mixed in the war

Chapter 545 For the Country and the People, Qin Wei Chapter 1

"Let's discuss business."

Sitting in the Yunxiu Tower, apart from Lao Jiang and his wife, Kong Xiangxi, Chen Bulei, Chen Guofu, and Chen Lifu brothers, Zhang Qun, Chairman of Sichuan Province and Vice President of the Executive Yuan, Wang Chonghui, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yu Hongjun, Minister of Finance, and old Jiang's most important staff group - Wang Shijie, director of the Military Counselor's Office.

In other words, apart from Lao Jiang and Qin Wei who have military positions, Wang Shijie can also be involved in the military, and the rest are all senior officials in government affairs or party affairs.And Wang Shijie is just an aide, Lao Jiang is the highest leader of the country, so what is Qin Wei?A general can stretch his hands into the party and government circles... You know, even a master like He Yingqin dare not casually touch power into the scope of the "government".Henan famine, when Jiang Dingwen, the commander of the first war zone, reported to him, he didn't dare to say anything, he could only say that he would wait for the government's report... But now Qin Wei and Lao Jiang are talking to these "party and government circles" Experts" sat together, what does this represent?

It's a pity that Qin Wei didn't seem to notice this.

"As I said just now, the Americans will definitely not take the bait easily. But they can't ignore the temptation of the huge Chinese market...Think about how many big powers in Britain, France, Russia, the United States, Germany, Italy and Japan wanted to get a share of the Chinese market? But Now the Chinese market is basically only left in Japan." Qin Wei shrugged, "In the eyes of the Americans, we are just big fat that keeps leaking out. No matter how clearly they see it, no matter how Knowing our intentions, they will definitely try this. But as long as they have the heart, they must speak for China in the allies."

"What does Chief Qin mean, what do we need to do?" Kong Xiangxi is extremely frustrated now, and Zhang Qun is watching from the side, his heart is always excited... He hopes that Lao Kong will resign directly because of excessive frustration.As a result, the most competitive Song Ziwen is now negotiating with Yankees and Britons in Washington.I can't leave for a while, and I have never been liked by Lao Jiang, and he, Zhang, is Lao Jiang's confidant... At that time, as the vice-president of the Executive Yuan, he will definitely become the most powerful president of the Executive Yuan. competitors.Thinking of this, his attitude towards Qin Wei, the main "responsible person" who caused the current situation, is naturally much better than others.What's more, in a sense, he, the chairman of Sichuan Province, got it with the help of Qin Wei.If Qin Wei hadn't found a way to "send away" those warlords in Sichuan, how could those guys agree to let him take charge of the Sichuan provincial government?

"In addition to negotiating with Song Ziwen and Yan Huiqing in Washington, the Americans will definitely send people to Chongqing. Therefore, the Executive Yuan must cooperate with our plan, and at the same time be neither humble nor overbearing, but also keep seducing the Americans. Let them want to stop." Qin Guardian.

"The Americans will definitely put forward their own conditions, so should we agree to them?" Yu Hongjun, who is also one of the giants of the Executive Yuan, couldn't help asking after hearing this.

"Specific conditions, specific considerations. But I think we can completely peg the fiat currency to the US dollar." Qin Wei replied.

"Chief Qin," Yu Hongjun smiled. "Since the 25th year of the Republic of China, the legal currency has been pegged to the British pound and the US dollar."

"And these years. In order to cope with the domestic situation, especially the Japanese invasion, the government adopted an inflationary policy, and the legal currency depreciated severely. On the eve of the Anti-Japanese War, the total amount of legal currency issued was only a little over 14 billion, but until now, the amount of legal currency issued has exceeded More than [-] billion. So no matter whether we are willing to peg the fiat currency to the U.S. dollar or not, it is impossible for the Americans to pay for us." Zhang Qun also said immediately.

"I don't know much about these things, but I do know that all the hyperinflation in China since this century is actually related to the United States." Qin Wei said in a deep voice. "Decoupling from the U.S. dollar, and its own banknotes lacking credit and economic strength to support inflation, is the general path of inflation in China. It is like the deflation seven or eight years ago. It is precisely because the United States passed the "Silver Purchase Act", authorizing The U.S. Treasury Department purchased silver in domestic and foreign markets until the silver price reached the specified price, or the value of the silver reserves in the U.S. Treasury Department reached 13 of the gold reserves. That acquisition by the U.S. led to a sharp rise in global silver prices. At that time, we As the largest actual silver standard country, the value of the currency soared, but it had to be tightened across the board. As a result, our dream of becoming an export market was shattered, and our "golden development" period was shattered by the Americans... So, the gold standard, Or the silver standard is not suitable for China now, what we need now is the 'dollar standard'!"

"How could the Americans agree to such a condition? They originally wanted to use us as their dumping market." Wang Chonghui also joined in and said.

"If the time is long enough, they will agree." Qin Weidao, "Because in that way, the Americans can use the simple method of printing money to plunder the wealth that should belong to us in an invisible way. .This will also be the first step in the 'dollar hegemony'. It is impossible for Roosevelt to refuse such a temptation, just as it is impossible for him to refuse the huge market of China."

