mixed in the war

Chapter 536 Prepare to be Abandoned

"Haven't the Chinese called back yet?"

The Japanese are trying to deal with themselves, as well as the [-] American guys under him. MacArthur knows this without thinking about it, but he doesn’t care much about these now. It’s already in this situation. Sample?The big deal is to take out the gun that old MacArthur left him, and shoot himself in the mouth or head.He is more concerned about the situation outside... Although he is besieged in Manila, he can still contact the outside world.Therefore, he now also knows the news that the Chinese warship bombarded Hong Kong.It is said that those reporters in Hong Kong are really dedicated, and what happened just happened, and the whole world knew about it in less than half a day.And this also made him nervous again after he had finally relaxed himself... Britain and the United States have now officially stated that they will form an alliance, and the United States will also send a national team to Europe. At this time, the Chinese will attack the British. Flip? ...It's easy to shoot yourself, but if you can't, who wants to suffer that?When a person falls into the water, isn't even a straw can be used as a life-saving tool?Although the Chinese plan has always made him feel very unreliable and very worrying, is it better to have someone to rescue him than no one?

"not yet."

Wainwright sat across from MacArthur.None of them had any intention of commanding the battle.Besieged by the Japanese in this isolated city for such a long time, their morale has reached the bottom. Now the Japanese only need to launch an attack, and it is possible to defeat them and take the whole city.But that group of Japanese monkeys were very stingy, and they were unwilling to bear even such a small loss. It was almost clear that they wanted to collapse themselves... He admitted that the Japanese were almost reaching their goal. The 13 coalition forces and their 10 American boys can barely hold on, but the so-called soldiers in the Philippines have almost collapsed.Nearly 8 people.Except for those lost in the initial battle, there should be [-] to [-] people left, but now there are only less than [-] left.In other words, nearly [-] Filipino troops deserted without any battle, or simply surrendered... and according to the news from Philippine President Quezon who was with them, several Filipino troops were fighting with the Japanese army. Contact, plan to surrender to the other party as an establishment, or simply "revolt", turn around and attack the US military, and "pay for the crime".And the total strength of these Filipino troops is about [-]... It's just that the conditions between these people and the Japanese have not yet been negotiated, so there is no change.Quezon hoped that MacArthur could find a way to suppress those dishonest guys, and he had been sent back.

"Not yet? Are they not even willing to give me an explanation?" MacArthur punched the coffee table in front of him, "Do they really have any agreement with the Japanese, and they want the Japanese to take all of us without any effort?" captive?"

"Douglas. You're so nervous," Wainwright breathed out. "Anyone can reach an agreement with the Japanese. Only the Chinese can't. They still have more than half of their territory under the control of the Japanese."

"But they shelled Hong Kong!" MacArthur yelled, "They are declaring war on the newly established Anglo-American alliance!"

"They are just taking the first step to take back Hong Kong, and the bombardment is just showing their determination. Compared with these, Hong Kong is just a colony that the British excavated from the Chinese." Wainwright said, "What's more The Chinese also used a very powerful reason...they are helping the British Hong Kong government to defend Hong Kong."

"Defend Hong Kong?" MacArthur snorted coldly: "They have surplus troops to confront the Japanese, but they don't have surplus troops to attack the Philippines? As long as they are willing. Whether it is the United Kingdom or the United States, they will be willing to send enough ships and planes to take them away." The army can be transported to any island in the Philippines! Skinny monkeys, they have [-] million people, [-] million people... They can deploy tens of millions of troops to reinforce us!"

"Douglas, your spirit is too tense," Wainwright sighed, and glanced outside again: "I don't think the Japanese are planning to attack us before the Chinese come, you should take the time to rest first ...The most tense moment is coming soon, you are our commander!"

"Commander? Yes, I am the commander. I'm sorry, Skinny Monkey," MacArthur let out a long breath, "You're right, I'm too nervous... No, I'm not too nervous, I have excess self-esteem : I can't accept this situation. I was defeated by the Japanese, and then I was rescued by the Chinese... Do you know? Although I am always worried about those guys' plans, there is always something deep in my heart. This feeling: They will succeed! They will succeed in getting us all out! This feeling makes me very uncomfortable!"

