mixed in the war

Chapter 592 Patton

"What to do, gentlemen?"

After receiving the telegram from the other side of the Pacific Ocean, Roosevelt was in pain.It's just that when he was angry at the Chinese people's tone that didn't give face, he had to feel angry at Stilwell's actions... [-] U.S. troops, what kind of troops can they withstand?However, based on the "not beneficial to others, only self-interested" temper that the Chinese have shown during this period of time, if after the [-] U.S. troops enter Myanmar, they still insist on not supporting the British, then the [-] U.S. troops What will Da Bing be like?After escaping in the Philippines, do you want to go to Burma again to try the fate of being attacked or even surrounded by the Japanese, and even captured?

"I object to Stilwell's misconduct."

Compared with Roosevelt who was only angry, Secretary of State Hull was angry.On the anti-fascist battlefields all over the world, the situation of the Allies is extremely unfavorable.The Soviet Union had little resistance to the German attack, and Stalin might not even be able to keep his own food and oil production areas.If that is the case, when the Germans turn back, the pressure on the British will increase several times compared to the last time they faced the Germans.Because the German army is already organizing those captured Soviet soldiers and using these people to form new troops.Just like the Japanese used Siberia's reform-through-labour prisoners to form a southward force to attack Australia.It is conceivable that with the huge population base of the Soviet Union, once Stalin could not hold on and the huge red empire fell, the military strength of the Germans would suddenly more than double.At that time, the United States will only be able to allocate most of its power to Europe.And in this way, they can only rely on China to resist the equally arrogant Japanese in Asia.Therefore, building a good relationship with China has become something they must do.

To be honest, Hull really doesn't want to deal with the Chinese if it's not for him.Because it is too troublesome.If other countries in the world fall to that point, most areas will fall.I'm afraid he would have surrendered long ago.But the Chinese still insist on not saying anything, and they still pick their noses and eyes on their supporters... But the problem is that they still have nothing to do with the Chinese.

People are already like that, they have nothing to throw away, nothing to throw away, even if you don't help, they won't fight?What's more, the United States didn't help China with much before, but in the end the Chinese fought back and beat the Japanese several times, and they performed well.

After all, in the eyes of Hull, the Chinese are now "poor and tyrannical", and the poorer they become, the more tyrannical they become...if it is possible.He will definitely teach these guys a profound lesson, but he can't.

The United States has entered the war, so they cannot abandon the British Isles, and if the British Isles want to keep them safe, they must ensure the safety of India and the Middle East.That's right.Churchill seemed to be very tough, and said, "We will defend our homeland at all costs. We will fight on the beach. We will fight on the landing grounds, in the fields, on the mountains, and in the streets. We will never surrender at any time, even if the whole of England The island or most of the land is taken, we are hungry and cold, and all our overseas empires, armed and protected by the British fleet, will continue to fight ... ".This is a very inspiring statement, but the question is, can Churchill continue to be so tough, can the British continue to be so tough?After losing various supplies from India and oil from the Middle East.I'm afraid those British soldiers will give up fighting first, just like what that guy named Percival did in Malaya... Of course, it would be fine if the United States can supply the needs of the entire United Kingdom, but that is obviously impossible.

Therefore, they must change their previous attitude towards the Chinese and make the Chinese feel respected by the United States.But obviously, Stilwell, the chief of staff in the theater they sent, didn't understand their spirit.

"I think Joseph is just afraid of losing Burma." Marshall did not expect that Stilwell would have such a deadlock with the Chinese government after he arrived in China. long, not 'Master'", he felt extremely ashamed and angry.Responsibilities, responsibilities... The people I sent were questioned and couldn't even distinguish their own responsibilities. This was not only a denial of Stilwell, but also a questioning of him as the Chief of Staff of the US Army.But what can he do?At this time, we must bow our heads to the Chinese, otherwise, Myanmar may be lost.Compared with China and its millions of troops that can resist the Japanese aggression, what does India have?Although Wavell defeated the Italians in North Africa, didn't the Italians seize the oil fields in Libya in the end?In addition, the Japanese also played the gimmick of "national independence". It is said that the special envoy of the Japanese emperor is still in frequent contact with the Indian National Congress...

"Afraid of losing Myanmar? Afraid of losing Myanmar, you can confront the Chinese to this point?" Hull said angrily, "He still wants to use this method to persecute the Chinese? Doesn't he know that the Chinese don't Would they care about this? According to their ambassador Yan, they 'don't eat this'!"

