mixed in the war

Chapter 541 Chinese Appetite

Song Ziwen has been in the United States for a while, but the life of this uncle Guo is not very comfortable in the United States.Yan Huiqing, a veteran diplomat, doesn't give him any face at all. The relationship between the Song family in the United States seems to be less influential than Yan Huiqing's foundation in the United States in a short period of time. That is to say, the Americans Pay more attention to the old face who is lower than him.

Although this old man has always put on a relatively tough attitude since he came to the United States, and sometimes even dared to shake his face in front of Roosevelt, but it is this kind of behavior that has won the admiration of many important officials in the US government .Because Yan Huiqing is not just blindly tough, nor is he arrogant and groundless like the Qing government back then, this old guy can always find the most suitable support point to bargain with the Americans.

But this is not in line with Song's diplomatic methods.As a result, a serious dispute arose between the two.Then, he acted on his own and contacted US government officials alone, and then he was under tremendous pressure from home.Lao Jiang even threatened to recall him and severely reprimanded him for what he had done.Not only that, the younger sister Song Meiling, who has always relied on Olympic aid, also sent a special telegram to question him, and the siblings also had a very unpleasant quarrel over this.But he Song Ziwen is not such a person who admits defeat so easily.He dared to go crazy in front of Lao Jiang, let alone thousands of miles across the ocean?Furthermore, he is here to make meritorious service, and to let everyone see his uncle's ability, he is not here to help an old man.Therefore, despite the opposition of Lao Jiang and Song Meiling, he still went his own way until his business in Sichuan was attacked and suffered heavy losses...

Yan Huiqing has a background, and China's diplomatic strategy at the moment is actually following Qin Wei's plan.On the surface, that kid is friendly with everyone, but he is more ruthless than anyone else when he strikes.Not only with Kong Xiangxi.He and some other merchants teamed up to attack his business, and even had the means to encourage the Chinese forces in the United States to warn him.

Facing the double siege from home and abroad, Song Ziwen finally knew how powerful he was.He also finally knew that although Qin Wei had nothing to do with him within the government, he could make him lose most of his property.This is unacceptable to him.For the country and the people, but you can't lose yourself.So he caved.Although he is still the main contact with the Americans on the surface, the real host of diplomatic activities with the United States is still Yan Huiqing.His country uncle can only be a sounding board.

So he has been depressed all this time.But today he felt a wave of sincere excitement... He actually sang the opposite stage with the British Prime Minister, and made the short fat man have to bow his head?


"Did I hear you right?" Churchill didn't feel any displeasure, because he had been "shocked" by Song Ziwen's words, and his shiny brain had twisted "circuits" representing thinking: "One A country that has been heavily invaded. Why is it not in a hurry to drive out the invaders? Mr. Song, is this what you just said?"

"You heard me right, Mr. Prime Minister." Song Ziwen nodded calmly, "Did I really say that?"

"Why?" Churchill and Roosevelt glanced at each other, and then looked at the two Chinese in the old one in front of them with doubts.

"Because it is not practical to drive Japan out of China at this time. And it is not in China's interests." Song Ziwen said with a straight face, "The Japanese must pay the price for what they did in China. Otherwise, our Chinese government cannot ask itself Confessions cannot be explained to the millions of Chinese Communists who are fighting on the front line, and similarly, they cannot be explained to the [-] million Chinese people!

"Does this have anything to do with your driving the Japanese out of China?" Roosevelt asked, "If you defeat the Japanese, you will naturally get corresponding compensation from them!"

"Both of you, you don't understand the East, let alone the culture of the East." Yan Huiqing sat beside Song Ziwen, and said calmly after hearing the words: "In our place, the result of the defeated is often death! For any country that retreats. Once they are defeated, the entire Japanese archipelago must be reduced to ruins... China does not need ruins! What we need is a complete Japan."

"I don't quite understand what you mean," said Roosevelt.

"Our intention is very simple, that is, to move all of Japan's physical industries back to China! This is our most basic bottom line and requirement in this war!" Song Ziwen said solemnly.

"...Then what can we get?"

These Chinese people are confident of victory.But who do you think you are, wanting to share the fruits of victory, and now?Churchill sneered secretly, and bursts of anger surged in his chest again... In his opinion, Song Ziwen's words simply ignored the existence of the British Empire in Asia.

