mixed in the war

Chapter 87 Our Power

() "In 1895, the Yellow Sea battle, the Beiyang Navy was defeated, and China was defeated! As a result, a group of people's dissatisfaction with the Qing government's rule accumulated to the extreme, so they established the 'hacker' organization. The so-called 'hacker' , is translated according to the English transliteration, and its meaning is: cracker!"

"Cracker? What do you mean?"

Bai Chongxi was very unwilling to attend such a meeting... Isn't he just Qin Wei?He couldn't believe how amazing this kid was.He even dared to call Lao Jiang, He Yingqin, and him into a meeting together. Does this kid know how much he weighs?But if you can't get used to it, you can't get used to it, but he has to come.Because he too is curious.He really wanted to know what kind of trump card this Qin Wei had that dared to order people like them.Of course, he still has a little selfishness: Although Qin Wei is still relying on Lao Jiang, the two have already started to have conflicts.If this kid has that much energy, maybe he can try to win over one or two.

"Cracker, deciphering the reason why European and American powers are strong, so as to rise to great powers." Qin Wei smiled and glanced at this guy known as one of the "three and a half military strategists in China", "But it's a pity, although the momentary enthusiasm contributed to the rise of the great powers." However, because the members were unfamiliar and indifferent to political activities, and because most of the members were intellectuals and lacked warriors who dared to charge, the organization eventually became a secret, unknown information and intelligence organization. Scientific research organization, not revolutionary organization."

"That's a pity." He Yingqin shook his head: "According to what you said, this Cracker organization should have become a great force in the late Qing Dynasty. But I don't understand, since you yourself are unwilling to participate in political activities, why didn't you join forces with those at the time?" What about other revolutionary organizations? For example: the Tongmenghui!"

"Well... because I don't like it!"

"Cough, cough..."

Unexpectedly, Qin Wei would answer like this, He Yingqin was choked to cough again and again, and the eyes that looked at Qin Wei became resentful.

"Why don't you look down on me? The late Prime Minister was a real revolutionary. It's not like some people are just trying to sell dog meat."

"This guy points at Sang and scolds Huai!" He Yingqin and Dai Li glared at Bai Chongxi at the same time.Unfortunately, Bai Chong Xigen ignored them.

"That's right, the former Prime Minister Sun was indeed a great revolutionary. Unfortunately, with all due respect, Mr. Sun's subordinates did not have many real revolutionaries. In our opinion, there are more speculators. Not to mention anything else, Wang Jingwei is such a number. But this person once usurped the highest power of the national government. Besides, Chen Qimei did not cultivate his personal virtues. He was more like a hooligan than a revolutionary, but this person was born after the Revolution of [-]. Became the governor of Shanghai...Of course, there were not only these two under the circumstances at that time. The chaos in the situation can be said to be rare in China in the past few hundred years. But what about Mr. Sun, he was helpless in this situation...In addition, The League lacks discipline, and the entire organization is like a mess. Members come if they benefit, and leave if they don’t, and they are powerless to govern the country. And a revolutionist who lacks real strength, even if he is a real revolutionist, we can’t rely on the past .Especially our strength at that time was not strong. If we were consumed in such chaos, the gain would outweigh the loss.”

"But it's been decades since then, why haven't you guys shown up?" Dai Li asked again.He was very satisfied with Qin Wei's belittling of Chen Qimei.Because Chen Qimei is the uncle of Chen Guofu and Chen Lifu, if they didn't have the legacy of this farting uncle, how could they have been reused by Chiang Kai-shek at a young age?But having said that, Lao Jiang and Chen Qimei are sworn brothers.Chen Qimei is a local ruffian, and Lao Jiang... Dai Li subconsciously took this as Qin Wei's venting of his dissatisfaction with Lao Jiang's recent behavior.

"I said it before. The purpose of the Cracker organization is to find a way for the rise of a great power. The rise of a country requires a lot of unity in addition to administrative and military aspects. Apart from other things, science and technology are just one aspect. Of course, there is another one, and that is resources!"

