"The British embassy?" Shen Zui closed his eyes and thought for a while, then shook his head: "I don't know. I haven't been there."

"Damn!" Qin Wei rolled his eyes: "You are still engaged in intelligence, and you don't even know about this?"

"I'm not a know-it-all." Shen Zui retorted.

"Forget it, forget it, I can't put hope in you... remember to ask about it later." Qin Wei said.

"Understood..." Shen Zui replied listlessly, stepped on the accelerator, and was about to restart the car.And at this time, Zhou Tian finally couldn't help covering his mouth:


"What are you laughing at?" Qin Wei glanced at her, "Is it funny?"

"No, I just want to say...the British embassy is not actually in Chongqing."

"Not here?"

"Yes. It's in Shanghai."


"Yes. Before the Republic of China established its capital in Nanjing, the British embassy moved from Dongjiaomin Lane, Beijing to Huju Road, Nanjing. In the 23rd year of the Republic of China, it was upgraded from a legation to an embassy. However, due to the Japanese invasion, Sir Carl, the current ambassador to China, had to move The embassy has moved to the Shanghai International Settlement." Zhou Tian replied as if reporting a running account.

"That is to say, if I want to find that guy, I have to go to Shanghai?" Qin Wei asked.

"It seems so." Zhou Tian smiled.

"He thinks well." Qin Wei "cut" disdainfully: "I would run thousands of miles to meet each other, who does he think he is? Intoxicated!"

"Ah?" Shen Zui took his foot off the gas pedal again, turned around and looked at him expectantly: "Why? Don't you want me to go there for you?"

"You have a good idea too!" Qin Wei rolled his eyes at him, "You can go to the British Consulate later... Well, Tian Tian, ​​there should be a British Consulate in Chongqing?"

"Ah? Ah, yes, yes!"

Zhou Tian felt goosebumps all over his body from the sudden "Tian Tian".Almost didn't realize it, even Shen Zui's eyes widened in an instant... Qin Weike has always been "clean".Among other things, Qi Qi and Lu Xiaojia, two female college students, have had a lot of contact with him, and they are also pretty, but I haven't seen this guy have any special reactions to him.Not only that, this guy even picks his nose and eyes from time to time, not here and there, making that Qi Qi lose face whenever he sees him.For this, they thought it was because Qin Wei had someone... The unbelievably beautiful "Fan Ye" in the wallet was the proof.honestly.These days, color photos are very rare, even in foreign countries, and they are so beautifully taken, there is nothing special about them.How could someone give him such a precious thing?But now this guy actually yelled "Tian Tian" to Zhou Tian?

"As long as you have it." Qin Wei didn't seem to see the surprised eyes of the two, "Remember to go there later. Just tell me what I said. I need to talk to them about something."

"That... I didn't mean you. Qin, sir!" Shen Zui grinned, "Although your old man is also known as the shadow of a tree in Chongqing, the British consul may not talk to you."

"Just say that I want to discuss with them the issue of oil exploration in Indonesia." Qin Wei said casually.


Zhou Tian was shocked again, and intoxicated was stunned... Zhou Tian didn't expect that he, the chief officer, could extend his hand to foreign oil exploration while having a high level of secrecy.Shen Zui was surprised when Qin Wei mentioned oil exploration again.He didn't know anything about the Libyan oil field, and those who knew wouldn't tell him casually, but he was a spy after all, and Qin Wei knew a thing or two about him from Gu Changjun.In addition, Dai Li knew the whole thing well, so he didn't take much precaution against him, a military spy.In the end, he came and went, and from the tone of his mouth, he made things almost the same.As soon as he figured it out, Shen Zui understood why he was assigned by Chairman Jiang to serve as a bodyguard in this shelter for disabled soldiers. Although he was a little wronged, he was much more at ease than at the beginning.Unexpectedly, Qin Wei mentioned oil again... Could this guy be the illegitimate son of some oil tycoon?

"You don't need to say too much, just tell him, if you want, come and talk to me, and it's better to inform the Royal Shell Group again, just like this... drive."


Shen Zui stepped on the accelerator in a daze, and then, a puff of thick smoke spewed out from the rear of the car, and started to move forward again in a "chug".


"Uncle, this is a letter my father asked me to bring to you."

Qin Wei once again used the oil weapon. Regardless of whether he had a feeling of being possessed by OPEC at that moment or not, he had already begun to stir up the world to some extent, instead of just focusing on the domestic anti-Japanese war. on the battlefield.And just when he was about to do a big job, Kong Xiangxi's eldest daughter, Kong Lingyi, also boarded Huangshan on a sliding pole.

