mixed in the war

Chapter 609 1 Will There Be Dollar Hegemony?

Some researchers in later generations found that Qin Wei and Ishihara Waner seemed like a pair of tacit partners.Because no matter what the former does or what the latter does, the other one will quickly take advantage of the situation, or quickly turn the disadvantage into an advantage... This makes the one who made the previous move seem to be doing it deliberately The latter person seemed to make a foreshadowing.

Just like this time, when Hirohito was still at a loss for Ishihara Waner's so-called "someone to help", the fighter jets of the Chinese Air Force had already appeased the governor and security commander of "Huaihai Province" appointed by Wang Puppet Central Committee Political Commissar. Hao Pengju, Lieutenant General of the Office, was torn to pieces.

This Hao Pengju was another typical villain in the Republic of China era.Just like Shi Yousan, who was buried alive by his subordinates before, was also Feng Yuxiang's subordinate, but this person's performance level is too far behind Shi Yousan, which Feng Yuxiang dislikes, so he has not been reused.After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Hao Pengju served as a staff officer under Hu Zongnan's command, and under his arrangement, he became the captain of the major general of the Xi'an No. 1940 Branch of the Central Military Academy. In 1941, Hao Pengju successfully escaped from prison and defected to the puppet regime of Wang Jingwei. He was recommended by the traitor Miao Bin, vice president of the Legislative Yuan of the puppet Nanjing government, and was quickly reused.This person first instigated Li Changjiang, the local powerful faction in northern Jiangsu, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Lusu guerrilla of the Nationalist Government, and later became the director of education of the "Central Army General Training Corps" in 4.Later, adhering to Wang's puppet's will, he enlisted four armies and more than 7 troops to actively fight against the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army.This person once instructed the traitor literati to publish "Hao Pengju Lun" in the newspaper, using it to brag about himself, saying that he was "destroyed by the heart and brains, and died after death" to Japan.And not so long ago.He was also appointed as the governor of "Huaihai Province", stationed in Xuzhou, established the armed forces of four divisions and an independent brigade, and was named the commander-in-chief of the Eighth Front Army of the Wang Jingwei regime.

Such a big one-person traitor, but his reputation is not well known in later generations. Qin Wei was afraid of accidental injury, so he asked and investigated it, but found that it was a thing with a milk and a mother.This person is not only shameless, but also has no self-consciousness of the Chinese people. He took refuge in the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War.After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he was incorporated by the National Government and was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the newly formed Sixth Route Army. However, because he was not taken seriously, he was regarded as cannon fodder by the National Government.Another uprising and surrender to the New Fourth Army...Of course, if it ends here.That's what happened to this guy.But the problem is.Just two months after the uprising, seeing Lao Jiang's murderous all-out attack, as if he wanted to wipe out the Communist Party, this guy was scared again, and he secretly defected to the Nationalist government, and even specially designed to trap the New Fourth Army lead.Among them was Chen Yi, the commander of the New Fourth Army... Although Chen Yi and others only sent representatives and escaped, Hao Pengju's old classmate, Zhu Kejing, the secretary-general of the New Fourth Army, was arrested.Hao Pengju not only misses the love of his classmates.He also tied Zhu Kejing to the Kuomintang to claim credit with beating gongs and drums, and boasted everywhere that he had captured the Secretary-General of the New Fourth Army alive on the battlefield.In the end, Zhu Kejing was unyielding, tortured, and finally killed secretly by the Kuomintang.

Originally, Hao Pengju would be quickly defeated by the New Fourth Army after surrendering to Chiang Kai-shek again, and he himself was captured alive, and then he was shot dead by New Fourth Army soldiers during his escape.But Qin Wei felt that it was too cheap for this guy.Such a shameless, shameless, impetuous, and shameless guy, if he was allowed to live a few more years, wouldn't he do many things that would shame the Chinese people?Therefore, he instructed Zhou Fohai to go to this guy's territory at the first stop.As for Zhou Fohai, he had a very heated fight with this "professional second-five boy" surnamed Hao. Unfortunately, although the Japanese army has begun to retreat in the Chinese battlefield, Hao Pengju did not feel too much discomfort in Jiangsu. After all, he is now in the Japanese army. It is impossible to surrender with the [-] troops under him, and it is even more impossible to give up the "capital" on which to maintain his status!Zhou Fohai wanted to try harder, after all, he had contributed a lot to persuading such a "front army" to surrender, which would be very good for improving his treatment with the Nationalist government, but he didn't get any chance at all.Just when he was wondering whether to contact Hao Pengju behind Qin Wei's back, Hao Pengju was bumped into by a fighter squad sent by the Chinese Air Force to the Fifth Theater on the way out of the city to inspect the troops. It was torn to pieces by machine guns, and burned to the ground by the exploded car.

But Hao Pengju was only the first one.