"China is vast and abundant, and there is no shortage of resources." He Yingqin said.

"Twenty years ago, there was no place for this sentence in our organization." Qin Wei unabashedly passed a contemptuous look: "Because we didn't find much in China. On the contrary, we found nothing in foreign countries." , in many other countries, we have instead found many resources that are really significant for national development."

"It's impossible. China is so big..."

"China is short of oil, China is short of gold, China is short of copper, China is short of iron, China is short of..."

"Wait!" He Yingqin was very dissatisfied with Qin Wei's constant rebuttals. When he heard this, he immediately interrupted: "I can accept what you said about oil and gold mines, even if I didn't think about it just now. But There is no shortage of iron ore in China! Didn't you see that the Japanese have been trying to pull iron ore from China since decades ago."

"China lacks iron ore, especially high-grade iron ore." Qin Wei stared at the Minister of Defense mercilessly: "We all know what you said. But what are those? Is the brilliance of millions of tons of iron and steel amazing? But what is that enough? For a country like ours to truly develop, it needs at least tens of millions of tons of various steel products every year. But look, China today, How many iron ores are there that can be developed on a large scale? Especially the ore contained in these iron ores is very low in grade, with many impurities, and the refinement is extremely high, that is, the country that lacks everything will come here eagerly Rob, the rest, who cares?"

"All right, all right, I won't tell you about this." He Yingqin felt a little hairy from Qin Wei's eyes staring at him. He couldn't remember how many years he hadn't been stared at like a country bumpkin. It was really uncomfortable. Yes, but he didn't intend to admit defeat: "You say our iron ore is of low grade, so where do you say there is high-grade iron ore?"

"You want to talk to me?" Qin Wei glanced over mockingly, "It's a pity that I can't tell you this information. But I can reveal that we have explored several large iron mines, and the iron mines in each There are billions of tons of ore reserves, and the grade is extremely high, the highest even reaching 60%, that is to say, such ore can be directly put into the steelmaking furnace. The cost of steelmaking is minimized."

"Billions of tons?" Bai Chongxi frowned and asked.

"That's right. Together, the total reserves can reach tens of billions of tons. And most of them are open-pit iron mines, and the mining cost is extremely low." Qin Wei added.

"Where is it?" He Yingqin asked anxiously.



This kid is playing with us!He Yingqin and the others were all depressed.Since it is from abroad, why do you say this?Can the national government still run over to mine?But the depression of the three of them was only for a moment, and in a blink of an eye, they realized that there was something in Qin Wei's words.

"...Are you saying that these iron ores can be used like Libya's oil?"

"Libya's oil is already our biggest hand. Although we still have information on resources that are far larger and richer than the reserves there. It's a pity that they are all in other people's territory and cannot be disclosed at will." Qin Weidao .

"I don't quite understand why your organization keeps going abroad?" Dai Li asked suddenly.

"It's not easy to mess around in the country, it's too chaotic! Maybe one day, if someone misses you accidentally, your life will be gone."

"It's not so dangerous." A trace of embarrassment flashed across Dai Li's face.Qin Wei is still talking about being plotted against by the Kong family.Obviously.This kid is very dissatisfied with the zhong yangri newspaper's diversion of public attention.

"Sheng Xuanhuai is the richest man in the Republic of China, but looking at the Sheng family now, it is just a few years of dying. They still have backgrounds and connections, but what about us? A group of intellectuals, the wealth in their hands is even worse than that of the Sheng family. I don’t know how many times more... If I really met those guys who would die when they saw money, they would have been shared and eaten. What’s more, if we really showed up, people in China might not be the only ones who want to eat us. .” Qin Wei said again.

"Okay, let's not talk about that. Let's talk about your organization." Bai Chongxi said.

