mixed in the war

Chapter 6 Tell You a Story

() "Big thing? What big deal? Does it matter?"

Xu Yuanju is the head of the military command station, and he needs to tell him about important matters... Thinking that the other party was sent by Xu Yuanju himself, although there was no identity confirmation, Zheng Zhenhua didn't even doubt it, and directly considered the importance of the matter.

"I'm not in a hurry right now, um... do you have a phone here?" Qin Wei asked.

"Telephone? Why do we have a telephone here?" Zheng Zhenhua shook his head and smiled wryly.It's just an asylum, who will give them such high-end products as telephones? "However, if you're really in a hurry, I can chase it for you...Miss Qi and the others have three bicycles, we can borrow them. Anyway, the stationmaster Xu just now should not be far away." <qing Stationmaster, Even Dai Li should come here in person, how can we let us chase him instead?Besides, how can your bicycle chase the car? "Qin Wei shook his head, picked up his bag, "Come on, let's see how your subordinates go to class... It's nothing to learn culture, this doesn't seem like the performance of a ****!" "



"Xiang Jiuling, who can warm the table, be filial to relatives, what should be held, Rong is four years old, can make pears, younger brother is older, suitable for prophets... Everyone read it well just now. Now everyone read it again with me, Xiang Jiuling..."

"...be able to warm seats, be filial to relatives, what should be done, Rong is four years old..."

The apse of Guanyin Nunnery is the place where the original nuns in the temple gave evening classes and lectures. Although it is a small temple, it is still quite spacious, but after it was converted into an asylum, the nuns were "invited" to other temples , It is said that he went with the monks, so the scripture hall naturally became the residence of a group of wounded soldiers.It's just that the wounded soldiers don't take care of their residences as much as the teachers and teachers. It's not trivial to make a mess in the residence.When it is severe, the smell of sweat, stinky feet, and even urine are also mixed together. In addition, chongqing is a stove, and it can smoke for three miles without wind.But now, because there are a group of college students giving lectures, the sutra hall has been cleaned. Although it cannot be said to be spotless, it is far better than before... But Qin Wei didn't know this, and although Zheng Zhenhua knew it, he didn't either. There was no time to say that when the two of them came over, they saw the female student surnamed Qi standing in front, leading a group of wounded soldiers sitting on the edge of the bed, reading the "Three Character Classic" written on the small blackboard.

"Everyone read it well. Let me explain the meaning of these few sentences first, so that everyone can understand...Huang Xiang was from the Eastern Han Dynasty. Everyone in the Eastern Han Dynasty? "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is about the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. story, and this Huang Xiang is a person of that era. This Huang Xiang knew how to honor his father and warm the bed for his father when he was nine years old. This kind of behavior should be practiced and emulated by everyone who is filial to their parents And the following words of "Rong four years old" are about Kong Rong, who was also in the Han Dynasty. When he was four years old, he knew that he would give the big pears to his elder brother. This is a kind of respect and love for his elder brother. , and what everyone should know from childhood..." Leading the wounded soldiers to read a few sentences several times, the girl surnamed Qi began to explain again.However, as soon as she finished speaking, a soldier raised his hand:

"Brother Rangge, that's right, but shouldn't a brother be more Rang Brother? Mr. Qi, did Kong Rong's brother return the pear to him?"

"This..." The girl surnamed Qi was stunned for a moment, "It's not written in the book. I don't know."

"Not yet?" The soldiers suddenly buzzed.

"How could it be?" Several other major students have been standing among the wounded soldiers, responsible for pointing out in a low voice when the wounded soldiers are not reading smoothly. After a moment of surprise, several male students even showed a bit of embarrassment, apparently also embarrassed by this question, but at this time, another girl stood up with a slight smile:

"Kong Rong's elder brother must have returned the pear to his younger brother."

"Mr. Lu, didn't Mr. Qi just say that it was not written in the book? How do you know?" a soldier asked loudly.

"Because I know who Kong Rong is." The girl surnamed Lu smiled, and then asked: "Everyone should know Confucius?"

"Then who doesn't know." The soldiers all laughed.Although I have never been to school, and I don't know how to read, but the name of Confucius is so powerful in the past and the present, how many Chinese people don't know?

"That's us from Shandong!" A big man patted his chest vigorously, with a proud face.

"That's right, isn't he a sage of literature? The sage of martial arts, Emperor Guan Gong, is from Shanxi." Another soldier shouted disdainfully.

"Don't brag! What does Guan Gong have to do with you in Shanxi? Did you listen carefully when the storyteller talked about the Three Kingdoms? Guan Gong, originally from Xieliang, Hebei, killed him and fled to Zhuojun, where he met Liu Bei and Zhang Fei! He is from Hebei, Nothing to do with you Shanxi."

"Hey, are you fighting against me? Who said that Guan Gong is not from Shanxi..."

"Shut up and stop making noise!"

I didn't expect to pull out so much for a single sentence, and the face of the girl surnamed Qi suddenly darkened.But unexpectedly, the wounded soldiers stopped immediately when they saw her bad face.

