mixed in the war

Chapter 513 They Can Do It

"Today is April Fool's Day?"

"Obviously not."

"Then why are you telling me this? Is my IQ so low?"

Roosevelt stared at Marshall, and Henry Stimson and others who were following Marshall, their faces were very ugly.Because these people just told him that the Chinese had given them a clear answer and could help them rescue MacArthur, and even help them rescue the tens of thousands of U.S. troops who were being besieged in Manila...but he didn't believe it.I don't believe it at all.

"Our intelligence error caused MacArthur to be besieged by 30 Japanese troops!" Roosevelt took a deep breath, "And these 30 Japanese troops are veterans with extremely powerful combat effectiveness! They were led by the famous Japanese general Seishiro Sakagaki, this man , once used half a division to defeat dozens of Chinese troops on the Chinese battlefield... Do you believe that the Chinese are now capable of rescuing all of our people under his hands? In my opinion Come on, they are simply lying, the purpose is to use this excuse to get enough dollars from us."

"The Chinese want dollars, everyone knows that." Harry Hopkins sat aside and said lightly.The former Secretary of Commerce of Roosevelt has resigned from all "government" positions at this time.Because he suffers from stomach problems and various other diseases, he is not good enough to handle heavy "government" work.But even so, he is still Roosevelt's most important staff and think tank. Although he is not a member of the cabinet, he is actually the second in command of the White House under Roosevelt.

"However, in my opinion, the Chinese don't just want to use some empty words to get our aid. They should still have a certain degree of certainty... If they can't save some of our soldiers, they can't ask us for help. Confess. According to my research during this period, cheating is not a Chinese practice.”

"But we have tens of thousands of soldiers in the Philippines." Roosevelt's attitude towards Hopkins was obviously much better. "How can the Chinese rescue so many people? Did they send troops directly to attack the Japanese army in the Philippines? They didn't even have enough ships."

"I remember that the Chinese once transported tens of thousands of troops thousands of kilometers away in two days..." Henry Stimson said suddenly. [

"That's the Air Force." Marshall said, "The Chinese regained Hainan Island some time ago, and they can borrow the Hong Kong Airport. If they really want to, they can definitely send a considerable force to the Philippines in the shortest possible time. But the problem is that the airport in Manila has been severely damaged, and the Japanese aircraft and artillery have bombed there many times during this period. Therefore, unless the Chinese are willing to use their airborne troops, otherwise, it is possible to send troops to the Philippines to participate in the war "Sex" is minimal. And the Chinese are very wise, they will not let their elite troops get into such a quagmire. Without enough sea power as a backup, the more troops they send to the Philippines, the greater the loss. "

"How many Chinese paratroopers are there?" Hopkins asked.

"According to our previous intelligence, it is an army!" Marshall replied. "However, the size of this army is not large, only a dozen regiments."

"A dozen regiments? That's 3 to 30 people at most!" Henry Stimson sighed, "Facing the [-] Japanese troops, unless this person can count as ten, they won't be of much use at all."

"That is to say, in the face of the self-confidence of the Chinese, we have no idea what they will do?" Roosevelt looked at the crowd and smiled wryly.

"...I brought a person who knows the Chinese better than we do. And before he came, he mentioned to me the methods the Chinese might use." Seeing that everyone was ashamed by Roosevelt's words No end, Marshall suddenly said again.

"Have you brought him?" Roosevelt asked.

"Yes!" Marshall nodded.

"Then why don't we hurry and invite him in?" Roosevelt asked again.He understood what Marshall meant. The Chief of the Army General Staff wanted to ask someone of him.Of course he was very happy with this approach.Now is the most difficult time for America.The more this time, the more they need talents.And let Marshall fancy.That must be talent.


"Mr. President, Ministers, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

For the first time, Eisenhower walked into the Oval Office with his half-bald forehead. He didn't know that he would become one of the owners of this office in the future. He only knew that after he went to China, he started to walk lucky.Not only was he favored by Marshall as soon as he returned to China, and he was mentioned as an assistant by his side, but now Marshall will give it to Roosevelt.Although the system of the United States is different from that of other countries, the president of the United States does not have much influence on the promotion of military personnel, but now is a time of war, and the president has begun to perform the duties of the supreme leader of the country's armed forces, and his will can determine many things .And if he performs well this time, maybe he can get a bigger stage.

"I remember you, Colonel Eisenhower..."

