mixed in the war

Chapter 543 The Bait for America

China's biggest rival is not Japan, but the United States.

Although Japan seems to be powerful, if China is truly unified, the difference between the two will not be much different, and China's overall strength will even be slightly stronger than Japan.This world war is the prelude to the true unification of China.Those warlords who once caused huge disasters and countless troubles to China could not survive this world war. Even if they survived, they would eventually collapse in front of the stronger central government after experiencing strong winds and heavy rains.And Japan is inherently deficient, and it also cannot survive this world war.Therefore, in East Asia, the ultimate winner will only be China.

And Japan was defeated, European countries suffered losses, and the Soviet Union suffered heavy losses due to various calculations, and even lost important territories in Asia. Then, the only one that can finally become an opponent with China is the United States.

Qin Wei is very fortunate that he wrote historical texts before.Because he writes history, he can understand history and get some insights from history.

He knew that although the rise of the United States was not full of thorns like other countries, it also did not develop smoothly.Once, it suffered the pain of free trade led by the British government.It learned from the pain and was determined to transform, but in the end it encountered an unexpected and powerful obstacle, and thus endured an even greater pain: the Civil War!

What was the cause of the war that had a huge impact on the United States?Many might say it was for the liberation of black slaves on the plantations of slave owners in the southern United States.In fact, this is bullshit at all, but it's just Yankee putting gold on his face.At that time, there may have been a few abolitionists who sympathized with blacks in the United States, but these people were not mainstream at all, not even low-end.Otherwise, after experiencing the Civil War, blacks could not have been discriminated against and bullied by whites until the 60s.At that time, more than 100 years had passed since the outbreak of the Civil War.Americans who pay attention to efficiency have not been able to truly "liberate black slaves", which is too unreasonable.

Therefore, the Civil War had little to do with blacks. The real cause of the war was the war between the free-trading, agricultural, and serfdom South and the protectionist, industrial North.The cause of the war was that the serfdom south demanded free trade to facilitate and guarantee their tobacco and cotton exports to Europe.The central and northern states demanded high tariffs to protect their industries.Because in 1812, after the second war against Britain, a large number of British industrial products flooded into the American market.Seriously threatening the fledgling industry in the United States, the United States set off a wave of requests for Congress to protect the domestic economy. In 1816, the United States Congress passed the first protectionist tariff law. Since then, protectionism has been on the rise.Protectionist legislation continues.By 1828, the U.S. Tariff Act was even more stipulating.Tariffs on imported goods are raised to an average of 50.00% to [-]% of the price of the goods.As a result, this aroused fierce opposition in the South.Because of such a high tariff, European countries will inevitably incur retaliation in terms of import tariffs, which will increase the prices of commodities exported from the southern United States to Europe, and the exports of the southern United States will inevitably be hit.South Carolina declared the law invalid in the state and prohibited the federal government from collecting taxes at the state's ports.This is the fuse of the American Civil War.

The original intention of Lincoln's final decision to start the war was not at all the so-called "abolition of slavery".But for the development of the country's industry.The reason why this slogan of "abolition of slavery" was launched was nothing more than to attract as many black slaves as possible to join the northern army, so as to win the war.In fact, black slaves served as cannon fodder for the industrial capitalists in the northern United States.It was they who cleared the way for the industrialization of the United States, liberated the industrial capitalists in the northern United States, and maintained the unity of the United States.And it is by no means that Americans "had launched a huge civil war for the freedom and rights of a small number of black people...", this is putting the cart before the horse!

If you don’t believe it, just take a look at the post-war arrangements in the United States: on the surface, the manor economy of slavery was abolished, but after the war, the federal government of the United States returned a large amount of land and property to the original slaves host!Those "liberated" black slaves who shed blood in the war did not get land. If they want to get land, they must spend money to buy it.However, they were slaves before the war and had no savings. Where did they get the money to buy land? !In the end, they returned to the land of the original slave owners, and were still enslaved and exploited by those slave owners!The majestic "Emancipation Proclamation" did not involve the issue of the land in the southern United States. In other words, the way out of the black people after this war is not at all considered by the government where the interests of the white people are paramount and that President Lincoln.

Of course, Americans also have reasons: Is private property sacrosanct!When a country goes to war, it does not mean that it will embezzle private property, which is against the rules.

