mixed in the war

Chapter 504 Song Ziwen's Countermeasures

Famine, famine, all of them use this to talk about things.

Lao Jiang has always been kind to the real honest officials, and he also takes good care of the real good officials, but he can't allow others to challenge his dignity.

They all talk about famines, as if he, the leader of the country, doesn't care about them... But these famines have something to do with him?

Northern Shaanxi, that is the land of the Communist Party. The disaster started the year before last and has continued to this day. Although the Communist Party has run away, it can still survive when the Communist Party is here. Why can't it survive when they are in charge? up?Song Ziwen actually used this reason to explain why he borrowed from Americans. Isn't it clear that he is a fool?But he still had to suffer from this dumbness.Because the famine in northern Shaanxi does exist, and now the Communist Party has gone, taking away all the people or things that can be taken away, but leaving behind the small amount of food... The KMT can't perform worse than the Communist Party ?Song Ziwen said that the purpose of borrowing money from the United States was to help the people in the so-called "Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region". In fact, in another aspect, he made a more reasonable explanation for the national government's refusal to provide relief to the local disaster victims: there is no money.Therefore, he has nothing to do with Song Ziwen.

As for the famine in Henan, the Henan government didn't take the lead, but Qin Wei, an air force commander, jumped out first.No matter what this kid means, doing so is already a big taboo.Especially when he came to him with documents to "play wild", it was provoking his majesty.Therefore, no matter how much he values ​​and appreciates Qin Wei, he must suppress Qin Wei's arrogance.Otherwise, wouldn't anyone be able to come to his office and get mad under the banner of serving the country and the people?

Furthermore, if Song Ziwen had nothing to do with it, he would not be able to explain to these people in front of him, especially Qin Wei, the main planner of foreign military and diplomatic strategies... He couldn't afford to lose face.So he could only find an opportunity to transfer the conflict, but Qin Weiti provided him with this opportunity.


"Chairman. You haven't answered my question yet." Qin Wei knew that Jiang was trying to divert the conflict, so he vented his anger on him by the way.But he doesn't care, he just wants to know what the hell Song Ziwen is doing now.Because even with Gu Changjun's current identity, he couldn't find out the real purpose of Song Ziwen's move in the United States for a while.It was only found that at the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Song Ziwen took advantage of his relationship with Morgenthau and the information provided by Hu Shi and Wang Shijie on the corruption and incompetence of the Chinese government, and borrowed the hands of Americans to force Kong Xiangxi and He Yingqin to leave. tower.This is obviously inconsistent with what is happening now, although it is not known whether these are two events or the same event showing two states due to the difference in time and space.But he didn't want his arrangements to be affected.Therefore, Song Ziwen must pay the price for his actions.

"We borrow money from the United States. If you open your mouth, the Americans will definitely not be happy, but when they have to lend to us, they will still have a very bad impression of us, and there is a high possibility that they will see through us. The initial intention. This is quite detrimental to the relationship between the two countries." Unexpected.It was Chen Bulei who took the conversation. "So Song Ziwen reported in his call back to the chairman that the first batch of more than 3000 million yuan in loans was used for disaster relief... and the task of the government is to spend all the 400 million US dollars in the shortest possible time. There can't be any left!"

"What do you mean?" Qin Wei frowned, "If we don't have a penny left, we can stop fighting for the Yankees. Don't we have to sacrifice our own soldiers at the beginning?"

"That's right, it's ridiculous!" Kong Xiangxi also chimed in.

"This is a new telegram sent by the embassy in the United States. It has just been translated." Chen Bulei took out a folder from behind his back and aired it to the two of them, then handed it to Lao Jiang.At the same time, he explained: "What Song Ziwen means is that there will be a long delay between the signing of the agreement and the appropriation of the US side for this loan of more than 3000 million US dollars. It took a month. At that time, the weather was already cold, and the Japanese should have started to attack Nanyang. But we have no money...how can we fight in this situation?"

"Then we have to ask the Americans for money again?" Kong Xiangxi's complexion changed slightly, and he glanced at Qin Wei with some concern.The reason why Qin Wei is willing to help him deal with Song Ziwen is because the loan agreement and time between Song Ziwen and the United States violated the plan that this kid made before, but if Song Ziwen can solve this problem, then with Qin Wei's character, he will definitely not take the initiative to cause trouble .As a result, he will have to face criticism from the US officials alone.Of course, he can also help Qin Wei with a loan of hundreds of millions of French currency, but the problem is that Song Ziwen will definitely be willing to help Qin Wei with this favor.And Song, who is the boss of the four major banks, must be able to get things done more easily than him, the executive dean...

"That's right, ask the Americans for more money." Chen Bulei didn't seem to see the panic in Kong Xiangxi's eyes, and continued: "And we need a lot of money. Because we don't even pay 400 people to help the disaster-stricken Chinese people." The "huge sum" of tens of thousands of dollars has been spent quickly. The US government can't let our soldiers go abroad to fight when the common people are hungry? Two hundred million dollars can only be used as a base, and it will cost three to five hundred million But such a large amount of money, even if the U.S. government has a lot of money, it will take several months to raise it. In this way, the money will be exchanged for weapons, then shipped to China, and distributed to the participating troops. It's almost over, we only need to beat the side drums, and we don't need to go out on a large scale."

"I see, someone leaked the plan of the Military Commission to him!" Qin Wei suddenly pointed at everyone one by one, "Song Ziwen is a civil servant, and he hardly understands military affairs. But even if it is three to five billion dollars, the U.S. government It is estimated that two or three can be raised. But apart from everyone present, how many people believe that MacArthur will not be able to last two or three months in the Philippines? This is a big war, and even if it lasts for a year or so, it will not be a big problem. He Why does Song Ziwen conclude that when the Yankee allocates money, we can only play the side drum?"