"George," Roosevelt also smiled wryly and looked at his most trusted chief of staff, "the Chinese actually said that Stilwell regarded himself as a 'master'! I believe this may be their intentional exaggeration, but the problem is, even though Stilwell Diwei's performance in China has not yet reached the point where he considers himself a master, and the confrontation between him and the Chinese must have been extremely fierce. ... There is Asia, and China has millions of soldiers, while we have only [-], and These [-] soldiers are still the reserve force we plan to use to regain our own interests in the future. He should clearly distinguish between priorities!"

"Okay, I can recall him!" Marshall had no choice but to respond.

"But if Stilwell is recalled, we have to send another person to replace him." Hull said, "Who is suitable?"

"The Chinese once picked two people...Of course, this matter is still for you to decide, George." Roosevelt said to Marshall again.

"Eisenhower is impossible. He has now gone to Australia and is helping MacArthur organize the fight against the Japanese." Marshall smiled wryly. "As for Chennault... I know very little about him."

"The most important thing is that the chief of staff we sent out may lead our young man to fight in Burma." Hull suddenly said, "After all, Stilwell has already agreed to the British, and the British also agree to This is welcome. We cannot go back on our word at this time."

"The British army has 10 people in Burma. How long can they resist the Japanese?" Roosevelt asked.

"It probably won't be too long." Marshall shook his head and said, "Their performance in Southeast Asia is very disappointing. Lieutenant General Arthur Percival, who lost Malaya, was once the imperial general staff who the British side favored." And the General Alexander, who is now commanding the battle in Burma, has had his troops driven around by the Japanese from the very beginning.... I suspect that within two months of what the Chinese expected, They risk losing Yangon Port."

"Yangon?" Hull frowned: "Have the supplies to aid the Chinese arrived yet?"

"It has arrived at Yangon Port..." Marshall paused, a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face, but in the end he told the truth: "The British seized this batch of supplies!"



Roosevelt and Hull were shocked at the same time.

"Stilwell once sent a telegram to report to me. He thought it was a means used by the British to coerce the Chinese. They probably wanted to borrow this batch of supplies to achieve the purpose of forcing the Chinese to help them." Marshall replied with a wry smile. .

"What?" Hull exclaimed: "How could they do this? According to the agreement among the three countries, as long as the supplies are handed over to the Chinese, they must assist Myanmar. Why do they still do this?"

"The British are worried that the Chinese will back down." Marshall said, "According to the report Stilwell gave me, the British not only hope that the Chinese can help them repel the Japanese attack, but also worry that the Chinese have ambitions for Burma." , will not leave when they come... So, they withheld this batch of supplies. In this way, they can use this batch of supplies as bait, so that the Chinese have to work for them, and they can use this batch of resources as a threat , to get the Chinese out of Burma after the war."

"Despicable!" Hull was dumbfounded.Even though he has been in charge of diplomatic work for many years, he has seen countless conspiracies and tricks and shameless behavior, and he still feels incredible about the British's actions.No wonder the Chinese are unwilling to send troops, if it were him, he would not do it either!What do those Brits think of the Chinese?It's fine if you usually play like this, but... this is wartime!The Chinese can afford to wait, can you afford to wait?

"Stilwell didn't help the Chinese fight for it? He is the chief of staff of the Western Pacific Theater, and some of the supplies are for our [-] soldiers!" Roosevelt also held back for a long time before remembering what he wanted to ask, but he His face was also a little pale...they haven't officially fought together yet, and the allies have already fallen to such a level of mutual distrust, how can we fight this battle in the future?

"The British handed over all the supplies and equipment they gave us. As for other things..." Marshall shrugged, "He thinks the British method can be tried!"

"My God..." Hull covered his face, ashamed to see people.

"Okay, George, send a telegram immediately to revoke the appointment of Lieutenant General Joseph Stilwell," Roosevelt breathed out, "As for the successor... look who can command our young man to fight the Japanese ? Can you be selected in the last military observation group to China?"

"The members of the last military observation team to China were all excellent. Except for Eisenhower and Ridgway who have already arrived in Australia, the others have already gone to the UK first." Marshall said.

"Then are there any suitable candidates?" Roosevelt asked helplessly.

"If it's just about fighting, there is still one candidate." Marshall paused, "His name is George Smith Button Jr.!" (To be continued...)

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