mixed in the war

Chapter 586 Ultra Vires

"General Qin, I don't know what you're talking about...China is a member of the Allied Powers. Do you want to deny this fact?"

It took Stilwell a long time to hold back these few words.After meeting Qin Wei, Qin Wei's attitude once made him fantasize... This guy doesn't seem to be as difficult to talk to as He Yingqin.But it turns out that he was wrong, very wrong.No matter how rude He Yingqin was to him, no matter how unwilling to accept his plan, at least he did not dare to deny that China was a member of the Allied Powers.But this one is good, and directly denied the identity of China's allies.

"Don't be angry, it hurts your liver!" Qin Wei smiled, "General, I didn't deny that China is a member of the allies. I actually want to ask you...the United States and the United Kingdom really regard China as their Are you an ally?"

"Of course!" Stilwell replied casually.

"The look in your eyes tells me that you're just being perfunctory." Qin Wei took the fishing pole from Zheng Pingru's hand, turned and walked towards the river.Seeing him like this, Stilwell and He Zhonghan had no choice but to follow closely, while listening to his babbling: "Britain and the United States are very powerful, and no one can deny that. But you also can't deny that without China, you will Very dangerous... If we make peace with the Japanese, or temporarily stop the war, then there is a high chance that Britain will lose foreign support, and if that happens, they will be defeated very quickly in the battle against the Germans. And as long as Britain surrenders , the United States will lose its frontier position in the European battlefield..."

"What does this have to do with the Asian battlefield?" Stilwell asked with a frown.

"It really doesn't matter." Qin Wei hung a piece of earthworm on the hook, and then threw it out vigorously, "But I always wanted to ask Roosevelt or Marshall if the Germans won the final victory in the European battlefield. , with Hitler's character. Will he let the United States of America alone on the North American continent? Especially when the United States has declared war on Germany."

"..." Stilwell remained silent.

"If it were me, I wouldn't do it." He Zhonghan interjected, "The so-called cutting the weeds without eradicating the roots will cause endless troubles. The United States is the number one industrial power in the world. It is too dangerous to keep such an enemy hiding in the American continent. gone."

"That's right." Qin Wei smiled at He Zhonghan, "What's more, even if Hitler defeated the enemies of the whole of Europe, he couldn't let the whole of Europe completely fall under his feet. There will be resistance everywhere. And each country in Europe has its own They have their own cultural heritage, and they also have their own languages, so it is difficult to integrate together. Therefore, if the United States, the world's largest industrial power, fanned the flames and secretly funded these resistance forces, his life would be very difficult. Instead, It’s better to just send troops to fight there. Of course, the most important thing is that the Japanese have already performed for him. It’s not safe across the Pacific Ocean, let alone the narrower Atlantic Ocean. Isn’t it?”

"What exactly do you want to say?" Stilwell asked in a deep voice.

"General, I think Chief Qin means that Britain and the United States should not ignore the existence of China." He Zhonghan explained.

"We didn't ignore it. Otherwise, how could we form an alliance with China?" Stilwell retorted.

"You didn't ignore it in name, but what about your actions?" Qin Wei smiled, "I think Roosevelt and Churchill both regarded us as a bully who could call us at any time? Of course. This also includes you, Joseph Steele. General Wei!"

"General Qin, you are responsible for what you said. You are creating a rift between the allies!" Stilwell said angrily.

"Cracks are cracks. Anyway, the United Kingdom and the United States did not regard China as an equal partner! From Roosevelt and Churchill's previous performance of always resisting our support, we can clearly know your true attitude towards us... Roosevelt's aid to Churchill At that time, more than 50 destroyers were sent over without blinking an eye. Isn’t it?” Qin Wei looked at the river with both eyes, smiling all over his face, as if he was talking about something irrelevant.

"That's different!" Stilwell retorted, "and we did provide assistance to China. Not to mention before, it is now... a large amount of military supplies are being shipped from the Indian Ocean to Burma. Can you deny this fact? "

"I don't think that batch of supplies was delivered to us." Qin Wei replied disdainfully.

"General, that batch of supplies is to support the Southeast Asian battlefield." Stilwell called.

"Really?" Qin Wei looked back at him, "Then why did you drive us to the battlefield before the aid arrived? Don't you want us to help you block or even repel the Japanese first, to stabilize the situation?" The war situation in Southeast Asia, and then withhold this batch of supplies and not distribute them, and use this as a threat to make our soldiers work for you?"

"You...how did we do this? General Qin, what are you thinking? How can you be so hostile to your allies?" Stilwell looked at him in surprise, although he was asking, but his His eyes were visibly wandering.

"General Stilwell, this is not hostility, but vigilance! Be wary of those so-called allies who are always hostile to us!" Qin Wei said seriously, "Do you dare to say that you really regard China as your ally? ?”