"So, in order to plunder our wealth for a longer period of time in the future, they will definitely be willing to suffer a certain loss in recent years?" Wang Shijie also asked.

"If it were you, would you give up this opportunity?" Qin Wei asked back.

"But when the time comes, we will be under the control of others." Lao Jiang understood it a long time ago.He has been doing this kind of thing to plunder other people's wealth by printing money, so he is no stranger to it.However, his character does not allow others to hold his own life.He finds it unacceptable to think that the United States will only need to turn on the money printing machine twice in the future to make his hard-earned wealth a pile of waste paper.

"Everything will be rewarded if you pay for it." Qin Wei said in a deep voice, "I don't want children to be trapped by wolves! Americans are much smarter than wolves. If the bait is not big enough, how can they fall into the trap?"

"I'm afraid that we won't be able to trap wolves at that time, but ourselves." Kong Xiangxi suddenly snorted coldly, "You just said that Americans are good at beggar-thy-neighbor. Since they could come up with a "Silver Acquisition" seven years ago "Act", interrupting the rapid development of our Chinese economy, and will definitely use your "dollar standard" to continue to grab China's wealth in the future.... You have to remember: it is not so easy to take advantage of the big powers."

"The whole world has just experienced a serious economic crisis, and this crisis has not yet passed. And this time the world war has a big reason is this crisis." Qin Wei ignored Kong Xiangxi, "and The current protectionism prevailing in world trade, that is, the mutual restriction of international trade, is actually the most important cause of the current world economic depression. Therefore, after the end of this World War, it is necessary to solve complex international economic issues, especially to formulate international Trade policy will become an important task for all countries after the war."

"We are pegged to the U.S. dollar, or even directly use the U.S. dollar as the foreign exchange reserve and reserve funds issued in the U.S. dollar. Then, once the international trade order is rebuilt, the Americans will definitely not forget us?" Yu Hongjun is indeed a financial expert. Qin Wei immediately realized many things.

"From the population and industrial production level of the United States, as long as they don't make big mistakes, they will definitely be the final victors in this war." Qin Weidao. "After this war is over, Europe will lose its position as the center of the world. It will be replaced by the United States. In other words, the United States will become the maker of new international trade rules! But the rules still need executors, so the United States must It is necessary to attract other countries to play this 'game' together! They will win because they are the highest makers of the rules. But in the same way, other countries, whoever can enter this circle earlier, will take the first step China has a huge market. But now most of our market is still a self-sufficient small-scale peasant economy. If we want to develop rapidly, we must face outward, and we also have this advantage... So. Early If we integrate into this international trade circle one step further, we will develop earlier. Especially after we get Japan's industrial foundation!"

"Japan, Japan... Let's not talk about whether we can realize this plan, even if we can, since we can attack their homeland earlier and force Japan to surrender, why wait any longer?" Kong Xiangxi asked loudly.

"Because if we choose a large-scale attack at this time, it is tantamount to sharing the pressure for Britain and the United States, and it will also allow Japan to put more power in front of us! By then, we will inevitably suffer greater and more serious losses. Lao Jiang glanced at him, "So, we would rather choose a method with less loss but more time-consuming to complete this war. Moreover, with Britain and the United States sharing the pressure of the Japanese for us, our chances of winning will be better." big."


"The incident in the oil field made my elder sister's family almost turn gray. Qin Wei, you are open-minded, why don't you get too fussy with them?"

The meeting was just to set a tone, and Qin Wei was not an economic expert, he just followed the scriptures.The specific plan still needs to be discussed and formulated by Yu Hongjun and others.Therefore, the meeting took about two hours from start to finish.But after this time, Qin Wei's status in the national government was completely different, and many people including the Chen brothers looked at him differently.It's a pity that Song Meiling can't take care of these things now, she still misses the "field" of her eldest sister's house!So, after the meeting ended, she encouraged Lao Jiang to leave Qin Wei alone.

"I understand what Ma'am means." Don't worry too much?Isn't it just not to want that piece of land, let it still have the surname "Kong"?Qin Wei had a headache.Over and over again, Soong Meiling is tantamount to cheating.But in the same way, Song Meiling's practice of trying to save face put him under much greater pressure than before.

"I know you understand, but I hope you can put this understanding into action..." Song Meiling blushed a little: "Of course, I also know that this will make you very difficult. So, you can put forward any conditions you have. "

"Any conditions?" Qin Wei asked.

"As long as I can do it." Song Meiling said.While talking, she glanced at Lao Jiang who was sitting on the side, only to see Lao Jiang picking up the teacup next to him...

"Actually, my condition is not difficult. I hope...to donate the Duli Oilfield!" Qin Wei smacked his lips, "Donate to the country! What do you think?"

"Okay—" Before Song Meiling could speak, Lao Jiang had already thrown the teacup on the table, "For the sake of the country and the people, you, Qin Wei, are ranked second, absolutely no one dares to say number one! I agree with this matter! "

"..." Song Meiling. (To be continued..)

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