"...I can understand your feelings!" Wainwright smiled wryly.As MacArthur's deputy, he certainly knows how proud and arrogant this guy is... Facing those people whose strength is far beyond his own, this guy either wants to slap them down or smash them into pieces. Or you will feel that you are the savior, who can redeem all those who believe in you like Jesus... Otherwise, how could an American general become the marshal of the Philippines?Is this interesting?How much is the Marshal of the Philippines worth?But this guy is so complacent about it, and he often shows it off to others... After all, it's the heroic mentality of the savior that is at work.But now, the "Savior" is not only defeated by an enemy he once looked down upon, but also has to accept the rescue of another group of people who once looked down upon him... It's no wonder he feels comfortable.

"Thank you for your understanding." MacArthur smiled wryly, sighed again, and patted his partner on the shoulder, "but I hope you will never say this...I will not admit it."

"I feel like the Douglas MacArthur I'm familiar with is back again." Wainwright laughed, "I'm very glad that you can clear up your mood so quickly. ... But can you tell me the secret to doing this? Actually, I'm in a bad mood right now."

"Hehe..." MacArthur shrugged, "I lost, but I never admit defeat! Skinny Monkey, I still feel that way, we will leave safely...In this case, we will fight back and defeat all the enemies Enough."

"The enemy is strong!" Wainwright reminded.

"No enemy can be stronger than the United States." MacArthur said seriously, "Believe me, victory will eventually belong to us!"



MacArthur's confidence deeply affected Wainwright.As Wainwright himself said to the admiral, his mood is actually very bad, but he is not very "proud", so he will not be "aggrieved" and difficult to accept reality like MacArthur, so he can also express more stable.But no matter how stable they are, they can't change the situation they are facing at this moment...the whole army may be wiped out at any time, and their lives may be lost at any time.However, MacArthur's words seemed to be a shot in the arm that had injected him into his depressed heart... Although it was just MacArthur's intuition, this reason was enough to make him happy.You must know that on the battlefield, the intuition of a truly excellent general can sometimes be far more convincing than accurate intelligence, and MacArthur obviously has the qualifications of such an excellent general.He would be happy to be able to leave this terrible battlefield safely, even as a defeated one.That's at least better than total annihilation, isn't it?

Unfortunately, Wainwright's good mood did not last long.Just when he was discussing with MacArthur how to cooperate with the Chinese rescue plan, and how to use the reason to arrange the Filipino troops in other directions on the day of the rescue plan, and then put them among those Filipino troops to stabilize the battlefield In order not to arouse the vigilance of the Philippine army, the American soldiers in the situation were mobilized and concentrated, and how could the Philippine government personnel represented by Philippine President Quezon and the important generals of the Philippine army be threatened to leave together so that they would not fall into the hands of the Japanese? When it was in his hands, MacArthur's confidential secretary knocked on the door of the office.

"Come in!" MacArthur hurriedly put on an energetic face, returned to his desk and sat down, and then called in the confidential secretary outside, "What's the matter? Did the Chinese call back?"

"General, it's the Ministry of War." The confidential secretary's face was not very good, "the situation is not very good."

"Not good?" MacArthur looked at Wainwright unconsciously, "Not good" at this time, what could be wrong?

"What's the 'bad' news?" Wainwright asked, suppressing his nervousness.

"The Ministry of the Army told us that the Chinese troops in Cambodia have withdrawn to the territory of Laos. At the same time, the Chinese garrison in southern Vietnam has also been retreating northward. It seems that they plan to retreat to the north of the Red River again..." the confidential secretary-general called In one breath: "This kind of evidence shows that the Chinese have received accurate information, and the Japanese will launch a larger-scale attack on Southeast Asia!"

"But they retreated!?" MacArthur's face was already pale.He already had some idea why the War Department had sent him this telegram.

"Yes." The Confidential Secretary's face was also extremely sad: "The Ministry of War judged that the Chinese did not intend to stop the Japanese and gain more preparation time for the Anglo-Dutch troops in Southeast Asia...so, they hope that we will be ready !"

"Prepare?" MacArthur's mouth twitched uncontrollably, "Prepare for what? Prepare to be abandoned by the Chinese, ready to accept the Japanese attack?...**!" (To be continued...)

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