"Mr. Prime Minister is right. You must know that China is not the only one fighting the Japanese in Asia." Roosevelt rubbed his hands lightly and said with a smile.He was also very dissatisfied with Song Ziwen's words.Move the entire Japanese physical industry back to China?These Chinese people are too greedy.Moreover, the strength of Japan cannot be underestimated.Although Japan is far inferior to the United States in terms of steel production and other industries, the Japanese can use these industries to pose a huge threat to the United States.So, if all these things are moved to China, coupled with China's huge population base and vast territory, what a terrible sight it will be?Will there still be a part of the United States in Asia?Even the wheelchair president thought of "World War III"... If China at that time was hostile to the United States or Europe, how many troops could China, with its relatively strong industrial base and abundant resources, send to fight? 1000 million, or 2000 million?If it is really going to be the last moment, with China's population base, the Chinese government may be able to deploy more than 5000 million troops.If that is the case, it will be an extremely terrible nightmare for anyone and any country. (During World War II, the United States sent 1400 million troops, the United Kingdom 1200 million, the Soviet Union 2200 million, Germany 1700 million, and Japan 970 million, all of which exceeded one-tenth of the total population, of which Britain was nearly a quarter and Germany was more than one-fifth one!)

"Of course we know that the British and American allies are fighting against Japan in Asia, but what do Britain and the United States need from Japan?" Song Ziwen didn't seem to notice the vigilance and displeasure of the British and American prime ministers, but asked back with a smile .

"...Although we don't need Japanese industries, we also have doubts about whether China can absorb these Japanese assets." Churchill said, "We all know that the degree of industrial development depends on the knowledge of a country as a whole." level. Obviously, China is not doing very well in this regard, at least, compared with Japan, you are still far behind."

"Mr. Prime Minister, you are changing the concept secretly." Yan Huiqing laughed, "China has a population of [-] million! Therefore, we don't need to improve the knowledge level of the entire country, we only need to raise the level of a small part of the population to The corresponding height is enough to digest Japanese industries. And I don’t think how many high-level experts and scholars are needed to digest some industries. What we need most are workers, workers who can do things well. It is undeniable that China Workers are the most hardworking and good at learning in the world. Therefore, we are fully capable of assimilating Japanese industry."

"Besides, it's okay even if we can't digest it for a while." Song Ziwen continued, "There was only 20 years of so-called 'peace' time between the First World War and the Second World War. What does this mean? It means that we are in this time In the Great War, Japan must be completely defeated. Because a country with a relatively high level of industry, strong industrial strength, and a large population can only shrink to a few small islands, and earthquakes often occur on these small islands. A country that is difficult to give people a sense of long-term security is not in the interests of China and the United States, of course, including the interests of the United Kingdom. As long as Japan exists, it will want to rush out of those small islands for a day...especially during the "Meiji Restoration" After starting to develop industry, the feelings of the Japanese became more and more intense! Therefore, we believe that industrialization is not suitable for Japan, and we should restore it to its original appearance as an agricultural country. Such a Japan can safely and securely operate in the Japanese archipelago. If they stay for more than 1000 years, then they should continue to stay there safely in the future."

"The reason why Germany will once again declare war on countries all over the world yearning for civilization and peace is because in the First World War, the French government ignored the advice of the British government at that time, tried its best to weaken Germany, plundered everything in Germany, and even made Germany People can't even eat enough to eat, which has accumulated countless anger in the hearts of Germans, and also made Hitler, a fascist careerist, gain the soil to survive and grow... Therefore, I oppose excessive weakening of Japan." Churchill said.

"Germany is a continental country, and Japan is an island country. They are fundamentally different." Yan Huiqing said, "Moreover, the most direct reason why Germany was able to develop again, and it became more and more difficult to contain it, was that your country and the French government were in conflict with each other at the beginning. The "appeasement policy" adopted! Therefore, no matter which policy is implemented, it should be consistent and cannot be abandoned halfway. Since 1895, our Chinese government has suffered enough from Japan, so I believe that our Chinese government is not will make the same mistake."

"It is against our conscience to forcibly trap a country like Japan with a population of nearly [-] million on a few small islands," Roosevelt said suddenly.

"The population of Japan is more than 7000 million, but since they invaded the three northeastern provinces of China, the number of casualties in this war of aggression in China has exceeded 2000 million..." Yan Huiqing looked at Roosevelt solemnly: "Mr. President, you have a conscience, But where is the conscience of the Japanese?"

"I remember such a story in Aesop's Fables." Song Ziwen also looked at the two gringos in front of him, "The farmer and the snake! If you think about it carefully, the two characters in this story are like England to Germany. It's also like the United States is to Japan... Our indulgence has raised two evil wolves, and we have all suffered from them. So I think that the kindness of kind people should not become a breeding ground for evil!"

"..." (to be continued...)

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