mixed in the war

Chapter 561 Don't Give You a Chance

"Continue to exercise? No, no, no... According to the order of the Ministry of War, we will go to Egypt to fight the Italians soon, and we have no time to 'waste' time here."


MacArthur is giving Wainwright a "clean up" at his temporary residence.He was so happy... Although it was just a regiment-level exercise, and it didn't even take three days from the start of preparation to the official start, he just felt happy.Especially after seeing the dark faces of Qin Wei and others like the bottom of a pot, this kind of happy feeling almost penetrated his two veins of Ren and Du, and connected the bridge of heaven and earth.Let your kid deliberately provoke me before, and show contempt to me in every possible way, how is it now?Your troops were almost helpless under the attack of my young man.

"General, you should know that the result of this exercise cannot be regarded as the result of a real battle." Du Yuming came with Qin Wei.Losing a battle, even though it was just a drill, was still embarrassing.Moreover, he had to come to MacArthur again, and he had to look at the face of this foreign devil. How could he be the only one to bear this kind of bad luck?Originally, Bai Chongxi was also coming.That guy considers himself a famous general, and has a high status in the Communist Party. He has also met MacArthur. He feels good about himself and feels that the other party should sell him some face.In the end, Qin Wei sneered and forcibly blocked him back.It's not that Qin Wei doesn't want one more person to help share this embarrassing embarrassment, the key is that this kind of thing can't be shared at all.And the more people come, the more people lose.Fortunately, Du Yuming said that no matter how high he is, he is an army commander, and his military rank is a lieutenant general. Lost in front of MacArthur.The problem is not a drill thing.

"The result of any exercise cannot be the result of a real battle. But we can believe that the result of the exercise is often the final result of the war. Just like our usual sand table deduction." MacArthur will not give the "enemy" Chance.This time the exercise was provoked by the person in front of him first.The purpose is also extremely obvious, which is to step on MacArthur and his group of young men to "climb up", and even use this to win a favorable situation for China in diplomacy.Intentions can be said to be extremely sinister.Therefore, even if it was a regiment-level exercise, he still sent Wainwright as his representative to enter the exercise headquarters.The purpose is to guard against possible small moves by the Chinese.But now it seems that this kind of worry is unnecessary at all... At the beginning of the exercise, the Chinese side fell into a situation of command chaos, and they almost completed everything in a crushing posture.This kind of result made him feel as refreshed as eating a large piece of iced watermelon in the dog days.But the "warning" that Wainwright gave him also surprised him.When Wainwright came back, he told him that the squadrons participating in the exercise were of high quality and equipped.The most important thing is that the combat desire is very strong.Although they lost their command due to an accident and had to fight on their own, the strong desire to win they showed was still shocking.Wainwright even asserted, if not the drill.But if it is a real battle, even if they can win the final victory.The losses to be endured will also be several times that of the exercise.

MacArthur understood the behavior of his "skinny monkey" subordinates.Now that Wainwright has said so.That means the victory of this exercise doesn't mean much.But he also knows what it means to "take it when you see it".Winning a small game can be regarded as a small lesson for the Chinese, which not only saves face, but also does not cause any major problems.But if there is another battle that may be difficult to distinguish, he will not do it.It's okay to win, but what if you lose?A hundred birds are in the forest.Not as good as a bird in hand.Although he didn't know this sentence, he still understood the truth.

"There will be another division-level confrontation exercise. Of course, if you think the scale is too small, general, we can simply launch a military-level exercise!" Qin Wei ignored MacArthur's evasion.He pointed to Du Yuming: "This is the commander we decided to send for this exercise, one of the best generals in China, basically representing the highest military level of our army. How about it, general, who do you plan to send?"

"I can understand your feelings, because I have had the same experience." MacArthur said with a smile: "But the exercise is over, and another one is just a 'waste' of time."

"No, no, no, this is definitely not a waste of time." Qin Wei smiled, "On the contrary, for our army, this is a rare opportunity to see a world-class industrial powerhouse; For your subordinates, it is an excellent opportunity to re-feel the atmosphere of the battlefield against Japan...General Du’s 5th Army once fought the Japanese army at Kunlun Pass, and they defeated the Japanese, and it was a big defeat.”

"We don't need to feel the atmosphere of the battlefield against Japan." Wainwright said, "General Qin, we are going to Egypt soon. We will all set off immediately when the fleet arrives. We are going to face the Germans And the Italians, not the Japanese."