Qin Wei actually didn't care about the Civil War, let alone the living environment of black people in the United States, even if he paid attention to it occasionally, he just watched it as a fun.What he cares about is that the time has finally come for the United States to transform from a local power to a global hegemon... At this time, the United States, relying on high nationalism and long-term trade protectionism, already possesses the power and capital of imperialism.And after becoming the "only victorious country" in the Second World War and gaining the status of global hegemony, it will soon find that the "free trade" that once caused great harm to it will in turn become the sharpest weapon in its hands. Take the spear; and then it will throw the spear at all...

The famous "Marshall Plan" is actually a product of free trade, and in the name of revitalizing Europe, it finally allowed the United States to control the European economy, and this control has continued for a long time.If the strength of the European countries is not bad, if the leaders of the European countries also know the purpose of the Americans and try to get rid of this kind of control after the economy recovers, the European countries may still be the younger brothers of the United States and the banknote warehouses of whatever they want. .And this can be seen just by looking at Japan's performance.Back then, the Japanese chanted the slogan "Japan First" and aggressively challenged the US boss economically. ", which reduced Japan from a challenger to a second-rate follower.Excluding Europe and Japan, the Latin American economy that once created a "miracle" also quickly fell under the banner of "free trade" in the United States.

China is not Europe, which has a capitalist background of more than a hundred years; nor is it Japan in the post-war 80s, which has an economy but no military strength, and will not arouse the vigilance of the US boss until the last moment; nor is it a group of scattered Latin American countries.China will be the target of the United States' "free trade" from the very beginning, and its fragile economic system will not be able to withstand the free trade ax of the Yankees.

Any American with a real foresight and aspirations to keep the United States in a firm grip on global hegemony will not sit back and watch China's rise.

Roosevelt was such a person.

Qin Wei can be sure that once the Second World War is over, this guy will lay hands on China.Even though he may not survive 1945, his successors will still do so.

Of course, China will not be tricked.Because after the end of the War of Resistance, the War of Liberation will break out.Chiang Kai-shek, supported by the Americans, will be defeated and withdraw from mainland China.But Americans don't know this.So Qin Wei thinks this is an opportunity, and he intends to use this information advantage to obtain sufficient benefits for China first.

"Trade most-favored-nation treatment" was just a bait he gave Roosevelt, and he asked Gu Changjun to find someone to formulate many of the conditions... Fortunately, the other self left that guy with hundreds of billions of antique calligraphy, paintings and literary works, and This made Gu Changjun the curator of the only high-end history museum in Hong Kong.Otherwise, as a former internet writer, how would it be possible for this guy to obtain the secondary detonation technology of the cloud bomb, and it is even more impossible to find those economical scholars to formulate such a detailed plan for him.The so-called "Trade Most Favored Nation Treatment" draft plan cannot be drawn up by those scholars in the Republic of China period, because those guys are likely to misunderstand him because of this... Even if those people know the "Trade Most Favored Nation" he created "The draft specifically limited the name of the National Government, and specifically stipulated the applicable period, which was only valid in 1950. Apart from this, it was only a draft, and at best it could only be regarded as an intention, not a real agreement.

But Qin Wei believed that Roosevelt would definitely bite the bait!

Although Roosevelt and his think tanks can definitely see the "obstacles" he set up at a glance, they cannot escape the temptation of a huge market of [-] million people.If it can swallow this market in one bite, the United States will be like the United Kingdom that controls India, and obtain the cornerstone of its economic take-off again.And this take-off will not be just an ordinary leap, but a qualitative change from "climbing clouds" to "teng clouds", just like Monkey King learning somersault clouds.


"So, Roosevelt and his men will definitely agree to hand over Japan's industry to us, at least most of it, and even if China goes too far and directly annexed the British colonies in Southeast Asia, they will silently accept it in the end. ...As long as we can cope with Britain's subsequent revenge. But I don't think everyone will care too much about the 'Empire on which the sun never sets'?"

Chongqing, Huangshan Villa, Qin Wei said this to Lao Jiang and others.

"Sounds really exciting. But the Americans will take the bait so easily? They are not like the fallen powers in Britain. They are intact."

Opposite Qin Wei, beside Kong Xiangxi, Kong Lingkan, who had just been released by the Japanese, asked his question seriously. (to be continued..)

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