mixed in the war

Chapter 618 Target Japan!

The Second World War, which should have ended in 1945, still had no end in sight in 1946. Fascism was still rampant, and the Allies barely held the front line, but they continued to suffer huge losses.Countless people felt tired, but none of them dared to take it lightly, let alone relax in the slightest.Because everyone's attention is facing their "allies" while facing the enemy!

For example, in India, the Sichuan army surrendered tens of thousands of puppet troops and occupied the Mumbai area. The British immediately felt tremendous pressure.The British government tried every means, making wishes, giving money, and ceding land, and finally got Pan Wenhua and others to agree to leave Mumbai and go to Calcutta to serve on the front line.Then, after about three months of rest and reorganization, the Xinchuan Army left Mumbai, but just after this army left and the British vanguard troops had just entered the camp, the local Indians revolted.The radical wing of the Congress Party demanded that the British grant themselves independence and demand that the British evacuate India.Of course the British didn't do it, so the rebel army clashed with the British army, and then it turned into a battle, and after that, it was a war!

The main force of the British is on the front line of Calgata, and those who go to Mumbai to take over the territory are only the second-line troops originally used by Mountbatten and others to guard New Delhi and other places, and there are not many troops.As a result, he lost repeatedly in the battle with the Indians.In desperation, Mountbatten had no choice but to let Pan Wenhua and others who had just left not far away return to the division again to suppress the "rebels"!But what Mountbatten did not expect was that his decision ultimately ruined the British dominance in the Mumbai area.Under the secret instigation and instigation of certain guys, Pan Wenhua and others suppressed the Indian rebel army while rejecting the presence of the British in Mumbai and even the entire Salset Island.You must know that Mumbai is also one of the largest cities in India. The island of Salset where it is located is almost independent of the Indian mainland. Tens of thousands of Sichuan troops can easily control it.As Mumbai faces the Arabian Sea, its strategic position is self-evident.The purpose of Pan Wenhua and others is obviously impure.It's a pity that even if the British knew about it later, there was nothing they could do.Because at that time, let alone Mumbai, they couldn't even keep India.

And just like that, the British had to deal with Indian rebellions one after another, and the army of Pan Wenhua and others stayed in the Mumbai area and never moved again.As their enemy, Seishiro Sakagaki was cut off from the retreat on land by Qin Wei, so he could only rely on the secret "tacit understanding" between China and Japan, and occasionally get some support from the sea, so he didn't dare to take the initiative to attack. It can only desperately speed up the digestion of the industrial power in the Calcutta area.The war in South Asia has temporarily stalled.

South Asia stopped.

The Pacific Ocean is filled with smoke.

The strong industrial strength of the Americans was displayed at this moment.More than a dozen warships were sunk by Nagumo Tadaichi, and dozens were damaged, but at the beginning of 1947, they created a new Pacific Fleet, and this fleet was even stronger than before.against Germany.Roosevelt had no choice for a while, so he took all the anger he had held back in the past few years on the Japanese.The Pacific Fleet took the initiative to go to sea to find the enemy, looking for Nagumo Chuichi to fight.But what the Americans didn't expect was that they searched for a long time, but they couldn't find the Nanyun Fleet, which has been rampant on the west coast of the United States.And after drifting at sea for more than half a month, they got accurate information: Chuichi Nagumo had just led his army through Hawaii and seemed to be planning to return to Japan.

The Pacific Fleet immediately pursued it, and on March 1947, 3, it encountered the Nanyun Fleet near Midway Island.

Battle of Midway!

Originally, this was a turning point in the Pacific War.The Japanese navy lost its main force in this naval battle and lost its command of the sea.Since then, he has fallen into a passive situation.But this time it was different.

With more than fifty warships and twenty submarines, the Pacific Fleet faced the Japanese forty warships and seventeen submarines.As soon as they made contact, the two fell into a fierce battle.The fighting initially favored the U.S. military.Because in terms of carrier-based aircraft, the United States is superior.In the case that the aircraft carrier has become the dominant force in the new generation of naval warfare, air combat has an advantage.It is almost equivalent to having an advantage in the entire naval battle.But the problem is that the Japanese at this time are slightly different from the Japanese in the original history.Five hours after the fierce battle between the two sides, the Japanese reinforcements arrived. Under the command of Yamamoto 56, the super giant aircraft carriers "Musashi" and "Shinano" with a full load displacement of more than [-] tons suddenly appeared.Each of the two giant carriers can carry two hundred and forty or fifty aircraft.In other words, the number of carrier-based aircraft carried by one of these two aircraft carriers can be compared to the number of aircraft carried by more than half of the Pacific Fleet. If the two are together, even if the performance of the US carrier-based aircraft is slightly better, the number of aircraft on the battlefield The balance still fell in favor of the Japanese.