"It's the brigadier general! Mr. President." Marshall reminded from the side.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I've been a little too busy recently, General Eisenhower." Roosevelt followed suit. [

"You don't have to worry about it. In fact, I just got this rank." Eisenhower replied with a smile.

"Well." Roosevelt nodded, "General, I know that you have been in China for a while, and you are highly valued by the Chinese, and you have participated in some of their secret operations, and you have performed very well. But now Marshall The general said that you can tell me how the Chinese will rescue our army lost in the Philippines... We have been thinking about it for a long time, but there is no result. You can solve this "confuse" for us ?"

"Actually, I planned to tell General Marshall directly, but he insisted that I speak in front of you." Eisenhower glanced at Marshall gratefully, and said to Roosevelt: "Mr. A mysterious weapon?"


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"It's for sure. The combat effectiveness of the squadron is actually far beyond our imagination in the past."

Eisenhower began to board his stage, but Jimmy Doolittle was sorting out his telegram draft...Since he was pulled by the Chinese to help out.Naturally, he couldn't give up such an opportunity to "close-up" observe the squadron.

"I learned about the poor performance of the Chinese army against the Japanese army in the early days of the Sino-Japanese war...I thought they were vulnerable. But now I have changed this impression, at least for China's 'central army' 'It has changed that impression. This is an absolutely heroic force, and the reason they keep losing battles, in my opinion, is partly because they didn't expect the Japanese to be so crazy that they dared to attack them. All-out war; on the other hand, the country is too poor."

"They have millions of troops. But they can't do it with one shot!" When writing this sentence, Doolittle paused for a long time before he let out a long sigh, "And even if they have enough guns , most of these guns are not good guns. I have seen more than one soldier using old guns that have been owned for several years or even more than ten years. Engine oil... But this is already lucky. I inquired about it. I also confirmed to reporters from various countries who have worked here for many years that many Chinese troops do not have many guns even if they have guns. This is why many of their soldiers carry guns, but also carry a spear or a big knife when they go to the battlefield... But this is still not their poorest army. The Chinese are now relying on their stronghold Sichuan Province. In this battle, hundreds of thousands of troops have emerged, and they are one of the main forces of the Chinese War of Resistance. But this army is also one of the poorest troops in China. Many of their soldiers don’t even have a There is no neat military uniform, and most people are wearing straw sandals... As for the firearms, most of them have been used for more than ten years, and many of them are even powder guns!"

"I think you should introduce the achievements of the Sichuan army here." Bai Xiude. The reporter of the American "Time" magazine in Chongqing who "once" exposed the great famine in Henan to the world and forced Chiang Kai-shek to order relief for the victims.But this time he has no chance to be the benefactor of many people.Because before he got the news of the famine in Henan, the relief food funds had already entered Henan and northern Shaanxi.So, now he is with Doolittle, while interviewing the Chinese army's military operation to recover Shanxi, and interviewing Doolittle, the "American hero", and plans to make several exclusive interviews.After all, because Doolittle never returned to the United States, the Americans were very concerned about his situation in China.But for some reason, the two of them didn't stay together for long before they began to sympathize with the Chinese.

"The achievements of the Sichuan army?" Doolittle thought for a while, "What battles did they fight?"

"The most famous one is of course the Battle of Teng County!" Bai Xiude sighed. He has been in China for many years. The dilapidated county town blocked a Japanese elite division equipped with tanks, heavy artillery, and planes for three days. Finally, their army commander sent the last bullet into his heart on the city wall... "

"If... had the same weapons as ours, would the outcome of this battle change?" Doolittle's face was very heavy.Although he is only a lieutenant colonel air force pilot, he knows very well what the results of his telegram will be... This will be an important evidence that the US "government" provides assistance to China.No one would want to hand over their weapons to an army that couldn't fight, because that would just be a waste.But if the facts are contrary to the imagination, it will be completely different.The Americans now only want to quickly defeat the Japanese, end this war in the Pacific, and then do their best to manage Europe.

"If they have the same weapons and equipment as ours, no, no, no, even half, or even a third, the Chinese are enough to drive the Japanese out of their country! Even I believe that the Japanese would not dare to invade at all China." Bai Xiude said: "You have already seen the ongoing battle to recover Shanxi, just with enough artillery support, the Chinese can defeat the Japanese with nothing to fight back...they are far more powerful than us You can fight better when you see it." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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