"Qin Zhijun?"

Let the person into the room, please sit on the messy sofa, think about it, and then use a paper cup to get a glass of water from the water dispenser and hand it over. After that, Gu Changjun pretended to be puzzled:

"Excuse me for being rude, that... I don't remember that I have a cousin named Qin Zhijun, and it seems that our family doesn't have any relatives named Qin..."

"Our family didn't know there was a relative named Gu before." Qin Zhijun didn't care, and smiled slightly: "But this is my grandfather's will. The old man has been unpredictable all his life, and he left it specially Of course, we don't dare to take things lightly... What's more, your ancestors have a deep friendship with our old man, and even saved his life. It can be said that without your ancestors, there would be no Qin family, so I'm here. "

"That's it..." The one named Qin is your fucking conscience.Gu Changjun was finally able to confirm who this Qin Zhijun was. Immediately, an unconcealable liking surfaced on his face, but this guy was still pretending: "My ancestor?"

"I'm not too sure about this, it's just that the old man's will clearly states that he owes your family a lot of things, and we must settle all the debts." Qin Zhijun said seriously.

"You owe our family something? What do you owe?"

"I don't know either. But in the will, the old man insisted that we give you [-]% of the company's shares in mainland China..."

"One percent?" Gu Changjun's face pulled suddenly, "How much?"

"Several hundred million..."


Enough too!Anyway, it was just to check some information... Gu Changjun unconsciously licked his tongue.However, in the blink of an eye, seeing Qin Zhijun's expression, he suddenly felt a little unbelievable:

"Are you sure it's me? Are you sure you want to give me so much money?"

"It's only a few hundred million, it's not a lot of money... However, the family doesn't agree very much."


"After all, there is no connection. And there is a difference of several generations. Although the old man is 100% sure in the will that we are cousins, but... after all, we are far away, isn't it?" Qin Zhijun smiled again, "If it were you, do you think you would throw out hundreds of millions so easily?"

"If it were me, of course I want money." Gu Changjun's tone was slightly cold, "But the money belongs to you, and since you don't give it, I have nothing to do."

"I'm a professor of psychology. Although I mainly focus on criminal psychology, since it's the same kind of knowledge, there are always some similarities." Qin Zhijun smiled, then suddenly restrained his smile, and looked at Gu Changjun seriously: "You When you said this, it was obvious that you didn't mean what you meant... and according to my observation, although you were surprised for a short time after seeing me, after hearing my name, you obviously had a feeling of sudden enlightenment. Obviously, you knew I was coming. To be more precise, you should know that someone would come and give you money. And the money should be quite a lot. When you first heard the news. You were very happy, although you forced a A feeling of astonishment, but there is an obvious meaning of what should be, but when I vaguely revealed in my words that I don’t want to give money, you suddenly became angry again, although it was hidden, it was obvious There is a symptom of wanting revenge... I have investigated, and you are just an ordinary person. How could you get revenge on us? Either I boast, or the government, if you want to move our family, you have to think about it first, but why do you give me the feeling But you are very sure?"

"Psychology? Still a professor?" You, Qin, are really capable.To actually train such a... Calculate, um, it's the grandson!Depend on!The grandson is so much older than Lao Tzu, how dare you say he is my cousin?I'm the same generation as your grandpa, okay?Gu Changjun's mental activities are complicated, but he still can't help complaining secretly to Qin Wei... He really wants to know if one of his grandsons can be a professor when he grows up.

"I used to be the director of the Department of Psychology at Stanford University. As for psychology, we are ranked no.1 in the world." Qin Zhijun said with a smile.

"Hehe..." Good grandson, are you scaring me?Gu Changjun smiled with difficulty: "What does this have to do with me?"

