mixed in the war

Chapter 508 Grand "Welcome" Ceremony

"Lieutenant, do you see anything?"

"No, there's nothing. Damn...we're running out of gas."

In the clear sky, more than a dozen B-25 bombers are heading west, flying at full speed with the sun behind their backs.Inside the bomber, almost all the crew gathered outside the cockpit, sticking their heads in from time to time to ask the pilot.But each time the answers they got were not very satisfactory.

They have just completed the mission of bombing Tokyo and are currently on the way to "escape".

No one was chasing after them. The Japanese bombers were not as good as them in terms of range, and their speed was also slower. However, their speed was faster than theirs, and their range was farther than them, and they could not rise to the same height... So they temporarily It's still safe.But they still have one of their greatest enemies: distance!

The U.S. "government" couldn't stand being beaten up so blatantly by the Japanese that they wanted to fight back.But in the end, Roosevelt resolutely rejected the proposals of Marshall and others, and also resolutely rejected the plan to cooperate with the Chinese "government" and use Chinese power to bomb Japan.He believes that since it is an American business, the Americans have to do it by themselves, and they must do it alone. Otherwise, even if they can blow up the whole of Japan to ruins, they can't really show the world the determination of the United States. Acts truly inspired the confidence of the people of the United States of America.Roosevelt's determination was strong, and once he had made a decision, no one could dissuade him.Just like how he was able to stand up despite suffering from polio after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and go to Congress to deliver a speech declaring war on the Japanese.

So, like history.Jimmy Doolittle.The best Air Force pilot in the United States received this task, and then he called up the same excellent pilots in the United States to start a trial. The b-25 was originally unable to take off from the deck of an aircraft carrier, but they used their flying technology to do so.At the same time, under Roosevelt's continuous urging and coercion, and with the investment of the US "government" regardless of the cost, the "Hornet", which might have taken a year to repair, regained its combat effectiveness in just two months.Then.They went south along the Atlantic Ocean desperately, around Cape Horn, and then headed towards the northwest corner of the Atlantic Ocean.

Roosevelt said to Marshall in private: Even if the entire fleet is wiped out, as long as a bomb can be dropped on the Japanese mainland, this operation will be successful.

But this matter cannot let the Chinese know. [

Because the country facing the United States across the Pacific Ocean made Roosevelt feel more and more dangerous and untrustworthy.Who knows what will happen if those guys find out about their plan?Roosevelt even believed, if profitable.Those people would give the Japanese advance notice of their plans.However, the safety of the pilot cannot be ignored.Although the b-25 bombers they used could take off on the "Hornet", they could not land on it. After bombing Japan, they could only continue westward and fly into China. ...Originally, if the Soviet Union hadn't been so bad, they could have landed at Vladivostok.Although it would be dangerous to fall into the hands of the Soviets, it will save nearly 1000 kilometers of voyage to Vladivostok than to China.It's a pity that the Soviets were so disappointing.

Therefore, they can only notify the Chinese "government" after the air strike on Tokyo, hoping that the Chinese "government" can respond in a timely manner.Just in time to send troops to rescue their pilots.But there is another problem: how can we ensure the "timeliness" of the Chinese people?If the Chinese had all kinds of actions at that time, how could they respond to their pilots?And almost all of China's coast is under the control of the Japanese.If you can't prepare in advance, it will be difficult to achieve real response.

Americans have racked their brains for this.And just when the "Big Yellow Peak" was heading towards Japan at full speed, Marshall and others finally thought of a solution that was not a solution: Chennault.

They have an air force in China.

Although this air force was placed in the southwest by the Chinese, as the Chinese air force became stronger and stronger, the Chinese "government" established airstrips in various theaters to facilitate the air force's mobilization, operations, and support.Let Chennault and his troops stop during the raid, preferably if they can find an opportunity to go to the coastal areas of China, and then... do what they can.


"What do those guys think? Let the air force come to pick us up? If we see land, we're going to parachute! Can they jump out of the plane and save us?"

Richard Mille withdrew his head from the cockpit door and sat down on the seat on the side of the cabin.As the pitcher on the plane, he was excited when he threw the bomb overboard and into Tokyo, but now he has only panic about the future.

"We knew before we came that we might never go back." Mechanic and machine gunner Douglas Redney looked at him. "But isn't it good now? At least we've done our job."

