mixed in the war

Chapter 77 Depressed Dai Li

"The No. 2012 Pig Farm in Ba County" should have been called "The No. 7 Pig Farm in Ba County". It was named by Qin Wei, but the people from Chongqing University who also put a lot of effort into the construction of this factory thought that, It is obviously the first formal pig farm in Ba County, why does it have to be the seventh?So it was changed to the first pig farm.However, whether it is seventh or first, this is something Qin Wei attaches great importance to.In his opinion, no matter what he did in other areas, it is more meaningful to promote the breeding industry formally in the Republic of China.I dare not say that it is required to reach the terrifying number of 1427 million pigs slaughtered nationwide in [-], but as long as it can drive the development of the breeding industry in the Kuomintang-controlled areas within this limited time, so that it can reach one-tenth to twenty-fourth of the future One-tenth, one-thirtieth, even one-hundredth, one-two-hundredth, is enough to make him proud for a lifetime, and his contribution to the country is far greater than taking out a few oil fields.

Unexpectedly, the most important career was sidelined.

When he drove to the pig farm in the suburbs of Ba County, through the car window, Qin Wei saw a few policemen standing at the gate of the pig farm, smoking cigarettes.In the pig farm, there was almost no one to be seen.

"What happened here?"

He got out of the car arrogantly, but Qin Wei saw that the policemen had already stood in a row at the entrance of the pig farm, posing as if they were being inspected, so that he who wanted to get angry couldn't find an excuse for a while , I had to hold back my anger temporarily.

"Report sir, there is a thief here."

A policeman who seemed to be the leader stepped forward and saluted first.

"I know there have been thieves here. I'm asking where are your people? How many of you are here?" Qin Wei asked coldly.

"Sir, we came last night. The sheriff showed everyone the scene of the crime. We went back first. We are responsible for protecting the scene," the policeman replied.

"Come here last night? Your sheriff didn't do anything?"

"I didn't catch anyone here. Even the workers in the pig farm didn't see a few people. They disappeared without a trace. We can only investigate slowly..."

"Hehe," Qin Wei laughed angrily, "Investigate slowly? Okay, that's great..."

"They don't know anything, let's go in first." Shen Zui didn't want to get entangled with these little policemen, seeing that Qin Wei seemed to be showing signs of breaking out, he stepped forward to persuade him.

"Who's the chief of the police?" Qin Wei took the lead and walked into the pig farm after throwing a look at some confused policemen.walk aside.while asking.

"Xu Zhongqi." Shen Zui glanced at him and replied casually.

"Xu Zhongqi?" Qin Wei thought for a while, "I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

"Chongqing police chief is famous, of course you have heard of it somewhere." Shen Zui curled his lips.Glancing ahead, "It seems that someone has already come first."


"Hello, Commander Qin. I am the deputy of the Chongqing Municipal Police Station, Dongfang Bai!"

A straight police uniform.Wearing it on the body is also considered mighty, but the European-style mustache makes people feel a little disgusted, but the other party came up to salute Qin Wei, which surprised him:

"I thought all the people from the police station had left. Didn't the policemen at the door say that all your people had withdrawn?" Qin Wei asked, squinting at the other party.

"Yesterday, Beizhi happened to be handling a case in Banan. Hearing that there was an important case in the pig farm, Director Xu called and asked Beizhi to come back quickly... The road is not easy to walk. I just arrived. I came in through the back door from another road. Yes." Dongfang Bai explained.

"That's it," Qin Wei couldn't say anything now, looking at the empty surroundings. "Have you gained anything?"

"The thieves are very cruel." Dongfang Bai's face turned serious, "Break into the pig farm at night, control the workers of the pig farm, and then transport away more than 1000 live pigs, more than 400 piglets, and more than 600 breeding pigs. Not only that, but before leaving, he injured the workers and destroyed the telephone line. This place is remote, if there is not a village nearby, some of the villagers also work in the pig farm, and someone from the family came to find me, I am afraid Even after two days, it will be very difficult for anyone to find out what's going on here. And these...without a big influence, they can't do it at all, and they don't dare to be so rampant."

"How are the workers?" No wonder the pig farm was so empty.Qin Wei clenched his fists... It was clearly aimed at him.At least, they made it clear that they were facing the pig farm.

"All were injured. Fortunately, the injuries were not serious. It should be more of a warning. They have already been sent to the Ba County Hospital," Dongfang Bai replied.

"Have you notified others?" Qin Wei asked again.

"Chongqing University has been notified. Some students have already rushed over earlier. After checking, we have persuaded them to go back. Maybe some school teachers will come over after a while. But Mr. Qin, you are better than us Think much earlier." Dongfang Bai said again.

"You are a policeman, do you think there is any powerful force in Chongqing who would take a fancy to such a pig farm?" Qin Wei ignored Dongfang Bai's words, staring at him again and asked.

"I don't know." Dongfang Bai shook his head bluntly, "The other party didn't leave any clues. We don't have any clues except that they can use a lot of people and they should be very powerful. But in Chongqing, they are very powerful. There are many people who can use quite a lot of manpower. Even a few Pao brothers can do this together. Therefore, the investigation is very difficult."