"It may not matter, but it may also matter." Qin Zhijun bowed suddenly and leaned in front of Gu Changjun: "Brother, what do you know? My wish since I was a child was to unravel the mystery that shrouded the old man. But until now, we don't know where he came from... Who are the legendary "hacker organization"? How deep is its rule over the highest level of the world? Why is it so powerful? The old man said that it was disbanded after World War II, but we all know that it was still in operation 30 or [-] years ago. However, the intelligence organizations of all countries in the world have tried their best, but they can't find any tentacles of it..."

"What does it have to do with me if they can't detect it?" Gu Changjun looked at the eager "cousin" blankly, "Besides, 'hackers' or something, don't they mean hackers? Why did they become a hacker again? Organized?"

"It's just a coincidence. As for hackers, the English definition is 'crackers'. You should have heard of this?" Qin Zhijun said.

"I know, Cracker... But I still don't understand what's wrong with it."

"Crackers, crack all mysteries and unknowns. More precisely, crack all intelligence. The greatest and most mysterious intelligence organization in the last century. Except for my grandfather, the self-proclaimed 'pawn crossing the river', the famous intelligence community' Except for the performer, all the intelligence organizations in the world have not found out the second member of this organization... For it, the National Security Council of the former Soviet Union executed at least tens of thousands of people, including many high-ranking officials , but still got nothing. Britain, the United States, and even China, although not so cruel, consume almost the same amount of power. Unfortunately, until today, they have not found a second person associated with this organization... except me!"

"Are you related to this organization?" Gu Changjun asked with a forced smile.

"Don't be sloppy. You know I'm talking about you!" Qin Zhijun said with a straight face, "Brother, although my grandfather has a mysterious origin and I don't know where he came from, I have checked your family, starting from the Ming Dynasty. Your family has no There are no relatives surnamed Qin, even in-laws, and your family has never changed their surname... Besides, why did my grandfather be sure that there will be a person named Gu Changjun in your family in your generation? All of this, you Don't you find it strange?"

"Aren't all of you studying psychology so full that you have nothing to do? I didn't even know that our family can trace back to the Ming Dynasty..." Gu Changjun couldn't stand it anymore.Why is Qin Wei's grandson so difficult?Isn't it just some money?If you don't want to give a few hundred million, should you give Qian'er 800 million?He is not greedy either.As for such a poor bottom line?

"Others don't know, but I don't." Qin Zhijun grinned, "I'm just curious about your identity."

"If you don't want to give the money, forget it, I don't want it..."

"The money must be given, and no one dares to object to the old man's order." Qin Zhijun smiled again. "However, this requires some formalities. Besides, you also know that our family is not well-known, but there are still many people who pay attention to it... For example, there should be some information about us in your computer?"

"This, this is only occasionally..." Even this was found? Gu Changjun was a little embarrassed.

"Occasionally or not, I don't know. But I can tell you for sure, brother. Your days in the future will not be as easy as you are now." Qin Zhijun stood up.He took out a crumpled piece of paper from his jacket pocket and handed it to Gu Changjun: "This is the equity transfer letter, sign your name, and you will have [-]% of our domestic business." ..."

"Just this one?" What's the kid's attitude?But since it has something to do with money... Gu Changjun spread out the paper and looked at it, only to see that some unknown words were densely written on it. Only the signature at the bottom corner was so scrawled that he couldn't even recognize it. It is a Chinese character.He was a little apprehensive about this.

"That's your cousin, that is, my father's signature. He loves wild grass." Qin Zhijun glanced at him.Seemingly dissatisfied with his distrust: "Don't worry. Besides, what do we have for you?"

"That's true." I am a small writer, and I have quit. If the Qin family is really as rich as the "legend", then there is really no need to ask for anything.Gu Changjun thought for a while, then simply took the pen handed over by Qin Zhijun, and signed his name on the paper.But after taking a look at the paper he handed over, Qin Zhijun kept shaking his head:

"It's really embarrassing. To say that it's a dog crawling is considered a compliment.... You young people today have forgotten how to write Chinese characters."