"With the reputation of being defeated?" Qin Wei asked with a smile, "As far as I know, the British are very proud. Their Prime Minister Churchill is still in the United States to compete with President Roosevelt for the commander-in-chief of the European Allies. position... that is no less than a fierce battle, but there is no smoke."

"We just went to beat up the Italians, and everything else has nothing to do with us." MacArthur's face darkened.He felt that he hated the brat in front of him more and more.Why do you keep talking about his defeat at the hands of the Japanese?The Japanese have 30, but he only has [-], okay?With a one-on-ten, retreating completely, can this fucking be considered a defeat?But even though he was angry, he couldn't lose his temper with Qin Wei... He was able to retreat completely because of this person in front of him.Otherwise, the whole army will be wiped out.

"The British army in Egypt has reached an astonishing 23 troops. And the Italian army in Libya is nearly 50!" Qin Wei still laughed, "General, how many troops do you have?"

"[-], to be exact, it should be less than [-]." Du Yuming also spoke suddenly.He didn't say much, and once he finished speaking, he sat down again with lowered eyebrows, as if an old monk had settled down.

"It's only a fraction of the British!" Qin Wei smacked his lips and shook his head, "And the British Eighth Army in Egypt is a fully mechanized force equipped with a large number of tanks and armored vehicles. But what does the US have? "

"There's nothing, not even their respective guns." Du Yuming interrupted again, and quickly fell silent after speaking.

"Understood." Qin Wei snapped his fingers, "I was too eager to leave the Philippines. Some soldiers threw away their guns, and our ship couldn't carry heavy weapons... Tsk tsk, the United States of America is our world's anti-fascist force We almost all rely on the United States to support the battle. But the American soldiers we have given high hopes are not even equipped with guns... Gentlemen, imagine what will happen to the proud 'John Bulls' when you arrive in Egypt Looking at you? Should you be placed directly under their command? General MacArthur, you are the 'General' of the American Army!"

"The United States will fully configure everything for us." Wainwright said hastily, seeing MacArthur's increasingly gloomy face.

"But they are still not sure whether they will win the highest military command in Egypt for you." Qin Wei smiled, "And, even if you win the highest military command, so what? Will the British obediently obey their orders?"

"Since it is an allied force, and since the command authority has been determined, of course they must obey orders." Wainwright himself felt how weak he was when he said this, and this made him even more worried about MacArthur. .He knows this boss well.These few words of Qin Wei can be said to have directly hit their weakness... In fact, when they received the order to go to Egypt, they had already started to worry about this.It's just a military order.Knowing that the road ahead is difficult, they have to follow orders.Originally, Washington also knew MacArthur's character and their situation at this time. He had already sent a telegram to explain to them, and promised to quickly replenish what they needed after they arrived in Egypt.This made them feel a little more at ease.But now Qin Wei has put these things aside again... Everything else is fine, but the lethality of the previous sentence, "Passing with the reputation of being defeated" is not trivial.How could someone as arrogant as MacArthur accept such a result?Not to mention, Qin Wei’s speculation about whether the British would obey orders made MacArthur feel even more worried and uncomfortable... It was absolutely impossible for him to accept that his subordinates did not obey orders.But the problem is, with the usual temperament of the British, this kind of thing is very likely to happen.

"Go back after winning a battle, at least you can earn a little more face." Qin Wei continued with a smile.

"It's a pity that you are only Chinese, and what I want to defeat is the Japanese." MacArthur said suddenly, exhaling.

"General Du Yuming's army has defeated the Japanese many times, and one of them is the army Seishiro Sakagaki became famous for, the fifth division of the Japanese army known as the 'Steel Army'!" Qin Wei popped up again.

"Seishiro Sakagaki led the 5th Division to fight many victories in China, participated in many battles in Nankou, Xinkou, Pingxingguan, Taiyuan, Shanghai, Taierzhuang, etc., and repeatedly served as the main offensive mission. When it was the strongest, it was half The power of one division defeated the strength of more than 5 divisions of our department in Shanxi, and took down half of Shanxi Province." Du Yuming's voice was a little low, but then it suddenly rose three degrees: "But after the battle of southern Guangxi Among them, the [-]th Division was almost wiped out by our army, only a few remnants escaped."

"So what?" MacArthur shrugged, "The exercise is over. I'm not interested in doing it again."

"Are you afraid of failure?" Qin Wei asked with a smile.

"No, I just don't want to 'waste' time." MacArthur shook his head, "And I don't want to be teased like this...General Qin, I understand your purpose, but unfortunately I am Douglas MacArthur, not a fool without a brain .You can't 'command' me."

"..." (to be continued...)

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