Huangshan is not the Huangshan in Anhui, but Huangshan in Chongqing.

The trees here are shabby and the chill is striking, making it a good place to escape the summer heat.However, many years ago, Huangshan was not actually called Huangshan, but just a hilltop in Nanshan, Chongqing.It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that a big businessman named Huang Yunjie, a comprador of Baili Foreign Trade Co., bought this place and built a "Huangjia Garden" by the mountain. Since then, it has been called Huangshan Mountain.After the Seven.Since it is the accompanying capital, it is natural to have the residence of the leader.At the beginning, Chiang Kai-shek wanted to get a temporary residence in the city, but since February 1938, Japanese planes began to bomb Chongqing in turn, and the frequency became more and more frequent. Living in the city was too dangerous .So he had to consider building a house outside the city.However, if you want to build a new high-end residence, it will take at least a few months.This is obviously impossible for Generalissimo Jiang, who has to preside over military affairs at any time.Therefore, in desperation, they had no choice but to buy a house and find a place in a hidden place outside the city that could be used as the chairman's official residence.

This matter was handed over to Dai Li by Lao Jiang.In order to please Chiang Kai-shek and Song Meiling, Dai Li ordered the military commanders to find nearly ten villas outside the city of some former warlords and wealthy businessmen in Chongqing and Sichuan in Geleshan, Yubashan, Beibei Hot Springs and other places... At this point, we have to mention the first place Dai Li chose for Lao Jiang: the White Mansion in Gele Mountain!In Dai Li's view, the Bai Mansion is located in the mountains, which is very conducive to air defense.It is very beneficial to the safety of the Chairman and his wife.However, when the photos of the villa were taken and handed over to Lao Jiang, Song Meiling was most disgusted with the Bai Mansion.Because she felt that the Bai Mansion was too dark, and it looked like a "blockhouse" or "zhaizi" where the king of the mountain lived.As a result, Generalissimo Jiang missed the opportunity to live in the Bai Mansion, and Song Meiling's words are said to have finally led Dai Li to turn the Bai Mansion into a prison of the Sino-US Cooperation Institute.

Seeing that Song Meiling did not nod, Chiang Kai-shek ordered Dai Li and others to continue searching.In the end, Dai Li finally found a very elegant hilltop villa on Nanshan, Chongqing, but at that time there were still owners and family members who had not moved out of this villa outside the city.However, Dai Li still took photos of the villas on the Nanshan Mountain one by one.Then, as usual, it was sent to Soong Meiling to have a look at it in person.This time, Song Meiling's eyes showed surprise, and she said repeatedly: "This is good, this is good! Let's go live on Nanshan!"

Dai Li never dreamed that the villa they accidentally discovered on Nanshan would attract Soong Meiling's smile.Overjoyed, he immediately arranged for someone to "buy" the villa.And invited Chiang Kai-shek and his wife to watch it.And after watching it in person.Chiang Kai-shek and Song Meiling were also very satisfied, so the Huangshan Villa became Chiang Kai-shek's official residence.

However, although it is the residence of the leaders, there are less than a hundred generals and guards in the Huangshan Villa.Of course, the defense is extremely tight.Moreover, only high-level generals know the specific location here, and in order to prevent the surrounding people from leaking the news, Chiang Kai-shek even took them all as handymen in the villa.

only.All the secrets of Huangshan Villa are not secrets to the Kong family.Kong Xiangxi did not come, and Kong Lingyi still had enough identity to come to this place with a high level of secrecy.


"Yongzhi (Kong Xiangxi character) is okay? Why didn't you come here by yourself?"

Chiang Kai-shek was not in a hurry to open Kong Xiangxi's letter, but first asked the dignified and beautiful niece in front of him.He and Song Meiling had no children, and his biological sons Jiang Jingguo and Jiang Weiguo had always been educated very strictly and had very strict rules, so they usually doted on these children of the Kong family.However, petting belongs to petting, and it is also divided into closeness and estrangement.In his opinion, the boys and girls of the Kong family are not very up-to-date, and they are almost the roots of troubles. Only this Kong Lingyi wins his heart the most.Because he felt that there was only one child in the Kong family who was the best educated, not keen on power and wealth, and the most ladylike.

"Father is not feeling well, it's hard to come here..." Hearing Chiang Kai-shek's question, Kong Lingyi lowered his head in embarrassment: "Uncle, Father knows he was wrong. Just let him go this time."