"Then continue." Qin Wei sighed again: "After years of development, although our organization already has a lot of members, we have also invested a lot in various places. Of course, we are relatively rich. It is also more comfortable. But in this way, the problem also arises... You all know it. Born in sorrow, die in peace! It is because we have a lot of good things in our hands. Our organization has also 'degenerated'. In addition The initial members of the organization were just like-minded people, and did not establish leadership principles. Everyone was in the same position and failed to produce a strong leader. Therefore, although everyone is still willing to work hard for the country, it is limited to Don't expose yourself, don't affect your current life..."

"This is understandable. Baonuansi yinyu...but what's the matter with you? And, how did you get so much information?"

"When Zheng Jiemin asked me earlier, I told him that I was a pawn crossing the river, and I couldn't turn back. To put it bluntly, I was 'abandoned' by the organization... Although I can still use us A lot of power in the organization, but now that it's exposed, it's impossible to go back."

"Since your organization has fallen, then your intelligence force..."

"It's still operating normally." Qin Wei glared at Dai Li, "So don't try to make up your mind. And I can tell you that even if you want to make up your mind, you can't do it. Compared with our strength, your military command is only at the average level. On the intelligence front, and only in the country, it has some advantages, the rest... excuse me, that is the difference between a beggar and a rich man."

"What a breath." Dai Li grinned disdainfully, "Do you want to compare?"

"When I'm stupid? Compete? If you caught the clues, wouldn't we have to spend a lot of effort to cover them up?" Qin Wei snorted coldly: "I told you, we are hackers, and we are hackers. Called 'Hackers', it is an organization that cannot and does not want to be exposed to the sun. We want to be secretive and would like to keep it that way forever."

"From what you said just now, it seems that your people also have intelligence channels abroad?" Bai Chongxi asked.

"That's right." Qin Wei nodded, "And most of them are high-end. In other words, we can obtain many high-end confidential information abroad, even including the secrets of the President of the United States, the Prime Minister of Britain, the Head of State of Germany, and even the President of France."

"If the cowhide is blown too much, it will be easily broken." Bai Chongxi smiled, "Since the cracker organization was established in China, most of the organization must be Chinese. How can a group of Chinese get in touch with senior officials from Western powers?" Secret? Don’t people from those countries have eyes?”

"Who told you that our organization is only Chinese?" Qin Wei cast a blank look, "To tell you the truth, in our organization, there are less than 100 real Chinese people, and most of them are of Chinese origin. Those who lived and grew up in China are less than fifty..."

"Nonsense!" Bai Chongxi scolded.

"Why am I talking nonsense?"

"Because it's impossible. With less than [-] Chinese people, how can you control an organization as big as yours? You can still have access to the high-level secrets of Western powers... Those white people are so obedient?" He Yingqin also asked.

"Scientific management can make the impossible possible. And don't think too highly of those white people. Besides, who told you that those white people belong to our organization? They don't even know who they are working for, okay? "Qin Wei rolled his eyes again, "And I won't hide the truth from you... We have even Japanese underlings."


"That's why you called this meeting?" Dai Li took a deep breath.He knew that the meeting was now the real meat of the show.

"That's right." Qin Wei straightened himself up, "This time I'm calling everyone here, the main reason is to ask you to help us with a plan... We want to plan a war between the Soviet Union and Japan."

"Nonsense again." Bai Chongxi didn't know why he objected, he just felt that it was impossible: "How could the Soviet Union and Japan fight? Even if they fought, they each had their own commanders, how could they listen to your arrangements?"

"Of course it is impossible to listen to our arrangements, but what if we can know every step of their military actions in advance and hand over these military actions to their respective opponents?" Qin Wei asked with a smile.

"Every step? You mean, you are in the Soviet Union..." He Yingqin leaned forward in shock, "There are people?"

"As I said, we have people in many countries." Qin Wei smiled, and then sighed: "It's a pity that we lack military talents. That's why we need your help... We want to let the two countries in the Far East The greatest consumption of their vitality on the battlefield. And this is why I called you here."


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