mixed in the war

Chapter 530 Here Comes Leighton Stuart

"Dai Li offended you?"

Soong Meiling asked such a question out of nowhere.But it can't blame her.If it is in another country with territorial waters, then the status of the Minister of the Navy is definitely not low, and it can even be said to be very high.Look at Britain, who dares to say that the position of the Secretary of the Navy is not stronger than that of the Secretary of War?The Japanese army is arrogant and domineering, but the navy can still fight against it.It can be said that Japan's development since the Meiji Restoration, every important development is inseparable from the feats of the navy.And if it wasn't for the navy to take the lead, no matter how strong the Japanese army is, it will be the fate of the nest.There are also the United States, France, Germany, Italy, etc., which one does not regard the navy as a top priority for development?

But China can't.

China has never been a maritime state.Although China has a vast territorial sea and a coastline of more than 8000 kilometers, the Chinese navy has never been ranked in the world.Occasionally counted one or two times, but was quickly beaten down by others.And by the time of the Republic of China, the navy was almost a role that could not be played on the stage, and it was like this until the Jiangyin naval battle, where it was completely wiped out by the Japanese.

Even now, the navy finally has aircraft carriers, battleships, heavy cruisers, light cruisers, and destroyers, but compared to the powerful navies of the great powers, they still cannot play a role on the table.The national government still cannot provide any help to the development of the navy.To put it bluntly, the navy...is still raised by the stepmother.

Therefore, Qin Wei asked Lao Jiang and Song Meiling to beg for the position of Navy Minister for Dai Li, which will inevitably arouse other people's daydreams.Because if the military command can be compared to a white swan, then the navy is at best a toad, and it may even be a toad that is dying!If he didn't hate Dai Li so much, how could he have done such a vicious trick?


"He didn't offend me. We're doing pretty well now... We used to be friends in wine and meat, but now we're friends in need. Both!" Qin Wei shrugged and answered Song Meiling's question.

"But the Admiralty..." Song Meiling felt embarrassed.This is the Ministry of the Navy, not the Ministry of Finance, nor the Ministry of Defense. This Ministry can't even control anything on the ground in China.Letting the big boss of the military command with almost no power limit be the minister of such a ministry, wouldn't that send a signal to the National Government to let everyone work together to force Dai Li to death?

"The Ministry of the Navy has a lot of power, and as long as the Americans nod their heads, they can immediately make a contribution. I'm giving him a favor." Qin Wei said.

"Then you mean to let him work part-time?" Song Meiling asked again.

"No, no, no." Qin Wei shook his head one after another, "How is this possible? The power of the military command is already so great. If another minister of the navy is added, then his surname Dai will not be turned upside down in the future? I firmly oppose such a thing .”

"Then you don't want the Chairman to remove Dai Li from his position as the Chief of Military Command?" Soong Meiling asked curiously again.

"We can decentralize power." Qin Weidao, "Juntong now not only has normal intelligence work. It also controls some colleges and universities' anti-Japanese gangsters, customs, border checkpoints, and anti-smuggling brigades, tax police brigades, salt The police brigade, the traffic brigade along the railway, and the "Loyalty and Rescue the Communists" in the occupied areas of the south of the Yangtze River and other public armed forces. They even manage the police in some places... so many affairs. Can the military unified family manage it? Therefore, I think it is best to plan out the intelligence work separately and hand it over to General Kang Ze; then hand over other anti-smuggling brigades, tax police brigades, etc. to Tang Zong, or simply include them in the police ranks; **Well, it’s best to assign it directly to the Ministry of National Defense or to the jurisdiction of the local military and political chief.”

"Have you told Dai Li about this idea?" Song Meiling wondered, "You know. This is almost equivalent to directly splitting the military system into three parts."

"He doesn't know." Qin Wei shook his head, "If I had told him this in advance, he would probably have fought me desperately."

"Since you know he won't agree, why are you still doing this? Aren't you afraid that others will say that you are not enough friends?" Song Meiling became more and more curious.

"It's because I'm good enough friends. It's because I thank him for helping me a lot in the past two years that I help him like this. Otherwise, should I care if he lives or dies?" Qin Wei sighed, and looked at Song Meiling again: "Madam, you You should know how much power the Juntong has at this time. Speaking of it, the power directly controlled by Dai Li is no longer under a group army, and the Juntong is almost created by him, and the personnel are basically recruited by him. Obey his orders alone. This also means that Dai Li has more control over the military command than the military chiefs of the major armies. What's more, the military command is pervasive in all walks of life from administration to military... and then If things go on like this, how can there be another Dai Yunong? How many people has he offended?"

"Others are trying to fight for power and profit, but you are so good, you actually think that too much power is not good..." Song Meiling didn't know what she was thinking, but she felt that there was a super weird person sitting in front of her, who didn't seem like a human being.