"You are the police, no matter how difficult it is, you have the responsibility to figure things out..." Qin Wei said coldly.

"Yes, I will do my best in this humble position." Dongfang Bai nodded and said.


"Who did you say it would be?"

Qin Wei didn't stay in the pig farm that was almost completely emptied, but he didn't take it back to the asylum either. Instead, he drove directly to Chongqing University.If this pig farm is a cause that he values ​​very much, then, for some people in Chongqing University, it is painstaking effort... In addition to money, he also has various breeding materials, but in fact he did not pay much. All affairs must be done by the people in the school.Now that the pig farm was completely destroyed before it opened, he could imagine how angry those people would be.Those are all people who are on the go.

"How can you explain this clearly?" Shen Zui felt very helpless to Qin Wei's question, "But I feel that the police station can't solve the case for you."

"I didn't pin my hopes on them." Qin Wei snorted coldly, "That Dongfang Bai sounds quite capable. In fact, he didn't intend to make any effort at all, otherwise he wouldn't blindly emphasize the strength of the other party. The identity is hidden... When I can't hear it, hum!"

"Then what are you going to do?" Shen Zui asked again.

"I seem to be your boss..."



"I knew it."

After putting down the phone, Dai Li immediately covered his head with a helpless headache.

"Qin Wei is looking for you?" On one side, a guy with a slightly crooked nose, which makes people have a feeling of "wrong intentions" at a glance, asked immediately when he saw him like this.

"Nonsense." Dai Li glared over angrily, "This kid knows the police don't care. He's familiar with us, so who else would we use?"

"Then let's check for him?" Zhang Yanfo asked again in a low voice.

"Fuck it!" Dai Li sat down on the chair, "For him, the chairman has been pressured to surround Nan Zao Yunzi for so many days, but he just doesn't do anything. Now Chongqing only needs some brains. Who doesn't know him? He has a big background? Under such circumstances, he dares to spoil his affairs, so what is the background? What if such a person is found out?"

"Then don't check?"

"Are you still out of your mind? Don't check? Can that kid survive without checking?" Dai Li became more and more angry. "Besides. He is the newly appointed deputy director of the design committee of our military command, and he is at the same level as you. If he is bullied, if our military command doesn't respond, won't anyone dare to come here in the future?"

"Then pretend to look it up, and find a few more scapegoats..." This is not that, and Zhang Yanfo is also a little angry.He is also a veteran spy, older than Dai Li.When Chiang Kai-shek suppressed the Red Army.He just hangs around with Deng Wenyi in the first phase of Whampoa, and as his deputy, he can be regarded as a high-ranking and powerful person.It's a pity that although Deng Wenyi became a spy much earlier than Dai Li.But not that talent. When the Red Army was encircled and suppressed in 1932, the investigation section led by him did not collect as much information as the spies Dai Li sent from Nanjing under his full reconnaissance.In a fit of anger, Lao Jiang withdrew Deng Wenyi the next year and put all Deng's troops under Dai Li's subordinates.He had some friendship with Dai Li. In order to appease the people of Deng Bu, Dai Li transferred him to Nanjing to take up a high position. He thought it was Dai Li who wanted to reuse him, so he tried his best, but he didn't want to run into walls everywhere. Later, he realized that it was just Dai Li's work. The means, secretly, he has long been excluded.In desperation, he had no choice but to ask for an external transfer, and worked in Chuankang and Northwest China for five or six years.If Mao Renfeng hadn't been injured in an accident this time and needed to recuperate, the military command would not be able to spare any manpower for the time being, and he would not be able to be the deputy director of the secretariat... But he understands that he is a transitional one, unless he is established during this period. What a great achievement, otherwise, when Mao Renfeng recovers from his injury, he will have to retreat to the second line.He didn't understand, wasn't that Mao the little secretary of a certain county in Shaanxi before the war, how could he climb so fast?Not only is it fast, but it can also make everyone agree. Isn't this a standard traitor in ancient times?Can no one see it?

"Of course we have to look for the dead ghost, but we can't just look for it casually." Dai Li snorted twice, "That kid Qin Wei is not easy to fool. If you provoke him, although nothing will happen, it will annoy you to death... ..."

"Then what do you mean..." You have a plan in your heart, so what are you talking about with me?Zhang Yanfo's nose was even more crooked.

"Xu Zhongqi has become more and more unwilling to cooperate with our military commander in the past few months. He forgot how he became the chief of the bureau in the first place. If that's the case, let him take the lead." Dai Li returned to his indifference face, Sen Ran said.

"Xu Zhongqi?" Zhang Yanfo was stunned: "He is the police chief, but didn't Qin Wei already say so? He didn't pin his hopes on the police station, but wanted us to take action."

"If he says no, the police dare not investigate? He is now a celebrity in front of the committee! A big celebrity!" Dai Li said coldly.

"Yes, I know how to do it." Police chief ah.In Chongqing, this is also an important job.Zhang Yanfo's heart moved slightly: Since Dai Li wants to overthrow Xu Zhongqi, and Qin Wei, who is said to be very popular in front of the committee and his wife, then nine out of ten will succeed. Now that no one else knows the news, can I do some activities in advance?Anyway, the deputy director of the military command secretariat is also doing nothing... (to be continued...)

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