"Yongzhi is really, I don't want to show up, but I let you, a child, show up." Chiang Kai-shek sighed, glanced at Kong Lingyi again, and gave up his plan to keep her saying a few more words: "Forget it, you don't have to say anything. I won't forgive you. I have known your father for decades, so I know what to do... go find your aunt."


Kong Lingyi nodded, got up and left.She didn't mess around.Because this is not her style...Kong Xiangxi asked her to deliver a letter, and she delivered it; Song Ailing asked her to intercede by the way, and she also interceded; There have been power struggles, but she is also very clear that in Chiang Kai-shek's position, when considering things, she will definitely not put family affection so high. No matter how much she loves her niece, it is impossible to mix it into the country. In the midst of major events.The fate of his father, Kong Xiangxi, is naturally a top priority for the state.

"This kid is sensible."

"If the children of the Kong family were as sensible as Miss Lingyi, what happened today would not have happened."

After Kong Lingyi left, Chen Bulei came out from the side door of the living room.Chiang Kai-shek asked him to write an article yesterday, and it was published in the newspaper this morning... Speaking of which, he has long disliked the Kong family.As Dai Li saw it, he was actually an ancient gentleman.It's just that he has always firmly believed that as a courtier, he should be "loyal to one", and since he chose to be loyal to Chiang Kai-shek, he should take Chiang Kai-shek's considerations into consideration.Therefore, due to the relationship with Chiang Kai-shek, he could only keep silent about the affairs of the Kong family.But I didn't expect Chiang Kai-shek to order him to take action yesterday. As a result, I was over excited all of a sudden, and the article became sharp.Although no names were named, the entire article was full of dissatisfaction and criticism of Kong Xiangxi's actions... When I came to see Lao Jiang today, Lao Jiang complained that the writing was too extreme.He wanted to make an excuse at first, but he didn't expect that before he could say a few words, Kong Lingyi came and brought Kong Xiangxi's personal letter.No need to ask, this must be Lao Kong's pleading letter to Lao Jiang... A group of literati and scholars have been scolding for so long, and Fu Sinian and his group led the political councilors in the Political Council to attack in groups, and that guy didn't even act. What happened, I just thought it was a breeze blowing on my face, and I scared him like this with just an article. I didn't even dare to come to Lao Jiang to plead guilty. I only dared to send my daughter here. Kong Lingyi's favorite came to play the family card. It seems that this article of mine is indeed a bit "ruthless".Of course, Chen Bulei would not think that it was all due to himself. Without the power of Chairman Jiang, no matter how hard his writing was, he would not be able to scare the executive president.

"Tell me, what will Yongzhi say in this letter?" Chiang Kai-shek picked up the letter and shook it.He didn't want to discuss the education of Kong's children with Chen Bulei, because he knew that a large part of the reason why those children were so unruly as they are now is also because of the connivance of himself and Song Meiling.But then again, it's not his own child, he can't be as strict as he was with Jiang Jingguo and Jiang Weiguo?If you really want to do that, how should Song Meiling explain it?

"I don't know, but it should be an admission." Chen Bulei guessed.

"If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There's nothing good about it. But I'm afraid that he can correct his mistakes, and he will do it again..." Chiang Kai-shek smiled wryly.Because of Kong Xiangxi's matter, Song Meiling had already discussed with him all night yesterday.Of course, Song Meiling is not the kind of person who is proud of being favored. She just showed off Kong Xiangxi's hard work and hard work over the years, and also showed off the help that Kong Xiangxi would be able to help him if he continued to stay in the position of executive dean... It was quite profound, and he was indeed moved.After all, the friendship between the two is not shallow, and they have cooperated for more than ten years. Kong Xiangxi has indeed helped him a lot and is obedient.And he never thought that he would really withdraw this guy... Let Chen Bulei write an article, but he just beat that guy.As long as Kong Xiangxi is willing to admit his mistakes and repent, he is still willing to accept it.

"Thinking about it, Dean Kong is not the kind of person who doesn't know how to advance or retreat." Chen Bulei sighed.From Lao Jiang complaining that he wrote too much this morning, he can see that Lao Jiang still wants to let Kong Xiangxi go...he does not agree to do so.But it's not easy for him to talk too much.

"Chairman Tai Jian... Hehe, I thought he would write a private letter, but this is more like an official letter....It seems that he has sincerely regretted it." Chiang Kai-shek opened the letter and read it in front of Chen Bulei. When he woke up, at first, Kong Xiangxi admitted his mistake, and his words of regret made him feel good, but after a while his voice quieted down, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"Chairman..." Chen Bulei sensed something was wrong, but just as he opened his mouth, Chiang Kai-shek dropped the letter on the ground:

"Stubborn!" (To be continued...)

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