"Well, in fact, I used to write pretty well. I often published posters. It's just that I'm a little novice in the past few years." Gu Changjun became more and more embarrassed: "As you know, the country has been promoting paperless office work these years. change……"

"Don't blame others if you can't do it yourself." Qin Zhijun rolled his eyes at him, "Practice hard in the future, otherwise you won't be able to sign the document... But then again, it's clear that you are three points worse than a dog crawling , not afraid of someone imitating."

"Is this a compliment?" Gu Changjun also rolled his eyes.

"That's right, this word, tsk tsk..." Qin Zhijun shook his head, stood up on his own, walked to the door and opened it, "I'll go first, someone will come to you later, we will meet again when we have time chat."

"Then I..."

Pointing to the documents still in the other party's hands, Gu Changjun didn't know what to say.

"I'll keep this for now. You still have other documents to sign. Someone will come to you soon."

Qin Zhijun stepped out, and at this time Gu Changjun saw that there was a group of people standing at the door at some point, counting them, there were four or five people, and standing in the middle was a person who looked like at most In her early 20s, she is young and beautiful, a beauty in professional attire...

"This is……"

"I can tell from the look in your eyes that you are thinking wrong," Qin Zhijun glared at him: "This is your youngest cousin, Wei Wei, Qin Yiwei, and now I am my assistant."

"Cousin and niece?" Should it be the great-cousin and grand-nephew?Gu Changjun felt very helpless about his seniority.But obviously, the girl surnamed Qin and named Yiwei didn't take a fancy to him. She just glanced at him lightly and stopped paying attention. Instead, she expressed her dissatisfaction with Qin Zhijun:

"Dad, you've had enough nonsense, can we go?"

"What nonsense? I'm..."

"You're cheating! If Grandpa finds out, he won't let you go." Qin Yiwei said seriously.

"Nonsense, what is cheating, I..."

"Tricking people? What cheating?" The conversation between the father and daughter made Gu Changjun, who was listening to him, feel a little bad, and asked hastily.

"You...well, Mr. Gu?" Qin Yiwei glanced at him lightly, "Did you sign a document that you couldn't understand just now? I didn't mean you, you are such an old man, why are you so incomprehensible?" Be careful? You were deceived by such a simple deception. Do you know that you owe my father at least 10 billion kyats now, and in your life..."

"How many--"

Without hearing Qin Yiwei's other words, Gu Changjun's head was instantly overwhelmed by the huge number.Don't you give yourself money?How did you end up in debt to others?And the number is still...

"10 billion!" Qin Yiwei still looked at him indifferently, only occasionally turning his eyes revealed a hint of interest.

"Why? I...wait! What did you just say? Burmese kyat? This is the Burmese currency?"

"You are very calm. Most people are already dizzy when they hear this number, but you can notice the suffix. But when I look at your eyes, it seems that I feel relieved? Why?" Qin Yiwei frowned slightly, "You know, according to the latest exchange rate, the exchange rate between kyat and RMB is 1:5.32. You owe my father 10 billion kyats, which is equivalent to 53.2 billion yuan. With the shares you are about to get, you can't Maybe you can pay off, and you don’t have any other income, how can you get rid of it?”

"What did you say? Burmese kyats are worth more than RMB?" Gu Changjun was already dumbfounded.

"Don't you watch financial programs?" Qin Yiwei frowned slightly, "This is common sense."

"I went...wrong? That's Myanmar." Gu Changjun shouted.

"It's Myanmar, what's wrong?" Qin Zhijun stepped forward and asked.


"Brother, let's talk about the money, don't worry. In the future, come to my place often, and I will come to you often... Well, I am now at the Myanmar embassy in China, remember. "

"Embassy?" Gu Changjun was stunned again.

"My father is the ambassador of Myanmar to China!" Qin Yiwei said.

"Ambassador? But he said he was from Kuala Lumpur..."

"I lied to you." Qin Yiwei smiled slightly, "But it's about the same. My uncle is the president of Malaysia..."

"Gah?..." (to be continued..) (to be continued..)

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