"Mr. Qi is angry, everyone sit down!"

"Sit back! Sit back!"

"It's just the two of you, why are you arguing? There is no definite sex!"


"This chick is so powerful, she can hold down these wounded soldiers?" Qin Wei was amazed.He has never been a soldier, but he also knows that soldiers are the most difficult to deal with.It's not someone who can convince them, even the emperor Lao Tzu may not be willing to sell face.Wounded soldiers, especially disabled soldiers, are far more difficult to deal with than ordinary soldiers.Because they were injured, they may even lose the ability to live, and when they give up on themselves, there is a high probability that they will show shocking violence, which is easier to erupt than a little dry wood.But that girl surnamed Qi can actually make these guys so obedient. When they saw her get angry, they immediately acted like frightened rabbits... Although it may be exaggerated to say so, it is generally good .It can be seen from this that the female college student surnamed Qi may really have some tricks.

"No way, our asylum doesn't have any income, and Zheng Fu's relief is not enough at all. Thanks to Miss Qi, we are not too hungry. Of course, everyone is afraid that she will get angry." Zheng Zhenhua said with a wry smile.

"It turns out that they are half of their parents, no wonder, no wonder, it should be, it should be." Qin Wei nodded repeatedly.


"Everyone should pay attention to classroom discipline. You must know that our time in each class is limited. If everyone just talks about their own, then a lot of study time will be delayed... Therefore, Mr. Qi's anger is also for the good of everyone. , I hope you don't mind."

The soldiers quickly fell silent, as well-behaved as elementary school students who had been reprimanded. Seeing this scene, the girl surnamed Lu stood up again and said with a smile.

"It's not a problem, it's not a problem. It was these guys who made Mr. Qi angry. Don't say a few words, it's okay to beat him up." Zheng Zhenhua also walked in suddenly, and while talking, he saluted the girl surnamed Qi .

"I'm not blaming everyone, just arguing like this will delay the class..." The girl surnamed Qi was also a little embarrassed.

"There will be progress only if there are disputes. Mencius once said, 'It is better to have no books than to believe in books'. I think the questions raised by everyone just now are good. This shows that they have not only learned, but also thought. This is a true teacher. What a good learner should do. It’s just that everyone was scrambling just now and turned in the wrong direction.” Qin Wei leaned against the door and suddenly interjected.

"It turned out to be Mr. Qin." Seeing Qin Wei appearing suddenly, the girl surnamed Qi's face turned cold: "We also agree with what Mr. Qin said. I just don't know what good explanation Mr. Qin has for everyone's question just now." "<Autumn Brushwork', what is the taboo of the venerable, only record the good, not the bad, and the result makes this world full of doubts. "Qin Wei curled his lips, "Just like this 'Rong is four years old, he can make pears', it is possible that Kong Rong knew how to be humble and friendly to his brothers when he was four years old; but there is another possibility that he is afraid of his elder brother, afraid of If I eat the big pear by myself, I will be beaten by my brother... What do you think? "


"And as far as I know, this Kong Rong is not a great person. That's right, Miss Lu just said that he is a descendant of Confucius, but so what? Who stipulates that the descendants of Confucius must be high-spirited? Just like this Kong Rong, this guy later served as the prefect of Beihai. When the enemy army came, he didn't do anything. He would just hide in his room drinking and feasting to show his celebrity demeanor. But once the city was broken, he He ran away as fast as he could, but left his family, wife and children, falling into the enemy's hands, and I heard that they were all killed... What do people like this have to learn from?"


"But Mr. Qin, we are talking about when Kong Rong was four years old. What we want to learn is also his humility and friendly qualities at that time. We don't say that we want to learn from his whole life." After talking on the phone, the other three boys almost froze there. Finally, the girl surnamed Lu breathed a sigh of relief, and then followed Qin Wei's words to retort.

"Humility? Humility!" Qin Wei suddenly swears, "This world is all about the jungle. Whoever has a hard fist is the boss. Bismarck also said: the truth is only within the range of the cannon. Humility? Aren't you afraid that if you give up too much, there will be nothing left in the end?"

"You're a robber theory." A boy called out.

"Damn, it's the bandit theory. More precisely, it's the law of the jungle, which is the universal law among beasts." Qin Wei snapped his fingers, "But do you think I'm wrong?"

"This..." The male student was dumbfounded.

"There are laws and moral rules in this world." The girl surnamed Qi retorted.

"But in the end, the weak will eat the strong. This is normal and the most common rule in the world."


"Mr. Qin, you..."

Zheng Zhenhua was stunned by this sudden scene.Nothing happened, why did they suddenly start fighting?But on one side is half of the asylum's parents, and on the other side is a person who may have a big background, what should he do?What can I do? ...Subconsciously, he wanted to pull Qin Wei to calm down and stop arguing with others, but Qin Wei ignored him, walked up to the girl surnamed Qi, and stood still in front of the small blackboard:

"It's rare to have fun today, so how about I intervene in this class and tell you a story? Don't worry, this story is not long, just a few minutes, but I promise, this story is definitely very 'interesting' , even unforgettable for a lifetime..."

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