and more confident. He waited in Washington for nearly a month before being interviewed by Roosevelt. The interview process was also very boring and the time was short. "Rushed" out of the White House.During the entire interview process, he actually just chatted with Ross and discussed the situation in Southeast Asia by the way. As for the cooperation and mutual support between the two parties, he didn't even have a chance to mention it.He didn't care about it...China is a weak country, and it came to borrow money. It was an empty-handed idea, and it chose a time when the United States was under attack. It seemed to be taking advantage of the fire. It's normal to be treated a little coldly.But he didn't expect that just when he was planning to use his family's power in the United States to gradually open the door to contact the U.S. government, Yan Huiqing actually submitted an ultimatum to the U.S. State Department, asking the two sides to negotiate. If the U.S. refuses, then he, the Chinese The ambassador will perform the sacred duty of a national civil servant: leave!

It was the first time for Song Ziwen to see such a thing. When did the Chinese actually show their temper to the Americans?He reprimanded Yan Huiqing at the beginning, but Yan Huiqing still hadn't spoken yet, but the little girl who claimed to be a student of Qin Wei was dissatisfied and told him that all of this was a domestic arrangement... Of course Song Ziwen didn't believe it, domestic arrangements can be bypassed Has he ever been the chairman's special envoy?A little girl who wants to fool Qin Wei's uncle by pulling Qin Wei's tiger skin?Song Ziwen is not Kong Xiangxi!Then, the two sides quarreled and quarreled. Yan Huiqing didn't want to sell his uncle's face, so he was naturally not interested in respecting the elderly. As a result, the two sides became more and more violent. He almost sent a telegram back to China to ask for the removal of Yan Huiqing, the ambassador to the United States.

However, things soon made him, an uncle who claimed to be good at dealing with Americans, blush: The Americans actually agreed to negotiate. Not only that, after the negotiations started, the attitude of the United States has always been good, but they This side has been aggressive from the beginning... (to be continued...)

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