Within a month, Wang Shengwu, commander-in-chief of the Puppet Xingya Allied Army, and Cai Xiongfei, commander-in-chief of the Puppet East Asian Imperial Association Army, were killed one after another.Finally, the traitor in the Wang Puppet regime, the Central Committee of the Wang Puppet Kuomintang, the Political Committee of the Central Committee, the Supreme National Defense Council, the Military Integral Committee, the Commander-in-Chief of the First Front Army, the Vice President and Acting President of the Military Senate, and the Minister of the Navy, Ren Yuandao, governor of Jiangsu Province, director of Suzhou Appeasement Director’s Office, and Jiangsu Provincial Security Commander, was also smashed to pieces by several roadside bombs that appeared suddenly, leaving no body alive... and not long after these people died, Wu Huawen, Commander of the Puppet Third Front Army, Pang Bingxun, Commander-in-Chief of the Puppet No. 20 Fourth Army, Sun Dianying, Deputy Commander-in-Chief, and a group of important generals under his command abandoned the army and fled.

For a while, Wang Jingwei's Nanjing government was in chaos, and Zhou Fohai's name of "God of Plague" gradually began to spread among traitors.However, this situation seems to be in line with the wishes of the Japanese. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the chief officer to either die or escape, the Japanese sent some officers and soldiers to these chaotic puppet troops, and quickly took control. Then, The designations of these troops were abolished, and then began to "change defense"...


"This 'credit hegemony'...what the hell is it?"

Ishihara Wan'er didn't know anything about economics, but he dared to talk about this aspect to Hirohito, and even got around to oil.But in fact, don't look at the fact that he told Hiroren one reason after another, but he still doesn't understand the terms he put forward... and this kind of thing also happened to Lao Jiang and others.

Originally, if Qin Wei was just using it to fool the Japanese, so that the Japanese would have enough to eat and have nothing to do to do a more "magnificent" cause, they wouldn't care.But when Qin Wei drew up this plan, he told them honestly that "credit hegemony" is real and possible.Moreover, it is impossible for them to pay attention to an existence that truly allows a country to control the world hegemony, and even the world's economic dominance.Especially Lao Jiang...he doesn't know much, but he is still very sensitive to things like world economic dominance.Although he knew that this power would definitely not belong to China, he still wanted to figure out something... economy, isn't that money?

"How should I put it..." From luring Ishihara Waner to turn his attention to Africa, to sending Zhou Fohai to persuade those traitor warlords to surrender, and helping them gather enough troops, Qin Wei has been paying attention to the actions of the Japanese.Because this is his biggest plan so far, it can be said.If it succeeds, Britain and the United States will basically never want to set foot in East Asia or even most of Asia, and Japan will be successfully divided into two parts by him.Of course, for this plan, China also needs to take a little risk.But to his surprise, from Lao Jiang down.Everyone who knows about his plans.Didn't even care much.But later, in the conversation with He Yingqin, he realized that these people are actually very confident in this plan... If the Japanese attack Suez, if they lose, they will lose part of their troops; if they win, they will have to invest a lot of manpower and material resources in Egypt .After all, the importance there to Britain and the United States is not at the same level as Myanmar.In this way, China will get more respite. It can be said that the longer Japan can stay in Egypt.The situation will be more favorable to China.Of course, some people worry that after the fall of Suez, it will be difficult for China to accept foreign support.But the actual situation is just the opposite.Because once Suez is cut off, in order to let China contribute to Japan in the rear, Britain and the United States will instead increase their support to China. As for the lack of the Suez Canal as a shortcut, this is not a problem. Isn’t the long way to the Cape of Good Hope still there?

Therefore, Lao Jiang and others now have a little bit of energy to stay on the Diaoyutai, and even have the mind to care about economic issues.

"To talk about this 'credit hegemony', we must first talk about 'credit'... Of course, this is different from the credit we usually talk about. We all know about free trade. In fact, the expansion of free trade in the world has brought A huge change in the economy is actually the monetization of the economy, or credit." Qin Wei thought for a long time before he could barely say this.

"According to you, credit is currency?" Soong Meiling interrupted.Because of Qin Wei's meddling in foreign affairs, she didn't get the opportunity to go to the United States to show her skills, so she had fewer troubles and fewer things to manage, and she became more prosperous because of this. up.

"It can be said that." Qin Wei thought for a while and nodded, "I discussed with Ma Yinchu, and we both believe that the deeper the market economy develops, the more extensive the process of economic monetization will be, and the monetization of the economy It will lead to the credit and debt of the economy. With the progress of this world war, it is almost certain that the United States will become the only profitable victorious country, and they will dominate the post-war world economy. They will inevitably promote 'freedom of trade' by various means after the war, so as to achieve the goal of supplying the world with American industry and then destroying the industrial development of all countries in the world."

"That is to say, the currency credit of the United States will become the first in the world, and they will become the country with 'credit hegemony' in the future?" Soong Meiling asked.

"The only country." Qin Wei emphasized.

"What is the use of this 'credit hegemony'?" Lao Jiang was still puzzled. "Everyone knows that the United States is rich, and the dollar will become the hardest currency in the world, but so what? If I don't use the dollar, they can What do you do with me?"

"As long as we don't go to war with the United States, we can only surrender to the U.S. dollar." Qin Wei sighed, "Because, when the U.S. dollar becomes the only currency recognized by the whole world, the Americans only need to keep using their printing presses." Banknote factories are constantly grabbing wealth from all over the world...Because they have the world's number one credit! Everyone knows that the US dollar is strong!"

"Can't we break this situation?" Lao Jiang frowned.

"No." Qin Wei shook his head, "Unless the United States is defeated!"

"Aren't we plotting against Britain and the United States?" Lao Jiang looked at him. "Is there no way to make them both lose?"

"..." (to be continued...)

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