"You heard it just now, we are out of gas." Miller also rolled his eyes and looked at him, "Aren't you afraid of falling into the sea?"

"I'm a Naval Airman!" Redney shrugged. "Sea burial is our custom."

"You're an idiot." Miller shook his head. "You self-righteous idiot."

"What about you? If you're afraid, why are you taking part in this operation?" Radney asked rhetorically, "Lieutenant Colonel Doolittle didn't force us."

"How would I know?" Miller said impatiently. "I wasn't scared back then."

"Haha..." Redney laughed. [


"Oops—Douglas, get ready to fight!"

The two people in the cabin tried to soothe their respective moods through conversation, but at this moment, the navigator Carl Widener's roar suddenly came from the cockpit, and then the tall lieutenant rushed into the cabin, directly facing He rushed over to the only machine gun in the cabin.

"Fight? Are the Japanese catching up?" Redney and the two also hurried over. Redney snatched the machine gun from Widner's hand, and Miller acted as the hand.According to the original history, they were discovered by the patrol ships sent by Yamamoto 56 before they approached the Japanese waters, and they were forced to act in advance.But in this way, their flying distance will be extended again.In desperation, they removed all the heavy objects that could be removed from the plane, including machine guns and the not much fuel they had prepared.And in order to "confuse" the enemy, they stuffed a mop pole in the position of the machine gun...but this time they were lucky.Perhaps it was because the Japanese were confident that their bombing of the west coast of the United States was thorough enough, or perhaps it was because they felt that they had basically destroyed the way the Americans moved westward, so they were a little slack.They weren't spotted by the enemy ships anyway, so the bombers didn't take off until they were a predetermined distance away...which allowed them to keep a machine gun on board.

"There are no Japanese in the back, but it's hard to say in the front." Widner gritted his teeth, "I saw the fleet!"

"Fleet?" The faces of the two of Redney suddenly turned white on white.The Japanese occupy almost the entire coastal area of ​​China. Who else can "fight" them at this time?

"God bless!"

Miller took a deep breath, made another sign of the cross on his chest, stared at the belt, and gradually became more focused.And at this moment, another scream came from the cockpit:


"What's wrong with that guy?" Redney glanced at Widener.He recognized that it was the voice of co-pilot William Fitz.However, before Widener could answer, William Fitz rushed out of the cockpit:

"God bless! Brothers... here comes our picker!"

"Pick us up?"

"Come and see for yourself. This is the grandest welcome ceremony I've ever seen!" William Fitz's face was full of disbelief and...excitement, and without waiting for the three of them to respond, he immediately got back into the car cabin.

"Welcome ceremony?"

This is the sky!

The three of them looked at William Fitz's performance even more inexplicably.However, what this guy said made them put their hearts at ease. After a moment of hesitation, they put down their machine guns and rushed into the cockpit.Then, they saw a sight they will never forget.


"This time, Mr. President has something to say, right?"

Jimmy Doolittle, the commander of the bombing operation, looked at the formation of nearly 4 planes in front of him, and sighed.He is very familiar with those planes, f6f "Wildcat", f3f "Hellcat", and the Soviet tb-[-] Tupolev heavy bomber!Clearly, Chennault brought more than just the US Air Task Force to China!

"Tell them for me that we would like to express our gratitude to them on behalf of the United States." Doolittle sighed again. The sight of two planes flying towards him together is something he will never forget.

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel." Henry Porter, the navigator and transmitter at the side, immediately began to tinker with the telegraph, and after a burst of "yes", the American lieutenant raised his head with a wry smile.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the expressions on his subordinates, Doolittle asked while carefully manipulating the plane.

"General Chennault is in the opposite formation, and he asked me to tell you that we cannot represent the United States, and... just thank you, I am afraid, cannot satisfy the appetite of the Chinese."

"wht?" Doolittle was stunned, "satisfy... appetite?"

"This time the Chinese not only dispatched dozens of fighter jets to cooperate with our air contingent in China, but also dispatched nearly 100 bombers and an entire airborne regiment to rescue our soldiers who may have to parachute at any time. , They still have three airborne regiments on standby. In addition..." Henry Potter quickly recorded the code on the paper while deciphering: "China's third war zone also dispatched 25 troops to suppress the Japanese troops along the coast of Zhejiang and Fujian!  … This is all for us, so we have to pay for the military expenses." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m read.)

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