The Pacific Fleet suffered another defeat.After leaving behind three aircraft carriers, two cruisers, one destroyer and more than 300 aircraft, Admiral Nimitz reluctantly chose to retreat. Although Japan lost two aircraft carriers, one destroyer and more than 100 aircraft fighter planes, but they won in the end and kept their command of the sea in the Pacific Ocean.

However, while keeping the command of the sea, they cannot keep their own sky.

The Americans couldn't get through the routes in the Pacific Ocean, so they could only turn their eyes to Hitler who was sharpening his sword again.But in the same way, in order to contain the Japanese offensive, Roosevelt once again approved the proposal to provide China with 29 b-[-] long-range bombers.In this way, the day after the defeat of the Pacific Fleet, Tokyo was bombed by the Chinese Air Force, which also prompted the Americans to send their super sky fortress to China faster.But the problem is that after taking over a new batch of the most powerful bombers, China has become silent again.The U.S. government was extremely depressed about this and expressed serious dissatisfaction with the Chinese government, but then, the Chinese government told them a military secret, forcing them to give up the idea of ​​finding China to settle accounts... This military secret is very simple: Hitler Deploying to land in England!

In the original history, Hitler should have had the idea of ​​landing in the UK, but unfortunately, the powerful British Royal Navy made his idea be stifled as soon as it emerged.Not only that, but the German navy sent out to make trouble for the British route was also beaten almost to pieces.But it is different now, the Chinese have shown the world how to use the airborne troops, and Hitler has also received a secret surrender from Scotland... The great head of state believes that as long as his corps lands on the British Isles, he will win One or two ports, then the rest is just pushing.

It is a pity that this time Mr. Yuan first suffered his first huge defeat since World War II.

There were indeed some people in Scotland who surrendered to him, but these people were detected and "betrayed" by the Chinese side. More than 3 German airborne troops were wiped out.At the same time, a large number of German troops assembled in France were also attacked by Allied air forces.In the end, Germany lost more than 5 troops alone.

Hitler was so angry that he ordered the bombing of the British Isles again.But this time, facing thousands of new radio proximity anti-aircraft guns on the British Isles, the Luftwaffe suffered heavy losses.Not only that, taking advantage of Hitler's focus on the British Isles, Eisenhower and a group of senior generals of the Allied Command commanded the Allied Air Force to bomb the Libyan oil fields, and at the same time sent additional troops to North Africa.

The truly massive collision between the Anglo-Americans and the Germans was about to begin.

Qin Wei was a little anxious.

Because he doesn't know whether Germany can sustain the alliance of Britain and the United States after obtaining the energy, industry, food, and human resources of the Soviet Union, and how long it can last.After all, no matter from which aspect, the Germans are aggressors. Even if Stalin is unpopular, they cannot make full use of the resources they have.What's more, compared with the industrial power of the Americans, the Soviet Union is still far behind.And if the Germans really lost the war within two years after the United States fully intervened, as in the original history, his plan will be difficult to carry out.So, he decided to speed up the planning process.

Therefore, when the Allied forces continued to send more troops to North Africa, Qin Wei persuaded Chiang to attack the Japanese army in Fujian.With the assistance of the air force and almost completely accurate intelligence, Gu Zhutong finally regained Fujian two months later.Afterwards, the Chinese Air Force bombed Japanese bases in Taiwan and blocked the Taiwan Strait at the same time.

The Japanese side was terrified, and hastily mobilized a newly organized division from the mainland to Taiwan to assist in the defense.But when Japan tried every means to block China's attack, Qin Wei ordered Wang Yaowu to lead a division of the airborne army to seize Ryukyu, and quickly built an airstrip in Ryukyu.At this point, Qin Wei's strategic goal finally appeared in front of everyone: Japan!

Faced with this situation, Japan urgently ordered Yamamoto 56 to lead the navy to "eliminate" the invading Chinese army.Yamamoto 56 did not dare to neglect. Regardless of Ishihara Waner's obstruction, he led the "Musashi" aircraft carrier and more than a dozen ships to Ryukyu, and then... there was no more.Yamamoto 56 was blocked by the fleet led by Chen Shaokuan. The "Musashi" faced the "Yamato" which had not been renamed, but it could not be contacted because it was afraid that the Chinese fleet would send a ship smaller than a destroyer. , but the thick and fast boat chose to retreat.As a result of the retreat, the accompanying battleship "Haruna" was hit and sunk by this small boat.

In this way, Japan failed to "recover" Ryukyu, and the Japanese mainland was thus exposed to the threat of the Chinese Air Force.

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