"Cough!" He Yingqin coughed dryly, and rolled his eyes at Qin Wei: "'Song' Ziwen is a dignified president of the Four Leagues, a government financial officer, what is knowing these things?"

"Song Ziwen did not believe that MacArthur could only stay in the Philippines for two or three months. He also added the time to buy weapons in the United States with loans, transport them, and distribute them. Therefore, the time he determined was not two or three months. It should be at least half a year." Chen Bulei said.

"That is to say, no one leaked the secret to Song Ziwen?" Qin Wei asked again.

"Anyway, I didn't say that." Seeing Qin Wei glaring at him, Chen Guofu couldn't help shaking his head.

"Who doesn't care who doesn't? With Song Ziwen's status, will he leak this secret to anyone?" Chen Cheng said dissatisfied.

"But someone Song is self-reliant." Qin Wei's voice suddenly amplified a lot, "Inciting Yankees to interfere with the Chinese government's personnel appointments is a bad start! Once the Yankees get their way, the other party will eat the marrow Knowing the taste and never getting tired of it. With the strength of the United States, once it focuses on this matter, it will inevitably have a huge impact on our China, and even seriously affect China's political structure. I will never accept the behavior of other countries interfering in our internal affairs without reason. Even if we need the assistance of the United States very much now! I allow him to carry private goods in the operation, but I don't agree with him helping other countries extend their political claws into China's territory!"


"That's right, the Chinese people have to solve their own affairs. What's the point of borrowing the hands of the Americans?" Hearing Qin Wei's words.Kong Xiangxi was relieved.Immediately, he also raised his chest high.

"Don't worry, I know these things well."

Lao Jiang's tone also eased a lot.He found himself admiring Qin Wei more and more.Although he was very displeased with Qin Wei's behavior of throwing the document on his desk just now, and was also very angry that Qin Wei used the army to intervene in politics, but Qin Wei was not throwing his temper at him after all, and he was not behind the desk at that time, besides... …The KMT lacks good people.Although Lao Jiang would not admit this even if he was killed.But that is the truth.Corruption and lawlessness are everywhere, and there are as many corrupt officials as a cow's hair.Although these people and things have become the habit of Chinese officialdom since the late Qing Dynasty, he doesn't particularly care about them.But who doesn't want to have a few more good people under his command?Just like he educated Jiang Jingguo and Jiang Weiguo, it is completely different from doting on the boys and girls of the Kong family.Even if the children of the Kong family committed murder and arson, he just laughed it off. As long as it can be settled, he will definitely help to settle it, and basically he will not say anything serious.But with the two brothers Jiang Jingguo, even if he just made a little mistake, he could burst into anger, and it was possible to break the legs of these two sons.

And Qin Wei is different from others, this kid's vision is really accurate.In the Indochina Peninsula, they originally wanted to make some money and share the population pressure of the southwestern provinces, but they didn't expect that Qin Wei's original plan would actually come true.At least now they have de facto taken three of them.But if it weren't for Qin Wei's prior planning, it would have been the Japanese who occupied French Indochina.Qin Wei's foresight and determination reduced the pressure on the southwestern rear.

And now, Qin Wei has revealed another characteristic that makes him happy: he doesn't like foreign powers to interfere!This is a good thing.Because he himself particularly hates those big powers who dictate China's affairs.He can pay various prices to get what he needs from the big powers, but he is extremely disgusted that the big powers use this as a threat to interfere in his rule... This government is his, no matter how bad it is, it is his, no one can intervene, whoever threatens Whoever he controls over this government is his enemy.What Song Ziwen did was originally within the range he could barely accept, but after Qin Wei said this, he suddenly became disgusted with Song Ziwen... You want to fight with your brother-in-law for power, why do you need help from outsiders?Do you really think that I can't deal with you, brother-in-law?

"However, in the current situation, I don't want to cause any trouble. Otherwise, don't blame me for not being sympathetic."

"I only abide by my own principles. I don't care about anything else..." Qin Weidao, "However, Dean Kong promised me to provide a loan of [-] million French currency to Yunnan and Guizhou provinces not long ago... I hope you can agree."

"Five billion—?"

He Yingqin and Chen Cheng cried out in shock, while the others were all at a loss, looking at Qin Wei with piercing eyes.As for Lao Jiang, his whole body froze.

"What do you want so much money for?"

"Make money!"


"Tuk Tuk!"


The limelight in the office changed according to the owner's wishes. Lao Jiang didn't want to trouble Qin Wei and Kong Xiangxi, but he didn't expect Qin Wei to drop such a big bomb as "[-] million".Even in legal currency, this is a lot of money.He was about to question him carefully, but the door suddenly rang, and then Dai Li's voice sounded outside.

"Come in." Lao Jiang took another deep look at Qin and Wei, and then raised his voice.

"President and Chairman." Dai Li and Huang Shaohong walked in one after the other.However, after Huang Shaohong greeted Lao Jiang, he stopped talking, and just exchanged glances with everyone one by one, while Dai Li stood in front of Lao Jiang: "Principal, the students have brought you here."

"Is that the professional from Guizhou?" Old Jiang glanced at Qin Wei and became dissatisfied again.Famine, famine... This guy will find things for himself.

"Yes." Dai Li didn't know what had just happened in this office. Hearing Lao Jiang's question, he immediately replied: "It's the president of Zhejiang University, Zhu Kezhen!" (To be continued...)

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