"Of course!"

"You fart—"


Stilwell was startled by Qin Wei's words again.fart?This guy actually said he farted?He should be furious, but after seeing Qin Wei's cold eyes, his anger was suppressed in his heart and he couldn't let it out.

"The difference between a fool and a smart person is that a fool always thinks he is smarter than everyone else." Qin Wei stared at Stilwell: "Do you think your performance after arriving in China is worthy of our trust? You are wrong, Stilwell, China is poor and weak, but we do not lack smart people... Your performance only shows one point: you are treating yourself as your master and us as your slaves!"

"I... I don't know what you're talking about." Inexplicably, Stilwell felt guilty.He wanted to pull his legs to leave, but those two legs seemed to be filled with lead and did not move.Because he knew very well that if he really left like this, then Qin Wei's words would be recognized by everyone.If that's the case, then no one can save him.Roosevelt could only recall him back home.He wouldn't even have the chance to cooperate with others on other battlefields... Who would want to cooperate with a guy who regarded himself as his master?

"What is cooperation? Cooperation is a joint action between individuals, groups and groups to achieve a common goal. Cooperation is for a win-win situation!" Qin Wei sighed again, turned his head and continued to look at each other Jiang Mian, but his voice continued to rage in the ears of others: "Stilwell, in your plan, what did China win?"

"Win? In... China has won the external space." Stilwell thought for a while, "It can avoid being completely blocked by Japan, and can gain..."

"You can win a lot of praise, you can win the reputation of the whole world..." Qin Wei looked at him mockingly: "But our soldiers will sacrifice their lives."

"On the battlefield, no one can guarantee that he will never die." Stilwell said. "General Qin, I know that I may be too impatient, but I am really thinking about the situation in Southeast Asia. I never thought of sacrificing the lives of Chinese soldiers to serve the interests of the British."

"How about a bet?" Qin Wei asked suddenly.

"Bet?" Stilwell was taken aback.

"Yes." Qin Wei nodded, "As soon as the Japanese attack Burma, we will send troops to help the British. But I promise. The British will betray us in the ensuing war, and they will treat us as their cannon fodder... "

"It's impossible. The British wouldn't do that." Stilwell shook his head.

"But I'm sure they will do that." Qin Wei said. "So. Let's take this bet! . . . If the British do this, I demand power over them, including military law against their commanders; and if they don't, then, congratulations , General Stilwell. Because you will gain the full support of many people including me, you will gain the command of most of the troops in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces, as well as the fourth theater Guangxi and the Indochina Peninsula. There are 60 to 20 troops in total, including at least [-] mobile troops. How about it? Do you dare to make this bet?"

"..." Stilwell stared at him for a long time, and after a long time, he took a deep breath: "Why didn't I dare?"

"You really dare?" Qin Wei looked at him, as if he just heard a funny joke.

"Of course." Stilwell shrugged, "As the Chief of Staff of the Pan-Western Pacific Theater, I think I have this authority."

"Hahahaha..." Qin Wei laughed suddenly, and threw the fishing rod into the river with his hands: "General Stilwell, do you know? You are a wonderful person, really wonderful!"

"General Qin, I don't understand what you mean. Don't you want to make this bet?" Stilwell felt that something was wrong and asked with a frown.

"General Stilwell, if you refuse to make this bet, then we may still believe your sincerity, but you agreed...so, you have no sincerity at all. On the contrary, your behavior also shows that you have great respect for us. The serious contempt of the senior generals of the Chinese side." He Zhonghan's face was as cold as ice at this time, and he now has a little understanding of why He Yingqin didn't show any favors to Stilwell at the beginning, and he didn't even bother to say a few nice words : "Although we have formed an alliance with the United Kingdom and the United States and established a nominal headquarters, in fact, whether it is our Chairman Jiang or you, the Chief of Staff, it is just a name. We, you, still There are British people who are fighting on their own until now! In this case, not to mention you, even our Generalissimo Jiang has no ability to bypass the British government and directly punish their officers with military law... I believe Roosevelt The same is true for the president. And you, what qualifications do you have to agree to Chief Qin's conditions? What Chief Qin said just now is not wrong, you treat us all as fools. "

"I didn't—" Stilwell snapped. "I can do it now that I've said yes. If you don't believe me, I can send a telegram to Washington right away and tell them all about it."

"What's the use of that?" He Zhonghan looked at him teasingly, "General Stilwell, actually there is something I've always wanted to tell you, but unfortunately I never had the chance. But now, I hope you can listen to it."


"The Pan-Western Pacific Theater, according to the requirements of the British, does not include Burma and Malaya! Therefore, you have no right to dictate the war there... You have exceeded your authority!" (To be continued...)

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