"If there are no negative effects, who doesn't want their power to be as great as possible?" Qin Wei smiled bitterly, "But I heard a speech by a person before, although he used English, I didn't understand it, but That meaning was later translated by someone. He said, "In the thousands of years of human history, the most precious thing is not dazzling technology, not the classic works of vast masters, not the hype speeches of politicians, but the realization of The taming of the rulers has realized the dream of locking them in cages. Because only by taming them and locking them up, will they not harm people.'... I also read an article with this sentence in it : 'In 1799, two people died. One was China's Qianlong, and the other was America's Washington. These two people are quite famous in history. America's Washington, through the constitutional and representative systems, realized the control over the rulers. Domesticated, put power in a cage, and thus became a great man in the world. But what about our Lord Qianlong? He spent 60 years implementing the Baojia system in China, prohibiting people from moving freely, and putting people in cages.'… But what did the results of these two countries show in the end? Unrestricted power will eventually lead to destruction! In my opinion, the power of the military command has exceeded the limits of its own control. If it continues to develop like this, Dai Li, the founder, will also be implicated, and will eventually be destroyed by the military command he created! I thank him. That’s why I saved him, even if he thinks I’m harming him now, he will thank me in the future.”

"I have read "The Spirit of Laws" written by Montesquieu, and I remember that there is also a sentence in it: 'All people with power will abuse power. Power must be restrained by power'... Qin Wei, you have a very thorough understanding of these things! Dai Li is lucky and honored to have a friend like you!" Song Meiling looked at Qin Wei completely differently, There is even a little bit of respect.

"Madam can see me like that. It's also my honor." Qin Wei smiled.

"So... what you said about 'putting power in a cage' just now was also meant for me, or the Chairman?" Soong Meiling asked again suddenly.

"Does Madam think that the Chairman will abuse his power?" Qin Wei asked back with a smile.

"Hehe," Song Meiling also laughed, with a meaningful smile. "Qin Wei, I never realized that you are so smart."

"That means you are a little slow." Qin Wei said. "A person like me who became a first-rank general in his early 30s. Can you do it without being smart?"

"Then if I really propose to the Chairman to split up the power in Dai Li's hands, how will you explain it to him, wise man?" Song Meiling asked again.

"Simple." Qin Wei spread his hands, "If the Americans want to deal with Japan, they must unite with us. And with military operations, the first thing is intelligence. I think Dai Li can be in charge of this aspect. At least, I heard He speaks good English."

"Nonsense." Soong Meiling laughed suddenly, "Dai Yunong barely knows a single word of English, yet you dare to say that his English is good? Even if you want to compensate him a little bit, you don't have to be so ignorant of the facts?"

"Ma'am, you're wrong. It's not my compensation, but the Chairman's compensation!" Qin Wei said with a smile, "After all, Dai Li has made a lot of contributions to the old man. Therefore, he let the surname Dai know in advance. , said that as long as the Anti-Japanese War is won, it should be good to guarantee that someone can wear the hat of an admiral?"

"If Dai Li can really understand your painstaking efforts, then he will definitely not be able to escape as an admiral. I'm only worried..." Song Meiling shook her head slightly again.Her family knows her own affairs.Power, once touched, is more terrifying than drug addiction.Few people can withstand the corruption of power, especially in the national government, there are countless such people.And this is especially represented by her and Chiang Kai-shek.Just like in the original history, the Americans inspected Yan'an, and when they came back, they told her about the integrity and efficiency of **.But she dismissed it, and only replied: I think it's because she hasn't tasted the taste of power yet.In a word, it shows her cognition and greed for power.And with her and Lao Jiang as "models", how could their subordinates easily give up the power they got, and it was still such a big power?

"It's going to rain, mother is going to get married, just do everything with your heart." Qin Wei laughed.

"You are open-minded, but it's a pity that the chairman and I can't be like you." Soong Meiling smiled wryly, and didn't bring up the topic again. "I still have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Qin Wei asked.

"The Japanese captured the two major oil fields of Minas and Duli. The Americans are in a hurry. They have already agreed to provide us with loans, but the specific amount needs to be discussed..." Song Meiling said.

"Then let Yan Huiqing talk to them. I don't believe how long the Americans can last." Qin Wei laughed.

"The negotiation is not just held in the United States. The US government also intends to send someone to negotiate directly with us, and the candidate has already arrived." Song Meiling's face was slightly flushed.This matter was also one of the bargaining chips she used to persuade Qin Wei. Her original plan was to threaten Qin Wei by excluding him from the negotiating candidates if the persuasion was unsuccessful.After all, the current situation was planned by Qin Wei alone. It is impossible for him to let go of such a big event just to get revenge on a dispensable person.Moreover, Qin Wei has always been worried about the performance of those people in the national government when facing the big powers, and they will definitely choose to participate in the negotiations.But she didn't expect Qin Wei's conditions to be so simple... Although it is a bit harsh to keep Kong Lingwei from returning to China for the rest of his life, after a few years, when this matter is over, she and Lao Jiang will have a good talk and make peace, don't believe it Qin Wei will still cling to it.But in this way, she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed... What does it mean to measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?That's it.

"He's already here? Who is it?" Qin Weiqi asked.The representative of the Americans has already arrived in Chongqing, but he has not received any news, which is a strange thing.

"This man is also a famous person in China. I believe you must have a lot in common with him, because he is also the president of Yenching University..." Song Meiling looked at Qin Wei and smiled.

"I'll wipe!" Qin Wei was suddenly surprised, "Leiden Situ!?" (To be continued...)

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